JUNE MEMO TO PARENTS This is the information that we shared with the students at today’s assemblies: The JUNE EXAM SCHEDULE has given out to every student. It is also posted on the school’s website. Every student should have a copy posted in a prominent place at home. NOTE: The official exam period begins on Monday, June 8th and ends Friday, June 19th. Junior students end on June 12th. Be sure to check the schedule carefully ABSENCES Except for in cases of verifiable illness (doctor’s note required) or verifiable family crisis (i.e.: death of a family member, etc.) a student who is absent for an exam will receive a grade of zero. CAFETERIA SERVICES DURING EXAMS The cafeteria will be open every day during exams as follows: - Monday, June 8th – Friday, June 12th for Breakfast and Lunch - Monday, June 15th – Friday, June 19th – breakfast only - Closed on June 18th as there are no exams. Students should EAT properly before their exam(s). - No food or drinks will be permitted in the exam room. - Water in a small clear bottle is permitted. - WARNING: Students will not be allowed to leave the exam room to use the washroom. SUPPLIES Students must bring their own supplies to exams. Your teachers will tell them beforehand what they need to bring. EX: pencils, calculators, rulers, dictionaries, memory aides, etc. Neither the exam supervisor nor the office will have extra supplies. So please, come prepared! CALCULATORS with memory functions must be emptied prior to any exam. CELL PHONES Cell phones must not be used for any reason during exams - NOT as calculators or even to check the time. Cell phones must not even be seen in the exam rooms. They must be turned off and left in the student’s school bag at the front of the class. Students caught using a cell phone during an exam run the risk of having their exam taken away and being given a zero. LOCATION of EXAMS Students will not write exams in their usual classes. Many exams will be held in the gym. As such, students must check the sheets posted on the windows of the games’ room for the location of their exam. ARRIVAL AT SCHOOL Students should arrive at school at least 15 minutes prior to every exam to: - put their things in their locker and to - check the location of their exam Rushing increases exam anxiety and being late disturbs the entire class. Students who are more than 90 minutes late will be considered absent and receive a grade of zero. Students who are more than 30 minutes late may not be admitted to the regular exam room. Note: If there is an emergency (car breaks down), please call the office to inform us. SUPERVISING THE EXAM. Please note that the student’s own teacher will likely not be the adult supervising the exam. The students may not even know the teacher supervising their exam. Students should not let that worry them. Eventually their regular teacher will visit the exam room. EXAM PROTOCOL The exam supervisor will ask students to wait in the hallway until all exams have been placed on the desks and until the room is properly set up. Students should wait in the hall quietly. There is NO TALKING IN THE EXAM ROOM – not even if students have not yet begun the exam. A student who talks in the exam room risks being asked to leave and further risks not being allowed to write the exam. So students must not take any chances. Students must wait to turn over their exam until the exam supervisor tells them to. Then, the must write their name Students should not begin writing the exam right away. First, they should take a few minutes to read over the entire exam from beginning to end. They should take their time when they do begin – ensuring that they have read the instructions and questions carefully. NOTE: The invigilator’s job is to supervise the exam and not to answer questions about the exam. S/he might not even teach that subject. So if a student does not understand a question, s/he should circle it and move on. The classroom teacher will eventually visit the exam room. When the teacher arrives, questions of clarification may be asked. If the student does not know how to answer a certain question, s/he should leave it to the end. Students want to earn as many marks as possible. So they should answer all of the questions that they can answer first. Then, they can go back and try the ones you had difficulty with. Students should not leave answers blank. Blank answers are sure to get a zero. Students should try to answer every question. They may get part marks. Students should take pride in their work and should not scribble or tag on their exam booklets. They should use their time productively. Students must stay in the exam room for at least 90 minutes (1.5 hours). That is the minimum. So there is no sense in rushing through the exam. When students finish, they should go back over the exam and make sure that you have not forgotten any parts of the exam. If students do however, finish their exam before 90 minutes goes by, they may hand in their exam and read a book in silence until the invigilator allows you to leave. Hence, students may want to bring a book to their exam(s). The book must remain on the teacher’s desk until the student’s exam is handed in. LEAVING THE EXAM ROOM Students should avoid making plans with friends until after the full exam period allotted. Students are encouraged to allow themselves the time that they need to write a complete and successful exam. When students leave the exam room, they must do so in SILENCE. Students must not stand outside the exam room and discuss their answers with friends. Students are expected to show respect for those who are still writing their exams. When students leave the exam room, they must: 1) go to the cafeteria 2) go to the mall area Note: The library will be used for exams If students do not have an afternoon exam, they should go home and study for their next day’s exam. SCHOOL BUSES The school buses will run as follows: - June 8th, 9th and 10th Regular Schedule - June 11th and 12th Regular morning pick-ups; but buses will leave school at 12:30 pm Note: Students writing the Spanish Sec 2 exam on Friday, June 12th in the afternoon will need to arrange their own transportation home. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EXAM NEEDS Some students are entitled to resource support during exams. They know who they are. Students entitled to any extra resources during exams will write their exams in one of the Resource rooms; so they should report to Resource at the beginning of every exam. Their exam will be waiting for them there. The same aforementioned exam protocols apply to students writing exams in Resource: - no talking in the resource room during the exams - students must stay in the exam for at least 90 minutes (1.5 hours) - students are expected to have all of their supplies - ETC. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Palladini or Mr. Mike Wilds PRIOR to the exam date. STUDENTS WRTING IN THE LIBRARY Students who will be writing their exam(s) in the library will be informed by their teacher prior to the exam period. OTHER IMPORTANT YEAR-END INFO LOCKER CLEAN –OUT Time will be given during French classes on Wednesday, June 3rd to clean out the lockers. Students should bring extra bag from home. It would be a good idea if students began to bring things home as of Monday, June 1st. LOCKER USE Students may use their locker up to the end of their exams. Leave the lock ON when you leave for the summer (But make sure it’s empty) SCHOOL FEES All school fees are due by Friday, June 19th at noon. REPORT CARDS Parents are invited to pick-up report cards in the student mall area on Friday, June 26th from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESULTS Sec 4 & 5 exam and final results should be available as of July 7th – more info to follow SUMMER SCHOOL Information is posted on the LCCHS website. YEAR-END REMINDERS FOR GRADS ONLY SENIOR DAY – GRAD OUTING Students not signed up for the Senior Day activity are expected to stay home and study for exams on June 4th. Parents are asked to call- in their son/daughter’s absence to Ms. Fera. GRAD REHEARSAL There is a mandatory Graduation Ceremonies rehearsal on Wednesday, June 17th from 1:00-3:00 pm at St. John Brébeuf Church. GRADUATION CEREMONIES Graduation Ceremonies will be held at St. John Brébeuf Church, 7777 George Street in LaSalle, Thursday, June 18th at 7:30 pm (Fee: $65 per graduate) PROM The Prom / Graduation Ball will be held on at the Holiday Inn La Plaza located at 420 Sherbrooke Street West Cocktails at 5:30 pm and Diner at 6:00 pm (Cost: $110.) Tuesday, June 23rd UNIFORMS and GRADS During the first week of exams, all students, including Grads, must wear their uniform. As of Monday, June 15th (week 2 of exams), Grads may wear appropriate non-uniform clothing to exams IF they donate their ‘gently used’ uniform items to the school. Appropriate is defined as: not too short, not too low, not to tight and not see through. The administration will send grads who are not dressed appropriately, home to change. Donated uniforms must be: - Only ‘gently’ used - Washed and folded Grads may drop off their uniform donations at the following times to the main office from 8:00 - 8:45 am only on: Thursday, June 11th Friday, June 12th Tuesday, June 16th
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