Our Value this month is Courage.

Lawnside Lower School
SG18 0LX
Head Teacher:
Mr D. Smith
01767 312313
[email protected]
01767 316802
22nd April 2015
Dear Parent/ carer
Summer Newsletter 1
Our Value this month is Courage.
It’s difficult to believe that we have already arrived at the Summer term. This is traditionally a very busy term, with a
number of additional events and activities, including trips, sports day and Year 4 Swimming. Each year group still has
some exciting topics to work on, and the children have settled down well after the Easter break.
This newsletter is primarily a set of dates to fix in your calendar. Many of them will have more details to follow, but I
think it’s important that you are aware when significant dates for your child will be happening.
Maternity update
I’m happy to report that Mrs LeGrande gave birth at the end of the Easter holiday to a healthy baby girl. She has
been named Eva. I‘m sure you all join me in sending our heartfelt congratulations to Mr and Mrs LeGrande. We look
forward to meeting Eva very soon.
New Staff Welcome
Mr Mardle (Kangaroos) and Miss Elliott (Pandas) have joined the Lawnside team. They have settled in well and are
already showing their value. I’m sure you join me in welcoming them to Lawnside and wish them well during their
time here.
Absence for Sickness
This is just a brief reminder that children who have been sick should remain off school for 48 hours afterwards.
Before Easter we had a couple of children who returned too soon and a tummy bug spread like wild fire, particularly
among our younger children in Reception. Thank you for your consideration.
Dates (newly announced dates in bold)
Please note that these dates can also be found on our website, along with copies of all of this year’s newsletters.
Friday 24th April
Thursday 30th April
Friday 1st May
Friday 1st May
Monday 4th May
Tuesday 5th May
Wednesday 6th May
Thursday 7th May
Friday 15th May
Friday 15th May
Friday 22nd May
Monday 1st June
Friday 5th June
Thursday 11th June
Friday 12th June
9.15 a.m. – Otters Class Assembly
PALS Book Fayre after school
PALS Book Fayre after school
3.30 p.m. - KS1 Film Club
School closed – May Bank Holiday
PALS Book Fayre after school
Yr4 PGL Residential begins
School closed (general election polling)
School Photos Day
PALS Quiz Night – more details to follow
Break up for half term
children back
3.30 p.m. – KS2 Film Club
PALS Fathers Day Sale
PALS Fathers Day Sale
Saturday 13th June
Friday 19th June
Saturday 20th June
Wednesday 24th June
Thursday 25th June
Friday 26th June
Monday 29th June
Tuesday 30th June
Wednesday 1st July
Friday 3rd July
Friday 3rd July
Monday 6th July
Tuesday 7th July
Friday 10th July
Tuesday 14th July
Thursday 16th July
Friday 17th July
Lawnside Summer Fete
3.30 p.m. – KS1 Film Club
Biggleswade Carnival (Lawnside are entering a float!)
Yr3 trip to Whipsnade
9.15 a.m. - Koalas Class Assembly
Staff Training Day
Sports Day
Yr2 trip to Shuttleworth
reserve Sports Day (in the event of bad weather on Monday!)
2.45 p.m. – Owls Class Assembly to parents
3.30 p.m. – KS2 Film Club
Yr4 trip to Harry Potter Studios
Yr1 trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park
Rollover Day
9.15 a.m. – Foxes Class Assembly
2 p.m. – Leavers Assembly to parents
Break up for Summer!
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mr D Smith