1fJ~N IMMEDIATE/~ F.No.76/38/Rules/Cantt.Act/C/DE/2010 Government of India Ministry of Defence Directorate General Defence Estates Raksha Sampada Bhawan, Ulaan Bataar Marg, Delhi Cantt.-Ll 0 010. Dated, the o~ August, 2011 To The Principal Director Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence, Central/WesterniSoutherniEasternIN orthern Command, Luckriow /Chandigarh/Pune/Kolkata/ Jammu. Sub i- NOTIFICATION REGARDING PAYMENT OF ALLOWANCES TO VICE-PRESIDENT AND ELECTED MEMBERS RULES 2011. Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Government of India, Ministry 'of Defence Notification S.R.O. (E) 06 dated 01 st August, 2011 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 4 regarding "Cantonments (Payment of Allowances to Vice-President and Elected Members) Rules, 2011" for your further necessary action. 2. Please note that the said Rules, 2011 are effective from the date of publication of Notification, i.e. Ol " August, 2011. Cantonment Boards should be advised to make requisite provision in the Cantonment Board Budget at RE stage (2011-12) under Head A-3 of the Budget. (Ajay Kumar Sharma) Dy. Director General (Cantt) ForDGDE Copy to :1. 2. /t 'l Director, NIDEM AU&RC/DGDE cbdata DMS (TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETIE OF INDIA, EXTRAORDINARY, GOVERNMENT PART II, ?ECT10N 4) OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the Dated S,R,0, (E) and Elected section C 6 .:: Wh e reas, Members) 23 of the nnd thereby, said Gazette t (Pavrn e n t of Allowa nces to Vice-President, 2010 were published, as required by section 346 read with Act, 2006 (41 of 2006) in Part-H. section 4 of the Gazette of of the Government of India, Ministry of Defence, S.R.O No. 09 (E) dated the expiry notification objections and suggestions of the period are made available 2010 by the Cantonment all persons likely the date on which to be affected the copies of the to the public; were rs" made avai lab Ie to th e pu b lic on Boards; And, whereas, all the objections and suggestions have been duly consiciered by the Central Government; Now, therefore, from of sixty days from And, wh e reas, th e cop ies of th e said Gazette August, 2011 Rules, July 2010, inviting before I Cantonments India, vide notification the ciraft Ca 11 tonmen I ;6~ ~lVcl.l5l~ in exercise the said Act, (41 of 2006) the Central of powers conferred Government hereby received by section before the date so specified 346 read with makes the following section 23 of rules, namely:- Cantonments (Payment of Allowances to Vice-President ol'1d Elected Members) Rules, 2011 1. Short title: - These rules may be called the Cantonments Vice-President 2. Definition. and Elected - (l)ln Members) "Act" (b) "Board" (c) "Member' (d) "Vice-President" (2) The words means the Cantonments Board constituted means the member elected Honorarium, conveyance allowance President and Members.(1) The Vice-President allowances and the requires:- used in these of the Board. rules, as assigned and the telephone Members at the rate specified under the Act; to the Board; means the Vice-President the Act, shall have the same meaning 3. otherwise Act 2006 (41 of 2006); means Cantonment and expressions to Rules, 2011. these rules, unless the context (a) of Allowances (Payment but not defined, to them in the Table below, in in the Act. allowance shall be entitled but defined payable to the Vice- to receive namely; the following TABLE r--- Serial number Category of Cantonment l+oncrartum ----Honorarium payable payable (per mensurn) to mensurn) Vice President to (I) I allowance payable allowance to Vice-President payable Elected and each member Members (pel- rnensurn) Category (3) 1 (4) Rs.5,OOO/(Rupees thousand five only) to Vice- President and each member (5) Rs.4,OOO/(Rupees foulthousand only) Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 250/- (Rupees one (Rupees two thousand Category 2 Rs. 4,0001- (Rupees thousand 3. Category 3 Rs. 3,000/- four (Rupees three only) thousand only) hundred Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees three (Rupees two only) thousand (Rupees fifty (Rupees two only) Rs. 600/- hundred fifty only) -(Rupees six hundred ---- Rs. 250/- eight hundred only) Rs.3,OOO/thousand Rs. 800/- -- (6) only) 2. Rs. 250/- only) (Rupees two only) hundred fifty only) 4. Category 4 Rs. 2,000/- Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees two (Rupees one thousand only) thousand Rs. 400/- (Rupees Rs. 250/- four hundred (Rupees two only) h un d red fifty only) only) (2) Notwithstanding allowance. shall anything be payable attends the meeting of the which the payment relates. (3) Wherever contained a vehicle to the Board is provided fuel of such vehicle shall be deducted to the Vice President for that month: Provided allowance in sub-rules (1) and Vice-President and or committee by the Board " Te)ephone (per rnensurn) (1) 1. (per -- Conveyance at least (2), no conveyance a Member once unless he in a month to to the Vice-President, from the conveyance allowance that the total cost of the fuel shall not exceed to be paid to the vice-president for that month. the the cost of to be paid conveyance Traveling (1) allowances to a member.- allowance The travelling undertaken outside or as a member Provided (a) may be paid the cantonment, of a committee to a member in pursuance on account of his duties of journey as such member, of the BOMd: thatthe undertaking of the jourriev has been sanctioned by a resolution of the Board; (b) (c) in the case of a journey within the command, confirmed Officer Commanding-in-Chief, in the case of a journey confirmed (d) by the General in the case of a journey been confirmed (2) The travelling incurred outside by the Director-General, allowance outside by the Central of a member by him on the journey the the command, Defence India, the resolution the Estates, has been the Command; resolution has been or resolution of the Board has Government. shall not exceed or the amount the actual of the travelling of the same journey expenditure =: allowance which to the Chief Executive Officer shall be admissible in respect of the Cantonment under any rules for the time being in force, is less. l~~ (ASHOK KUMAR Joint Secretary to the Government [F.No.14 (6 /2009/0 --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- GUPTA) of India (Q&C)] ------------------- Published (ASH Joint Secretary ~ K KUMAR to the Government [F.No.14 (6)/2009/0 GUPTA) of India (Q&C)] 1=1RC1 -mgm "Xe=JT 1=-f5!lCYf<:f ~ .~, I 'JiJ11c!_ 2011 R<=iICJ, / Cf)f. A. q~ "f1WT ~C'f ~ / _Jl~~ 311 cBT tUfT 346 em- :rTC1Ff)~- T[<T1- m 3fR ~l mccr ~ em-\j~r 3fR ~ Cf)«1T ~1\Jiq?l tl· -~ ~: I cBT ~ 3:rfSrf.1L1ll >TdrT ~ ~, Cj~~;q ~fa=rlZ1 -rr-r : ~~ 1=mT q'lT ']'TerM) ~, 2. -qR}:{Tt'ff: (1) (Cf)) "~" (-a-) "-mi" CrT) .~u (t:r) K\fLllUfaT" ~ ~ f.1cllMCi {I 1fT1T 2 ~ 4 22 ~ cFr <:;:f£l'1 f1~ Cfll '<. 1fffil 2010 mTicrc=r ~ ctr mcr-m T-!l(j R11 2010 it tmT 23 >'ICflI~ICi ~ cn1 ~m fcp-m -fr 31Tefcr TIm ~ em 3TCJfQ em- ''li Ii 1fen 91CJ;'j\ ~ SRT ~1 Cfil ~T ~ '{:r4l. 3-lTefqT 3fR ffilD· cfJ ~l Lj \-l~ Xi$41CJ'I LR t t.9fCl1l- (~:ra13fR \Ff ~ ~ 31llffi 13 20-10 (~E;1 c=rm~ (2;r) ~ cBT tI , TTT~I+-'fffi'r-;qn+'Cf)T I (2) ~ Tft ~. ; ;:n+]~ \JC1<Imfc)-f'1 FcftX: c=rRl'~ ~ fcrl~ .~n- ·FcFm Tfm t . Cf)«fT 3m-: 3T6f ~ 1. q~ Cf)T 41) 2006 -w:rrq?{, ~ 1\Ji q?l l.3-Tft:l xi~ <=i1 ~ \rJrfC1T m1 Cfll. ~6it::r it ~~ c:f> ~ ~ ~frT ct cn1 1-TT«l c:f> 11. 3-lT."fi'. 09 (2006 ~, Wr=r, 3-T2ra-lTT~lT?:t.oJCAI 201 0 em 3rfq~Jrrr l~?lld[f 91CJ'11 ~1 ~ ~~ f1Ir1. ~ ct 1-@ Cf)T 'ljJlCiFi) -;:w=r 9 I CJ"11 (~E;1 346 &RT ~ :- f.1Irq, 2011 3fR ~ . xi <:;:f£l'l cnT tI 2011 it, Vf6f -ffcf) ~4 it ~ 3R:rm 2006 -n 300f.1~11ct 3itfGl llf6c=r -nmt Cf)T A (Mil Ci xi 6l1i Cf5T \jq1U[a-T \Ji1 ~~f.1<.ro -g, :w1faic=r ~ (2006 91 cl 'iC\1 ~ <:;: \(=<:j ~n;cft 3nx LfCff ct, ~TJ1 it ~nftff w~ ~ t;, 31~ t::rRT 23 c:f> ~ f.1CjTMCi fl<:;:f'Qi f.1 (OJS-I'I Cf)T T{~ -fr 91CJ'i1 cBT ( 2006 Cf)T 41) ~ Cf)T 41) ~ ~ t -5 ; t ; t ; 3Wr~n=r-g I it .~ w:c'; 3th ~ q)1 crt! 31cl 1)1 :- \Jl1 \Rl ~ -g .~ it t ~ I '<=jt): -g r ~a1 3il~ fl ~ fl'::l'i ern- ~ ~e:r 3-Th ~ -..~ 2:c1! Lfll rJ III '-1~ Lj., qffirf 'fRlT C\m 6 CfJ~ I~ 61TL 3i~-t=r:- q:)ll l BTcAl' xl ~ , crir \ FicrlfCi('! 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