EMPower metric catalogue Reach disengaged mathematics students with active learning Start where the mathematic learners are at • EMPower history..........See back cover • Program overview................. Pages 1-2 • Lesson overview.................... Pages 3-4 •The EMPower units, a description. Pages 5-8 •Unit sequencing.......................... Page 9 •Prices.............................................Page 10 • OLM App............................... Back cover EMPower Implementation Workshops OCTOBER 2015 Melbourne & Perth (see back page for more details) E M Po we r e B o o k s n o w av a i l a b l e. S e e b a c k co ve r. EMPower metric EMPower uses active, teacher facilitated lessons that: Start where the learners are at, by working at all secondary year levels Create authentic contexts for genuine student engagement Teach mathematical reasoning through problem solving Use a collaborative approach, including small group work and entire class discussions Expand students understanding of mathematics by taking a broad view of what the subject means Ask students to communicate mathematically Use formative and summative assessment Encourage a conjecturing environment Encourage the use of a variety of different strategies for solving mathematical problems 2 program overview Illustrated: a scene from Fraction stations, lesson 4 in the using benchmarks unit. 3 EMPower lessons format 3 Materials/prep section. Explains for teachers the materials they need to prepare for the days activities 4 Opening discussion gives teachers ideas for engaging students Synopsis at the beginning of each lesson 1 Objectives summarising the skills students should gain from the lesson 2 Embedded support occurring throughout Heads Up! 4 An alert for teachers giving helpful hints and things to look for in facilitating the lesson Dialogue balloons and bold text suggesting statements and questions teachers can use to spark and guide class discussion A guided tour 10 Ideas for making the lesson harder and easier 11 Lesson in action section where EMPower teachers can share their classroom experiences Summary discussion to guide the conclusion of the lesson 5 Practice, extension and test practice sections list and describe choices for additional work. 6 Looking closely section to draw the teacher’s attention to lesson goals and to suggest teaching strategies 7 Maths background section to help teachers to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts in the lesson 8 What to look for grid allows teachers to track student progress and to think ahead about the next steps. 9 The student lesson • • Vocabulary words in bold Written record by students is encouraged. The EMPower student lesson sequence • Introduction explaining the lesson purpose • Class activity • Practice pages • Extension pages 5 EMPower unit descriptions EMPower metric Over, around and within: Geometry and measurement In this unit students explore the features and measures of basic shapes. Perimeter and area of two-dimensional shapes and volume of rectangular solids provide the focus. The EMPower authors believe that geometry should be rooted in the discipline of spatial measure, and the two studied together. Geometry and measurement have many mathematical and real world connections. These pervade our lives. We are told our weight at birth and we measure our height throughout our lives for instance. People are empowered when they understand the organising principles and relationships that govern this area of mathematics. Successful study of mathematics, such as; Counting, Number Operations and Mathematical reasoning requires an understanding of geometry. PRODUCT CODE TITLE PHYSICAL EBOOK BOOK OLM1002 Over, around and within teacher book $49.50 $29.99 978-0-9941613-0-7 OLM1003 Over, around and within student book $18.50 $12.99 978-0-9941613-1-4 OLM1002PACK Over, around and within: Teacher and student book BLM $150.00 EMPower metric Everyday number sense: Mental maths and visual models In this unit, students solve problems and compute with whole numbers using mental maths strategies with benchmarks of 1, 10, 100 and 1000. Number lines, arrays and diagrams support their conceptual understanding of number relationships and the four operations. In these lessons, learners explore and strengthen in the head calculation strategies. A fundamental understanding of numbers is developed through the use of a visual approach using arrays, number lines, diagrams and pictures. Students learn to apply a variety of calculation and estimation skills which are appropriate to their context. It is amazing to see how student self confidence grows during this unit as a result of developing number sense. PRODUCT CODE TITLE 6 PHYSICAL EBOOK BOOK ISBN OLM1006 Everyday number sense teacher book $49.50 $29.99 978-0-9580025-7-8 OLM1005 Everyday number sense student book $18.50 $12.99 978-0-9580025-8-5 OLM1006PACK Everyday number sense: Teacher & student book BLM ISBN $150.00 EMPower unit descriptions EMPower metric Using benchmarks: Fractions, decimals & percents Students use the fractions ½, ¼, ¾ and 1/10; the decimals 0.1, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.75; the percents 50%, 25%, 75%, 100% and the multiples of 10% as benchmarks to describe and compare all part-whole relationships. These lessons introduce students to the often dreaded concept of fractions, decimals and percentages using an unthreatening, natural approach. The use of familiar, benchmark, fractions is used to build student confidence. Students strengthen their ability to visualise and estimate fraction related quantities. 1/10 and its important equivalents of 10% and 0.1 are introduced in the final lesson as a basis for subsequent development. PRODUCT CODE PHYSICAL EBOOK BOOK TITLE OLM1001 Using benchmarks teacher book OLM1000 Using benchmarks student book OLM1001PACK Using benchmarks: Teacher and student book BLM ISBN $49.50 $29.99 978-0-9580025-5-4 $18.50 $12.99 978-0-9580025-6-1 $150.00 EMPower metric Many points make a point: Data and graphs Students collect, organise, and represent data using frequency, bar and circle graphs. They use line graphs to describe change over time. They use benchmark fractions and the three measures of central tendency – mean, median and mode – to describe sets of data. Students work often in pairs in this unit. They learn how “not to drown in data” as they grasp the big ideas and technical capacity for expressing themselves using data. This involves them in making accurate statements about data, developing the ability to represent data graphically, and to make predictions and decisions using data. PRODUCT CODE TITLE OLM1015 Many points make a point teacher book OLM1016 Many points make a point student book OLM1015PACK Many points make a point. Teacher & student book BLM PHYSICAL EBOOK BOOK ISBN $49.50 $29.99 978-0-9579405-1-2 $18.50 $12.99 978-0-9579405-2-9 $150.00 Details on page 9 eDeal! Set of all 8 student eBooks!...................$65 Set of all 8 teacher eBooks!.................$170 7 EMPower unit descriptions EMPower metric Split it up: More fractions, decimals and percents Building on their command of common benchmark fractions introduced in earlier units, students add thirds, eighths and hundredths, and their decimal and percent equivalents to their repertoire of part/whole relationships. This unit lays important groundwork for estimating percentage – a fundamental skill in numeracy. This is achieved by bringing the real world of taxes, sales offers, loans and dietary information into the classroom. The benchmark approach taken in this unit frees students from meaningless percentage formulae, building instead powerful in the head percentage calculation and estimation skills. PRODUCT CODE TITLE OLM1012 Split it up teacher book OLM1013 Split it up student book OLM1012PACK Split it Up. Teacher and student book BLM PHYSICAL EBOOK BOOK $49.50 $29.99 978-0-9580025-3-0 $18.50 $12.99 978-0-9580025-4-7 $150.00 EMPower metric Keeping things in proportion: Reasoning with ratios Students use various tools – objects, diagrams, tables, graphs and equations to understand proportional and non-proportional relationships. A good sense of proportional reasoning is essential for responding to everyday mathematical situations. This ability to understand the underlying relationships in a proportional situation is needed on a daily basis in situations such as buying and selling, adjusting recipes, calculating taxes, and working out probability and risk. A variety of strategies are needed to cope with proportional reasoning problems. Students develop these during this unit along with a bank of tools that will help them to develop a deep and flexible understanding of this topic. PRODUCT CODE TITLE PHYSICAL EBOOK BOOK Keeping things in proportion teacher book $49.50 $29.99 978-0-9579405-6-7 OLM1007 Keeping things in proportion student book $18.50 $12.99 978-0-9579405-7-4 OLM1004PACK Keeping things in proportion: Teacher & student book BLM $150.00 8 ISBN OLM1004 ISBN EMPower unit descriptions EMPower metric Seeking patterns, building rules: Algebraic thinking Students use a variety of representational tools – diagrams, words, tables, graphs and equations – to understand linear patterns and functions. They connect the rate of change with the slope of a line and compare linear with non linear relationships. They also gain facility with and comprehension of basic algebraic notation. Students in this unit will engage in real life problem solving using mathematical modelling. Multiple representations are used to mine the pattern and relationships in situations. This leads to the use of tables, graphs, diagrams and equations as tools rather than as an end in themselves. The linear function y=mx+c is used extensively in these lessons, which are often collaborative in nature. PRODUCT CODE TITLE PHYSICAL EBOOK BOOK ISBN OLM1008 Seeking patterns, building rules teacher book $49.50 $29.99 978-0-9579405-8-1 OLM1009 Seeking patterns, building rules student book $18.50 $12.99 978-0-9579405-9-8 OLM1008PACK Seeking patterns building rules: Teacher & student book BLM $150.00 EMPower metric Operation sense: Even more fractions, decimals and percents Students extend their understanding of the four operations with whole numbers as they puzzle over questions such as “How is it possible that two fractions multiplied might yield a smaller amount than either fraction?” and “What does it mean to divide one-half by six?” This unit continues a process of developing within students a deep understanding of arithmetic principles and concepts. As a result the operations involved in the mechanics of arithmetic become meaningful skills. Students will finish this unit with the ability to use a variety of different strategies when approaching problems involving the use of rational numbers. PRODUCT CODE TITLE PHYSICAL EBOOK BOOK ISBN OLM1017 Operation sense: Even more FD&P teacher book $49.50 $29.99 978-0-9579405-3-6 OLM1018 Operation sense: Even more FD&P student book $18.50 $12.99 978-0-9579405-4-3 OLM1017PACK Operation sense: Teacher and student book BLM Details on page 9 $150.00 eDeal! Set of all 8 student eBooks!...................$65 Set of all 8 teacher eBooks!.................$170 9 Sequencing the EMPower units The sequence in which the EMPower units are used most effectively by your class will depend on the backgrounds and interests of your students. Teachers are encouraged to order the EMPower units according to the sequence they believe is best for their students. However there are some groupings which the EMPower authors recommend. These will support student progression through certain concepts in this series: W HOLE NUMBER SEQUENCE Over, around and within: Geometry and measurement The focus on small whole numbers in this unit provides a good introduction to the program. Over, around and within: Geometry and measurement F Everyday number sense: Mental maths and visual models Everyday number sense: Mental maths and visual models Following with this as the second unit in the series would further develop whole number and mental maths skills and visual models. RACTIONS SEQUENCE Using benchmarks: Fractions, decimals and percents Many points make a point: Data and graphs Split it up: More fractions, decimals and percents Using benchmarks provides the necessary ground work with fractions, decimals and percents to describe approximate relationships between data sets in many points make a point. Split it up then continues to expand student’s repertoire of familiar fractions, decimals and percents. O P E R AT I O N S E Q U E N C E Keeping things in proportion: Reasoning with ratios Seeking patterns, building rules: Algebraic thinking Operation sense: Even more fractions, decimals and percents Tools and relationships are introduced in keeping things in proportion which can be built in seeking patterns, building rules. As a final unit operation sense introduces more complex fractions and operations in geometric, graphic and algebraic contexts. eDeal! Details on Page 11 Whole number sequence: Set of 2 student eBooks........$20 EMPower eBooks are available Set of 2 teacher eBooks........$50 on the OLM App. See back page Fractions or operations sequence: Set of 3 student eBooks........$30 for details. Set of 3 teacher eBooks........$75 10 Price list for printed EMPower metric books Please photocopy this order form and Fax to: (03)EMPOWER 9796 1832 or Post to OLM, PO Box 6, Sandown Village, Victoria, 3171, Australia. ORDER FORM Order number_________________________________________ Date_______________________________ For attention of________________________________________ Department__________________________ School______________________________________________ ABN_______________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City________________Phone____________ Please photocopy this order form and Fax to: (03) 9796 1832 or Post to OLM, -Country_____________Fax______________ PO Box 6, Sandown Village, Victoria, 3171, Australia. State__________________________________Postcode_______ Order Number TITLE CODE TITLE For Attention Of EMPower metric Everyday number sense. Student book OLM1005 School OLM1006 EMPower metric Everyday number sense. Teacher book OLM1006PACK Empower metric. Everyday number sense: Teacher and student book BLM Address OLM1007 EMPower metric Keeping things in proportion student book State Postcode OLM1004 Empower metric Keeping Things in Proportion teacher book OLM1004PACK Empower metric Keeping things in proportion: Teacher and student book BLM TITLE CODE TITLE OLM1016 EMPower metric Many points make a point student book OLM1015 Empower metric Many points make a point. Teacher Book OLM1015PACK Empower metric Many points make a point. Teacher and student book BLM OLM1018 EMPower metric Operation sense student book OLM1017 Empower metric Operation sense. Teacher book OLM1017PACK Empower metric. Operation sense: Teacher and student book BLM OLM1003 EMPower metric Over around and within student book OLM1002 Empower metric Over around and within: Teacher book OLM1002PACK Empower metric Over around and within: Teacher and student book BLM OLM1009 EMPower metric Seeking patterns building rules student book OLM1008 Empower metric Seeking patterns building rules: Teacher book OLM1008PACK Empower metric Seeking patterns building rules: Teacher and student book OLM1013 EMPower metric Split it up student book OLM1012 EMPower metric Split it up Teacher book OLM1012PACK Empower metric Split it Up. Teacher and student book BLM OLM1000 EMPower metric Using benchmarks student book OLM1001 EMPower metric using benchmarks. Teacher book OLM1001PACK Empower metric Using benchmarks: Teacher and student book BLM Date UNIT PRICE QUANTITY TOTAL AMOUNT $18.50 ABN $49.50 $150.00 City Phone $18.50 Country Fax $49.50 $150.00 UNIT PRICE * QUANTIT Y TOTAL AMOUNT $18.50 $49.50 $150.00 $18.50 $49.50 $150.00 $18.50 $49.50 $150.00 $18.50 $49.50 $150.00 $18.50 $49.50 $115.00 $18.50 $49.50 $150.00 Sub Total Department Sub Total $ Packaging, insurance, postage$ TOTAL$ TOTAL Note: 1.Postage will be added at cost. A quotation may be obtained by calling OLM. Packaging, Insurance, Postage Cheque/money order enclosed: OR Account code Credit card: Bankcard Mastercard OR Visa Account no: Expiry date: / Signiture: 11 EMPower metric and OLM The EMPower program grew out of a National Science Foundation (NSF) supported study of the way in which learners re-engaged with mathematics at adult learning centres in the United States. Technical Education Research Centres (TERC) in the USA developed this knowledge into a curriculum wide mathematics program that could be inclusive of all learners needing to develop a sound foundation in Numeracy. EMPower lessons were written by a team of educators with deep experience in numeracy education, using the latest research. As a result this series uses contextualised mathematics, that is learned collaboratively through a problem solving approach. EMPower lessons always begin with activity and use a teacher facilitated pedagogy in which students are encouraged to reflect on their experiences, and to communicate their findings. OLM are pleased to be involved with this important new series, as publishers of its metric version. EMPower offers teachers a flexible tool to assist with meeting the numeracy goals of the Australian curriculum. It can be used successfully for selective topics in whole class mathematics lessons at years seven and eight, as a mathematics program for support students in compulsory secondary school years, for applied learning and transition to work students in senior secondary school, and for adult and vocational learning programs. John Lawton Managing director Using the OLM App to buy EMPower eBooks. Splash screen Category screen EMPower metric Implementation Workshop OCTOBER 2015 Melbourne & Perth Workshop leader: Richard Korbosky Book title screen Bundle offer screen Purchase details An all day workshop based on the three units within the Fractions Sequence (see page 10 for information). Experience key parts of these important new resources in a hands on and collaborative working environment. Includes peer group discussion of the classroom potential and challenges involved in implementing EMPower. Cost $350 or $500 per head (with EMPower materials included) See www.lat-olm.com.au for more 12
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