SERVICE MINISTRIES MAY 31st NURSERY: Sharon Duke HOSTESS: Donna Wageman CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Children upstairs for 5th Sunday PRESCHOOL: Children remain upstairs for 5th Sunday June 7th NURSERY: Nadine Goff, Kaitlin Smith; WED: Rosalee Sergent HOSTESS: Jeannie Green & Cotton Swiger CHILDREN’S CHURCH: John & Judy Brock PRESCHOOL: Rosalee Sergent FAMILY FOCUS: BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS: JUNE: 5th Carol Duty; 8th Wayne Lively; 9th Anne Arbogast, Donna Brothers; 14th Bethany Spurgeon; 15th Cliff Stratton; 18th Cecil Lewis, Lisa Prevett, Hannah Ellis; 21st Greg Dent; 22nd Brayden Womack, Tyler Womack, Joe Pratt; 28th Dale McClung ANNIVERSARIES: JUNE: 4th Kevin & Zelma Ashworth; 9th Mark & Marla Nichols; 14th Greg & Denise Dent LAST WEEKS STEWARDSHIP Sunday Morning 96 Sunday Evening 39 Wednesday Prayer & Praise 61 Weekly Requirements $3,900.00 General Fund $3,167.00 [[ Thank you for joining our service today. Please return often. Lighthouse Baptist Church 2440 US Route 60, Hurricane, WV 25526 Phone 304-562-3900 / Fax 304-562-3990 Email: [email protected] Website: LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH Hurricane, WV May 31, 2015 Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. I Corinthians 1:10 Service Times Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am Evening Worship 6pm Small Groups 6pm Monday Peer 2440 7pm Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7pm CALENDAR OF EVENTS Children’s Summer Program June – August 7pm MAY JUNE 31st 5st 6th 6th 9th 11th & 12th 19th 20th 20th 21st 22nd -26th MAY JUNE EVENTS CALENDAR VBS Meeting 5pm Golf Tournament in Ravenswood 9am Danny Cunningham Speaking at morning Service Graduation Celebration for Nick Canterbury 1-3pm LDC Graduation 7pm Work Day, Stripping & Waxing Floors 9am LDC Summer Kickoff Picnic/Bonfire 6pm VBS Kickoff Picnic VBS Mountain setup 9am VBS Decorating 5pm VBS Nightly 6:30pm-8:45pm DAILY CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLE READING GUIDE 31st I Kings 3-4; II Chronicles 1; Psalm 72 st 1 Psalm 119:89-176 2nd Solomon 3rd Proverbs 1-3 4th Proverbs 4-6 5th Proverbs 7-9 th 6 Proverbs 10-12 SUNDAY 10:30AM: Pastor Kevin Prevett “Building On A Religious Heritage” Romans 3:1-8 SMALL GROUPS SUNDAY 6PM: * Small Groups will resume in July *Adult Combined class through the end of June WEDNESDAY: Prayer and Worship at 7pm AWANA: at 7pm THURSDAY: Praise Team Practice at 7pm MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES: See Pastor if you can help Teacher needed: for the 3rd - 5th grade on Sunday evenings Teacher needed: for the 2nd Sunday in the morning Host/Hostesses: Two needed for the 5th Sunday PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE UPCOMING MISSION TRIPS: Michael Prevett~ Croatia, to better understand Croatian People May 31st - June 11th Lauren Prevett~ to Medellin, Columbia, helping with a ministry called ‘Open Arms’ July 13th-31st LDC GRADUATION: is June 9th at 7pm. LDC Summer Kickoff Picnic and bonfire at 6pm. CLOTHING DRIVE: Thank You to everyone who helped in the clothing drive. It would not have been possible without you. *Note: a second clothing give away is scheduled for August 8th just before school starts. See April Simpson for details. Donations of clothing will be accepted. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL MEETING SCHEDULE: * Sunday, May 31st at 5pm, & June 7th at 5pm, planning meetings * VBS week is June 22nd through June 26th * June 20th help is needed to set up the mountain starting at 9 am * June 21st decorating at 5pm * A kickoff day is scheduled for June 20th * A preschool teacher is still needed. See Kathi Robie for details. SECRET SISTER’S: If you are planning to be a secret sister in the coming year, but have not turned in your information sheet, please do so my May 31st. You may either give it to April Simpson or place it in her mailbox. Sheets are available at Grand Central. WV POWER’S BASEBALL GAME: A group from LBC will be going to a WV Power’s Game on June 12th. The game starts at 7:05pm anyone wishing to go please sign up at Grand Central. BUILDING MAINTENANCE: Volunteers are needed to strip & wax the floors on Thursday, June 11 & Friday June 12 at 9am. Sign up at Grand Central, or see Doug with any questions. A GRADUATION CELEBRATION: is planned for Nicholas Ray ‘Nick’ Canterbury on Saturday, June 6th from 1pm-3pm, here at the church. The church family has been invited to join this happy celebration. Congratulations Nick! This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but if you meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it, For then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8
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