LDSB Secondary Summer Session 2015 Monday July 6th – Friday July 31st at Bayridge Secondary School (No Classes Friday July 17th) Assume that your course is running unless you receive a phone call prior to July 6th. Students can submit a registration form at any LDSB secondary school until Wed. June 24th. The Summer Session Office will also be open to accept walk-in registrations from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. on Thurs. July 2nd, Fri. July 3rd, Sat. July 4th, and Sun. July 5th at Bayridge Secondary School, 1059 Taylor-Kidd Boulevard. Tues. July 7th will be the last day to register for Summer Session. Prior to June 26th, inquiries may be directed to Mr. Steve Hedderson, Principal of Summer Session, at 613-650-5478. After June 26th, inquiries can be directed to the Summer Session Office at 613-389-8932. Students currently in Grade 8 (who will be entering Grade 9 in September 2015) are not eligible to attend Secondary Summer Session. Improvement Credits may be offered in either Period One (8:20 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.) or Period Two (12:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.). There will not be a choice of session. Non-LDSB students will need to provide documentation from their school indicating that an Improvement Credit is appropriate. There is a bus schedule in this registration package. Be aware of your bus route, bus number, and times of pick up. There is not a mid-day bus run. Please put your Bus Route # on the registration form. Cafeteria services will not be available during Summer Session. Vending machines will be available. Students are encouraged to bring their lunch from home. Attendance is important during Summer Session. A student will be asked to withdraw after three (3) unapproved absences. A number of lates will result in a meeting with the Summer Session Principal. If you want to take co-op, you will need to arrange a work placement prior to the start of Summer Session. Please connect with your school’s Student Services department. Register for e-Learning courses on-line through your Student Services department. Students may take one e-Learning course. A second course requires the permission of your Principal/VicePrincipal or the Principal of Summer Session. Please note that students are expected to spend a minimum of 4-5 hours per day working on an e-Learning course. Please attach a post-dated cheque (dated August 1st, 2015) of $50.00 per on-site course to your Registration Form or bring it with you on the first day of Summer Session. This cheque should be payable to LDSB Summer Session and will only be cashed if textbooks are lost or damaged. Post-dated cheques are NOT required for co-op or e-Learning courses. Secondary Summer Session Registration Form – 2015 Monday July 6th – Friday July 31st at Bayridge Secondary School STUDENT INFORMATION (Please Print Clearly) ______________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Birthday (Year/Month/Day) Sex M/F ______________________________________________________________________________________ Grade Home School in June 2015 School Attending in September 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Student Health Card # Student Identification # (OEN) Student’s Cell Phone # ______________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address City Province Postal Code Home Phone # ______________________________________________________________________________________ Health Concerns Emergency Contact Phone # Bus Route #: ________________ I.E.P: Y / N __________________ International Student: Y/ N Student’s Email Address: __________________________________ (Mandatory for e-Learning Courses) PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN INFORMATION ______________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Daytime Phone # Cell Phone # Email ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address (Enter if different than student’s) City Province Postal Code SUMMER SESSION COURSE SELECTION (Refer to Summer Session Course Offerings List. Classes Will Only Run If There Is Sufficient Enrolment.) New Credit On-Site at BSS (8:20-3:00). Students may only take one credit. 1st Choice _____________/______/__________ 2nd choice_____________/______/__________ Subject Grade Code Subject Grade Code *Improvement Credit On-Site at BSS (8:20-11:20 or 12:00-3:00) 1st Course _____________/______/__________ 2nd Course _____________/______/__________ Subject Grade Code Subject Grade Code e-Learning New Credit PLEASE REGISTER ON-LINE THROUGH YOUR STUDENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Students may take one course. A second course requires permission from the student’s Principal/VP or the Principal of Summer Session. 1st Choice _____________/______/__________ 2nd choice_____________/______/__________ Subject Grade Code Subject Grade Code *Non-LDSB students may only register for Improvement Credit(s) with the written recommendation from his/her home school. This documentation must be attached to this registration form. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUMMER SESSION ENROLMENT 1. The pace and volume of work at Summer Session is demanding. Students are expected to complete all assigned work. Final Culminating Evaluations are compulsory and must be completed when scheduled. 2. 100% attendance is expected. Students must be punctual and must attend every day. A student will be asked to withdraw after three (3) unapproved absences. 3. Students currently in Gr. 8 (who will be entering Gr. 9 in Sept. 2015) are not eligible to attend. 4. Please attach a post-dated cheque (dated August 1st, 2015) of $50.00 per on-site course to this Registration Form or bring it with you on the first day of Summer Session. This cheque should be payable to LDSB Summer Session and will only be cashed if textbooks are lost or damaged. Post-dated cheques are NOT required for co-op or e-Learning courses. 5. Assume that your course is running unless you receive a phone call prior to July 6 th. Student Signature: __________________________ Parent/Guardian :_____________________________ Guidance Counselor:________________________ LDSB On-Site Summer Session 2015 Course Offerings Monday July 6th - Friday July 31st (No Classes Friday July 17th) - Bayridge Secondary School, 1059 Taylor-Kidd Blvd., Kingston ON Students should consult with their Guidance Counsellor before registering. Courses will only run with sufficient enrolment. REACH AHEAD/NEW CREDITS AT BSS A student may register in only one (1) course. IMPROVEMENT CREDITS AT BSS Students may register in one or two courses. There will not be a choice of session. 8:20 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (daily) 8:20 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. (daily) & 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (daily) Course Biology Chemistry Careers (July 6-16 all day) Cooperative Education Civics Course Code SBI 3UN SBI 3CN SBI 4UN SCH 3UN SCH 4CN SCH 4UN GLC 2ON COOP 3ON COOP 4ON CHV 2ON (July 20-31 all day) English ESL Geography History ENG 1LN ENG 1PN ENG 1DN ENG 2LN ENG 2PN ENG 2DN ENG 3EN ENG 3CN ENG 3UN ENG 4EN ENG 4CN ENG 4UN ESLD-N ELSE-N CGC1PN CGC1DN CHC2PN CHC2DN Course Literacy Mathematics Math- Finance Math- Functions Math- Func & Rel Math- Everyday Math- C. Tech Math- Appren. Math-Data Mng. Math-Everyday Math-A.Functions Math-Calculus Peer Tutoring Physics Science Course Code OLC4ON MAT 1LN MFM 1PN MPM 1DN MAT 2LN MFM 2PN MPM 2DN MBF 3CN MCF 3MN MCR 3UN MEL 3EN MCT 4CN MAP 4CN MDM 4UN MEL 4EN MHF 4UN MCV 4UN GPP3ON SPH 3UN SPH 4CN SPH 4UN SNC 1LN SNC1PN SNC 1DN SNC 2LN SNC 2PN SNC 2DN SVN3EN SVN3MN SNC4EN Course Biology Chemistry Careers (July 6-16 all day) Cooperative Education Civics Course Code SBI 3UI SBI 3CI SBI 4UI SCH 3UI SCH 4CI SCH 4UI GLC 2OI COOP 3OI COOP 4OI CHV 2OI (July 20-31 all day) English Geography History ENG 1LI ENG 1PI ENG 1DI ENG 2LI ENG 2PI ENG 2DI ENG 3EI ENG 3CI ENG 3UI ENG 4EI ENG 4CI ENG 4UI CGC1PI CGC1DI CHC2PI CHC2DI Course Mathematics Math- Finance Math- Functions Math- Func & Rel Math- Everyday Math- C. Tech Math- Appren. Math-Data Mng. Math-Everyday Math-A.Functions Math - Calculus Physics Science Course Code MAT 1LI MFM 1PI MPM 1DI MAT 2LI MFM 2PI MPM 2DI MBF 3CI MCF 3MI MCR 3UI MEL 3EI MCT 4CI MAP 4CI MDM 4UI MEL 4EI MHF 4UI MCV 4UI SPH 3UI SPH 4CI SPH 4UI SNC 1LI SNC1PN SNC 1DI SNC 2LI SNC 2PI SNC 2DI SVN3EI SVN3MI SNC4EI English as a Second Language ESL A / B Please Note: e-Learning Reach Ahead/New Credit and New Half-Credit Course Offerings on reverse. LDSB e-Learning Summer Session 2015 Course Offerings Monday July 6th - Friday July 31st (No Classes Friday July 17th) Students should consult with their Guidance Counsellor before registering. Courses will only run with sufficient enrolment. e-Learning Reach Ahead/New Credit July 6th-31st Biology English SBI 3UN SBI 4UN ENG 2DN ENG 3CN ENG 4CN ENG 4UN EWC 4CN EWC 4UN EWC 4UN Environmental Science Health History Literacy Mathematics Math - Functions Math - Data Mng. Social Sciences & Humanities e-Learning Reach Ahead/New Half-Credit SVN 3MN PPZ 3ON CHA 3UN OLC 4ON MPM 2DN MCF 3MN MDM 4UN HNC 3ON HZT 4UN GLC2ON CHV2ON Careers Civics July 6th-16th July 20th-31st
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