!! your room’s Quick Look to find out which week you’ll lead through this Prop Talk. See PROP TALK A Whole Group Leader Guide ! ! ! ! FEED THE BIRD directions! IT IS FINISHED ! Before Prop Talk 1. Place all the brown ribbons in the resealable bag. 2. Check the resealable bag to see if you have enough ribbons for each kid. 1st FEED THE BIRD 3. If you don’t, cut more ribbons and place them in the resealable bag. directions on back Prop Talk YOU’LL NEED Say: This little baby bird seems to need something. What does a little baby bird need from its mommy bird? Baby bird toy (1 per room) Resealable bag (1 per room) 2” Brown ribbons (1 per child) Brown ribbon (1 spool per room) Scissors (1 pair per room) • • • • • 2 nd all ages! 2. Kids respond. SAY WITH ME ! Say Together: I show love to everyone! 3rd ages 4-K QUESTIONS 1. Why did we give the baby bird worms to eat? That’s what it needed. 2. Would it show love to the baby bird if we gave it toys and hugs instead? Why not? No. Because that’s not what it needed. 1. Show the baby bird. Say: I think you’re right! This baby bird is HUNGRY! It needs some worms to eat! Let’s all pretend to be mommy birds and feed our baby bird! 3. Let as many kids as possible pull a brown ribbon out of the resealable bag and feed it to the baby bird. 4. Say “Say With Me” listed on the front. 5. For ages 4-K, ask “Questions” listed on the front. !! See your room’s Quick Look to find out which week you’ll lead through this Prop Talk. PROP TALK B Whole Group Leader Guide ! ! ! ! NEED A BLANKET? directions! IT IS FINISHED ! Before Prop Talk 1. Choose another leader who will pretend to be cold by shivering and shaking. Prop Talk 1 st NEED A BLANKET? Say: Friends, we’re gonna LOOK for someone that needs something, ASK them what they need, and LISTEN to their answer. directions on back 1. Look around the room together. YOU’LL NEED • Say: Friends, LOOK at Cold Leader’s Name! I think they need something. Let’s ASK them what they need, and LISTEN to their answer. Cold Leader’s Name, what do you need? Red blanket (1 per room) 2nd all ages! 2. Call on the cold leader. SAY WITH ME ! Cold Leader Says: I’m cold! I need a blanket! Say: Friends, did you LISTEN to their answer? What do they need? Say Together: I show love to everyone! 3. Kids respond. 3rd Ask: Great job! Now, I know Jesus loves us because He gives us what we need. What should we do to show love to Cold Leader’s Name? ages 4-K QUESTIONS 1. How can we find out what someone needs? LOOK at them, ASK them, and LISTEN to them. 2. When we find out what they need, what should we do? Give them what they need. 4. Kids respond. Say: We should give them what they need! And, I have a blanket, right here! 5. Show the blanket. 6. Give the blanket to the cold leader. 7. Say “Say With Me” listed on the front. 8. For ages 4-K, ask “Questions” listed on the front. See !! your room’s Quick Look to find out which week you’ll lead through this Prop Talk. PROP TALK C Whole Group Leader Guide ! ! ! ! HAPPY OR SAD? directions! IT IS FINISHED ! Say: Oh, look at this. This cross is happy on one side … 1. Show the happy side. Say: … and it’s sad on the other. 1st 2. Show the sad side. HAPPY OR SAD? directions on back YOU’LL NEED • Happy/Sad cross (1 per room) all ages! SAY WITH ME ! Say Together: I show love to everyone! 3rd ages 4-K QUESTIONS 1. Why did Jesus die on the cross? Jesus loves EVERYONE 2. What do you think is the happiest thing about Jesus’ cross? Answers will vary. 3. Read one item from the Happy or Sad List. 4. Kids choose if the item you read is happy or sad. Note: Happy/Sad cross is a plain cross with a large happy face sticker on the front and a large sad face sticker on the back. 2nd Say: Some things about Jesus’ cross are happy, and some are sad. I’ll tell you something special about Jesus’ cross, and you tell me if it’s happy, or sad. 5. After kids choose, show the happy side of the cross if it’s happy, or the sad side of the cross if it’s sad. 6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each item from the Happy or Sad list. Happy or Sad List • Dying on the cross hurt Jesus. Sad • Jesus took away EVERYONE’S sins. Happy • Jesus was punished for EVERYONE’S sins. Sad • Jesus made me friends with God. Happy • Jesus died. Sad • Jesus came to life again. Happy • Jesus died on the cross because He loves EVERYONE. Happy 7. Say “Say With Me” listed on the front. 8. For ages 4-K, ask “Questions” listed on the front. See your room’s Quick Look to find out which week you’ll lead through this Prop Talk. !! PROP TALK D Whole Group Leader Guide ! ! ! ! HE’S ALIVE! directions! IT IS FINISHED ! Before Prop Talk 1. Read the instruction sheet. 2. Practice using the disappearing coin box until you can easily make the Jesus coin disappear. 1st HE’S ALIVE! Note: You only need to know how to make the coin disappear for this Prop Talk. directions on back Prop Talk YOU’LL NEED • • • Say: Look friends! Who is this? Disappearing coin box instructions (1 sheet per room) Disappearing coin box (1 per room) Jesus coin (1 per room) 2nd all ages! 2. Kids respond. SAY WITH ME ! Say Together: I show love to everyone! 3rd ages 4-K QUESTIONS 1. Where did they put Jesus’ body after He died? In a cave called a tomb 1. Show the Jesus coin. Say: It’s Jesus! He’s God’s Son Who died on the cross to take away EVERYONE’S sins! When He died, they put His body in a tomb. Ask: What’s a tomb? It’s a cave or a place where they put people after they die. Say: Pretend this box is the tomb. I’m putting Jesus inside, because He died on the cross. 3. Place the Jesus coin into the disappearing coin box. Say: Jesus stayed in the tomb for three days. Count to three with me! 4. Kids count with you, “1 … 2 … 3!” 2. What happened three days after they put Jesus’ body in the tomb? Jesus came back to life! 5. Open the disappearing coin box to make it look like the Jesus coin disappeared. Say: HE’S NOT HERE! Jesus isn’t in the tomb! JESUS IS ALIVE AGAIN! 6. Say “Say With Me” listed on the front. 7. For ages 4-K, ask “Questions” listed on the front. See your room’s Quick Look to find out which week you’ll lead through this Prop Talk. !! PROP TALK E Whole Group Leader Guide ! ! EMPTY TOMB directions! IT IS FINISHED ! Before Prop Talk 1. Fill eggs with items. 2. Leave one egg empty. Save it to open last. Prop Talk 1st EMPTY TOMB 1. Show the closed eggs. directions on back YOU’LL NEED • Crown (1 per room) • Nail (1 per room) • Cross (1 per room) • Pebble (1 per room) • Plastic eggs (5 per room) 2nd all ages! SAY WITH ME ! Say Together: I show love to everyone! 3rd ages 4-K QUESTIONS 1. Is Jesus dead, or alive? Alive 2. Jesus died on the cross and came back to life to show His great love. Who does Jesus love? Everybody! Say: Friends, let’s look inside these eggs to learn about Jesus, and what He did to show EVERYOBODY His great love! 2. Gently shake and open eggs one by one as you explain each item inside: a. Cross: Jesus died on this to take the punishment for our sins and make us friends with God. b. Nail: They put nails in Jesus’ hands when they put Him on the cross. It hurt Him, and it was very sad. c. Crown of Thorns: This is what they put on Jesus’ head when they nailed Him to the cross. It hurt a lot. d. Pebble: They put Jesus’ body in a cave called a tomb and closed it with a huge, round, rock door. 3. Open empty egg last and act surprised. Say: This egg shows that Jesus isn’t inside the cave anymore! He’s not dead! He’s alive! 4. Celebrate with kids. 5. Say “Say With Me” listed on the front. 6. For ages 4-K, ask “Questions” listed on the front.
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