SERVICE MINISTRIES MARCH 22nd NURSERY: Robin Wageman & Sarai Cook WED: Kathi Robie HOSTESS: Cecil & Opal Lewis CHILDRENS CHURCH: Mark & Marla Nichols PRESCHOOL: Jean Ann Shannon MARCH 29th NURSERY: Ginger Larch, Sharon Duke HOSTESS: Jeannie Green, Cotton Swiger CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Children will be upstairs with parents PRESCHOOL: Children will be upstairs with parents FAMILY FOCUS st MARCH BIRTHDAYS: 21 Alyson Via; 24th Kyleigh Pratt; 26th Lauren Prevett; 28th Stephanie Smith APRIL BIRTHDAYS: 2nd Madison Smith, Carrington Stowers; 3rd Jim Torman; 7th Cotton Swiger; 16th Hunter Paxson; 18th Michelle Torman; 19th Tammy Jo Canterbury; 22nd April Simpson, Judy Stratton; 25th Aubry McCallister; 27th Vicki McCord; 29th Robin Wageman; 30th Gracie Robie MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 22nd Greg & Dawnetta Cook; 29th Cliff & Judith Stratton APRIL ANNIVERSARIES: 4th Josh & Holly Bowling; 9th Ryan & Jessica McCallister LAST WEEKS STEWARDSHIP Sunday Morning 111 Sunday Evening 87 Wednesday Prayer & Praise 70 Weekly Requirements $3,900.00 General Fund $3,218.35 Thank you for joining our service today. Please return often. Lighthouse Baptist Church 2440 US Route 60, Hurricane, WV 25526 Phone 304-562-3900 / Fax 304-562-3990 Email: [email protected] Website: LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH Hurricane, WV March 22, 2015 If my people,who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14 Service Times Sunday Morning Worship Evening Worship Small Groups Monday Peer 2440 Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study AWANA ClubsUPCOMING (Sept-May) EVENTS 10:30am 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:45pm MARCH 22-25th 29th APRIL 3rd 5th 11th 18th 19th MAY 2nd Revival with Dale Elwell, Sunday – Wednesday Palm Sunday - Communion Sunday Good Friday Easter Sunday~ No Sunday Evening Service Ladies- Evening with Chonda Pierce 7pm Stepping Up Men’s Event 8am New combined adult class - Connected: My Life As A Church Member, begins at 6pm Hurricane Spring Festival 1-5pm DAILY CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLE READING GUIDE MARCH 22nd Deuteronomy 32-34, Psalm 91 23rd Joshua 1-4 th 24 Joshua 5-8 25th Joshua 9-11 th 26 Joshua 12-15 27th Joshua 16-18 th 28 Joshua 19-21 SUNDAY 10:30AM: Revival with Pastor Dale Elwell SMALL GROUPS SUNDAY 6PM: No small groups, All will attend the Revival MONDAY: ‘Peer 2440’ Bible study with Debbi McPherson at Broadmore Assisted Living at 7pm WEDNESDAY: Prayer and Worship at 7pm AWANA: at 6:45pm THURSDAY: Praise Team Practice at 7pm Changing Directions Support Alternating Thursdays at 7pm 2nd & 4th SATURDAY’S: Roy McNeely & Bill Jeffers, Bible Study at Broadmore Assisted Living at 2:30pm 42 “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” 44”Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24: 42, 44 REVIVAL: Redeeming The Time, March 22nd-25th Dale Elwell will be conducting the revival. Service times are Sunday, 10:30am Praise Team Singing; 6pm Eyes of Faith; Monday 7pm with Jennifer Nunley singing; Tuesday 7pm The Gospel Harmony Boys, Wednesday 7pm, music with Frank & Cliff. Awana will begin at the regular time 6:45pm. Children’s Church will be provided. CHONDA PIERCE: Ladies, an evening with Chonda Pierce at Christ Temple Church in Huntington on April 11th at 7pm. Cost for a group of 10 or more is $17.00. Sign up at Grand Central. More information regarding the time to meet and to go to dinner will be forthcoming. Chonda is very humerous, along with delivering a deeply spiritual message. See Kathi Robie for additional information. STEPPING UP MEN’S EVENT: Saturday, April 18th at 8am, in the sanctuary. Learning to grow personally & spiritually, all men are encouraged to attend, sign up at Grand Central. CONNECTED-LIFE AS A CHURCH MEMBER: By Thom S. Rainer. This new 6 week study will begin on April 19th, at 6pm for the combined adult classes. It is designed to teach us to love and care for each other, as we help build his kingdom, all for the glory of God. The cost of the book is $6.95, sign up to order your copy at Grand Central. MAIN STREET SPRING FESTIVAL-HURRICANE: Saturday, May 2nd, from 1 to 5pm Lighthouse will be participating in the BBQ Pork contest, plus there will be fun activities for children of all ages. Volunteers are needed to help set up from 12-1pm and to make this event a success. Donations for BBQ supplies are also needed. To participate see the flyer at Grand Central or contact Jessica McCallister or Doug Wageman. COOK BOOKS: We still have several cook books to sell, they contain over 350 recipes, The cost is $12.00 a book. These make a very nice personal gift for your friends and family, one that they will treasure for many years to come, and can be passed on to the next generation. See Robin or Serepta to obtain copies.
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