Università di Padova SECOND CYCLE DEGREE PROGRAMME (MSC LEVEL) IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Environmental components and tools for impact evaluation A.A. 2014-2015 Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Environmental components Are the aspects with which the environment can be “subdivided” and described • • • • • Atmosphere Aquatic environment Soil and subsoil Vegetation ... Ecosystems Università di Padova LASA - DII • Public health • Noise and vibration • Ionizing and non ionizing radiation • Landscape Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Environmental components • Atmosphere – Environmental compatibility of emissions (from static and/or mobile sources) – Possible causes of meteorological/climatic disturbance Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Environmental components • Aquatic environment – Hydrographical, hydrologic and hydraulic conditions – Quality status – Uses of water bodies Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Environmental components • Soil and subsoil – Endogenous and exogenous geodynamic processes – Use of resources – Geological risks in a broad sense Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Environmental components • Vegetation, flora and fauna – Quality of vegetation, flora and fauna • Ecosystems – Functioning and quality of ecosysitems Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Environmental components • Public health – Welfare and health in the short, medium and long term • Noise and vibration – To preserve the natural balance and public health Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Environmental components • Ionizing and non ionizing radiation – Preventing damage to the environment and humans • Landscape – Historical-cultural aspects – Visual aspects Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Environmental Indicators (EEA) BIODIVERSITY ACQUA WATER 7 8 9 threatened and protected species designated areas species diversity 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 use of freshwaters resources oxygen-consuming substances in river nutrients in freshwaters nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters bathing water quality chlorophyll in trasitional, coastal and marine waters urban wastewater treatment 32 33 34 status of marine fish stocks aquaculture production fishing fleet capacity 35 36 37 passenger transport demand freight transport demand use of cleaner and alternative fuels FISHERY PESCA TRANSPORT TRASPORTI Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 DPSIR (OECD, 1989) Driving forces Pressures Anthropic activities and processes that cause pressures: production (agriculture, industry, part of transports…), consumption, recreation outside the economic system… modify, substitute, remove Actions of the anthropic system to solve environmental problems: pollution prevention and reduction activities, economic “environmental damage” prevention and reduction, sustainable use of resources... ° Università di Padova LASA - DII eliminate, reduce, prevent Direct stresses from the anthropic system on the natural environment: release of polluting substances (emissions to air, to water, waste...), radiation emissions, intake of natural resources, use of soil, other changes of the natural environment influence, modify restorate, influence Responses stimulate, ask for generate compensate, mitigate State Conditions and tendencies in the natural environment: air, water and soil quality, global temperatures evolution pattern... Impacts Effects on the anthropic system due to changes in the state of the natural environment: negative consequences on human health, economic loss in production activities, floods... § Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering provoke, cause a.a. 2014/2015 Tools Analysis tools are used for: – identify the impacts – predicting impacts – assess impacts – mitigate the impacts Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Types of instruments • • • • Università di Padova LASA - DII Checklists Matrices Graphs Superimposed maps Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Checklists Are the default lists of possible impacts: – Simple checklist, which consist of a list of parameters involved – Descriptive checklist, including guidelines for the measurement of parameters. May include requests for data, sources of information and predictive techniques – Weighed checklist, including information on the duration of the impact and its possible irreversibility Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Checklist: types • Checklist questionnaires, which consist of a series of questions that the interviewee (usually experts in the field, but also public interviews) responds with an opinion and express their evaluations • Checklist thresholds, the identification of impacts is associated with the verification that they exceed or not a given environmental standard (generally normed) Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Checklist Battelle 4 Environmental components: • Ecology • Physical/Chemical • Aesthetic factors • Human interest 18 factors 78 parameters Each parameter has its weight or environmental importance Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Checklist Battelle ECOLOGY (240) Terrestrial Species & Populations -Browsers and grazers (14) -Crops (14) -Natural vegetation (14) -Pest species (14) -Upland game birds (14) Aquatic Species & Populations -Commercia1 fisheries (14) -Natural vegetation (14) -Pest species (14) -Sport fish (14) -Water fowl (14) Terrestrial Habitats & Communities -Food web index (12) -Land use (12) -Rare & endangered species (12) -Species diversity (14) Aquatic Habitats & Communities -Food web index (12) -Rare & endangered species (12) -River characteristics (12) -Species diversity (14) Ecosystems PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL (402) Water Quality -Basin hydrologic loss (20) -Biochemical oxygen demand (25) -Dissolved oxygen (31) -Fecal coliforms (18) -Inorganic carbon (22) -Inorganic nitrogen (25) -Inorganic phosphate (28) -Pesticides (16) -pH (18) -Streamflow variation (28) -Temperature (28) -Total dissolved solids (25) -Toxic substances (14) -Turbidity (20) AESTHETICS (153) Land -Geologic surface material (6) -Relief & topographic character (16) -Width and alignment (10) Air Quality -Carbon monoxide (5) -Hydrocarbons (5) -Nitrogen oxides (10) -Particulate matter (12) -Photochemical oxidants (5) -Sulphur oxides (10) -Other (5) Biota -Animals -domestic (5) -Animals -wild (5) -Diversity of vegetation types (9) -Variety within vegetation types (5) Land Pollution -Land use (14) -Soil erosion (14) Composition -Composite effect (15) -Unique composition (15) Air -Odour and visual (3) -Sounds (2) Water -Appearance of water (10) -Land & water interface (16) -Odour and floating material (6) -Water surface area (10) -Wooded and geologic shoreline (10) Man-Made Objects -Man made objects (10) HUMAN INTEREST /SOCIAL (205) Education/Scientific -Archeological (13) -Ecological (13) -Geological (11) -Hydrological (11) Historical -Architecture and styles (11) -Events (11) -Persons (11) -Religions and cultures (11) -'Western Frontier' (11) Cultures -Indians (14) -Other ethnic groups (7) -Religious groups (7) Mood/ Atmosphere -Awe/inspiration (11) -Isolation/solitude (11) - Mystery (4) -'Oneness' with nature (11) Life Patterns -Employment opportunities (13) -Housing (13) -Social interactions (11) Noise Pollution -Noise (4) Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Checklist Battelle Each parameter has a coefficient of environmental quality between 0 (maximum impact) and 1 (minimal impact) assigned using the Delphi method, eg. Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Checklist Battelle Assigned a value to each parameter EQind= (weight * EQparameter) calculate the overall impact EQ = Σ EQind Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Matrices • Go indepth in the analysis of cause-effect relationships • Can be viewed as two-dimensional checklist: – Axis of actions – Axis of environmental components • The intersections are the impacts Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Matrices • Quantitative Università di Padova LASA - DII Environment • Qualitative Environment Actions ! " ☺ Actions -15 +6 0 -7 +8 Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Leopold Matrix ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS (88) Foreseen project actions (100) Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Leopold Matrix Each impact is described by two factors: 1. significance: indicates the theoretical importance of the impact (eg. the spatial extension) Varies between -10 and 10 ±n1 Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Leopold Matrix Each impact is described by two factors: 2. magnitude (size or importance): how much the impact is present in this case varies from 1 to 10 n2 ±n1 Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Leopold Matrix Each individual impact is estimated by the product of significance and magnitude Total impact on the environmental component The impact of a single action Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Coaxial Matrices Concatenated matrices that allow more detailed analysis of the impacts Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Chromatic matrices A series of 4 matrices that analyze the impacts of different "aspects" of the project The impacts are described by a double chromatic scale Neglectable Low Middle High NEGATIVE POSITIVE Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Chromatic matrices Cause-effect interrelations with respect to potential impacts (Matrix A) Interrelations impact-environmental components (in this phase are highlighted the unique characteristics of the site) (Matrix B) Effect on potential impacts of the foreseen containment criteria (Matrix C) Assessment of residual impacts (Matrix D) Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Matrix A Matrix of the causes and elements of impact IMPACT ELEMENTS IMPACT CAUSAL FACTORS Correlates impact elements and causal factors that generate them Useful in identifying the weak points of a project Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Impiego di manodopera Impatto sul paesaggio Impiego di risorse idriche Impiego di materiali provenienti dall'esterno Infortuni e igiene sul lavoro Incidenti Traffico e viabilità Stabilità terreno/rifiuti Vettori Emissione di odori Emissione di biogas Emissione di percolato Dispersione materiale leggero Emissione di rumore Emissione di polveri Occupazione di aree e volumi FATTORI CAUSALI DI IMPATTO Decisione di realizzare l'intervento ELEMENTI DI IMPATTO Conferimento dei rifiuti all'impianto Trasporto rifiuti in discarica Movimento di automezzi Scarico e spandimento rifiuti Compattazione rifiuti Copertura giornaliera dei rifiuti Landfill Mining Drenaggio ed estrazione del percolato Trasporto del percolato in impianti di trattamento Stoccaggio materiale proveniente dal pretrattamento dei rifiuti Analisi e controlli ambientali Risistemazione del fondo Stabilizzazione in situ della frazione sottovaglio dei rifiuti RSU Bonifica mediante aerazione (sistema Airflow) Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Matrix B Matrix of potential impacts ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORIES IMPACT ELEMENTS Correlates the elements of the impact of the work with environmental categories Allows to identify the impacts of the work on the surroundings Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Salute pubblica e sicurezza Occupazione ed attività economiche Valori culturali Relazioni sociali Risorse ed assetto del territorio Paesaggio Clima acustico Atmosfera Ecosistemi Vegetazione, flora e fauna Ambiente idrico ELEMENTI DI IMPATTO Suolo e sottosuolo CATEGORIE AMBIENTALI Decisione di realizzare l'intervento Occupazione di aree e volumi Emissione di polveri Emissione di rumore Dispersione materiale leggero Emissione di percolato Emissione di biogas Emissione di odori Vettori Stabilità terreno/rifiuti Traffico e viabilità Incidenti Infortuni e igiene sul lavoro Impiego di materiali provenienti dall'esterno Impiego di risorse idriche Impatto sul paesaggio Impiego di manodopera Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Matrix C Matrix of containments criteria IMPACT ELEMENTS CONTAINMENT MEASURES Correlates the elements of impact of the work with the containment measures (negative impacts of B) Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Impiego di manodopera Impatto sul paesaggio Impiego di risorse idriche provenienti dall'esterno Impiego di materiali Infortuni e igiene sul lavoro Incidenti Traffico e viabilità Stabilità terreno/rifiuti Vettori Emissione di odori Emissione di biogas Emissione di percolato Dispersione materiale leggero Emissione di rumore Emissione di polveri volumi Occupazione di aree e CRITERI DI CONTENIMENTO Decisione di realizzare l'intervento ELEMENTI DI IMPATTO Razionalizzazione del conferimento dei rifiuti Verifica delle caratteristiche dei rifiuti Qualità dei rifiuti depositati Razionalizzazione della viabilità Ottimizzazione delle procedure di scarico e spandimento Minimizzazione dell'area di coltivazione Modalità di coltivazione dei fronti Schermi antitrasporto amovibili Coperture giornaliere Copertura dei rifiuti con inerti e/o teli Sistema barriera impermeabile Sistema di drenaggio e raccolta del percolato Depurazione del gas aspirato Rete di drenaggio acque superficiali Realizzazione misure di prevenzione incendio del CDR Misure di prevenzione e protezione degli infortuni Rete di monitoraggio dei parametri geotecnici Rete di monitoraggio ambientale (aria, acqua, suolo) Misure di contenimento per l'impianto di pretrattamento rifiuti Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Matrix D Matrix of residual impacts ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORIES IMPACT ELEMENTS Correlates the elements of impact of the work with the environmental categories (containment measures in place) Expresses a judgment on the environmental compatibility of the work Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Salute pubblica e sicurezza Occupazione ed attività economiche Valori culturali Relazioni sociali Risorse ed assetto del territorio Paesaggio Clima acustico Atmosfera Ecosistemi Vegetazione, flora e fauna Ambiente idrico ELEMENTI DI IMPATTO Suolo e sottosuolo CATEGORIE AMBIENTALI Decisione di realizzare l'intervento Occupazione di aree e volumi Emissione di polveri Emissione di rumore Dispersione materiale leggero Emissione di percolato Emissione di biogas Emissione di odori Vettori Stabilità terreno/rifiuti Traffico e viabilità Incidenti Infortuni e igiene sul lavoro Impiego di materiali provenienti dall'esterno Impiego di risorse idriche Impatto sul paesaggio Impiego di manodopera Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Graphs (or networks) • Can be seen as the development of coaxial matrices • Describe the network of causal impacts Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Graphs (or networks) Element of impact 1 Element of impact 2 Element of impact 3 Università di Padova LASA - DII impact primary 1 impact secondary 1 target 1 impact primary 2 impact secondary 2 target 2 target 3 impact primary 3 impact primary 4 impact secondary 3 Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering target 4 a.a. 2014/2015 Graphs (or networks) • PROS • CONS – allow a more comprehensive analysis – largely qualitative – can easily get complicated – also keep track of causal relations Università di Padova LASA - DII – difficult to compare design alternatives Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Superimposed maps • Quali-quantitative tool to incorporate in the spatial context the impacts – Highly communicative – Easy to integrate multiple information (including those of remote sensing) Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Superimposed maps Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Prediction of impacts Many ways to communicate the impact, but for estimating it? Even more! Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Prediction of impacts • Qualitative methods (estimates, expert opinion ...) • Quantitative methods: – Deterministic models – Budget models (LCA) – Stochastic models (risk analysis) Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015 Assessment of impacts • Qualitative methods (generally through comparison with legal limits) • Quantitative methods: – Cost-benefit analysis (CB) – Multicriteria analysis (MCA) Università di Padova LASA - DII Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Engineering a.a. 2014/2015
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