Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Sisters, There is a lot of excitement swirling around Department headquarters. The judging has been done and the winners of the Voice of Democracy (VOD) and Patriot’s Pen (PP) Scholarship Programs have been established. All 17 District winners of the VOD have been invited as well as the top 3 PP winners to the banquet on Saturday night. It is a black tie event, so air out the formal wear and get your best jewelry out. It’s time to dress up fancy and get beaut-i-mous! The essays are always so incredibly good. Our youth really know what patriotism is and when given the opportunity to express it. You’ll think to yourself “ WOW” it really is evident they not only know who is responsible for their rights and freedoms but cherish them as much as we do. The hotel has opened up more rooms for us because all those initially set aside have been booked. Call Embassy Suites Hotel at 336-668-4535 or register via the internet at: . Be sure to mention the VFW to get the group rate. Fran has returned from her Senior Vice President’s training and has lots of news to pass along to us. She is going to share it with us so make sure you come to the council meeting Friday night. The Program Chairwomen are ready with their promotions and have reviewed your reports. You will see cases of reports that are correctly reported, some entries that really are not considered a report, reports that don’t belong in a particular program, and reports that could pose a question for the chairwoman to decide whether the report was duplicated elsewhere. We have submitted several really good questions to our National Secretary/Treasurer, Jan Owens for her to answer at our Saturday session. You won’t want to miss her responses. Remember to stay to the end of the Saturday session! We have 4 volunteers for a pie in the face for our homeless veterans’ project. For a donation, you too can put a pie in the face of Helen Carter, Fran Redfield, Joyce Preston, or Nancy White. I think we will have more volunteers by the time we meet. Sounds DELICIOUS to me! We will have bingo and a raffle for free nights donated by the hotel for the June convention. See you there! Yours very truly, Janice _______________________________________________________________________________________________ While I was at the Senior Vice President’s Conference we were informed that, effective 1 July 2015, there will no longer be a Cancer Air and Research Program. The change is based on National’s continuing to refocus our organization’s fund raising efforts to support VFW veterans’ programs and services. The restricted, designated fund will continue to provide Cancer Grants for all eligible members and will be considered a member’s benefit. The purpose of the fund remains the same so National is still asking Departments/Auxiliaries to still support it with a $2.00 per member donation. Based on this decision, we at the Department level, will have to make some decisions about our operations— specifically what to do about our Cancer Pin Program and our Cancer Sales tables at our council meetings and conventions. Please be prepared to discuss this issue at our Council meeting, Friday afternoon, 6 February 2015. Respectfully, Fran Redfield, Senior Vice President Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 FROM THE SECRETARY Congratulations to District 6 President, Sandra Jefferies on the Institution of the newest Auxiliary in our Department. We look forward to working with these Ladies on becoming an integral part of our Organization. Please welcome our newest Auxiliary - Robert Lee Pate, III Auxiliary 10607 in Burlington in District 6. The new officers are: President Martha Collins Treasurer Helen Moore Secretary Brenda Thompson 2727 Spring Garden Rd, Mebane, NC 27302-9779 1518 Covered Wagon Rd, McCleansville, NC 27301 2235 N NC HIGHWAY 87 TRLR 82, Elon NC 27244-9756 336-329-9357 336-285-6759 Sisters, It has been such an honor for me to have served as your Department Secretary. President Janice has truly shown confidence and trust in me, and I am so grateful. It was a very hard decision for the two of us, for me to step down as your Secretary. For my part, I have had several health issues the past few months, as many of you know. I personally felt I was not able to give the position the attention and fulfill my duties to the Department in the manner it deserved. I will always be dedicated the Ladies Auxiliary and the members and what is best for the organization. I also need to take care of me. In order to be able to help you, I must help me first. I am undergoing medical treatment and hope to be back to “being Sandra” before long. In the meantime, Anna Holm is an excellent Department Secretary and will be able to help you with any issues that may arise. And I will be available to Anna anytime. Thank each and everyone of you for your thoughts and concerns. It has meant a great deal to me. And don’t think this means I’m going to disappear. I will see all of you at the C of A in February and Convention in June. And I will always be here to help anyone in anyway I can. I love you all. Sandra Johnson-Leu [email protected] Sisters, On a cold January day, I received a phone call from our Department President, Janice Holm. She called to inform me that our Department Secretary, Sandra Johnson-Leu, was resigning her position for health and personal reasons. As Department Assistant Secretary, I was asked to step up to the plate and take on the duties of Department Secretary. I told Janice that of course I would take on the job. That’s what you do when you are asked. Many of you may remember me from my time as Department Secretary in the past. I hope that I can fulfill the duties of this important job for the remainder of the year with dignity. Sandra and Helen Carter will be assisting me as I get up to full speed, so you know I’m in good hands. Please feel free to contact me anytime you need me. I may not always have the answer, but I will do my best to find the answer and respond to you in a timely fashion. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and making new friends at the Council of Administration meeting in February. Loyally, Anna C. Holm 919-876-2878 (home) 919-210-3268 (cell) – preferred number [email protected] Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Veterans and Family Support Patty Harris, Chairman Phone: 336-657-1770 or email: [email protected] Sisters: Our year is more than half over so I just want to remind each auxiliary of the many programs we need to support for our veterans: National Veterans Service - This service supports “Operation Changing Lives” which helps veterans by hiring Service Officers to assist veterans with paperwork for receiving their VA benefits. VFW National Home for Children - Make your contribution to “Health and Happiness Fund”, donate Labels for Education to the home National Military Services - This has four areas: o Unmet Needs which allows assistance for mortgage or rent, etc. o Operation Uplink - aids military men and women with phone calls home o Military Assistance Program - unit functions for welcome home celebrations o Sports Clips which helps with scholarships for Veterans beyond the GI Bill Buddy Poppy Program - Money donated help our veterans and their families The C of A is coming up so it is time for our Buddy Poppy Display Contest. There will be the regular four sections for judging, with ribbons to the winners. We all need a little FUN, so we are going to have addition contest with our hats. I have sent out a memo telling all about these plan and the special prizes we will have. If you did not get a copy just email me and I will send it to you in my reply. See you Feb. 6 -8, 2015 and I will be available at the meeting for questions or help. Thanks for all each of you do for our veterans. Legislative As we begin a new year, with a new composition of representation in congress, we have every reason to be optimistic. Unfortunately, for our veterans, many issues remain unresolved. I have a few questions for you and your auxiliary. What has your auxiliary done to fight for the earned benefits of our military members, both past and present? How many letters, faxes, emails and phone calls have your members made to the elected officials that represent you? Did your group do their “homework” and vote for candidates that support veterans issues? All of the above mentioned actions would indicate your willingness to do what is necessary to achieve our mission! What is our mission? To succeed in relaying the message of the importance of our “VFW Legislative Priority Goals” and to play a part in accomplishing those goals! Has your Legislative Chair or President of your Auxiliary reported your members activity? Did you know that in contacting your legislators and sharing your concerns, you are helping the VFW achieve our “priority goals”? If you can answer these questions and have results to report, then you can be confidant that you have done all that you can to promote our goals, thus resulting in a positive outcome for those whom we are here to represent. After all, that is why we are members of the greatest veterans organization in the world! Please, do not let your voice be minimized by not reporting your work! As I have stated before, these reports are the “muscle” behind the VFW and they give our organization the clout needed to fight for the rights of those who have proudly served our country! Reporting is a small action that produces big results. Please contact me for any assistance you may require. I am here to help you and your auxiliary. In Service To Our Vets, Kathy Voss Legislative Ambassador (919) 264-7839 [email protected] Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 BUDDY POPPY DISPLAY CONTEST Council of Administration Meeting on February 7, 2015 BY PATTY HARRIS, DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN VETERANS AND FAMILY SUPPORT We will set up tables Saturday for all entries. Entries must be submitted by 11AM to be judged and picked up after the meeting on Saturday. We will have the four categories just like the National Rules below: Category 1: Public promotion of poppy sales: (window, booth, parade, or poster display, sales promotion, etc.) A. Display must be designed for public exposure and must bear a message urging the buying and wearing of the VFW Buddy Poppy B. At least one (1) of the poppies in the display must be in their original form and color, with labels attached Category 2: Memorial or inspirational display: (wreaths, memorial tablets or plaques, patriotic or devotional themes) A. Displays must be designed to honor the dead, to inspire devotion to God and country, or to dramatize the activities supported by the Buddy Poppy Program. B. At least one (1) of the poppies in the display must be in their original form and color, with labels attached Category 3: Artistic or decorative use of poppies: (Post home displays, table centerpieces, corsages, pictures, plaques, models, scenes, hats, novelty pieces, etc.) A. Display not meeting the qualifications for categories 1 or 2 will be automatically entered in Category 3. B. Complete freedom will be permitted in the use of poppies, poppy parts or poppy labels, and in the use of dyes or paints in achieving the desired artistic effect. C. At least one (1) of the poppies in the display must be in their original form and color, with labels attached Category 4: This is the Junior Girls Category A. This category can use either the public promotion of poppy sales, or memorial or inspirational as set forth in categories 1 and 2. The Buddy Poppy Story will be included in the judging of these displays. B. At least one (1) of the poppies in the display must be in their original form and color, with labels attached. Poppies may be painted, glazed, or coated, however, only poppies may be used in all and no other type of artificial or real flower may be used. Only electrically illuminated and/or battery operated devices will be permitted on displays. First, second, and third place ribbons will be awarded in each class. Each entry must have card with Auxiliary Number, number of Buddy Poppies used. This information cannot be attached to your entry. *****NOW FOR FUN TIME***** We are going to have special awards for the hats in addition to the regular awards. We want plenty of hats so we can get a big parade of hats during the meeting. We will ask the men of the VFW to be our models so start looking for volunteers. Special hat categories will include: Most Poppies Most Patriotic Most Humorous Most Colorful Best of Show- This will be awarded by your vote Plus a few surprise categories The only rule for these hats is - one Buddy Poppy in the hat has to be in the original form and color with labels attached. Prizes will be awarded for these special hats. Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Extension Healthy Auxiliaries As you know, each Auxiliary has been given a form on their CD (and also on the state website) to access whether your Auxiliary is classified as “Healthy” or not. This form is a simple form which should be given to your individual members to see how they feel about your Auxiliary. It can be given out at meetings, or even mailed to homes to get the feedback of your non-active members. Once you use this form, you don’t need to mail it back to me. You need to READ what your members are saying. Are they not coming to the meetings because of when they are held (that can be changed by vote of your Auxiliary), or because they do not having a babysitter (they can bring their children), or because the meetings are too long (something you can control), or some other reason? These various reasons can be addressed to make it easier for them to attend. Even personality differences can be resolved between members. All I want is to know that you used this form (or some other technique) to assess your Auxiliary’s health. We cannot fix low attendance or low involvement if we don’t know what is wrong. So use what you learn from the form to address any issues that come up - then address the issues in your Auxiliary. And once you take the survey, complete an online Chief of Staff report so that we know you have done it. Officers in NEW AuxiLiary Congratulations again to Dist 6 President Sandra Jeffries for organizing Robert Lee Pate, III Auxiliary 10607 in Burlington on January 8th. Auxiliary officers are: President Treasurer Secretary Martha Collins Helen Moore Brenda Thompson 2727 Spring Garden Rd, Mebane, NC 27302-9779 1518 Covered Wagon Rd, McCleansville, NC 27301 2235 N NC HIGHWAY 87 TRLR 82, Elon NC 27244-9756 336-329-9357 336-285-6759 Helen Carter, NC Extension Chairman 321 Whithorne Drive, Garner, NC 27529 (919) 779-6314 (home) or 919-801-4524 (Cell) [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WITH OUR MEMBERS District 5 President, Pearl White has moved. Her new address is: 361 Rainbow Lake Rd., Brevard, NC 28712 and her new phone number is: 828-885-7220 Eva M. Boyce of Auxiliary # 7775 has new contact information: 1730 # C Spring Forest Dr. Charlotte, NC 28208 704-347-2631- Home 704-236-1168 – Cell [email protected] PDP Naomi Sigmon’s sister, Ruth Whisnant, passed away. Sympathy cards may be sent to Naomi at the following address: 1105 Salem Rd., Morganton, NC 28655-4831. Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Cancer Aid & Research Gerry Taylor, 1806 Hugh Champion Rd., Tryon, NC 28782 (828) 894-8673 There are other aspects to cancer aid and research than just educating the public about the warning signs of cancer, and the many different kinds of cancer and what to be aware of. The Ladies Auxiliary also provides financial assistance to stricken members, in the form of a cancer grant. Over the past 60 years more than $50 million dollars has been awarded to help members with cancer. It is very important that we have fund raisers for cancer aid & research. A couple examples of fund raisers are, pancake supper, bake sale, and 777. Make sure that your Auxiliary has paid their $2.00 per member or more if possible. A 2 year Postdoctoral Research fellowship will be awarded for $100,000.00 by the Ladies Auxiliary. The Ladies Auxiliary presents an opportunity for researchers to devote two years full-time to making new discoveries about cancer. United States hospitals, universities, and other institutions are invited to nominate one individual who meets the criteria. Forms for the Postdoctoral Cancer Research fellowship and qualifications will be available at the Cancer Table at the C of A. The cancer grant forms will also be available. Our fund raisers not only help our sisters, it also helps to promote research to find a cure. Loyally, Gerry Taylor HOSPITAL Farres Upton, 653 Haynes Road, High Point, NC 27262 336-889-4133 email: [email protected] Sisters, We are at 83.02 reporting in Hospital. District Presidents, if I can be of assistance in getting those last few Auxiliaries, please let me know. While attending a Christmas Bingo Social I met Janet, a lovely lady that had recently moved to the area with her husband. She immediately expressed her desire to get involved in the community because she needed something to keep her busy. Verifying she was eligible for the Ladies Auxiliary VFW, I told her she needed to join our great organization. Janet informed me her husband had joined the local VFW Post a couple of weeks ago and she had an application in her purse to join the Ladies Auxiliary VFW. I commend the Auxiliary President for her promptness How many ladies like Janet do you have in your community? Plan a Social event at your Post, and invite members, non-members, family members of patients, and invite wives, daughters, and sisters of your VFW members that are not Auxiliary members. Many ladies would like to Volunteer, but have never been asked. Take them with you when you visit our Hospitalized Veterans, present programs or parties, and let them receive the rewarding feelings that we receive. SALUTE TO HOSPITALIZED VETERANS WEEK is February, 2015, a perfect time This special week set aside every year is to honor and recognize Veterans in hospitals. Check with your VAMC to see what they have planned for the week, and see if you can assist with any of their activities. They may need decorations, refreshments, or monetary gifts to carry out their planned events. Please go visit our Hospitalized Veterans, and hopefully the youth in your community have make Valentine’s for you to distribute when you make your visits. A fun holiday is St. Patrick’s Day which is March 17, 2015. Make green punch. green sugar free cookies, or cup cakes, recruit kids to cut out shamrocks, and get green hats, and go spread cheer at VAMC’s. Nursing Homes, and Adult Day Care Centers. You will be giving them a “Pot of Gold” by volunteering your time to give fun and laughter to shut-ins. REMINDER: Outstanding Hospital Volunteer Application, I must receive it no later than March 1, 2015. Many thanks to each of you for the fine work you are doing in our VAMC’s, Hospitals. Nursing Homes, and Clinics. You are truly committed to putting a smile on our Veterans faces. Loyally with love, Farres Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 SCHOLARSHIP Lin Moore 6165 Glen Way Dr., Winston-Salem, NC 27107 336-201-2106 [email protected] February is the month of LOVE! What better way to show your love than by helping a worthy student receive a scholarship! Please remember that the deadline for the Continuing Education Scholarship is February 15, 2015. The application should be mailed to National Headquarters. Also, remind the members of your Auxiliary and Post of the Erlene Mayberry Scholarship and the Otis N. Brown/Billy Ray Cameron Scholarships. The deadline for preliminary application for the Mayberry scholarship is February 15, 2015. The deadline for the Brown/Cameron Scholarship is February 17, 2015. Don’t forget the Junior Girls Scholarship and the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. These deadlines are also approaching! Don’t forget to report! We should be 100%! If your auxiliary has any questions, please bring them to the Council of Administration. We’ll get them answered! Scholarship Deadlines: Continuing Education Scholarship– February 15, 2015 Junior Girls Scholarship– March 11, 2015 Young American Creative Patriotic Art– March 31, 2015 Durham VAMC Sandra Johnson-Leu, 103 Covered Bridge Rd., Clayton, NC 27520 919-553-0019 [email protected] I may have resigned my position as Department Secretary for personal and health reasons, but you can’t get rid of me that easy. I’m continuing my position as VAVS Representative to the Durham VAMC. There is drawing for the VAMC “Fall Into The Arts” kickoff. This kickoff will begin the start of the fundraising for the 2015 National Creative Arts Festival to be held in Durham this fall. Donations are $5 per ticket. 1st prize is a Dell Inspiron Notebook Laptop, 2nd prize if $50.00, and 3rd prize is $25.00. There will be a limited supply of tickets for sale at the Council of Administration meeting. The drawing will be held on February 13, 2015. Visitation restrictions are in effect due to the increasing numbers of flu cases reported in the area. Persons under 18 should not come to the medical center in order to prevent the spread of illness among patients and those visiting our facilities. In addition, people of all ages suffering from fever, cough, headache, fatigue, runny or stuffy nose, or body aches should not come to the hospital unless they are a patient. These restrictions will be in place until further notice. Durham VA Medical Center Earns ‘Top Performer on Key Quality Measures®’ as Recognition Comes from The Joint Commission. Excellence in Heart Attack, Heart Failure, Pneumonia, and Surgical Care were recognized. Thank you for your continued support of our Veterans. Don’t forget to bring your items to give to the Veterans when they get into their new homes, to the C of A.. Loyally, Sandra Johnson-Leu Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Americanism / Patriotic Instructor Laura Verdon, Department Chairman 709 Kingswood Drive Cary, NC 27513 919-880-1527 [email protected] “Patriotism Begins at Home” - National President Theme 2014/2015 “Pride Runs Deep” - NC Department President Theme 2014/2015 In the New Year stretch; District 1 and 3 are 100% in Americanism reporting. Status is; 64 auxiliaries have reported and 42 have not as of yet. We really need to get a move on to meet 100% in reporting. We can do it! Don’t have time or don’t know how, let me help you, call or email and your work will be logged. “Patriotism Begins at Home” let’s go “Nuts” celebrating the upcoming Patriotic Holidays for February in our Post, communities as well as at home. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day takes place on third Monday of January each year, near the time of Dr. King's birthday on January 15th. It commemorates the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a reverend and civil rights activist who lead the African-American civil rights movement in the United States. He is best known for his inspirational "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered at the March on Washington in 1963 President’s Day-Washington/Lincoln's Birthday Washington's Birthday was established as a federal holiday in 1885. It celebrates the life and contributions of George Washington, first president of the United States and general of the American Revolution. In some states, the holiday is expanded to also commemorate President Abraham Lincoln's birthday, and is thus referred to as "President's Day". It occurs on the third Monday of February, near both presidents' birthdays. Valentine’s Day Not really a National or State holiday but certainly a date to remember. Celebrate your love ones. Groundhog Day – February 2, 2015 – No shadow please, it is cold! Loyalty in Service, Laura Verdon Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 CHARLES GEORGE VA MEDICAL CENTER, ASHEVILLE February 2015 Willie Glance, [email protected] (828) 254-4755, Cell (828) 280-9324 Valentine’s Week, Feb. 9-13, Monday through Friday, is National Salute to Veteran Patients Week. Friday, Feb. 13, will feature a Veteran Sweetheart Luncheon for CLC and Hospice residents. Valentine Cards to put on their meal trays are welcome. As always volunteers are needed to assist with patient transport, food preparation and serving. If interested, please contact Voluntary Service (828) 299-2514. Feb. 12, from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M., the 10th Annual Creative Art Show and Competition for Veterans will be held in the VAMC lower level Atrium. Artwork created by veterans will be on display in a number of categories. The public is invited to attend. Judging will be held at noon and the winners announced at 1 P.M. The firstplace winner’s artwork from this local show will be entered into the Oct. 12-18, 2015, National Veterans Creative Arts Festival in Durham, NC. Any veteran interested in entering the arts show and competition should contact Beverly Bradigan at (828) 298-7911, Ext. 5346, or Joanie Ledford at Ext. 3118. Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare and benefits facilities will continue to hold quarterly town-hall events with Directors and Voluntary Service Office (VSOs) leaders to improve communication with, and hear directly from local veterans and their families nationwide. In addition, the quarterly meetings are open to Congressional stakeholders, Veterans Service Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations and other community partners. Thursday, Feb. 12, at 10 A.M. a town hall event listening session with VSO leaders will be held at the Charles George VA Medical Center in the Multipurpose Room. A HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO YOU AND TO THE VETERANS WHO SERVED FOR US! Hello to all my Sisters in the East. First of all I want to wish all my Sisters a HAPPY VALENTINE DAY .I want to say CONGRATS to 4062 Ayden/Grifton, 9133 Jacksonville, 8866 Holden Beach and 9103 Spring Lake for being 100% or greater since the end of Nov. GREAT JOB!!! We are well into 2015, most Aux post are more than 95% (WELL DONE). The Eastern Area is at 93.59% at the end of Dec. Presidents please talk to your Aux. members and see if we can gather those nuts to make the East 100%. We aren’t that far away. Be sure to explain to them the importance of remaining a member in good standing. Check on the Sisters who haven’t paid, find out if there is a financial problem. Also have the Aux check to see if Guardian Angels can help out those Sisters. So let’s get out there and gather all the nuts. Let’s show the Mother Squirrel, Joyce Preston, that the EAST IS THE BEST! Remember that your State membership Chairperson, Joyce Preston and I your Eastern Membership chairperson are here to help. All you need to do is call. May GOD BLESS AMERICA and May GOD BLESS ALL VETERANS Christine Spence President Aux 6060 Eastern Membership Chairman Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Membership Joyce B. Preston 706 Warrior Drive Tryon, North Carolina 28782 [email protected] 828-859-5286 Well Ladies, we are at 90.70% in Membership as of 23 January! I am proud of everyone working so hard but we need to get to 100% as soon as we can. Seize the Day and seize those Members!!!!! Tami Elliott, our Membership Ambassador reminds us of Awards from National. This is what Tami want everyone to do this month: ‘Seize the moment’ When you have a thought, when you think about making a call, when you come up with that great idea, when you know you should write that note………….’Seize the Moment’ and do it! 1. National Membership Achievement Award to whoever gets 20 new or reinstated members. 2. Each Auxiliaries that reaches 100%+ by June 30, 2015 will earn $30.00, a “Knock Out Pin” and a chance for the BIG drawing of $3000, $2000 and $1000. The new members are out there, just waiting to be asked to join, to participate, to give something to our veterans…………are we going to ask them to join? Are we brave enough? We cannot emphasize enough how critical it is to maintain and grow our organization so that we can remain a force in influencing how our veterans are taken care of in this country. Without membership numbers we lose our voice on Capitol Hill. Without membership numbers our volunteer efforts lose their effectiveness. Without membership numbers our veterans lose. When our veterans lose, we all lose. Department Awards for February are: ** From 1 Feb thru 7 Feb Auxiliaries that participated in January drawings that get 5 more members during these days will be put into drawing for $100.00 (one prize) Auxiliaries with 5 or more members brought to Greensboro will be in drawing for $50.00 (one prize) ** From 1 Feb thru 28 Feb - Received in February by Department Treasurer Auxiliaries with 5 – 10 Transmitted will be put into drawing for $25.00 for each Membership Area Auxiliaries with 11+ Transmitted will be put into drawing for $100.00 (one prize) Special drawing to Members who acquired the dues of 5 or more transmittals for $25.00 (one prize) Other States have "Dues Angels" and I am hoping we have some here in North Carolina. If we have some Members that can pay others less fortunate Members dues for them and it be totally kept secret – except the Treasurer can put their names in for awards above – please do so. If you want someone else to know you did this - we can do so. Just let us know which way you prefer. So I am calling on all “Dues Angels” to help. Please gather those NUTS for our President Janice! She does sure a wonderful job and we want to make her the “Best President” there is - with 100% Membership! See you at the COA with those Transmittals!!!!! Thank all of you for what you do for our Veterans! Western Area: Sandra Harris Central Area: Amelia Bennett Eastern Area: Christine Spence God Bless America & Our Troops!! [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 828-733-2438 - 79.34% 910-425-1445 - 82.58% 252-562-9491 - 87.96% Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Ivy Blueher Youth Activities Chairman [email protected] 919-624-0153 Greetings Sisters: We are achieving such great things this year in our youth activities program. I have had so many great reports about what our auxiliaries are doing to involve our youth. We are at 60 % with 64 out of 106 auxiliaries reporting. Two districts are at 100%. So I am issuing a challenge. Any district president that has her district reported to 100% in youth by Saturday Feb 7, of the next C of A will have her name put in a drawing for a small gift. One area that we can use to our advantage is the use of social media. It's the most efficient way to reach today's youth. Many groups and organizations have public websites, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. Get online, see what is new, learn about YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram. Become familiar with the National Organization's website and social media accounts: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: LinkedIn: Ladies Auxiliary VFW - Login to the Member Porta land select the Emblem Branding Center tab and download "Best Practices For and How to Create a Facebook Fan Page for Your Auxiliary." Let’s find new ways to connect with our youth. Get their attention. Talk to them the way they talk to one another. Then, drop me a line and tell me about your cyberspace adventures. Loyally, Ivy Blueher NOTES ABOUT THE COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATION There are reasons for deadlines and you are expected as adults to follow them and not expect special consideration because you did not follow the deadline regulations. Everyone is expected to read all of the information provided to them and act on it accordingly. The Hospitality room will cost $15 per person entering the room. The cost for banquet will be $40. You can contact QM Billy Ray Brown at Dept. Headquarters in Raleigh, at 919-828-5058 , to make your reservations. The Banquet will be formal to honor all 17 VOD District winners and the top 3 Department Patriot Pen Winners. Please dress accordingly. A schedule of events is posted in this mail. Please note times and places of meetings. It is hoped that meetings will start on time and business can be conducted in an orderly fashion. Let’s all strive to make this meeting one that President Janice Holm will always remember as one of the best weekends in her Ladies Auxiliary VFW career. Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Eastern Area Chairman – Christine Spence District 1 2014 Aux. No. 6060 7312 2 District 4 Pres Nancy Wilkins Aux. Name Elizabeth City Sunbury Totals 2015 Mbrs. 187 30 Mbrs. 183 26 Mbrs. 67 20 Percent 97.86% 86.67% 217 209 87 96.31% Aux. No. 2401 2514 7315 7547 9133 9161 9810 9960 11,119 District 2 Aux. No. 2615 2771 Aux. Name Goldsboro Kinston 9 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. 46 43 Mbrs 44 43 Mbrs. 31 3 Percent 95.65% 100.00% Ayden/Grifton 14 18 2 128.57% 7032 Greenville 70 62 22 88.57% 6 District 3 Aux. No. 2057 2015 Life Mbrs. 74 125 145 92 Mbrs. 66 115 144 91 Mbrs. 61 86 123 80 Percent 89.19% 92.00% 99.31% 98.91% Jacksonville 127 133 93 104.72% Wallace Warsaw Swansboro Vanceboro 71 43 247 29 73 38 216 29 51 34 164 15 102.82% 88.37% 87.45% 100.00% TOTALS 953 905 707 94.96% 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. 63 42 Mbrs. 55 40 Mbrs. 47 11 Percent 87.30% 95.24% 175 176 57 100.57% 84.13% 102.20% Aux. Name Beaufort New Bern Havelock Clinton Snow Hill Mount Olive TOTALS 26 33 4 6 96.30% 94.29% 235 226 68 96.17% 7288 Calabash 8073 8866 Whiteville Holden Beach 63 91 53 93 15 65 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. 108 Mbrs 106 Mbrs. 53 9,983 Holly Ridge 53 51 36 96.23% Oak Island 37 41 9 110.81% Percent 98.15% 10,400 B Spring Lakes 60 46 7 76.67% 8 584 555 247 95.03% 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. 14 Mbrs. 4 Percent 100.00% Cary Wake Forest Fold Spring Lake 119 114 42 95.80% 17 104 2 104 2 74 11.76% 100.00% Raleigh Garner Raleigh 20 139 39 19 124 39 14 89 17 95.00% 89.21% 100.00% TOTALS 438 416 242 94.98% Bailey 28 27 20 96.43% Wilson 28 26 6 92.86% 164 159 79 96.95% District 7 Aux. No. 6722 EASTERN 2014 2015 Life 34 TOTALS Mbrs. 2591 Mbrs. 2470 Mbrs. 1430 Aux. Name Wilmington Tabor City 10,226 6651 TOTALS Pres-Pearl White 27 35 Pres--Sharon Schmitz Aux. Name Rocky Mount District 5 Aux. No. 2573 6064 4147 3 2014 Pres Annette Hansen 4062 9841 9959 Pres Nancy White Life 7383 Percent 95.33% 8466 9103 10,001 10,225 10,999 6 TOTALS Pres Laura Verdon Aux. Name Lillington Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Central Area Membership Chairman – Amelia Bennett District 6 2014 Aux. No. 1920 2417 2740 Aux. No. Mebane Hendersonfold Durham 10607 Burlinton 2 TOTALS District 8 District 10 Pres Sandra Jeffries 2015 Mbrs. 63 Mbrs. 54 Mbrs. 8 Percent 85.71% Aux. No. 2087 21 50 47 27 0.00% 94.00% 2972 3074 134 110 35 82.09% 9 Aux. Name Raeford Fayetteville Pembroke Spring Lake Fayetteville Lumberton Hope Mills 12,025 St. Pauls Aux. No. 2008 4203 5631 7318 9881 10,403 6 2015 Life Mbrs. 19 Mbrs. 13 Mbrs. 6 Percent 68.42% 31 147 29 125 15 15 93.55% 85.03% 8297 Gibsonville Lexington Mway Monroeton 88 90 44 102.27% 8721 Liberty 36 17 13 47.22% 9899 Archdale 37 40 24 108.11% 2014 2015 Life 6 TOTALS 358 314 117 87.71% Mbrs. 32 107 62 48 164 23 55 Mbrs. 27 99 49 40 168 32 43 Mbrs. 24 71 32 28 119 11 35 Percent 84.38% 92.52% 79.03% 83.33% 102.44% 139.13% 78.18% 32 32 12 100.00% 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs Mbrs. Percent District 12 Aux. No. District 9 Aux. Name Greensboro 2014 Pres-Wanda Williams Aux. No. 10 670 2843 4542 6018 8969 10,630 8 Pres-Barbara Williams Life TOTALS 523 490 332 93.69% Pres-Ivy Blueher 2014 2015 Life Aux. Name Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. Percent Laurinburg Rockingham Sanford Southern Pines Biscoe Wadesboro 22 32 92 19 20 91 1 15 69 86.36% 62.50% 98.91% 124 65 53 126 61 53 86 7 20 101.61% 93.85% 100.00% TOTALS 388 370 198 95.36% CENTRAL 2014 2015 Life 28 TOTALS Mbrs. 1820 Mbrs. 1664 Mbrs. 778 Percent 91.43% Pres-Barbara Webb Aux. Name 2908 Albemarle 67 67 15 100.00% 3006 6183 6365 Salisbury Norwood Locust 155 29 25 147 26 22 21 13 1 94.84% 89.66% 88.00% 8989 Kannapolis 110 86 39 78.18% 9134 Rockwell 31 32 7 103.23% 6 TOTALS 417 380 96 91.13% Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 Western Area Membership Chairman – Sandra Harris District 11 Pres-Farres Upton Aux. No. Aux. Name District 15 2014 2015 Life Percent Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. 1119 Cooleemee 45 41 6 91.11% 1142 N. Wilkesboro 1134 Winston-Salem 45 41 18 91.11% 4286 2019 Mount Airy 18 10 3 55.56% 5352 Kernersville 60 48 3 80.00% 7794 Elkin 29 14 5 9010 Clemmons 25 34 9436 Pilot Mountain 124 84 94.55% Newland 28 28 20 100.00% 5381 Lenoir 80 78 31 97.50% 7031 Boone 34 17 11 50.00% 48.28% 7034 Sparta 65 59 23 90.77% 16 136.00% 7946 Jefferson 32 26 2 81.25% 120 20 96.77% 38 19 76.00% 6 TOTALS 349 312 171 89.40% Arcadia (fold) 31 11,173 Walnut Cove 24 24 2 100.00% 451 370 92 82.04% Pres-Betty Morris Aux. No. Aux. Name District 16 891 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. 35 27 12 77.14% Percent 130 66 81.76% 126 84 81.29% 5483 Mars Hill 40 33 5 82.50% 9116 Columbus 24 26 9 108.33% Blk Mount. (fold) 28 25 11 89.29% 410 340 175 82.93% 110 63 43 57.27% 9157 85 74 23 87.06% 10,349 5464 Monroe 54 48 25 88.89% 6724 Paw Creek 23 22 18 95.65% 7775 Charlotte 22 25 17 113.64% 9337 Gastonia 96 99 12 103.13% 9488 Charlotte 85 73 59 85.88% 9736 Croft 36 29 0 80.56% 9811 Kings Mountain 21 10 4 47.62% 567 470 213 82.89% Aux. No. Aux. Name Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. Percent 5 District 17 Pres Andrea Page Aux. No. Aux. Name 4309 Brevard 5198 Canton 5202 Waynesville 6812 Hayesville 64 62 10 96.88% 7339 Franklin 2031 Statesville 118 106 57 89.83% 8013 4066 Shelby 38 43 6 113.16% 5204 Forest City (fold) 29 7 7 5362 Morganton 85 74 24 334 292 104 0.00% 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. 186 Percent 189 126 101.61% 28 23 14 82.14% 139 108 44 77.70% 50 47 34 94.00% 117 105 34 89.74% Cherokee 16 8 3 50.00% 9281 Bryson City 87 65 12 74.71% 24.14% 9493 Tuckasegee 31 32 2 103.23% 87.06% 10222 Murphy 29 34 8 117.24% 10685 Glenville 41 43 19 104.88% 12,132 Maggie Valley 40 19 6 47.50% 764 673 302 88.09% 12 DISTRICT 99 #15034 TOTALS Lincolnton TOTALS 4 Mill Spring 1706 5 Percent 155 Mint Hill 2015 Mbrs. 159 Indian Trail 2014 Life Mbrs. Hendersonville 4059 Charlotte Reynolds 2015 Mbrs. Asheville 2423 District 14 Pres. - Naomi Sigmon 2014 5206 Charlotte TOTALS Pres-Willie Glance Aux. Name 1160 10 Percent 0.00% Aux. No. District 13 Mbrs. Mbrs. 10,485 TOTALS Life 104 50 9 2015 Mbrs. Yadkin Aux. Name 2014 110 10,346 Aux. No. Pres-Patricia Harris TOTALS 87.43% WESTERN 2014 2015 Life 45 Mbrs. Mbrs. Mbrs. TOTALS 2875 2457 1057 85.46% 293 302 281 103.07% 2014 2015 Life Mbrs. Mbrs Mbrs 7579 6893 3546 686 for 100% Percent TOTAL WE NEED Percent 90.95% Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of North Carolina February 2015 AREA STANDINGS DISTRICT NO PRESIDENT'S NAME 2014 2015 PERCENT AREA RANK EAST #1 Nancy Wilkins 217 209 96.31% #2 Annette Hansen 235 226 96.17% #3 Sharon Schmitz 164 159 96.95% #4 Nancy White 953 905 94.96% #5 Pearl White 584 555 95.03% #7 Laura Verdon 438 416 94.98% 2591 2470 95.33% TOTALS #1 CENTRAL #6 Sandra Jeffries 134 110 82.09% #8 Wanda Williams 523 490 93.69% #9 Ivy Blueher 388 370 95.36% #10 Barbara Williams 358 314 87.71% #12 Barbara Webb TOTALS 417 380 91.13% 1820 1664 91.43% #2 WESTERN #11 Farres Upton 451 370 82.04% #13 Betty Morris 567 470 82.89% #14 Charlotte Reynolds 334 292 87.43% #15 Patricia Harris 349 312 89.40% #16 Willie Glance 410 340 82.93% #17 Andrea Page 764 673 88.09% 2875 2457 85.46% #3 TOTALS GROUPS: Group A #1 Nancy Wilkins 217 209 96.31% #2 #2 Annette Hansen 235 226 96.17% #3 #3 Sharon Schmitz 164 159 96.95% #1 #6 Sandra Jeffries 134 110 82.09% #8 #7 Laura Verdon 438 416 94.98% #5 #9 Ivy Blueher 388 370 95.36% #4 #14 Charlotte Reynolds 334 292 87.43% #6 #15 Patricia Harris 349 312 89.40% #7 Group B DISTRICT NO. #5 Pearl White 584 555 95.03% #1 #8 Wanda Williams 523 490 93.69% #2 #10 Barbara Williams 358 314 87.71% #4 #11 Farres Upton 451 370 82.04% #7 #12 Barbara Webb 417 380 91.13% #3 #13 Betty Morris 567 470 82.89% #6 #16 Willie Glance 410 340 82.93% #5 Group C DISTRICT NO. #4 Nancy White 953 905 94.96% #1 #17 Andrea Page 764 673 88.09% #2
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