Louisiana CDA Happenings Louisiana State Court Catholic Daughters of the Americas® March 2015 In Unity and Charity LA State CDA Officers Message from the Louisiana CDA State Regent Dear Fellow Catholic Daughters of Louisiana, I am happy to be visiting with all of you again. The work of preparing for the Louisiana State CDA convention has truly intensified as the state officers and helpers are staying busy. The “Call to Convention” was mailed in January. Please complete the forms included in that mailing and return to the proper chairman by the due date. The members who volunteered to help on the various committees are being contacted by the committee chairmen. In December, upon an invitation from Catholic Daughters of the Americas National Office, four of the state officers traveled to Tuscaloosa, Alabama for the installation of Court Tuscaloosa #2868 where we were asked by National to be the Mother Court. This was such an honor! Some of their officers will be attending our convention. On February 4, 2015, we instituted a new JCDA Court in Alexandria. We are working on instituting another JCDA Court in the next month or two. I have been approached by the former pastor of my church to start a senior Court at his present church. I ask for your prayers as CDA continues to grow in Louisiana. Our membership is increasing every month due to the hard work all the local Courts are doing to retain their members. Congratulations to all the Courts who have celebrated anniversaries so far this year. It was good visiting with those we were able to attend. As we enter this most Holy Season of Lent, let us remember to repent, renew, and refresh our lives and that Christ died for our sins. Your Sister in Christ, Barbara Michael Lord, show me what You want me to do today to be a blessing to others around me. Specifically, show me how I can serve my family, friends, church and those whom you put in my life. Keep me from getting wrapped up in my own life so that I don’t miss the opportunities to minister Your life to others. In Jesus’ name I pray. Mission Statement: Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. State Regent Barbara Michael 7506 Cardiff Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70808 225-931-6062 [email protected] First Vice State Regent Connie Dronette 610 Pitre Street Sulphur, LA 70663 337-802-6136 [email protected] Second Vice State Regent Dawn Fortenberry 44491 Daniel Guidry Road St. Amant, LA 70774 225-324-8610 [email protected] Recording Secretary Linda Gauthier 5012 Bluebird Lane Alexandria, LA 71303 318-542-5387 [email protected] Treasurer Linda Ancona 2632 Riceland Road Duson, LA 70529 337-660-5314 [email protected] State Chaplain The Reverend Charles McMillin 710 State Street Jennings, LA 70546 337-842-4641 [email protected] National Director Carolyn Bachmann 19417 FM 172 Scotland, TX 76379-6500 940-541-2569 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Karen Fills 1513 Anita Street Sulphur, LA 70663 337-304-8424 [email protected] Webmaster Joyce Stein 19415 Paul Stein Street Vacherie, LA 70090 225-206-0375 [email protected] www.lastatecda.webs.com www.catholicdaughters.org Message From Our State Chaplain Daughters in Christ, We have had a very real life reminder of the “sanctity of human life” in the great number of everyday folks who have just completed travels to and from Washington, D.C. for “The March for Life.” I am certain that every diocese in our Province here in Louisiana experienced this visible reminder of the Church’s holy teaching on the value of every life from conception. May you, dear Daughters, be of a mind and heart to give glory to God for this so that “Unity and Charity” in your belief may give evidence to all observers that you are proclaimers of life by the way you live your everyday lives. Continuing on the theme of life as I write, I invite you to be paying attention to the words that are soon to come from Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in the form of an Encyclical Letter on the topic of the environment and the abuse of it by the industrialized countries of the world, and yes, this includes us here in North America. This letter is already causing divisive arenas of opposition and support for what he is about to write before it is made public. It becomes your role as promoters of “Unity and Charity” to call out to all camps these two virtues that are absolutely indispensable if resolutions are to be reached that honor the Creator of the environment. As we stand at the doorway into the Holy Season of Lent, make up your minds to invest in these days well so that the return on the investment at Easter will show a rich and worthy profit for the Lord. Yours in Truth, Reverend Father Charles McMillin In Memoriam Louisiana State CDA Website Check it out: www.lastatecda.webs.com You can review the current State Regent’s Newsletter on the Louisiana State CDA website and check current updates that are happening throughout our state. CDA Court members can go to the website to sign in as a member by clicking on the Guestbook and follow the given directions. If you have any CDA Court news to share, contact the Louisiana State CDA Court Webmaster, Joyce Stein, at [email protected]. Father Clarence J. Waguespack, 77 year old retired priest from the Diocese of Baton Rouge, passed away on December 8, 2014. He was a Past Louisiana State CDA Chaplain, served as National Clergy Consultant under Eunice Riles’ term as National CDA Regent, and Past CDA Chaplain (founding Chaplain) of Notre Dame de la Paix #2316 in Vacherie. He loved Catholic Daughters. After a trip to Medjugorge in 1989, he witnessed to having a conversion experience. Following that experience, he became very devoted to Mary and as was his wish, he passed away on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Installation of Court Tuscaloosa #2686 Saturday, December 6, 2014, Court Tuscaloosa #2686 from Tuscaloosa, Alabama was instituted! This is the first Court in Alabama since 1964 when the last of three in the state disbanded. We extend our congratulations to all the new members and Court officers. National Office asked Louisiana State CDA Court to be their Mother Court. The newly elected Court #2686 Regent is Capria Woodson-Tabor. They had fifteen charter members. In the picture to the left are some of the members, plus four National Officers: Shirley Seyfried, National Regent; Helene Shepard, National Regent Elect; Olga Samaniego, First Vice National Regent; and Sherry Nilles, Second Vice National Regent. Also shown are Louisiana State CDA Officers: Barbara Michael, State Regent; Connie Dronette, First Vice State Regent; Dawn Fortenberry, Second Vice State Regent; and Linda Ancona, State Treasurer. In addition to doing things better, do better things. “The Call to Convention” was mailed to all state leadership on January 20th. If you have not received your copy please contact Barbara Michael at [email protected]. 2 Message from National Director - Carolyn Bachmann Where has the time gone? It seems like just a few months ago our state officers took office, and membership was getting settled in with the goals for 2013-2015 term. The 2015 Louisiana State Convention is just around the corner, and a new set of state officers will be elected with new goals and ideas. I strongly encourage all who can attend the 2015 Louisiana State CDA Convention to get the convention forms filled out and send them now. There will be a dynamic spiritual speaker, visiting with members from across the state, meeting new faces, shopping, and just enjoying all the excitement a state convention brings to each of us. Conventions are a learning tool with a lot of information for you to absorb and carry back to share with the members of your Court. Share that energy and excitement you receive immediately when you have your first meeting following the convention. I look forward to meeting and seeing all of you there. Let us prepare ourselves for this Holy Season of Lent and to remember that Our Lord suffered and died for each one of us to save us from sin. Let us not sin against our sister but reach out and give her your hand. Reach out and share your heart with her. Attention Court Regents Please send a description of your auction item and value to Connie Dronette, First Vice State Regent, 610 Pitre Street, Sulphur, LA 70663. Don't forget to bring some mad money to the convention. I am sure you will want to add your name to quite a few items in the raffle! Thanks to Court #695 from the Diocese of Lake Charles for being the first to send theirs in. Don't be the last one to send it in! Bring Your Spending Money to Convention Ways you can spend your money at the convention: Take chances on auction items Try your luck at split pot (one drawing on Friday and one on Saturday) Gift shop with many new items Souvenir convention pin Convention t-shirt with 2015 convention theme Friday Night Social - Fun on the Bayou To join in on the fun, we ask that each local Court be creative and submit a Cajun themed centerpiece for the tables. Judging of the centerpieces will take place for the best Cajun theme. New Life Center The charitable project for this year’s convention is the New Life Center, a homeless women and children’s shelter. New Life Center is a project of the Diocese of Lafayette and is located in Opelousas. The center shelters up to 58 women and their children in a hotel style setting, providing three hot meals per day, a licensed child care center, and supportive services to help residents secure employment, permanent housing, and other services that may be needed for up to two years. Upon being admitted to the shelter, residents are given bedding, towels, washcloths, and personal items which they take with them when they leave. The shelter is in constant need of these items. The Louisiana State CDA Court is asking donations of the requested items. To assure the receipt of various items we are requesting that local Courts donate as per the guidelines below: Diocese of Alexandria and Shreveport: Bath and body items and toilet tissue; Diocese of Baton Rouge: Bath towels, washcloths, shampoo, conditioner, baby diapers (various sizes); Diocese of Houma/Thibodaux and New Orleans: Bath and body items and toilet tissue; Diocese of Lafayette: Twin bed sheets, pillow cases, facial and feminine hygiene products; Diocese of Lake Charles: baby diapers (various sizes), feminine hygiene products, shampoo, conditioner and toilet tissue. Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews. 3 Message From First Vice State Regent - Connie Dronette I am getting very excited about visiting with all of you at the convention. Thursday night, the mood of the convention will be set as we welcome Reverend Chester Arceneaux at the evening of reflection. Father Arceneaux is the pastor at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Lafayette. He also happens to be the son and brother of Catholic Daughters from Court Immaculata #503! I want this convention to not only be about the meetings where we will discuss the business of the order, but a spiritual experience for every Catholic Daughter attending. The keynote speaker, Chad Judice, is also from Lafayette. He is the author of the book Waiting for Eli. You will love his story. He will have his books for purchase at the convention where he will be signing them. As always, we will work diligently at the meetings and have fun in the evenings. We are planning two evenings for all to enjoy. And of course, don’t forget to bring a little spending money. I have been helping Lin in purchasing items for the gift store. I am also in charge of the auction items this year. I can’t wait to see what each Court brings! See you in Lafayette! Habitat for Humanity In the picture to the left, Barbara Michael, Louisiana State CDA Regent, presented a check to Connie Cooper, Director of Rapides Habitat for Humanity. Louisiana State CDA Court donated the balance in the Habitat fund of $3,868.91 to Rapides Habitat for Humanity. Convention Hotel Reservations Convention hotel reservations must be made directly with The Hotel Acadiana. Please call 1 (337) 233-8120 and/or fax 1 (337) 234-6963 on or before Friday, April 3, 2015. Ask for reservations and tell them it is for the Catholic Daughters convention in April so you can get the convention rates. Rates are $89.00 plus current tax 12% for a total of $99.68. 2015 Reservations and Meals Convention reservations and meals forms are to be sent to Karen Fills, Registration Chairman, by March 15, 2015. Please mail forms with a Court check made payable to Louisiana State CDA to 1513 Anita Street, Sulphur, LA 70663. Trivia: What is Mona Lisa missing in her picture? The answer is elsewhere in this newsletter. The first person to find it, call Barbara Michael. Important Information Linda Gauthier, State Secretary, is the new Youth/JCDA State Chairman. Please note: mail the Circle of Love Reporting Form for Youth/JCDA to Linda at 5012 Bluebird Lane, Alexandria 71303. Dawn Fortenberry, Second Vice State Regent, receives all Membership Reports. Linda Gauthier, State Secretary, receives all checks. March 10 is the deadline to send Seminary Fund checks with the Court and Regent’s names and amount of their donations to Linda Gauthier to be presented to the Bishops at the convention. JCDA News A big “Thank You” to Linda Gauthier for volunteering to take over the task of JCDA State Chairman. She has been very busy. Congratulations to Court Notre Dame #1452 in Alexandria who instituted a new JCDA Court on February 4, 2015, during the school Mass with more than 50 young ladies. This is Linda’s Court, and she has worked with the leaders to get this Court started. In the picture to the right is Linda Gauthier, Barbara Michael, Secretary Allison Roy, President Maddie Mitchell, Vice President Cameron Erickson, Treasurer Abby Urbena, Dawn Fortenberry and Leader Jessica Sanders. Linda is currently working with a Court in the Diocese of Shreveport interested in forming a JCDA Court in the next couple of months. 4 Message From Second Vice Regent - Dawn Fortenberry How do I begin? I have recently been assigned a new task of Court Development Chairman by State Regent Barbara Michael. We are asked to start at least five new Courts in Louisiana. This requires a lot of time and resources. I will be contacting some of you to help with this project in the near future. I need you to be the eyes and ears for seeking out new areas to develop. A few weeks ago I was invited to be a guest speaker for Court St. Bridget of Sweden #2461 in Schriever. I was very nervous since I hadn’t really done that before. But Faie Duplantis, Regent, gave me a topic that I am passionate about which is Membership. The words just flowed and came from the heart. I hope the ladies and guests enjoyed my talk. I even tried to put my glasses on upside down. Every good speaker has to have some humor, right? I have also been busy updating the Louisiana State CDA Directory which had some errors and regents names incorrectly listed. I have contacted some by phone or email and enjoyed speaking with each one of you. Another of my duties is to help with the State Convention. I am working on helping Barbara Michael put together the Convention Booklet, some graphics work, and contacting groups who volunteered to work on the committees I am chairing. I am looking forward to our 2015 Louisiana State CDA Convention and pray that many of you will be attending. It promises to be the best yet! We have some great speakers and entertainment planned for you. We all know that the food has to be good because, after all, we will be in the heart of Cajunland! Louisiana CDA State Project Rainbow Each local Court is asked to contribute $45.00 or more annually to the Louisiana State CDA Project Rainbow. These donations help fund the following projects: Disaster Relief; Scholarship Fund; and CDA Kids. Court checks made payable to Louisiana State CDA are sent to the State Secretary Linda Gauthier. Membership Contest The Louisiana State CDA Membership Contest runs from October 1 through March 31, 2015. Please send in your membership forms as soon as they are completed so they can be counted. No forms with activity dated after March 31 will be eligible for the contest. Send all membership forms to: Dawn Fortenberry, Second Vice State Regent, 44491 Daniel Guidry Road, St. Amant, LA 70774 TO THE SHRINE OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT AND EWTN GLOBAL CATHOLIC NETWORK Hanceville and Irondale, AL Sign up at the Louisiana State Convention A $50.00 non-refundable deposit will hold your seat. Cost will include bus transportation, entrance into programs, lodging and some meals. Bus will leave Lake Charles and pick up along the way. Bring a Friend and don’t miss out on the fun. More details to follow! Thank You On December 17, 2014, Barbara Michael emailed Trisha Crombie asking for immediate basic food needs for a grandmother and her 5 year old grandchild in New Orleans. The contact originated from Bettye, an officer in Court Tuscaloosa, Alabama, who was in the process of adopting this child. In the meantime, Child Foster Care Services had scheduled a visit to Mrs. Neely, the grandmother, to ensure that she had enough food for the child. Trisha thought about how she was going to get food immediately to a home on the other side of town while she was at work during the day. After several frantic phone calls, she discovered that the Rouse’s Supermarket located in downtown New Orleans has a concierge service that delivers groceries anywhere in New Orleans. God sent the Rouse’s angel to our aid! Wow! She ordered some food and had it delivered to the grandmother’s home. It totaled about $90 for everything. The following Courts participated in this endeavor: Court Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal #2165; Court Madonna #1626; and Court Mater Dei #868. A special thank you to these Courts! A day or so later, the child was returned to her grandmother who was awarded temporary custody. Bettye had begun the adoption proceedings. By her prompt response to the request, Trisha and her CDA sisters truly exemplified what “Unity and Charity” means. We shout out a big THANK YOU to Trisha and the members from the New Orleans Courts for making this happen in record time. 5 Message From State Secretary - Linda Gauthier We have had several meetings in Jennings, Breaux Bridge, and Baton Rouge to discuss and plan for the Louisiana State CDA Convention. We also met for a nice Christmas dinner attended by Father McMillin. It is such a pleasure and blessing to work with my fellow officers and learn about the local Courts in the state. It is so exciting to see the willingness of so many dedicated CDA members from around the state also working to make our convention special and fun. State Regent Barbara Michael and I were fortunate to meet Ms. Connie Copper with Rapides Habitat For Humanity in Alexandria on December 9, 2014, to present a Louisiana State CDA donation to Habitat. We were assured to be invited to the next dedication. I have been working with Holy Savior Menard High School in Alexandria, where a new JCDA Court was instituted on campus on February 4, 2015, with more than 50 girls. We also have hopes to start another JCDA Court soon in the Diocese of Shreveport. I was able to attend the March For Life in Baton Rouge on the LSU campus on January 24th. Please continue to pray for a stop to abortion. The proposed opening of an abortion clinic in New Orleans has met many obstacles for two years now. Keep praying that it won’t happen! I also enjoy receiving the Court checks for Project Rainbow, for it benefits so many. Keep the checks coming! The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. Lent 2015 Repent and believe in the Gospel Message From State Treasurer - Linda Ancona Busy, busy, busy! That pretty much describes my time so far as your State Treasurer. I have attended a number of meetings and functions and made many new friends along the way. Now, along with your other officers, I am working on making this the best possible State Convention. One of my current duties is purchasing items for the State Convention Gift Shop. I have found some “great buys” along with the old standards that we all collect. I invite everyone to stop by the Gift Shop and check us out. Another aspect of the convention I am diligently working on the “Friday Night Social.” It promises to be a truly unique experience with great food, live entertainment, and fun for all. I can’t wait to see you all in Lafayette at the State Convention and to welcome you to my neck of the woods. Important Convention Deadlines Due by March 15, 2015 2015 Newsletter Contest Follow the instructions very carefully to avoid disqualification. Send the required number of newsletters to State Newsletter Chairman Lisa Westerfield, P.O. Box 506, St. Amant, LA 70774. Circle of Love The forms are to be sent to each of the respective state chairmen listed on the form. Correction: The Youth/JCDA form should be mailed to the new State Youth/JCDA Chairman Linda Gauthier. Her mailing address is 5012 Bluebird Lane, Alexandria, LA 71303. Convention Booklet Sponsors The sponsorship form for local Courts and individual member’s sponsorship and applicable payments are to be sent to Joyce Stein, 19415 Paul Stein Street, Vacherie, LA 70090. Memorial Mass Intentions Form Forms for deceased members or chaplains are to be sent to Linda Ancona, 2632 Riceland Road, Duson, LA 70529. State Education Contest Only the local first place winners from the Courts are to be sent to State Education Chairman Elaine Trahan, 4011 Drozan Court, Lake Charles, 70605. State Court Scholarship Awards These entries from local Courts, 8th and 12th grade graduating students, are to be sent to State Scholarship Chairman Kim Harger, 3152 Dena Lynn Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70816. 6 46th BIENNIAL STATE CONVENTION AGENDA (tentative) Thursday ~ April 23, 2015 Registration ...................................................................................... 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Evening of Reflection ....................................................................... 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday ~ April 24, 2015 Registration ....................................................................................... 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Opening Mass (Robed) ....................................................................................... 9:00 a.m. (Begin to board bus at 7:30 a.m.) ........................ Cathedral of St John the Evangelist Chaplain’s Luncheon (Clergy only)................................................................. 11:00 a.m. Lunch (on your own) .................................................................... 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Business Session1 ............................................................................. 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Keynote Speaker during this time with short break following speaker) Social - Fun Night .......................................................................... 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturday ~ April 25, 2015 Registration ..................................................................................... 7:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Leadership Breakfast (PSR, State Chairmen, District Deputies & Regents) . 7:00 a.m. Memorial Mass ................................................................................................... 9:00 a.m. Business Session ............................................................................ 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lunch Break (on your own) ............................................................. 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Voting (delegates only) .................................................................... 1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Business Session ............................................................................... 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Pre-Banquet Hospitality .................................................................. 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Convention Banquet ........................................................................ 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sunday ~ April 26, 2015 Mass of Installation............................................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Brunch .................................................................................. Immediately following Mass IF YOU HAVE NOT YET RETURNED THIS DELEGATE FORM PLEASE DO SO IMMEDIATELY. THANK YOU! CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS ® DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES TO LOUISIANA BIENNIAL STATE CONVENTION COURT _______________________________________________________ NO _____________ CITY __________________________________________________ With a membership of ________ as of September 30, 2014, your Court would be entitled to elect________ delegates to your State Convention and ________ alternates. B. Sec. 1 A. B. C. D. BYLAWS Amended July 2014 Local Courts shall be entitled to representation at State Convention after all National and State obligations prior to December 1 of the previous year are paid. National and State obligations shall be due and payable thirty (30) days prior to the State Convention. LOCAL COURT DELEGATES Local Courts shall elect delegates to the State Convention at a business meeting preceding the deadline for submitting delegate registration to the State Regent. The number of delegates shall be determined by dues billed by the National Office as of November 15 of the preceding year. 1. Representation shall be: a. One (1) delegate, the Regent, if she attends. If she cannot attend, the next highest officer who attends shall be the delegate. If no officers can attend, a member of the Court shall be elected as a delegate in her place. b. And an additional delegate for each twenty-five (25) members or major fraction thereof. The Local Court may elect up to two (2) times the number of alternates for the delegates elected. Expenses to the State Convention may be paid by the Court. DELEGATES NAME ADDRESS ZIP 1) Regent _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________ 2) _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________ 3) _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________ ALTERNATES NAME ADDRESS ZIP 1) _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________ 2) _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________ 3) _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________ IMPORTANT: Please mail the ORIGINAL copy to your STATE REGENT IMMEDIATELY following your election of delegates at a business meeting preceding your state deadline. 7 News from CDA Kids Each child is allocated $300.00 in the form of a LA State CDA Court check given to the CDA Kid Chairman in each diocese who gives it to the family in either cash, gift cards, groceries, or whatever the child needs, depending on the family’s financial situation. Local Courts are also encouraged to help the child. This wonderful program started in 1999 in the State of Louisiana. Please continue to pray and support all our CDA Kids. Diocese of Alexandria Shannah Bevery is the 2015 CDA Kid for the Diocese of Alexandria. She was born on November 28, 2006. She was nominated by Court St. Anthony #968. Her grandmother, Mrs. Hazel, has custody of her. She has worked very hard to give Shannah all she needs. She has gotten a foster parent to pay for her to attend St. Anthony School. Shannah has done her part by making honor roll. Mrs. Hazel makes very little money and it goes to housing and food. Shannah likes to read and play puzzles. She likes dolls. Diocese of Baton Rouge Mason Riley Part is the 2015 CDA Kid for the Diocese of Baton Rouge. He was born on March 2, 2007. He was nominated by Court Isabella #809. Mason has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He cannot speak or walk. He requires full assistance from his family on a daily basis. He loves music, board books, and swimming. He loves playing with his twin brother, Ethan, and his older brother, Brennan. Diocese of Houma/Thibodaux Owen John Theriot is the 2015 CDA Kid for the Diocese of Houma/Thibodaux. He was born on August 31, 2010. He was nominated by Court St. Bridget of Sweden #2461. Owen was born with a very rare type of dwarfism called Kyphomelic Dyspaisia. There are only fifteen recorded cases in the world. His small stiff chest won’t allow his heart and lungs to grow, so he has chest expansions in Philadelphia two to three times a year. He is off his ventilator during the day but has to sleep with it and use it if he is sick. He will have to have these chest expansions until around the age of 17. Owen has a feeding tube and is allergic to many foods. Owen also has a colostomy from having Hirscgsprungs disease of the colon that may be reversed when he is strong enough. He requires nursing care daily along with physical therapy, adaptive physical education, speech therapy, and a special instructor. Owen loves books, technology, and music. He loves toys with lights, music, and buttons. He loves to play games on his parents’ phones. He loves his big sister, Payton (8), who loves to rock him to sleep and help with his care. Diocese of Lafayette Jasmine Skye Hill is the 2015 CDA Kid for the Diocese of Lafayette. She was born on December 22, 2014. She was nominated by Court Assumption #1675. Jasmine was born with Down Syndrome. At four months old, she received a tracheotomy and feeding tube because the muscle in her stomach would not develop and the formula was going into her lungs. She sometimes has to be given oxygen when her levels are low. Because of these procedures, she has no voice and cannot cry. She makes a sad face when she is unhappy. Her doctors are hopeful that in the future the trach and feeding tube can be removed. All of this depends on the development of the muscle. Jasmine likes music and bright lights. They are trying to give her teething toys and other toys to put in her mouth so she doesn't lose the sucking reflex. Diocese of Lake Charles Samuel Jude Guinn is the 2015 CDA Kid for the Diocese of Lake Charles. He was born on January 16, 2014. He was nominated by Court Mother Cabrini #1468. Samuel was diagnosed at birth with a complex heart condition. He has DORV, TGA, ISD, and other heart problems. He will need to have three to four open heart surgeries and several cath procedures to replace his melody valve. Samuel loves Baby Einstein, Mickey Mouse, and balls. 8 CDA Kids Continued ... Diocese of Monroe Olive Grace Williams is the 2015 CDA Kid for the Diocese of Monroe. She was born on October 30, 2013. She was nominated by Court Saint Matthew #1144. Olive was born with a rare disorder called Semi-Lobar Holoprosencephaly (HPE). It is a condition in which the forebrain fails to develop into two hemispheres. She also has diabetes insipitus. She has been on a feeding tube since birth and has nursing care. Olive was not expected to live. She loves her brother, Felix, and she likes music and lights. Diocese of New Orleans Noah Bradford Joseph Bracey is the 2015 CDA Kid for the Diocese of New Orleans. He was nominated by Court Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal #2165. He was born on May 2, 2014, with a very rare and disabling syndrome called Arthorgryposis. At this time he can only move his head and neck. He is a quadriplegic. His lower body is probably permanently paralyzed but there is hope that in the future, his upper body will be able to move. His battle has been difficult and he has battled for his life since day one. Noah is a precious and lovable boy living within a significantly compromised body. Our prayer for him is to have a reasonable quality of life that will allow him to sit in a wheelchair and find a way to communicate his needs and desires. He loves to have books to read to him and ride in his stroller outside. He likes to have nursery rhymes and the ABC’s sung to him. In Memoriam Remember in prayer Basil Decker, Jr., who passed away on Sunday, February 1, 2015. He was the father of our past LA State CDA Chaplain Reverend Father Christopher Decker. May eternal rest be granted to him and may the angels lead him to paradise. Highlighted Local Courts From Each Diocese of Louisiana Diocese of Alexandria The month of December can be very difficult for the elderly residing in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Our Catholic Daughter Court Padre Pio #2143 enhanced the quality of life for this group in our parish by making nice, colorful fleece scarves for some of the residents. We made sixty scarves and delivered them to eight of the nursing homes and assisted-living facilities in our parish. We also brought refreshments to two of the nursing homes for a Christmas party and sang Christmas carols with them. Later in December, we went to one of the nursing homes and played Pokeno with some of the residents there and gave them prizes. These little acts of kindness shown to these elderly by being there and interacting with them are paid back many times over by the smiles and hugs given by these residents. These are charitable projects we did in December to reach out to our elderly. Diocese of Baton Rouge St. Theresa of Avila #1955 from Gonzales has grown this year in membership, spirituality, and good works. We strive to emulate our motto of “Unity and Charity” and the national theme of “Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do unto me” through our gift of time, talent, and treasure. Each member has contributed to our positive energy, heightened works, and fellowship led by our 20142016 Court Officers: Pam Melancon, Regent; Susan Dupuis, Vice Regent; Peggy Chance, Recording Secretary; Mabel Washington, Financial Secretary; and Della Irvin, Treasurer. While trying to incorporate more aspects of the Circle of Love programs, we have continued our traditional ventures of: Respect for Life Baby Shower; Veterans’ Home Donations; Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center Snack Donation; Prisoner’s Christmas Cards; Lap Robes for the Assisted Living; and Collections of Cancelled Stamps, Used Eye Glasses, and Religious Articles. Expanded activities this year include Blessing Bags for the Less Fortunate, Youth Bible Study, Quarterly Communion, Installation Banquets, State March for Life, and Women’s Recharge Retreat (planning stages). With renewed faith and joy, we continue to grow our membership, committees, and projects. We are prayerfully celebrating our contributions and will continue to strive to share our faith with our church and community. 9 Highlighted Local Courts From Each Diocese of Louisiana Continued…. Diocese of Houma/Thibodaux So what exactly does Court St. Bridget of Sweden #2461 from Schriever do besides of course bake sweets for the KC’s dinners? We try to live by our motto of Unity and Charity by participating in various social justice projects. Besides supporting national and state projects, we’ve been busy locally. We toured a renovated Church, St. Philomena in Labadieville, guided by Fr. Michael Alello. We helped with church projects, like serving meals to the Deanery priests and to the Bishop before Confirmation and with youth retreats. We cleaned cabinets in the community center, and we clean the church every February. We also contacted inactive parishioners from an outdated list via telephone as an evangelization tool. We participate in various right-to-life activities, like collecting baby items for the ‘Cradle for Life’ and distributing ‘Cupcakes for Life’ after all Masses. We prayed at the proposed PP Center in New Orleans and planted a miraculous medal on the public side of the property. During this trip, we also brought blankets, coats, and underwear to the Covenant House, Christmas gifts to the Apostolate of the Sea in Destrehan, and visited the St. Charles Borromeo Church there. We participate in the annual March for Life in Baton Rouge. We keep informed of state and national legislation and contact area legislators (as individuals) regarding important issues. We support Morality in Media and the WRAP Campaign by distributing white ribbons to parishioners. We toured the Ardoyne Planation and had lunch. Then we presented baby items from ‘Cradle for Life’ to two local pregnancy centers. We help our poor neighbors both locally and abroad by bringing Thanksgiving food baskets to the needy in our parish and by collecting items for the Haiti Mission. We also bring cheer to homebound parishioners by Christmas caroling at their homes. For spiritual enhancement, we hold prayer services that celebrate the liturgical season for our monthly meetings, memorial services for deceased members, leading Rosaries at funerals, and giving monthly allowances to a Diocesan seminarian. The Court officers presented a copy of the CDA history book to our local library. We try to make our meetings educational and fun, like playing Bingo where everyone wins a Christmas gift, and having an annual ice cream social and a salad night. We have interesting guest speakers attend our meetings. Our newest CDA Kid, Owen Theriot, along with his mom and grandmother, were guests at our December meeting. Diocese of Lafayette - Court Assumption Blessed Mother #2214 Regent Dorothy Stelly and members of Court #2214 Assumption Blessed Mother in Mire are diligently working again this year in preparation for their Annual Lenten Day of Reflection. This labor of love has become a tradition in Acadiana for over twenty years and is looked forward to by both men and women from all area parishes. These ladies go all out with everything from serving both breakfast and lunch to giving out door prizes and dyed Easter eggs, all at no charge to attendees. This year it will be held on Thursday, March 5th, starting at 8:00 AM in the Assumption of the Blessed Mother Family Life Center in Mire. Rev. Howard Blessings will be the celebrant for mass and the guest speaker. In addition, there will be Anointing of the Sick. No registration is required and everyone is invited. Diocese of Lake Charles - Court Lady of the Lake #695 On Sunday, November 6, 1921, a group of forty-nine catholic women of Immaculate Conception Parish in Lake Charles, Louisiana formed the first Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court in Southwest Louisiana. On that day, Court Lady of the Lake #695 was instituted by Court Immaculata #503 of Lafayette. In 1924 the idea of building a Catholic Daughters/Knight of Columbus home was born. The sight was chosen on Iris Street, one block from the Immaculate Conception Church. The “home” was completed in 1925. When the Lake Charles Diocese was instituted in 1980, Geri Landry, Regent of Court Lady of the Lake #695, and Pat Broussard, Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, represented their organizations as they signed over the building to the Diocese of Lake Charles. It is now used as the Chancery for the Diocese. Some of the activities supported by Court Lady of the Lake #695 are: Louisiana State CDA Seminary Fund; Autism Society of Southwest Louisiana; Immaculate Conception Cathedral School Tuition Fund; St. Louis Catholic High School Tuition Fund; Seafarer’s Center; New Life Counseling; Reception for First Communion students; Gifts for Confirmation Candidates; Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Caring Ministries; March for Life; Louisiana State CDA Project Rainbow; CDA National Five Projects; and CDA National Nine Charities. Every year since it’s beginning, the Court has held an Anniversary Banquet on the first Sunday in November. At the banquet, the Daughter of the Year is presented. Members are honored for perfect attendance and years of service. In November, 2015, Court Lady of the Lake #695 will celebrate its 94th anniversary. 10 Looking Back Mary Lou Lanier was inducted into the Catholic Daughters of the Americas in 1927, when she was 18 years of age. This was only 24 years after the founding of the Catholic Daughters. Mary Lou’s Court was Court Blanche of Castile #154 in New Orleans, which unfortunately was disbanded in 2012 as a result of not being able to recoup their membership after Hurricane Katrina. After she married in 1930, she remained active in her Court as Mary Lou Lanier Fife. Of all the projects she worked on, the most memorable by far was the Eighth National Eucharistic Congress, held October, 1938, in New Orleans. Most of the U.S. hierarchy, including thousands of Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, and Priests were in attendance. On the last night of the four day congress, 65,000 Roman Catholics knelt in adoration as the Eucharistic chariot - a large float carrying Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago and the papal legate, kneeling before a 42 inch tall monstrance holding a Sacred Host - was guided into City Park Stadium. The magnificent monstrance had been crafted by a prominent New Orleans jeweler from 5,000 donations of personal jewelry. The idea was that each donation should involve some direct sacrifice for the Eucharistic Jesus. Mary Lou gave a diamond ring that had been a gift from her parents. She encouraged others to do the same. At the time, the monstrance was the costliest sacred vessel ever produced in this country. Mary Lou also served on the Registration Committee, which was in charge of the registration of local residents and visitors and the distribution of programs, badges, hymnals, and candles. Mary Lou celebrated her 106th birthday on January 2, 2015. Thank you, Mary Lou, for your 88 years of service as a Catholic Daughter and for being so zealous in the practice of your Catholic faith. National Regent Shirley Seyfried asks each local Court to begin one new charitable project in each of the next two years, then write about the project and send it to her. She wants to feature some of them in the SHARE magazine and on the National CDA website. Email the article to her at [email protected]. In Memorandum Remember in prayer our past National Legislative Chairman Mary Anne Rowe who passed away on January 6th. She was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor while she was serving as legislative chairman. Pray she will find peace and joy in the presence of our Lord. We extend our sincere sympathy to her family. Condolences and Mass cards can be mailed to her brother: Mr. Jack Rowe, 42285 Via Del Gavilan, Fallbrook, CA 92028. National CDA Website Check it out: www.catholicdaughters.org To review the current news from CDA National Office and the CDA National Regent’s Newsletter, please check out this website. Also check out the CDA Store. They are always adding new items for CDA members to purchase. CDA National Membership Contest BOGO! Bring one, Gain one! The CDA National Membership contest dates are from August 1, 2014 to June 1, 2016. Goals: Every member will participate in BOGO! Bring one, Gain one! Every state will initiate five new Courts. Local Courts bringing in the most members win a monetary award. Winners of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are awarded in each division. Divisions are based on the number of members in each Court. Each [eyebrows] local Court needs to focus on reaching out to invite new members. How will you BOGO? If you don’t, people will not know of your good works and the far reaching effect of our local Court efforts. If each member would strive to seek to invite just one member to their next CDA monthly meeting, they would see their organization grow greatly. be CDA positive; invite someone to join! Remember to pray for those in the military who are serving to protect our country. 11 E R J R T C C O Q N K A G R L W J W E A S T E R K Y N A H Z E J T N U H Y V B N I L C U H R E T Y N N U B G R E E I C O F L F B S M Y S P V M Q R L P P L J D P O D S W S S U H O T V Y Q E U F N G A S H M U U P X B A K V U A T E C U N Y W C G E S Y C D C R C S I E M K B E A U C E A D L F H S V I C U D N S M L B A S K E T O Z M U I S E B E V C M O I A U R P B H K J E G G S R T Y P D O C D K O R I B V Q W Z F V O X C K M Q A Q O U K D T E W E A D V JELLY BEANS BASKET CHURCH EASTER SPRING BUNNY CROSS DRESS JESUS EGGS HIDE HUNT LILY CANDY A church without women would be like the apostolic college without Mary. The Madonna is more important than the apostles, and the church herself is feminine, the spouse of Christ and a mother. Pope Francis 12
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