LASSWADE PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Living it, learning it, loving it …… Lasswade SCIENCE FAYRE Thank you to all families who attended our recent Science Fayre. There was a real buzz about Lasswade during the day and the pupils were so excited to share their learning with their families in such a practical way. Thanks also for the fabulous feedback we received on the forms which were sent out. They were hugely positive and a real boost for staff and pupils. We appreciate the support given to Lasswade by our parents, friends and extended familes. A particular mention to Jillian Galbraith, scientist and Grandma of Beth Forrester (P2) – who responded to our appeal for family members with a background in science and came along to present at the showcase. After the Easter Holidays the whole school will have a focus on numeracy – Financial Education in particular. We would really appreciate input from anyone working in the banking / financial sector – more details to follow or email [email protected] if you would like to help! GENERAL ELECTION Advance notice that the school will be used as a polling station on Thursday 7th May and therefore be closed to pupils on this date. 17 Mar 2015 PARENTAL CONSULTATIONS A reminder that the consultations will be held on the evenings of Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th March. Pupils in Primary 3-7 classes are encouraged to attend the consultation with their families. This year the theme of the competition for our Book Fayre is Favourite Characters – the pupils can choose one of two categories – turn your favourite character into a Lego figure (a blank Lego outline will be issued) or turn your favourite male book character into a female (or vice versa). PARENT COUNCIL The Parent Council are busy planning their Blingo Event which will now go ahead with the new date of Friday 5 June. Look out for the flier in school bags soon… LASSWADE’S GOT TALENT The ever popular Lasswade’s Got Talent returns next term. Auditions for this event will take place in school during the weeks beginning 27th April and 4th May. The lucky finalists will then perform at LHSC on THURSDAY 11th JUNE. HEALTH FORTNIGHT Next week sees the start of our focus on Health with the focus this year being "Looking After Me!" Already booked are sessions in Rugby and Dance, Mrs Campbell will deliver HeartStart to all stages, Miss Welsh will offer art therapy sessions with a healthy eating focus, we will have a mixed stage learning afternoon as well as visits from a nurse and occupational therapist. Class teachers will deliver health related activities in class to compliment the focus. Children will also be completing a survey about how they feel about themselves and their attitude to school. It promises to be action packed!!! SICKNESS ABSENCE/LATE NOTICE If your child is going to be absent from school or late in due to an appointment please telephone the school office before 9:15am on the day of absence. If the lines are busy please leave a message. There are over 400 pupils in school so the three phone lines can at times all be in use! Please could you also ensure you keep the office up to date with any changes to your work, home or mobile phone numbers. CELEBRATING ACHIEVEMENT Well done to successful learner Holly Brown (P3y) who recently achieved a Merit in the Level 1 & 2 proficiency awards for gymnastics. Well done to successful learner Ewan Meldrum (P3x) who recently completed his Level 6 skiing, including free runs, parallel turns and pole planting. Well done to confident individuals Alasdair Graham (P2x) and Jayden Gentles (P2y) who have both recently been moved up a level at swimming. PLEASE LET US KNOW CHILD’S ACHIEVEMENTS OF YOUR Child’s Name _____________ Well done to successful learner Cameron Taylor in P5y who recently achieved his first Judo grading – “First Mon”. Well done to Levi Ross in P3x who won the recent Morrisons “Design a Bouquet of Flowers Picture” for Mother’s Day – his prize was real flowers for his mum and an Easter Egg pack for him! Well done to successful learner Michaella Wootton (P5x) who, in Highland Dancing, has passed her Bronze, Pre Bronze and Highland First Step with highly commended. Well done to Bailey Brown (P2y) and Thomas Yates (P3x) who made loom bands and sold them to family and friends raising £31. They used this money to buy a football, colouring pens and games which they then handed in to the Forth One Christmas appeal. Excellent enterprising spirit boys – well done! Class ___________________ Achievement Signed _____________________
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