SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay Department of Fish and Game Website Lesson Create a new Photoshop Document: 800 px wide, 1000 px high (72 resolution) save as: fish and game.psd in desktop folder: FishAndGame. View: Enable Rulers, Units=px Using Move tool, drag out guides: Place header guide at H200 Place sidebar guide at V200 Place rightbar guide at: V600 Place footer guide at H850 Create Layers: Create header layer. Create a new layer, rename the layer as header. Open the header jpg image from the pictures folder. Drag the image to the header area. Create Footer layer. Create a new layer, rename as footer. Using the bridge open the footer image. Drag the footer image to the footer area. Create new layer rename as: sidebar Create Sidebar Gradient: 1. Sample color of footer’s darker blue region, toggle color palette 2. Sample blue region of sky in the header Shift -Drag a gradient from top of sidebar to bottom of sidebar Colors of the bottom of the sidebar should blend into the footer. Create new layer rename as: main Create Main Content: Select background layer fill w/ medium gray color #777777 1 4/14/2015 LJSnay SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay Create new layer rename as: rightbar With Sampled Colors from the earlier gradient - Shift - Drag a gradient from top of rightbar to bottom of rightbar Colors of the bottom of the rightbar should blend into the footer. Slice it Make slice selections using Slice Tool Make adjustments to slices using Slice Select Tool Using the Slice Tool, slice the header, Select blue options tab, to name slice as header Slice the sidebar, name as: sidebar Slice the main, name as: main Slice the rightbar, name as: rightbar Slice the main, name as: main Slice the footer, name as: footer Slice Options Tab Save this Document as FishandGame.psd in the FishandGame Folder on your desktop Save for Web and Devices Select each slice and set optimization to file type jpg with high quality Slice Option for header, sliced named as header Save with option USER SLICES ONLY in desktop folder: FishandGame 2 4/14/2015 LJSnay SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay In Dreamweaver With FishandGame folder on desktop Define website: Site, New Site, FishandGame. Set Root Folder as FishandGame/images (on desktop) New Html Page, Ensure Files Panel and CSS Panels are visible Set View to Classic, Enable rulers, units=px Title: Fish and Game Home Page, Save as index.html Insert Div Tags Insert After Start of Body Tag ID: Wrapper New CSS Rule Selector type ID Selector Name #wrapper New Style Sheet Save new style sheet as fishNgame.css Insert Div Tag After the Start of the wrapper, ID = header, inside fish_Game.css Ok All Insert Div Tag After tag header, ID = sidebar, inside fishNgame.css Ok All Insert Div Tag After tag navbar, ID = main, inside fishNgame.css Ok All Insert Div Tag After tag main, ID = rightbar, inside fishNgame.css Ok All Insert Div Tag After tag rightbar, ID = footer, inside fishNgame.css Ok All 3 4/14/2015 LJSnay SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay Set Div Tag Properties wrapper properties: width 800px, margin: 0 auto text-align: center header properties: background-image: header.jpg, height 200px sidebar properties: height:600px width: 200px background-image: sidebar.jpg, float: left main properties: height 600px width 400px background-image: main.jpg, float: left rightbar properties: height: 600px width: 200px background-image: rightbar.jpg, float: right index.html (so far) footer properties: height: 150px background-image: footer.jpg clear: both 4 4/14/2015 LJSnay SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay Insert Buttons in Sidebar Select before the placeholder text Enter and Insert Image / Rollover Image Original Image: browse for: home_dn.jpg Rollover Image home_up.jpg When Click go to URL: index.html, OK Enter a paragraph break after the HOME button then…, Repeat with education buttons and link to education.html Insert Rollover Image Window Insert Enforcement buttons, and link to enforcement.html Insert Licensing buttons and link to licenses.html Insert Poachers buttons and link to poachers.html Insert Publications buttons and link to publications.html Insert Recreation buttons and link to recreation.html Page Properties Appearance CSS: Verdana 16 Bold #FFF (white) index.html (so far) Appearance HTML Background image: page_bg.jpg Create Additional CSS Rules 1. Create CSS Class Rule in fishNgame.css, named blue_text, Verdana 18 bold #0FF (Aqua blue) 2. Create CSS Class Rule in fishNgame.css, named border_red, Inset Medium #F00 (red) 5 4/14/2015 LJSnay SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay Move all CSS rules to fishNgame.css Insert Link Titles In rightbar In the rightbar before the placeholder text type the following in all caps, each separated by paragraph break: WATERCRAFT (not currently linked) WATER SKIING (not currently linked) WATER SPORTS (not currently linked) WATER TOWING (not currently linked) Delete placeholder text Apply CSS Class Rule: blue_text index page Create a Template with Editable Regions Select main Placeholder Text, Insert Template Objects, Create Editable Region, Edit Region,1 OK Select main Placeholder Text, Insert Template Objects, Create Editable Region, Edit Region2, OK Select main Placeholder Text, Insert Template Objects, Create Editable Region, Edit Region3, OK Save as Template named fishNgame Close template. 6 4/14/2015 LJSnay SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay Create the index page File, New, Page from Template In edit region1 insert: index_picture.jpg Apply border_red rule Add Caption Below Image: Billy pulls out a big fish while his Grampa cheers him on. Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text to caption Footer Text: The duty of youth is to challenge corruption. -Kurt Cobain (Apply blue-text rule) Save as index.html index.html Create the education page File, New, Page from Template Save as education.html Add education.jpg image w/border_red applied, Add Caption Below Image: Children watch closely while hunter Dan tells a story. Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text to caption Footer text: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Apply CSS Class Rule: blue_text Save as education.html education.html 7 4/14/2015 LJSnay SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay Create the enforcement page File, New, Page from Template Save as enforcement.html Insert main image: enforcement image Apply border_red, Add Caption Below Image: Officers catch a poacher out in the field. Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text to caption Footer text: Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text. Save All. enforcement.html Create the licenses page File, New, Page from Template Save as licensing.html Replace main image w/ licensing image Apply border_red. Add Caption Below Image: We have a Wide Variety of Decorative License Plate Designs Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text to caption Footer text: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas A. Edison (Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text) Save as licensing.html licenses.html 8 4/14/2015 LJSnay SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay Create the poachers page File, New, Page from Template Save as poachers.html Add poachers image, Apply border_red, Caption: Wildlife officers capture youths suspected of poaching Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text to caption Footer text: “The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text) Save as poachers.html poachers.html Create the publications page File, New, Page from Template Save as publications.html Add publications image. Apply border_red Caption: Receive Your Once a Month Copy of Top Wildlife Magazine Apply CSS Class Rule: blue_text to caption Footer text: Contact Link fishNgame game to hyperlink: Save as publications.html publications.html 9 4/14/2015 LJSnay SDCCD - Intro to web Design - Fish and Game - SP15 - LSnay Create Recreation page File, New, Page from Template Save as recreation.html Add recreation image, apply border_red, Caption: Kids looks onward as water boils for soup while hotdogs sizzle on the fire. Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text to caption Footer text: “Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ― Henry James Apply CSS Class Rule blue_text. Save All. Test in browser. recreation.html 10 4/14/2015 LJSnay
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