Heuristic Search Blai Bonet Branch and bound Universidad Sim´ on Bol´ıvar, Caracas, Venezuela c 2015 Blai Bonet Goals for the lecture Lecture 12 Branch and bound BnB performs depth-first traversal of search tree using linear memory Further, it maintains global variables to store current best solution and its cost • Branch and bound algorithm BnB prunes nodes whose cost + heuristic estimate is bigger than or equal to current cost because they can’t lead to better solutions • Parallelisation and super-linear speed ups • Branch and cut algorithm Assumptions: – Heuristic function is admissible – At certain depth, all nodes are terminal (either goals or dead ends) (like TSP) c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 12 c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 12 Branch and bound: pseudocode 1 2 Properties of branch and bound global unsigned best-bound = ∞ global Node best-solution = null 3 4 5 6 7 8 % Branch and bound Node branch-and-bound(): Node root = make-root-node(init()) depth-first-branch-and-bound(root) return best-solution – Complete: it is a complete algorithm (assuming safeness) % Depth-first visit for branch and bound void depth-first-branch-and-bound(Node n): % base cases f = n.g + h(n.state) if f > best-bound return if n.state.is-goal() best-bound = n.g best-solution = n return – Time complexity: O(bd ) – Optimality: yes if heuristic is admissible 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 – Space complexity: O(bd) Time and space complexities calculated in canonical search tree with branching factor b and height d 19 20 21 22 % depth-first recursion foreach <s,a> in n.state.successors() depth-first-branch-and-bound(n.make-node(s,a)) c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 12 c 2015 Blai Bonet Performance of branch and bound Lecture 12 Parallelisation and speed up Branch and bound is amenable to parallelisation: Two importants events in any run of branch and bound: – Maintain the global variables in shared memory – Optimal solution is found (elapsed time to find optimal solution) – Parallelise the traversal of the branches in any way you want – Algorithm terminates (elapsed time moment it finds optimal solution) If tseq and tpar refer to the time spent by the sequential and parallel versions of branch and bound, the speed up achieved is The second time is known as the time spent to prove the optimality of the solution In worst case, the second time is zero, but generally it is much bigger than the first time c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 12 speedup = tseq tpar I.e., speed up measures how much faster is the parallel algorithm Theoretically, speedup ≤ n when parallelisation is over n processors i.e. speed up is at most linear in number of cores c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 12 Observed super-linear speed ups Branch and cut Pruning in BnB can be understood as follows: However, often parallelised BnB shows super-linear speed up – At node n, BnB computes lower bound f (n) = g(n) + h(n) on the cost of all solutions below n How come? Is the theory wrong? Parallelised BnB explores tree more uniformly and finds good solutions quicker, which translates into more pruning Theory isn’t wrong: it says that speed up must be measured against best sequential algorithm Conclusion: sequential BnB can be improved by simulating parallel machine within a single core – Lower bound is compared with current upper bound on cost of optimal solution – If lower bound f (n) is bigger than upper bound, prune node n as no solution below n can improve best current solution More general idea involving computation of lower bounds and maintenance of upper bounds Branch and cut algorithms adopt this view. BnB is special case c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 12 Summary • BnB maintains an upper bound on optimal solution cost • The search tree is explored in depth-first fashion, pruning branches that can’t lead to improvements on current upper bound • Parellelisation and multi-threading may result in improved performance c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 12 c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 12
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