- European Conference on Digital and key

European conference on digital and KET skills, Brussels, June 1-2, 2015
Europeans@Siemens: Work-based
education models, the digital
transformation, and employability
Jürgen Siebel, Siemens Professional Education, Munich, Germany
Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved.
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June 2015
Siemens Professional Education
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Text books will not tell you …
everything you need to
know about project
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June 2015
Siemens Professional Education
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Will digital skills be taught digitally? Yes, some, but …
it’s the internet of things,
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June 2015
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Do not take the learner into an education context –
embed education in the
learner’s context, and
make it work-based
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June 2015
Siemens Professional Education
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“Dual” education, easy as 1-2-3:
Dual = P + P
= (Employability)
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June 2015
Siemens Professional Education
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If training 88 kids from 18 EU countries works in Berlin …
offering apprenticeship
programs should work in
18 EU countries, too
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June 2015
Siemens Professional Education
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Work-based education is a floor – not a ceiling. And …
future university curricula
will have to include workbased elements
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June 2015
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With duality in education …
companies secure future talent,
the young earn while they learn,
and Europe attracts investment
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Thank you
Jürgen Siebel
Head of International Business
Siemens Professional Education
Siemens AG
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
81397 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 (89) 636-634570
Mobile: +49 (173) 705 68 62
[email protected]
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June 2015
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