Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer 2001 Second Street NW ● Watertown, South Dakota 57201 Service of Palms and Passion Sunday, March, 2015, 8:30am The Service of Our Response Welcome Offering Mission Opportunities Song “Forever” Give thanks to the Lord Our God and King His love endures forever For He is good He is above all things His love endures forever Sing praise sing praise Prelude The Service of the Palms With a mighty hand And outstretched arm His love endures forever For the life that's been reborn His love endures forever Sing praise sing praise (Pre-Chorus) Sing praise sing praise The Processional Gospel Matthew 21:1-11 Leader: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Congregation: Hosanna in the highest heaven! (Repeat) (Chorus) Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong Forever God is with us Forever forever From the rising to the setting sun His love endures forever And by the grace of God We will carry on His love endures forever Sing praise sing praise (Pre-Chorus) Sing praise sing praise Processional Song “Hosanna” Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! Lord, we lift up Your name With hearts full of praise; Be exalted, Oh Lord my God, Hosanna in the highest. Glory, Glory Glory to the King of kings. Glory, Glory Glory to the King of kings. (Chorus) (repeat all) (Chorus) (Chorus) Be exalted Oh, Lord, my God! Hosanna in the highest. CCLI Song No. 21545 © 1985 Shadow Spring Music (Admin. by Music Services) Carl Tuttle All rights Reserved. CCLI License No. 631100 Children’s Songs “Ho, Ho, Ho, Hosanna” “We Have a King who Rides a Donkey” “Everywhere I Go” Preschool – 4th Grade Church School Students Children’s Sermon (Chorus) Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong Forever God is with us Forever forever CCLI Song # 3148428 Chris Tomlin © 2001 sixsteps Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI License # 631100 Prayers of the Church Healing: Laverna Moldenhauer, Teresa Grieshaber, Gale Oldre, Jo Bailly Joyce Johnson, mother of Bob (Dawn) Johnson Mary Lou Collins, mother of Mari (Dan) Pickering Julie Larson, daughter-in-law of Deb Larson Kristi Hoffman, niece of Bev & Morrie Sime Jazmyn Howard, niece of Melanie & Rich Schroeder Kirsten Gill, niece of Russ (Joan) Porath Brayden Zubke, nephew of Sandy & Greg Zubke Marlene Johnson, mother of Sara (Ted) Horning Comfort: Donald Hanson, father of Lorrie Mosser Josephine Roberto, Jill (Derek) Schmig Condolences: Family of Vera Thomas, grandmother of Patty (Eric) Johnson Family of Phyllis Bjornebo, sister of Bev (John) Owen Celebrations: Baptism of Everlie Grace Olson and Easton Isaac Hand Leader: Jesus, although you suffered, you still reached out to care for your mother. Congregation: May our cross-bearing never keep us from caring for our families. The Service of the Word Scripture Philippians 2:5-11 Sermon The Main Event Pastor Kent Stillson Leader: Others also took risks to comfort you. Congregation: Strengthen our faith to take loving risks for our needy brothers and sisters. The Passion Gospel and Crucifixion Song The Hymn Mark 15:1-15 Mark 15:16-32 Mark 15:33-41 Mark 15:42-47 Leader: As you struggled to bear your cross to Calvary, a passerby was drafted to help you. Congregation: Lord, make us as willing as Simon to bear the burdens of those in need. “Were You There” vs. 1 #353 Jesus Handed Over to Be Crucified The Crucifixion of Jesus The Death of Jesus The Burial of Jesus vs. 2 vs. 3 vs. 4 vs. 5 #353 #353 #353 #353 Leader: Sin weighed heavily upon you as you stumbled along the way. Congregation: Forgive us, Lord, for the sins which make us fall. Leader: The full burden of our sin crushed you mightily to the earth. Congregation: Do not forsake us in our falling, but bring us to repentance and faith. Leader: Jesus, stripped and jeered, you endured humiliation without complaint. Congregation: Humble us in our work and daily lives. Silence for Reflection The Litany on the Way of the Cross Leader: Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” In the name of Jesus, we pray…Lord God, your final week of life began with a parade, palm branches and cries of “Hosanna!” Congregation: We confess, Almighty God, that our adoration quickly turned to rejection and sorrow. Leader: Jesus, you stood before Pilate, your life condemned, your word rejected, your innocence ignored. Congregation: Keep us from rejecting your word of truth and salvation. Leader: You carried your cross on the wounded stripes of your back, for love of us and for all the world. Congregation: Lord, help us to bear our cross, for love of you and for love of others. Leader: The weight of your cross was the weight of our sins which make us stumble and fall. Congregation: In our weakness, we turn to you for strength. [Continued to next page] Leader: Nailed to the cross, you took your place among the condemned. Congregation: Take your place beside us sinners, and bring us through faith to the Paradise of God. Leader: When your sacrifice was complete, you handed your life to the Father, and he did not forsake you. Congregation: Jesus, keep us close to your cross and death, now and at the hour of our death. Leader: Faithful friends took loving care of your lifeless body. Congregation: Turn the darkness of death into the brightness of day for those we love. Leader: In the tomb you were laid, but from the tomb you arose. Congregation: Be the Lord of the resurrection for us and for all the baptized. Amen. Closing Hymn “My God” (Chorus) My God my God why have you abandoned me My God my God I have cried so desperately Still there is no help for me I call out to you each night and day You don't answer anything I say It was you who brought me here at birth Now where are you on this troubled earth (Chorus) My strength is gone like water on the ground My bones cry for flesh that can't be found My throat is dry my tongue sticks to my mouth I am dying there is no way out (Chorus) I am helpless before my enemies Come now quickly come and rescue me I will tell my people what you have done That your love can save us ev'ryone (Chorus) CCLI Song #1941517 © 1993 Dakota Road Music Larry Olson All rights Reserved. CCLI License #631100 Dismissal Mark your calendar for a unique worship experience: Drawn to the Word with Pastor Paul Oman, on Sunday, May 10th at both 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Paul Oman, a pastor and professional artist will create a larger-than life sized mural as the story of the Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is told through scripture and song. With his Drawn to the Word program, Paul strives to bring the Word to life before your eyes through the creative process of the visual arts. Two unique murals will be created on May 10th, one at the 8:30 and one at the 10:30 worship service. Be watching for more information on this dynamically spiritual event! Friends of Black Hills State University Presents …. BHSU Concert Choir and Chamber Singers Leader: Go in peace and come back Maundy Thursday, come back Good Friday, come back Easter Sunday so you don’t miss the Main Event. Congregation: Okay, we will! Postlude Maundy Thursday, April 2 5:30pm and 7:00pm Living Last Supper Good Friday, April 3 6:00pm Service of Shadows of the Cross Easter Sunday, April 5 7:00am, 8:30am and 10:30am Festival of the Resurrection Easter Breakfast served 8:00 – 10:30am Friday, April 17 7:30 PM at Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, Watertown The Black Hills State University (Spearfish, SD) Concert Choir, Chamber Singers and members of the music faculty are touring in our region and will sing for its very first time in Watertown. The Concert Choir is a select ensemble of 35 singers and the Chamber Singers are auditioned from the concert choir. They will be performing a variety of music including Renaissance motets; Venezuelan lullabies; Finnish speaking choruses; Part-songs by Debussy, Brahms, and Schumann; and several American and Irish folk songs, including a set of spirituals. In recent years, this choir has sung in Europe, with highlight concerts in Venice, Italy and at the Vatican in Rome. Dr. Jonathan Nero is in his fifth year as director. Dr. Nero grew up in Bottineau, ND and spent many summers at a Lutheran Church camp called Metigoshe. There he became good friends with Betsy and Kyle Debertin of Joy Ranch. While living in Spearfish, Jonathan enjoyed many of Holly Stillson’s pies. The entire Watertown community is invited to hear this excellence in music. Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer 2001 Second St NW ● Watertown SD Phone: 886-2696 ● Fax: 886-3362 Email: [email protected] Web: Staff Pastors Kent Stillson, Senior Pastor Chris Matson, Associate Pastor Aaron Matson, Visitation Pastor Administrative Secretary Jodi Spilde Business Manager Donna Hamre Youth & Family Director Philip Lickei Education Director Angela Terhark Welcoming & Caring Ministries Coordinator Nancy Brinkman Worship & Music Coordinator Robbyn Givens Preschool Karen Kasperson & Christy Crook Custodian Adam Lauseng Janitorial Marilyn Byer THIS WEEK: March 29 – April 5 SUNDAY Palm Sunday March 29 Preschool – Grade Sing at both services 8:30am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Church School 9:45am Adult Bible Study 10:30am Traditional Worship 3:00pm Soulful Creations at LCOOR 6:00pm Living Last Supper Rehearsal/Costume/Pictures MONDAY March 30 st Saturday, March 21 - (5:30pm) 67 nd Sunday, March 22 - (8:30am) 213; (10:30am) 121 th Wednesday, March 25 - (4:30pm) 101; (6:45pm) 265 General Fund: $8,4814.50; Debt Reduction: $30.00; Mission of the Month: $160.00; Lent: $1,502.57; Other Missions: $135.00 Simply Giving Offering (3/16 – 3/20) General Fund: $6,276.00; Debt Reduction: $150.00, Mission of the Month: $30.00; Other Missions: $95.00 Timmerman Scholarship Available to LCOOR Youth who are or will be attending a SD state supported university or tech school. Applications are available at the Welcome Center or Church Office. Deadline is May 31, 2015. th 11:45am HS Lunch 5:30pm Fellowship Committee Meetiing TUESDAY March 31 st Deadline to Direct 2014 Thrivent Choice Dollars 1:00pm Staff Meeting WEDNESDAY April 1 st No Pre-K Classes / Parent Teacher Conferences No Church School 6:00pm Instrumental Practice 7:00pm Handbell Practice 7:00pm Praise & Rejoice Choir Practice 7:30pm HS Deeper 8:00pm Living Last Supper Rehearsal Maundy THURSDAY April 2 nd 9:00am Quilting 10:00am Bible Study Grief Groups will not meet 5:30pm Living Last Supper Worship/Holy Communion 7:00pm Living Last Supper Worship/Holy Communion Good FRIDAY April 3 rd No Pre-K Classes 6:00pm Service of Tenebrae SATURDAY April 4 Attendance & Offering th 4th th Easter SUNDAY April 5 th 7:00am Worship/Holy Communion 8:00-10:30am Easter Breakfast 8:30am Worship/Holy Communion 10:30am Worship/Holy Communion Are you interested in becoming a member of LCOOR? New members will be received in April. Information packets are available in the office and at the Welcome Center. • Lutheran Basics Class Thursday, April 16th 7pm • New Member Luncheon & Orientation Sunday, April 19th 11:30am • New Member Reception Sunday, April 26th 8:30am or 10:30am Serving This Morning Join the Choir for Easter! Worship Team II: Vocals: Kristi Reierson, Julianne Decker, Brian Bak, Mike Johnson, Michaella Stahl; Guitar: Greg Dubois, Ross Hurlburt, Dr. Alan Lawrence; Drums: Tim Lawrence; Keyboard: JoAnn Butts Head Ushers: Steve Kjellsen and Darwin Brinkman Acolytes: Kaitlynn Koll and Jessalyn Holden Greeters: Tony, Lori & Nicole Beyer and Kathy Hibbert Ushers: Chuck & Lynn Langner; Brian, Deb & Abbie Holter and Justin, Codi, Madison & Jacob Hanson Lector: Kathy Hibbert Sound & Projection: Darian Givens and Robyn VanMeter Coffee Servers: Josh & Amber Dahl Welcome Center: Kathy Scharn The Praise and Rejoice Choir will be doing “O God Beyond All Praising”, with 6 brass instruments and piano at the 8:30 and 10:30 services on Easter. We could use more voices! Join us to practice Wed. April 1 at 7:00pm for this special piece! Brass & Woodwinds for Easter… An instrumental ensemble will play for worship at the 8:30and 10:30am Easter services on April 5th. Adults and teens are invited to participate. Sign-up at the Welcome Center or see Robbyn for more information. Spring Plants Purchase an Easter Plant in memory or honor of a loved one or to the Glory of God. Cost is $15. Complete an order form and drop it and the money in the offering plate or at the Welcome Center. Enrollment for 2015/16 School Year Opportunities to ENROLL in our Christian Preschool are available. Talk to Mrs. Karen or Mrs. Christy for an enrollment form or get one online at Questions? Arlene 868-6180 Middle School Mission Trip Spots are filling up FAST! Registration Forms are available from Philip. Mission Trip Dates are June 1414-19, 2015 2015. REMINDER—MARCH 31 DEADLINE TO DIRECT Thrivent CHOICE DOLLARS® Worship at St. Dysmas Prayerfully consider attending the worship service at St. Dysmas on Thursday, April 23rd. Paperwork is available at the Welcome Center. Celebrate our Lord’s Last Supper asTwelve men, along with Mary, singers and handbells present a dramatic portrayal of Christ and His Apostles as a part of Maundy Thursday Worship, April 2nd at 5:30pm and 7:00pm. This is also a time for those receiving First Communion. Easter Breakfast will be served 8-10:30am on Easter morning. Men & youth may sign-up at the Welcome Center to help cook, serve and clean-up. 4slice toasters and electric frying pans are needed to use that morning also. Proceeds will benefit the youth mission trips this summer. Annual Rummage/Bake Sale • Items can be brought in starting April 22nd. • Sale…April 23rd 4-8pm and April 24th 8am-5pm • Volunteers needed. See the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center. • Baked goodies are also needed.
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