Heuristic Search Blai Bonet Hill climbing Universidad Sim´ on Bol´ıvar, Caracas, Venezuela c 2015 Blai Bonet Goals for the lecture Lecture 11 What to do with information? Heuristic functions provide guidance information to reach the goal • Hill climbing Three approaches for using information: • Enforced hill climbing – Consider heuristic 100% accurate (hill climbing) – Use it to order nodes for expansion (greedy best-first search) – Combine with information gathered during search (best-first search) c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 11 c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 11 Hill climbing Hill climbing: pseudocode 1 2 3 % Hill climbing Node hill-climbing(Heuristic h): Node n = make-root-node(init()) 4 Hill climbing is a local search algorithm 5 6 while true if n.state.is-goal() return n 7 – Starting at the initial state, % expansion Succ = ∅ foreach <a,s> in n.state.successors() if h(s) != ∞ Succ = Succ ∪ { make-node(n,a,s) } if Succ == ∅ break 8 9 – Hill climbing always moves to best child (the one closest to goal as measured by the heuristic) 10 11 12 13 14 % greedy selection of best child n = select node from Succ minimizing h (random tie breaking) 15 16 17 18 c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 11 return null c 2015 Blai Bonet Properties of hill climbing Lecture 11 Local minima – Complete: incomplete, it can loop forever trapped in local minimum h value – Optimality: suboptimal – Time complexity: it can loop forever – Space complexity: constant space (more accurate: O(b)) states c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 11 c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 11 Remarks on hill climbing Enforced hill climbing • Hill climbing is different from greedy best-first search Variation on hill climbing in order to make it into complete algorithm • GBFS maintains a queue and select best node in queue with minimum heuristic The idea is to wrap hill climbing into a breadth-first search • With duplicate elimination, GBFS is complete Given a node n, the breadth-first search looks for a successor node n0 with better heuristic value • Variations on hill climbing include: – Different tie-breaking strategies Widely used algorithm when you are satisfied with any solution and have a reasonable heuristic – Random restarts – Different mechanisms for escaping local minima c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 11 c 2015 Blai Bonet Enforced hill climbing: pseudocode 1 2 3 4 5 Properties of enforced hill climbing % Breadth-first search to improve h-value of node n0 Node improve(Node n0, Heuristic h): Queue q % FIFO queue q.insert(n0) set-color(n0.state,Gray) % Use a fresh hash table 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 while !q.empty() Node n = q.pop() if get-color(n.state) != Black if h(n.state) < h(n0.state) return n % expansion foreach <a,s> in n.state.successors() q.insert(make-node(n,a,s)) set-color(n.state,Black) return null % failure: node n0 can’t be improved 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Lecture 11 – Complete: if connected space (e.g. undirected graphs) and h(s) = 0 for all and only goal states – Optimality: suboptimal – Time complexity: O(S) – Space complexity: O(S) % Enforced hill climbing Node enforced-hill-climbing(Heuristic h) Node n = make-root-node(init()) while n != null && !is-goal(n.state) n = improve(n, h) return n c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 11 c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 11 Summary • Hill climbing – Considers heuristic 100% accurate – Incomplete and suboptimal – Very fast and constant memory • Enforced hill climbing – Combines hill climbing with breadth-first search – Complete but suboptimal – Often used in hard combinatorial problems c 2015 Blai Bonet Lecture 11
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