Curriculum Vitae YoungKi Kim CURRICULUM VITAE Young Ki Kim 1425 Lefton Esplanade ● Kent, Ohio 44242-0001 ● [email protected] ● 330-968-5885 EDUCATION Ph.D., Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, 2009 – Present Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Concentration : Physics of Liquid Crystals Adviser : Dr. Oleg. D. Lavrentovich GPA : 3.79 / 4.0 M. Eng., Information Display Engineering, 2007 – 2009 Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea Concentration : Display Engineering Adviser : Dr. Jae-Hoon Kim GPA : 4.31 / 4.5 B. S., Physics, 2001 – 2007* Korea University, Seoul, Korea GPA : 4.13 / 4.5 * Military Service in Korean Army : 2003 - 2005 AWARDS, ACHIEVEMENTS 1. University Fellowship, Kent State University, Fall Semester 2013 - Spring Semester 2014 2. Graduate Student Senate Domestic Travel Grant, Kent State University, Fall Semester 2013 3. Graduate Student Senate International Travel Grant, Kent State University, Summer Semester 2013 4. Graduate Student Senate Domestic Travel Grant, Kent State University, Spring Semester 2013 5. Graduate Student Senate Domestic Travel Grant, Kent State University, Spring Semester 2012 6. Chisso Korea Scholarship, Hanyang University, Spring Semester 2008 - Fall Semester 2008 7. Brain Korea 21 Scholarship, Hanyang University, Fall Semester 2007 – Fall Semester 2008 8. Honors Student Scholarship, Korea University, Spring Semester 2007 9. Best Honors Student Scholarship, Korea University, Fall Semester 2006 10. Best Honors Student Scholarship, Korea University, Spring Semester 2006 YoungKi Kim Page 1 Curriculum Vitae YoungKi Kim RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 1. Research Assistant (2009 – Present) Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Adviser : Dr. Oleg D. Lavrentovich 2. Research Assistant (2007 – 2009) Department of Information Display Engineering, Hanyang, University, Seoul, Korea Adviser : Dr. Jae-Hoon Kim 3. Research Assistant (2005 – 2007) Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul, Korea Adviser : Dr. Sung-Tae Shin TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1. Teaching Assistant, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio General College Physics I, Spring Semester 2011 2. Teaching Assistant, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea Display Engineering, Spring Semester 2009 Simulation of LCD Panel Design, Fall Semester 2008 3. Teaching Assistant, Korea University, Seoul, Korea Electromagnetic I, Spring Semester 2007 Electromagnetic II, Fall Semester 2006 Physics of Liquid Crystal Display, Spring Semester 2006 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Strong background in liquid crystal physics, LCD applications (1 year industrial experience with Samsung LCD) and material sciences. Proficient in Labview program Extensive experience and background on Electro- and Magneto-optics Optical Microscopy : Polarizing Optical Microscopy, Conoscopy, Polscope 3D Microscopy : Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy (FCPM), Coherent AntiStokes Raman Scattering Microscopy (CARS) Transmittance Electron Microscopy (TEM) : Freeze Fracture TEM, Cryo-TEM 9 years Cleanroom Work Experience : Proficient in lithography, channel patterning YoungKi Kim Page 2 Curriculum Vitae YoungKi Kim LIST OF PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Y. –K. Kim, G. Cukrov, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Search for Macroscopic Nematic Biaxiality in the Cybotactic Nematic Phase of New Oxadiazole Bent-Core Mesogens”, In Preparation (2015). 2. Y. –K. Kim, S. Zhou, G. Mehl, S. –T. Shin, A. Jákli, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Homeotropic Alignment Technique for Nontrivial Shape of Liquid Crystal Molecules”, In Preparation (2015). 3. J. S. Gwag, Y. –K. Kim, C. H. Lee, and J. –H. Kim, “Realization of Multi-Stable Ground States in a Nematic Liquid Crystal by Surface and Electric Field Modification”, submitted (2015). 4. Y. –K. Kim, G. Cukrov, J. Xiang, S. –T. Shin, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Domain Walls and Anchoring Transitions Mimicking Nematic Biaxiality in the Oxadiazole Bent-Core Liquid Crystal C7”, Soft Matter, DOI: 10.1039/C5SM00580A (2015), Selected for Front Cover Page. 5. M. Gao, Y. –K. Kim, C. Zhang, V. Borshch, S. Zhou, H. –S. Park, A. Jákli, O. D. Lavrentovich, M. –G. Tamba, G. H. Mehl, U. Baumeister, W. Weissflog, D. Studer, B. Zuber, H. Gnagi, and F. Lin, “Comparative Analysis of Liquid Crystal Nanoscale Imaging Using Cryo-TEM and Freeze Fracture TEM: Specimen Preparation and Imaging Techniques”, Microscopy Research and Technique, 77, 754 (2014), Selected for Featured Article. 6. Y. –K. Kim, B. Randall, S. Chakraborty, M. Gao, J. T. Gleeson, R. J. Twieg, A. Jákli, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Properties of the Nematic Phase of a Laterally Linked H-Shaped Liquid Crystal Dimer”, Liquid Crystals, 41, 1345 (2014), Selected for Front Cover Page. 7. Y. –K. Kim, B. Senyuk, S. –T. Shin, G. H. Mehl, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Surface Alignment, Anchoring Transitions, Optical Properties and Topological Defects in the Thermotropic Nematic Phase of an Organo-Siloxane Tetrapodes”, Soft Matter, 10, 500 (2014), Selected for January Hot Papers. 8. V. Borshch, Y. –K. Kim, J. Xiang, M. Gao, A. Jákli, V. Panov, J. Vij, C. Imrie, M. Tamba, G. Mehl, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Nematic Twist-Bend Phase with Nanoscale Modulation of Molecular Orientation”, Nature Communications, 4, 2635 (2013). 9. Y. –K. Kim, S. V. Shiyanovskii, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Morphogenesis of Defects and Tactoids during Isotropic-Nematic Phase Transition in Self-Assembled Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals”, Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter, 25, 404202 (2013), Invited Paper for Special Issue & Selected for Featured Article. 10. O. D. Lavrentovich, Y. –K. Kim, and B. Senyuk, “Optical Manifestation of Thermal Expansion of a Nematic Liquid Crystal”, Proceeding of SPIE, 8475, 8475G-1 (2012). 11. Y. –K. Kim, B. Senyuk, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Molecular Reorientation of a Nematic Liquid Crystal by Thermal Expansion”, Nature Communications, 3, 1133 (2012). YoungKi Kim Page 3 Curriculum Vitae YoungKi Kim 12. Y. –K. Kim, M. Majumdar, B. I. Senyuk, L. Tortora, J. Seltmann, M. Lehmann, A. Jákli, J. T. Gleeson, O. D. Lavrentovich, and S. Sprunt, “Search for Biaxiality in a Shape-Persistent Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystal”, Soft Matter, 8, 8880 (2012). 13. J. S. Gwag, Y. –K. Kim, Y. –J. Lee, J. –H. Baek, and J. –H. Kim, “Anchoring Competition on Nanosurface Boundaries with Conflicting Mixed Nematic Anchoring Properties”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51, 034102 (2012). 14. B. Senyuk, Y. –K. Kim, L. Tortora, S. –T. Shin, S. V. Shiyanovskii, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Surface Alignment, Anchoring Transitions, Optical Properties and Topological Defects in Nematic Bent-Core Materials C7 and C12”, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 540, 20 (2011). 15. Y. –J. Lee, Y. W. Kim, Y. –K. Kim, C. –J. Yu, J. S. Gwag, and J. –H. Kim, “Microlens Array Fabricated using Electrohydrodynamic Instability and Surface Properties”, Optics Express, 19, 10673 (2011). 16. S. I. Jo, Y. –K. Kim, S. W. Choi, Y. –J. Lee, J. –H. Kim, and C. –J. Yu, “Advanced Surface Treatment Technology for Improving the performance of the Liquid Crystal Display”, Proceeding of SPIE, 7956, 79560L-1 (2011). 17. Y. –J. Lee, C. –J. Yu, Y. –K. Kim, S. I. Jo, and J.-H. Kim, “Direct Image of a Molecular Orientation of a Liquid Crystal using Directional Polymerization of Photoreactive Mesogen”, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 033106 (2011). 18. Y. –J. Lee, Y.-K. Kim, S. I. Jo, K.-S. Bae, B.-D. Choi, J.-H. Kim, and C.-J. Yu, “Fast Vertical Alignment Mode with Continuous Multi-Domains for a Liquid Crystal Display”, Optics Express, 17, 23417 (2009). 19. Y. -K. Kim, J. S. Gwag, J. H. Park, Y. –J. Lee, and J. –H. Kim, “Scaling of Defect Domain by Reverse Twist in Chiral Hybrid In-Plane Switching LC Mode”, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 508, 236 (2009). 20. Y. -J. Lee, Y.-K.Kim, S. I. Jo, J. S. Gwag, C. –J. Yu, and J. –H. Kim, “Surface-Controlled Patterned Vertical Alignment Mode with Reactive Mesogen”, Optics Express, 17, 10298 (2009). 21. Y. –J. Lee, J. S. Gwag, Y.-K. Kim, S. I. Jo, S.-G. Kang, Y. R. Park, and J.-H. Kim, “Control of Liquid Crystal Pretilt Angle by Anchoring Competition of the Stacked Alignment Layers”, Applied Physics Letters, 94, 041113 (2009). 22. J. S. Gwag, Y. –K. Kim, K. Sohn, and J. –H. Kim, “Electro-Optical Characteristics of a Chiral Hybrid In-Plane Switching Liquid Crystal Mode for High Brightness”, Optics Express, 16, 12220 (2008). YoungKi Kim Page 4 Curriculum Vitae YoungKi Kim LIST OF PROCEEDINGS & PRESENTATIONS 1. Y. –K. Kim, G. Cukrov, J. Xiang, S. –T. Shin, O. D. Lavrentovich, “Domain walls mimicking nematic biaxiality in the oxadiazole bent-core liquid crystal C7”, Ohio-Region Section of the APS Spring Meeting, Kent, Ohio, USA (2015). 2. G. Cukrov, Y. –K. Kim, O. D. Lavrentovich, “Temperature dependence of topological defect in the twist-bend nematic liquid crystal droplets dispersed in isotropic fluid”, Ohio-Region Section of the APS Spring Meeting, Kent, Ohio, USA (2015). 3. Y. –K. Kim, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Characterization of Physical Properties in Liquid Crystals Using Various Techniques”, SID, OSA, SPIE Student Chapter Presentation, Kent, USA (2014). 4. Y. –K. Kim, R. Breckon, S. Chakraborty, M. Gao, S. N. Sprunt, J. T. Gleeson, R. J. Twieg, A. Jákli, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Properties of the broad-range nematic phase of a laterally linked H-shaped liquid crystal dimer”, Advanced in Liquid Crystal Science, Kent, USA (2014) 5. Y. –K. Kim, R. Breckon, S. Chakraborty, M. Gao, S. N. Sprunt, J. T. Gleeson, R. J. Twieg, A. Jákli, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Properties of the broad-range nematic phase of a laterally linked H-shaped liquid crystal dimer”, SOFT-Fire (Soft matter-from fundamental aspects to industrial perspectives), Corsica, France (2014) 6. Y. –K. Kim, B. Senyuk, S. –T. Shin, A. Kohlmeier, G. H. Mehl, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Surface alignment, anchoring transitions, optical properties, and topological defects in the thermotropic nematic phase of organo-siloxane tetrapodes”, Grand Opening : Upgraded LCI Facility, Kent, USA (2013) 7. Y. –K. Kim, T. S. Nguyen, J. V. Selinger, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Flow induced birefringence in thermally expanding isotropic phase of a liquid crystal”, Optics of Liquid Crystals, Honolulu, USA (2013). 8. Y. –K. Kim, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Director reorientation of a liquid crystal by thermal expansion”, Inter-Continental Advanced Materials & Photonics (2013). 9. Y. –K. Kim, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Tactoids and defects in nematic-isotropic phase transition in lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal”, American Physical Society March Meeting (2013). 10. Y. –K. Kim, B. Senyuk, and O. D. Lavrentovich “Director reorientation of a nematic liquid crystal by thermal expansion”, The Mathematics of Liquid Crystals Workshop (2013). 11. Y. –K. Kim, B. Senyuk, and O. D. Lavrentovich “Director reorientation of a nematic liquid crystal by thermal expansion”, Symposium on Flexible Liquid Crystal Devices (2012). 12. Y. –K. Kim, M. Majumdar, B. Senyuk, L. Tortora, J. Seltmann, M. Lehmann, A. Jákli, J. T. Gleeson, O. D. Lavrentovich, and S. Sprunt, “Search for biaxility in a shape-persistent bentcore nematic liquid crystal”, The 26th International Liquid Crystal Conference (2012). 13. O. D. Lavrentovich, Y. –K. Kim, and B. Senyuk, “Direct reorientation by thermal expansion”, The 26th International Liquid Crystal Conference (2012). YoungKi Kim Page 5 Curriculum Vitae YoungKi Kim 14. Y. –K. Kim, L. Tortora, B. Senyuk, S. Sprunt, M. Lehmann, and O. D. Lavrentovich, “Transient splitting of conoscopic isogyres of a uniaxial nematic”, American Physical Society March Meeting (2012). 15. A. R. Yoon, Y. –K. Kim, Y. –J. Lee, S. I. Jo, S. –W. Choi, J. S. Gwag, and J. –H. Kim, “Enhanced electro-optic characteristics for homeotropic alignment of nematic liquid crystals by photo-alignment”, The 13th Korea Liquid Crystal Conference (2010). 16. S. –W. Choi, S. I. Jo, Y. –J. Lee, Y. –K. Kim, A. R. Yoon, and J. –H. Kim, “Pretilt angle control of the liquid crystal by using the reactive mesogen”, The 13th Korea Liquid Crystal Conference (2010). 17. Y. –K. Kim, Y. –J. Lee, S. W. Choi, J. –S. Gwag, and J. –H. Kim, “The fabrication of micro lens array by using electrowetting property”, Optics of Liquid Crystals (2009). 18. Y. –J. Lee, Y. –K. Kim, S. I. Jo, A. R. Yoon, C. –J. Yu, and J. –H. Kim, “Liquid crystal alignment control using reactive mesogen mixed with alignment layers”, International Display Workshops, pp. 747-750 (2009). 19. S. I. Jo, Y. –J. Lee, Y. –K. Kim, A. R. Yoon, C. –J. Yu, and J. –H. Kim, “Surface controlled 8-domain patterned vertical alignment mode with reactive mesogens”, International Display Workshops, pp. 147-150 (2009). 20. A. R. Yoon, Y. –K. Kim, Y. –J. Lee, S. I. Jo, S. W. Choi, J. S. Gwag, and J.-H. Kim, “Advanced photo-alignment method with fast response time”, International Display Workshops, pp. 210-212 (2009). 21. S. I. Jo, Y. –J. Lee, Y. –K. Kim, A. Yoon, S. W. Choi, and J. –H. Kim, “Control of liquid crystal pretilt angle using polymerization of reactive mesogen”, The 9th International Meeting on Information Display, pp. 604-606 (2009). 22. Y. –J. Lee, Y. –K. Kim, S. I. Jo, C. –J. Yu, and J. –H. Kim, “Advanced LCD modes through surface modification using reactive mesogen mixed with alignment layers”, The 9th International Meeting on Information Display, pp. 91-94 (2009). 23. Y. –J. Lee, Y. –K. Kim, C. –J. Yu, S. I. Jo, and J. –H. Kim, “Fabrication of fast switchable patterned vertical alignment mode using modified surface with reactive mesogen”, The Society for Information Display, pp. 666-668 (2009). 24. Y. –K. Kim, J. S. Gwag, S. I. Jo, and J. –H. Kim, “Pretilt angle control with high process margin”, The 12th Korea Liquid Crystal Conference, Vol. 11 (2009). 25. S. I. Jo, J. S. Gwag, Y. –K. Kim, Y. –J. Lee, and J. –H. Kim, “Liquid crystal alignment by atomic force microscopic nanolithography”, The 12th Korea Liquid Crystal Conference, Vol. 11 (2009). 26. Y. –J. Lee, J. S. Gwag, Y.-K. Kim, and J. –H. Kim, “Continuous pretilt angle control of LC alignment”, International Display Research Conference, pp. 174-176 (2008). 27. Y. –K. Kim, J. S. Gwag, S. I. Jo, and J. –H. Kim, “Continuous pretilt control using heterogeneous polyimide mixture”, The 8th International Meeting on Information Display, pp. 1585-1587 (2008). YoungKi Kim Page 6 Curriculum Vitae YoungKi Kim 28. Y. –K. Kim, J. S. Gwag, Y. –J. Lee, and J. –H. Kim, “Scaling of defect domain by reverse twist in chiral hybrid in-plane switching LC mode”, The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, pp. 740 (2008). 29. Y. –K. Kim, J. S. Gwag, Y. –J. Lee, and J. –H. Kim, “Chiral hybrid in-plane switching LC mode for high brightness and contrast ratio”, The Society for Information Display, pp. 19631966 (2008). YoungKi Kim Page 7 Curriculum Vitae YoungKi Kim LIST OF PATENTS 1. “In Plane Switching Liquid Crystal Display”, Registered Country : Korea, Patent Number : 10-2008-0033539. 2. “Field Induced Heliconical Structure of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal”, Registered Country : United States, Patent Number : KNST200095USP1 YoungKi Kim Page 8
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