Page 1 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes Agenda Item: Cabinet / County Council 4 Date of Meeting 15 December 2010 Officers Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer Subject of Report Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes. Executive Summary In the context of a deteriorating national economic situation, the County Council started work last year to address a forecast funding gap and build upon previous savings exercises such as the Fit for the Future Programme. The Meeting Future Challenges (MFC) programme of work takes us some way towards addressing the estimated budget gap faced by the County Council but still leaves a significant shortfall for 2011-12 in the region of £15M - £20M. The full extent of the shortfall will not be known until the provisional grant settlement for local government is published, hopefully prior to the meeting on 15 December. Given that measures need to be in place immediately to ensure the shortfall can be met from April 2011, for planning purposes a figure of £17M has been used as the best estimate at this stage. The County Council must set a realistic balanced budget for 2011-12 at its meeting on 17 February 2011. This means that a decision is needed now to pursue the savings opportunities identified. This must not be delayed until every detail of the grant settlement and spending pressures is known, as it is already too late to achieve many of the savings from the start of the financial year. There is little margin for slippage. If the settlement does not require a figure of this magnitude in 2011-12 (e.g. if the ‘front-loading’ is less than expected), it is proposed that a savings target of £17M be pursued in any case given: a) The Comprehensive Spending Review requires savings in the order of an additional £26M on top of MFC by 2013-14 and proposals in this report will need to be pursued regardless of the degree of the shortfall in 2011-12; Page 2 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes b) c) Many of the proposals will be very difficult to achieve in the timeframes available anyway, and it is therefore advisable to aim to exceed the savings targets to minimise any potential overspend; Our communities and our staff deserve as much clarity as soon as possible and this can best be achieved by a single major change programme rather than having repeated changes year on year, with the uncertainties that generates. In facing these severe reductions in funding from central Government, proposals have been considered by the Leader, the Deputy Leader and the Cabinet portfolio holder for Corporate Resources meetings as the Budget Working Group, advised by the Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer in late November. The proposals have sought where possible to protect services to children and vulnerable people, whilst maintaining basic standards in other essential areas, such as the road network and support to the environment. Given the scale of the savings required however, it has not been possible in all instances to protect ‘front-line’ services, but the intention has been to make savings in central support functions and staff working ‘behind the scenes’ first. Delivery of the savings levels outlined will require a ‘renegotiation’ of the relationship between the County Council, as a commissioner and provider of public services, and Dorset’s communities. In a number of areas, there are proposals to transfer responsibilities for services to Parish & Town Councils and community/ voluntary sector groups. These will be subject to consultation with communities over the coming weeks, and will require a shift in the traditional relationships between citizens and the state, along the lines implicit in the Government’s deficit reduction and ‘Big Society’ approaches. Impact Assessment: Equalities Impact Assessment: It has not been possible, in the time available since the Comprehensive Spending Review, to develop individual EqIAs for each of the scenarios developed for the Budget Working Groups. With greater clarity from the 15 December meeting on the potential savings portfolio to be pursued, a full EqIA will be undertaken on the proposed 2011/12 budget for the whole authority, through consultation with the Forum for Equality and Diversity (at a meeting on 26 January). Use of Evidence: The report draws on the information published by the Coalition Government regarding its policies and spending plans. It also uses information drawn from the work to date on the MFC project and budget strategy. Budget/ Risk Assessment: In order to achieve a balanced budget for 2011-12, significantly more savings are required beyond those identified already through the Meeting Future Challenges project. It is a legal requirement that the County Council sets a balanced budget. Section 114 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 requires the Financial Officer to make a report to the full Council if there is likely to be unlawful expenditure or an unbalanced budget. Page 3 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes Consideration has already been given to risks arising from the Budget Working Group proposals but, as implementation plans are developed, further thought will be given to risks. These include the potential for consequential costs that exceed savings made, legal challenges, financial liabilities or impact on the Council’s reputation Recommendation The Cabinet is asked to: (i) recommend to the County Council that the policy changes in Appendix 1 be pursued; (ii) subject to this approval that the Cabinet agree that consultation on those proposals be undertaken as detailed in section 12.1 and that the outcome of that consultation be reported back to the Cabinet and the County Council in February for final decisions; (iii) agree that the other proposals developed through the Budget Working Group, summarised in Appendix 2, should be adopted and progressed as quickly as possible; (iv) confirm that planning should proceed on the basis of a freeze in the rate of council tax, i.e. no change in the rate between 2010-11 and 2011-12; (v) agree that the draft budget for 2011-12 should include funding of £1.469M for the issues set out in paragraph 3.10 of the report, together with an estimated sum of £1.7M for the cost of staff pay increments in 2011 on an exceptional basis; (vi) decide whether the provisional budget strategy should be revised in the light of the information in this report; (vii) authorise the Chief Financial Officer to issue draft budget control totals for 2011-12 and provisional control totals for 2012-13 and 2013-14 to each service and directorate in line with the revised strategy and the savings in the table in Appendix 2; (viii) require Directors to prepare detailed budgets for 2011-12 in accordance with draft control totals, for consideration by the Cabinet on 2 February 2011 and to set out the main issues for consideration by the Community Overview Committee on 20 January 2011. Reason for Recommendation As set out in the Report to the 3 November Cabinet on the Medium Financial Strategy, the County Council faces a shortfall in funds available in 2011-12 of £15M - £20M beyond the savings planned through the Meeting Future Challenges programme. Appendices Appendix 1: Table showing where savings proposals require a change to existing policies to be approved by the County Council Appendix 2: Table setting out allocations by budget line within each Service, with corresponding proposals for revised outcomes for the new Corporate Plan Background Papers Spending Review 2010 (HM Treasury – October 2010) Report to the Cabinet 3 November 2010: Medium Term Financial Page 4 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes Strategy Report Originator Peter Illsley Tel: 01305 224 940 Ali Henderson Tel: 01305 224 715 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Page 5 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes 1. Background 1.1 For a number of years the County Council has been engaged in programmes to make our ways of working as efficient as possible. From Best Value reviews of our services, the Gershon Efficiency Agenda and the recent Fit for the Future Programme we have been able to effectively reduce our revenue budgets whilst retaining service standards. 1.2 The Medium Term Financial Strategy sets out the key financial arrangements and assumptions on which the County Council’s budget is based. It underpins delivery of the Community Strategy and the County Council’s Corporate Plan : Our Role in Dorset. The current strategy covers the period 2010-11 to 2012-13. 1.3 This is the third in the series of reports that will culminate in February 2011 with finalisation of budget proposals for 2011-12 to be recommended to the County Council. As part of the process, the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) will be rolled forward a further year, to maintain the three-year outlook and form the basis for setting provisional budget control totals and council tax rates for the following two years. The Corporate Plan will also be completely revised and will reflect realistic ambitions that recognise the funding constraints on the County Council. 1.4 The Financial Strategy and Corporate Plan have to be developed in the context of the unprecedented scale of reduction in Government expenditure over the years ahead. The Coalition Government signalled its intentions with an immediate £6.2 billion reduction from the previous Governments spending plans for the current year. The Spending Review published in October confirmed the priority was to reduce the national structural budget deficit at a faster rate than had previously been planned and that, apart from protection for front-line spending on health and overseas aid and to a lesser extent for schools, every part of the public sector would be expected to bear its share of the pain. The Spending Review was discussed in greater detail in the report to the 3 November meeting. 1.5 When the Cabinet considered the provisional budget strategy at its meeting on 3 November, it resolved that preparation of the MTFP should proceed on the basis of the following assumptions: • • • • • • reductions in Formula Grant in line with the national totals published in the October Spending Review, including an above-average cut in 2011-12; 15% per annum reduction in Area Based Grant; no increase in council tax in 2011-12, with the 2.5% increase planned being covered by a new Government grant, and increases by 2.5% in each of the following two years; provision for general inflation at 2.0% in 2011-12 and 2.5% in later years, with some additional targeted inflation allocations; provision for demographic and volume growth through the Resource Allocation Model; savings opportunities identified by the Meeting Future Challenges project would be pursued. It also noted that a significant shortfall in funding remained and agreed that Directors would be required to develop further proposals for savings in order to balance the 2011-12 budget. 1.6 In recommending the budget strategy and the revised Corporate Plan for 2011-12 onwards, the Cabinet will need to take account of the following: Page 6 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes • • • • • • • • • • the resources available to the County Council, including the grant settlement for 2011-12 and the prospects for Government support in the future; the projected outturn for 2010-11 the Prudential Code for Borrowing and the Council's borrowing policy; the potential impact of the strategy on service provision and the Council's ranking in terms of performance; performance in key service areas and how this will influence the Council’s priorities for investment; the work undertaken by the member reference groups and considered by the Community Overview Committee; the feedback from public consultation; the risks associated with changes to services but also of not addressing budget pressures; the position regarding reserves and balances; and the potential for capping of council tax increases 2. The provisional grant settlement for 2011-12 2.1 The Government’s October Spending Review indicated that general grant funding to local government would reduce by about 28% in real terms over the four-year review period. However, the reduction was heavily front-loaded (i.e. above-average reductions in the first two years). After allowing for this, the top-slice required to fund the council tax freeze and some mitigation promised for police and fire authorities, an average cut in Formula Grant of 13-15% was expected in 2011-12. Along with more severe cuts in some specific grants, this led to projected funding reductions for some authorities that were well above Government expectations. 2.2 This may have led to a delay in announcing the provisional grant settlement for local government, which is normally released around the end of November or beginning of December. No firm date has yet been given for this year’s publication, although current indications are that it will be available on or around 13 December. An update on the position will be provided at the meeting. 2.3 Availability of the grant settlement should not change the Council’s approach to achieving spending reductions. Our relatively low dependence on grant means that most of the current funding shortfall arises from factors other than potential cuts in grant. The need to allow for slippage in some aspects of the savings programme and the requirement for further savings in subsequent years mean that all opportunities identified should be pursued as vigorously as possible, whatever the outcome of the 2011-12 grant settlement. 3. Current issues Capital programme and borrowing 3.1 The capital programme is the subject of a separate report on this agenda. The Cabinet is aware that, at the meeting on 20 October, decisions made achieved less than half of the £15M reduction sought in the programme to 2013-14. The reduction in the capital programme is required to deliver the £1.5M reduction in borrowing costs proposed as part of the Meeting Future Challenges (MFC) savings. 3.2 The Audit and Scrutiny Committee has raised concerns about the level of unsupported borrowing incurred by the County Council. The use of internal balances to defer borrowing is reducing capital financing costs. The saving in borrowing under the MFC Page 7 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes proposal will be partly offset by the increase in borrowing under the arrangement to undertake £11M of Highway Maintenance work through transferring £1M of the revenue maintenance budget to fund borrowing for capital works. The net result of these factors is shown in the table below. Estimated borrowing costs Estimate in current MTFS £M 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 20.5 23.2 26.0 (trend) Current estimate £M 18.8 22.6 25.2 Reserves and balances 3.3 General fund balances not held for schools or capital purposes at the end of 2009-10 amounted to £12.1M. Of this, £2.9M was earmarked for specific purposes (agreed at the 21 July meeting), leaving £9.2M. This is just below the middle of the agreed operating range. There is therefore little scope for applying balances to provide short term funding until savings plans are realised, particularly as the forecast cumulative deficit of over £9M in service budgets has still to be dealt with. 3.4 A proposal relating to the funding held in contingency for Campus Reprovisioning is to be considered by the Performance Overview Committee when it receives the next financial monitoring report. This will assist with the overspend this year in Adult and Community Services. There will also be a significant underspend on the capital financing budget in the current year, because of the delay in taking out loans, which will improve the overall position further. Nevertheless, this only means that the general balances should not reduce to an unacceptably low level, not that there will be funds released to support next year’s spending. 3.5 Earmarked reserves at last year end were £24.6M. Of these the two largest were: • • 3.6 £7.5M in the Insurance Reserve, held under the County Council’s self-insurance arrangements, which helps to avoid unnecessary spending on insurance premiums; £5.3M in Private Finance Initiative (PFI) reserves, largely money to which the PFI providers are entitled but which it is more efficient for the Council to hold. The need for reserves is reviewed regularly. Before the budget is finalised, further consideration will be given to all reserves currently held to identify whether any can now be fully or partially released. Emerging pressures 3.7 A number of issues and emerging pressures were flagged up in the report to the meeting on 3 November. Further issues may be flagged through the consultation process, particularly with Member Reference Groups and the Community Overview Committee. 3.8 The issues raised on 3 November are summarised in the table below. Page 8 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes Issue Cost of placements for children with a learning disability DES software licences and support costs, and maintenance costs arising from the capital programme Dorset Public Sector Network (DPSN) Weymouth Transport Package – balance of cost in a full year Carbon Reduction Energy Efficiency scheme (assuming that the cost relating to schools is borne by the Schools Budget) Concessionary Fares scheme Meeting Future Challenges project team Learning and Development for staff affected by change Dorchester Library and Adult Learning Centre (from 2012-13) Road Casualty Reduction 3.9 Estimated cost (£M) 0.450 up to 0.365 not yet quantifiable 0.225 0.228 not yet quantifiable 0.580 0.240 0.196 no specific sum The 3 November meeting also considered a report on the Olympic Route Network, which indicated that traffic management costs to be borne by the County Council could reach £0.5M. 3.10 It is recommended that, at this stage, allocations totalling £1.469M be confirmed to the Weymouth Transport Package, the Carbon Reduction Energy Efficiency scheme, Meeting Future Challenges project implementation, Learning and Development and (from 2012-13) the Dorchester Library and Adult Learning Centre. In addition, an exceptional allocation estimated at £1.7M is proposed for the cost of incremental progression in 2011. This is necessary so that Directors do not have to hold back potential savings during the budget review process in order to meet the cost of increments. 3.11 Consideration will need to be given to the other issues, alongside any further concerns highlighted by the consultation, in the light of the overall position when final budget recommendations are made on 2 February. 4. Savings proposals and policy implications 4.1 The above indicates that the County Council needs to save between £15M-£20M next financial year in addition to the £10M identified within the Meeting Future Challenges (MFC) programme of work (approved by the County Council on 3 November) for 2011/12. The previous Fit for the Future programme and, to a large extent, the MFC programme were focused on efficiency and transformational changes, without major impact on service delivery. To achieve the level of saving now required it is inevitable that there will be significant impacts on services to individuals and communities. The Council will try to adopt the “Big Society” approach and enable others to take over services rather than cut them altogether, but has had little success so far with similar initiatives. 4.2 Budget Working Group meetings with Directorates throughout November have scrutinised the potential for additional savings. The full details of the proposed revised budgets are provided in Appendix 2, and are summarised in the table below: Page 9 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes 11/12 Budget base before savings (i) Children’s Services (excl. schools) Adult & Community Services Environment (4) Corporate Resources Chief Exec's Office & Central budgets Total (3) £M 45.8 120.2 63.8 16.6 3.5 249.9 MFC Savings £M 1.0 2.5 1.2 1.0 0.3 6.0 Saving Draft Budget after Savings £M 3.5 5.9 5.2 0.9 0.7 16.2 £M 41.3 111.8 57.4 14.7 2.5 227.7 BWG % Saving on base budget % 9.8 7.0 10.0 11.4 28.6 8.9 Notes (1) (2) (3) (4) Budget base for 2011-12 includes Resource Allocation Model (RAM) allocations. Overarching savings under MFC programme have been apportioned to Directorate budgets MFC Savings shown are ‘net’ of the impact of the pay freeze in 2010-11 and 2011-12 (subject to ongoing negotiations nationally). Environment BWG savings currently subject to review re Dorset Passenger Transport . 4.3 The areas for potential budget reductions set out in this paper, combined with savings from the MFC programme, could result in staffing reductions of around 500 fte posts across the Authority in 2011-12. The external recruitment freeze will have contributed to keeping the cost of these reductions down to some extent, but there will still need to be substantial expenditure for redundancy compensation payments. This has yet to be calculated. 4.4 If the settlement does not require a figure of this magnitude in 2011-12 (e.g. if the ‘front-loading’ is less than feared), it is proposed that a savings target of £17M be pursued in any case given: 4.5 a) The Comprehensive Spending Review requires savings in the order of an additional £26M on top of MFC by 2013-14, so proposals in this report will need to be pursued regardless of whether the shortfall is worse in 2011-12 or not; b) Many of the proposals will be very difficult to achieve in the time-frames available anyway, so it is advisable to aim to exceed the savings targets than face a large over-spend; c) Our communities and our staff deserve as much clarity as soon as possible and this can best be achieved by a single major change programme rather than having repeated changes year on year, with the uncertainties that generates. Sections 5 – 9 below set out the proposals for where savings might fall from within each Directorate. Appendix 2 provides the detailed financial breakdown against specific budgets, alongside the first draft of what these budgets will allow the County Council to continue to provide in terms of Corporate Plan aims and outcomes. If the County Council approves the savings proposals, a revised Corporate Plan based on the reduced levels of expenditure will be prepared along the lines set out in this table, for consideration by the County Council in mid-February. Page 10 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes 4.6 Some of the proposals set out below involve policy decisions about the way we deliver services to our local communities. The changes will require the approval of the full County Council and/or public consultation. This is indicated in the text in parentheses (e.g. BWG-xxx). Appendix 1 provides an overview of each of the areas requiring the County Council approval or further consultation. 5. Children’s Services 5.1 There are a number of statutory requirements to provide services in education, youth and childcare as well as specialist services within social care and inclusion services. Given this legislative environment, the service needs to continue to prioritise: • • • • • Effective safeguarding of vulnerable children Improving the educational attainment of vulnerable groups (inclusion) Improving the life chances of children and young people in care or leaving care Increasing the proportion of young people in education or training post age 16 Effective prevention strategies for children likely to be at risk 5.2 With these priorities in mind, the following profile of savings has been identified, totalling £3.5M (Appendix 1 provides the breakdown of this figure as it applies to individual service areas together with already identified MFC opportunities): (i) Children and Families To protect a priority focus on child protection, children in care and children on the edge of care (with the associated statutory processes) savings have been identified through: • reducing the service to adopted adults seeking contact with birth relatives, and requests for assessment for step-parent adoption; (BWG-1) • continuing the policy of reduced levels of loyalty payments for foster carers; (BWG-2) • reducing the range of support services provided to families with children experiencing difficulties and making efficiencies in the management structure that supports this service; (BWG-3) • reducing administration and coordination of meetings that support the Safeguarding Children Board and Family Group Conferences (ii) Integrated Services Teams of Youth Service, Education Social Work and Attendance Service, Early Years and Childcare (including Children’s Centres) and Extended Schools / Services staff based in 6 localities, working together on early intervention and prevention. Frontline, universal provision (e.g. youth centres/children’s centres) can be protected through a focus on savings in: • middle and senior manager posts in individual services • reducing support and advice to students on access to Further Education • reducing expenditure on the coordination of after-school, holiday, homework and breakfast clubs (schools will continue to have earmarked funds to run these services, but the new coalition government has encouraged Local Authorities to cease any involvement in this) (iii) Inclusion Services Three statutory services (Special Educational Needs; Educational Psychology Service; Youth Offending Team) and a range of other services (statutory and non-statutory) working to improve the attainment and inclusion of vulnerable groups of children through the provision of specialist support and advice. In addition to savings identified within the MFC programme, further savings can be found by re-focusing staff on legal Page 11 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes responsibilities with respect to safeguarding and disabilities, and transferring other roles to the Dedicated Schools Grant (in line with funding for other specialist inclusion support to schools). (iv) Learning & Schools Improvement Outdoor Education, the Music Service and Dorset Centre for Educational Technology are already required to become self financing as part of MFC. Given statutory requirements for capital teams and admissions services, additional savings in this area can only be found from the school improvement service. There is the potential to increase earned income in this area as funding for school improvement is moved to schools for them to buy services. Exploratory discussions with potential partners are in hand to enhance the provision and share the risk but a substantial traded service is not likely to emerge until 2012-13. Thus, for 2011/12 savings opportunities are limited to: • Reducing support to curriculum coordination. • Reducing the amount of money available to pay for Consultants to help improve the standards of schools; • Cutting the budget that has paid for premature retirement costs of teachers, which will in future need to be found from the Dedicated Schools Grant (v) Strategic Planning, Commissioning and Performance These teams establish the need for children’s services, appropriate planning to address those needs, procurement of services to meet the plans and, thereafter, thorough and appropriate monitoring to ensure outcomes are achieved. Recognising the expected changes in central government data and performance requirements the service has already been reduced in this area. Further savings for 2011/12 are possible through: • reducing support to voluntary sector groups • reshaping the provision of careers advice and support to 16-19 years to find employment or training (subject to continuing Connexions grant from central government). (BWG-4) 6. Adult & Community Services 6.1 There is a range of management actions being taken to restrict the impact on the budget of growing demand across learning disability services and residential care for older people. Actions include: • • • Revising all contract agreements with service providers Additional scrutiny of all care packages Challenging all liabilities for new service users 6.2 By far the largest area of spend in this Directorate is to provide services and support for older people. It is difficult to make significant additional savings in this area to those already identified in MFC within 2011/12 budgets given that reconfiguration of the major spend in this area (on residential and day care) will take time to put in place. It is not yet clear how much, and on what basis, the additional £1billion earmarked for preventative activity will be available for Dorset, which will require a substantial negotiation with the PCT and Acute Trusts but may make some impact on savings in the area of older people. Savings proposals therefore focus on other areas within the Directorate, to a total of £5.93M: (i) Strategic Commissioning and Service Development Page 12 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes The budget for community and voluntary sector groups that provide services to adults with learning difficulties and disabilities. This can be broadly protected apart from some reductions in grants to some of these community groups (e.g. Learning Disability Development Fund, Mental Capacity Act Fund), and some support to Carers through the reduction of one Caseworker post. (ii) Supporting People This budget finances home/night care and supported housing for vulnerable adults. Most expenditure is done in partnership with the Probation Service, District & Borough Councils and other partners. The extent to which additional savings can be found within commissioned contracts will depend on a negotiation with those other partners, so there is little scope to find savings in this area for next financial year. But some reductions are proposed in the administration that supports the Partnership Board (iii) Service Support The cost centre provides a range of support services to managers and service users with staffing being the area where savings can be effected in the short term. It is likely that about 20 posts will have to be deleted and there will be some redundancies as a result. As a consequence there will be less support provided and work will be turned around less quickly for example, financial assessments and benefits for service users. The training budget will also be cut. (iv) Adults Support to adults with physical, mental and learning disabilities. This is the area where there is the greatest scope for significant savings on top of MFC for 11/12 budgets, recognising that this will have an impact on front-line services. The following savings proposals have been put forward, albeit with the aim to scope the possibility of extra contributions from the PCT to minimise the potential impact: • Reducing the level of provision for simple aids for daily living to support people in their homes. (BWG-7) • Rationalising the management structure that supports the Learning Disability Day Services, and withdrawing the subsidy for transport and hot meals to the centres. (BWG-8) • Physical Disabilities – there will be a re-organisation of provided services to reflect the impact of personal budgets and external contract reviews. • Mental Health: subject to PCT agreement, rationalisation of services with a single provider, reducing management and overheads. • Addictions saving: subject to PCT agreement, rationalisation of services with a single provider reducing management and overheads. (v) Older People A budget that has struggled to address rising demand, and already subject to a commitment within the MFC programme to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of in-house Day Centre provision. The introduction of personal budgets provides the opportunity to move to a more mixed-market for the provision of Day Centres, but this is unlikely to release savings for 11/12 budgets. Given a clear local political steer not to amend the FACS (Fair Access to Care Services) criteria that governs eligibility to the service, the areas for potential savings are: • Withdrawing the subsidy for transport for those attending day centres for older people. (BWG-9) • Reducing the number of day centres (including all service user groups). (BWG10) Page 13 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes (vi) Cultural Services Incorporating all expenditure on Museums, Arts, Sports, Libraries, Archives (which is subject to a Joint Agreement with the Borough of Poole and Bournemouth Borough Council) and Adult Learning. Plans are already underway to ensure the Adult Learning and School Libraries services will be at least cost-neutral, if not income generating. Additional savings proposals include: • Reducing the number of staff supporting Museums, Arts and Sports grants, and in the Dorset History Centre. • Reducing grants to Museums. • Reducing the opening hours of the Dorset History Centre • Given that maintenance of a branch network of 34 libraries is no longer affordable, there is a proposal to retain a core Council-run service based on accessibility criteria while maintaining a good geographical spread. Whilst we can explore the possibility of transferring up to half of the current libraries stock to communities to run, experience to date has indicated that this will be very difficult to achieve in any realistic timescale. Unlikely to be a full-year saving as proposal requires more detailed work (BWG-11) (vii) Regulatory Services Expenditure on the Registration service, Trading Standards, Emergency Planning, Drug Action and Community Safety. The management of this area has already been reduced through MFC. Additional savings proposals: • Reducing activity with partners to support Drug Action & Community Safety initiatives • Reducing slightly the level of staff support to Emergency Planning activity, whilst providing service required in advance of the Olympics. Savings proposals assume continued levels of funding from District & Borough Councils for shared resilience. • Closing two of the twelve Registrars Offices. Looking at opportunities to replace the current Weymouth ceremony room when it closes in April 2011. BWG-12 • Reducing the number of Trading Standards officers, with a potential impact on: time taken to undertake food and product safety testing, investigations into criminal matters and work to tackle rogue traders. 7. Environment 7.1 The budgets for Highways, Dorset Passenger Transport and Waste are those that are the most significant, with the majority of money spent on contracts and works and a small percentage spent on staff. The Highways & Transportation service is already subject to an MFC savings target of just over £1M, to be found through transforming service delivery (Highways client, Dorset Works Organisation, and the Dorset Engineering Consultancy). There is a strong argument to protect the Waste budget in order not to jeopardise the Dorset Waste Partnership that will deliver a better and more efficient service in future years. 7.2 The Budget Working Group considered proposals for a significant level of savings to be found within Dorset Passenger Transport (approximately £1.65M) based on assumptions by Environment Directorate about reducing the levels of transport provided to Childrens Services. Discussions with Children’s Services would suggest that this level of savings will be difficult to achieve as many of the services are already operating at the statutory minimum. Therefore, whilst the savings targets for Environment Directorate remain at the same levels agreed by the Budget Working Group, significant additional work has been requested to identify realistic proposals for where these might be found. Page 14 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes (i) Highways & Transportation Maintaining the roads in order to support sustainable travel and provide reliable journey times will be a challenge at reduced budgets. At this point it is considered that externalising parts or all of the service would be costly and unlikely to deliver the short term savings required. Savings proposals therefore focus on working with communities to provide some services, which might have the twin benefits of cost savings for the authority and a more responsive more local service. Proposed savings: • Transferring responsibility for amenity planting and grass cutting to District/Borough Councils as in other 2 tier authorities (subject to legal advice) • Reducing routine maintenance on parts of the road network that are least used (e.g. cul de sacs, back lanes and duplicate routes); (BWG-13) • Moving to part-night street light burning in urban and rural residential areas (may prove difficult to make saving within 2011/12). (BWG-17) • Transferring responsibility for School Crossing Patrols in areas of low risk to community/school volunteers in line with practice elsewhere. (BWG-18) • Road safety - focusing expenditure on the 'No Excuse' campaign and reducing Dorset Road Safe Partnership funding in line with government cuts of 28% • Ceasing advertisements of temporary traffic regulation orders in the paper • Reducing the number of staff working on operations, strategy, business support, communications and dealing with enquiries and complaints (ii) Waste Management No additional savings proposals to those already identified by the Dorset Waste Partnership project to be pursued. The base budget ought, however, to be adjusted to better reflect actual spend (ie reducing by the predicted £250,000 underspend) rather than the sums reflected in the waste partnership business plan. (iii) Planning Incorporating economic development; environment; Olympics; research and information (including GIS); statutory planning and transport planning. Uncertainties around the role of county councils in the new planning system, and whether a Local Enterprise Partnership will be agreed suggest further savings to those set out may be possible, depending on the conclusions on these issues. Exploration of options for joint working with Bournemouth, Poole and/or Hampshire County Council might also yield savings in outer years. But for 2011/12 budgets therefore the proposed savings limited to: • Ending staff support to tourism (albeit with the continued contractual obligation to the Destination Dorset website); (BWG-14) • Restructure and reduce the planning and transport groups • Reducing capacity to support and match-fund economic development projects; • Discontinuing membership of the Assembly of European Regions; • Reducing grants provided to support delivery of the World Heritage Site and Area of Outstanding National Beauty management plans; • Reducing capacity to influence some national research streams and publish Research & Information data and advice • Stopping support to District & Borough Councils on affordable housing issues (iv) Property Management Supports the delivery of the capital programme, manages and delivers the repair and maintenance programme, and provides advice on property assets to the whole authority. The Division is leading much of the MFC work to reduce the property portfolio in order to address the maintenance backlog (£41 M) and the shortfall in repairs and maintenance funding (£2 M per annum). If the capital programme is Page 15 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes reduced as anticipated through the MFC programme, this ought to lead to reduced workloads for this division in time. Savings proposals therefore include: • Reducing the number of staff, at both management and maintenance levels (to be managed predominantly through existing vacancies/future planned retirements) • Losing expertise for Rating, to use external consultants when required (mainly needed on a 5 yearly cycle) • Reducing the capacity to respond as quickly to corporate property prioritise, including potentially the MFC Assets & Workstyle package; • Increasing the potential for earned income, including income from County Farms. (v) Countryside & Business Development A programme to maximise countryside assets is underway that will help to generate income in 2011/12 and beyond. A review of the nature and extent of future County Council support to countryside development will be undertaken. For 2011/12 budgets, additional savings opportunities proposed are: • Generating further income from the Countryside service asset. • Making greater use of volunteers for maintaining rights of way. • Reducing support services. • Reducing the maintenance budget for improvements carried out by external contractors. 8. Corporate Resources 8.1 The Directorate was the focus for savings under the Fit for the Future programme, and HR & ICT functions were configured in terms of the minimum resource viable once DES was implemented. Within the MFC programme a further 15% of the budget has been earmarked for further savings. Making any additional savings has proven difficult. The aim must be to retain sufficient capacity to meet the demand from front line professional workers for support services and expert advice required for basic financial, HR, legal, ICT and procurement standards. In-house expertise has been market tested in terms of unit costs, and there are diseconomies for the County Council if the use of external capacity tips from addressing occasional peaks in workloads to a regular practice. 8.2 The proposed additional savings have therefore focused on reducing the whole authority communications and customer service resource (which represents 13% of the directorate budget), in the recognition of a Meeting Future Challenges additional target of saving £100,000 per annum from communications capacity and budgets in services other than Corporate Resources. Overall, the savings would require: • • • • • • Restructuring of the Communications & Customer Service Unit with reductions of 8 posts Further restructuring within Financial Services and reducing the level of work commissioned from the South West Audit Partnership by 10% Reducing consultancy expenditure allocated to support delivery of the Meeting Future Challenges programme Restructuring Legal Services to create three specialist teams, thereby releasing a locum contract and increasing the potential for income generation Seeking to increase income generated by our Contact Centre, Dorset Direct (the first point of customer contact for many services in the County Council), and reducing the opening hours to 8.30am to 5.30pm Further reducing staff and purchasing budgets in ICT and HR (to a minimum core) in addition to reductions already proposed through MFC Page 16 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes 9. Chief Executive’s Office and associated budgets 9.1 A number of coalition government policy announcements have changed the nature of the work undertaken within the Chief Executive’s Office: • • • 9.2 (i) (ii) the burden of inspection has been lifted with the abolition of the Comprehensive Area Assessment and Audit Commission; the Local Area Assessment reporting framework has been abolished, and requirements to report to the National Indicator set are to be scaled back. prescription of Local Strategic Partnership and Community Planning structures is unlikely to be a feature of future legislation. The Chief Executive’s Office budget includes provision for: salaries, consultation and communications, consultancies, the community and voluntary sector and Parish and Town Councils. Given the political changes outlined above, it is proposed that savings be found through: reducing the number of staff that work to support community planning, policy and performance management; (BWG-16) reducing expenditure on the Staff Survey, Your Dorset and Citizens Panels and consultancies. This should allow the Office to protect the financial support provided by the County Council to build the capacity of the community and voluntary sector and Parish and Town Councils at similar levels to previous years (£600,000 p/a), which would be provided under a new and more transparent ‘Communities Fund’ arrangement 10. Overarching issues 10.1 Within the gross savings of £10.2M in 2011-12 arising from the MFC programme, around £6.1M is due to savings across all Directorates. These include: • The impact of a pay freeze in 2010-11 and 2011-12 (£3.6M). • Changes to pay, terms and conditions of staff with effect from 2012-13. • Reduction in the multiplier applied to actual pay due on redundancy from 2.5 to 1.75 from 1 April 2011 with potential further reductions being explored. • Savings from the Assets and Workstyle Project including those arising from a 25% reduction in the size of the Council’s property estate and savings in capital financing charges from a £15M reduction in the Capital Programme. 10.2 Insofar as these overarching savings affect the 2011-12 budget, the savings have been apportioned across services. Savings in 2012-13 and beyond have been incorporated in the provisional budgets for 2012-13 and 2013-14. 10.3 Consideration has already been given to risks arising from the Budget Working Group proposals but, as implementation plans are developed, further thought will be given to risks. These include the potential for consequential costs that exceed savings made, legal challenges, financial liabilities or impact on the Council’s reputation. 10.4 Some additional temporary resource in HR may be needed to facilitate staff restructuring. It is intended to meet this cost from central contingency. 10.5 Application will be made for central government support towards the capitalisation of redundancy costs. Page 17 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes 11. Council Tax 11.1 The MTFS included a notional increase in resources from a 2.5% increase in Council Tax in 2011-12. In the Spending Review, the government signalled its intention to make available a special Council Tax Freeze grant of up to 2.5% of the relevant tax base in order to enable any prospective increases in Council Tax up to that level in 2011-12 to be set at zero. For those authorities that choose not to take up this grant normal capping rules will apply in 2011-12. Subject to enactment of the Localism Bill there is likely to be provision which in future years will require councils to hold a referendum where increases in Council Tax are deemed to be excessive. Criteria for determining excessive Council Tax levels would appear in future grant settlement. 11.2 The Council is asked to confirm that planning for the 2011-12 budget should proceed on the basis of a freeze in the rate of Council Tax with a planned increase of 2.5% in each of the following two years. 12. Next steps 12.1 Businesses and communities are to be consulted on the proposals in this report and the Meeting Future Challenges programme throughout December: • • • • Business consultation on the budget and implications for supporting the local infrastructure (Statutory Duty, 1- 15 December 2010); Consultation with Dorset Community Action on local infrastructure and the delivery of services (1- 15 December 2010); The Citizens’ Panel and Town and Parish Councils to be consulted on priority proposals, with the theme of community involvement in delivery of local services (responsibility under Town and Parish Charter, 15 December- 1 January 2011); Citizens’ Panel 23 will focus on some specific proposals and the revised Corporate Plan (10 January 2011- end February 2011); 12.2 The consultation questions will follow the theme of community involvement but will also address key savings proposals. They will not aim to measure the popularity of proposals, given the reality of the budget pressures and the need to make cuts, but they will instead focus on information needed to ensure implementation is successful. The emphasis is to inform those decisions which: impact on the wider local community (as well as specific service users); and which require input or a steer from local people as to how to implement and manage the proposals. Community Overview Committee members will be given sight of the questionnaire as far in advance of its circulation as is possible, and it will be discussed in parallel with this paper at the 15 December meeting. 12.3 In addition to these surveys an Equality Impact Assessment on the whole budget will be prepared with relevant stakeholders through a meeting of the Forum for Equality & Diversity in late January. Results from this, and the surveys, will be made available to inform Cabinet discussion of the proposed revisions to the priorities and outcomes in the final Corporate Plan and finalised budget headings for the 2011/12 budgets on 2 February 2011. Page 18 - Addressing the budget deficit : draft 2011-12 budget strategy, 2011-14 Medium Term Financial Strategy and revised Corporate Plan aims and outcomes 12.4 In order to maximise the savings in 2011-12, the Cabinet are asked to agree that, for those areas of saving not requiring a change of policy steps be taken to progress these immediately with a view to implementation from the beginning of the financial year. David Jenkins Chief Executive December 2010 Paul Kent Chief Financial Officer APPENDIX 1 POLICY CHANGES ARISING FROM BUDGET WORKING GROUP & MFC SAVINGS PROPOSALS REQUIRING FULL COUNCIL APPROVAL The following table sets out where officers believe the policy changes required by the savings proposals need Full Council approval. It covers both Budget Working Group decisions (those with references BWG-xxx) and MFC proposals (those with references CS-xxx, AS-xxx, EN-xxx, CR-xxx and OV-xxx) The columns show the estimated savings in 2011-12 and the saving in a full year. To guide decisions about whether proposals require approval of Full Council, officers have referred to Article 4 of the Constitution, the relevant extract of which is reproduced here: 4.1.1 Policy Framework. The Policy Framework means the following Plans and Strategies: those required by the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 to be adopted by the Council • Children and Young People’s Plan; • Community Strategy; • Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy; • Local Transport Plan; • Plans and strategies which together comprise the Development Plan (i.e. the Structure Plan, the Waste Local Plan, the Minerals Local Plan); • Youth Justice Plan those other plans and strategies which government guidance recommends should be adopted by the County Council as part of the policy framework and others which the County Council has decided to include:• arrangements for admission to maintained schools of which the authority are the admission authority; • Economic Development Plan; • Lifelong Learning Development Plan (Adult Learning Plan); • The Dorset Waste Strategy; • Food Law Enforcement Service Plan; • Local Cultural Strategy; • Capital Programme; • Treasury Management Policy Statement (Amended July 2003 and September 2005) 19 Reference Savings proposal 2011-12 £000 Full Year £000 17 17 35 35 100 100 650 650 64.3 193 40 40 N/A 250 145 145 483 483 73 73 Children’s BWG-1 Reducing the service to adopted adults seeking contact with birth relatives, support and requests for assessment for step-parent adoption BWG-2 Continuing the policy of reduced levels of loyalty payments for foster carers BWG-3 BWG-4 Reducing the range of support services provided to families with children experiencing difficulties, and making efficiencies in the management structure that supports this service Reducing provision of careers advice and support to 16-19 years to find employment or training (current provision c. £2.8M met by Connexions grant) CS-004 Restructure of Dorset Music Service – reduce/eliminate net operating costs/increase income CS-006 Youth Offending Team - Review of funding and services CS-025 Youth Service - Redesign Youth Provision Adult and Community BWG-7 Reducing the level of provision for simple aids for daily living to support people in their homes BWG-8 Withdrawing the subsidy for transport and hot meals to Learning and Disability Day Centres BWG-9 Withdrawing the subsidy for transport for Day Centres for Older People 20 BWG-10/ AS-002 BWG-11/ AS-006 Reducing the number of day centres (including all service user groups) Stopping expenditure on a number of libraries whilst maintaining a good geographical spread. BWG-12 Closing two of the twelve Registrars Offices AS-004 Reduction in public library service books and materials AS-019 AS-020 AS-021 Transforming service and service procurement to achieve greater value for money in contracts and service purchasing by improving purchasing power and market development, meeting the demands of personal budgets. Joining management structures and service delivery buildings with Health to provide connected health and social care services. Re-ablement service covering whole of Dorset. 861.6 861.6 417.3 578.3 24 24 143 143 1,547 4,200 N/A 411 N/A 1,600 770 770 40 40 50 150 80 200 Environment BWG-13 Reducing routine maintenance on the 5 to 7% of the road network that is least used (e.g. rural cul de sacs, back lanes and duplicate routes) BWG-14 / EN-019 Ending tourism operation (albeit with the continued contractual obligation to the Destination Dorset website) BWG-17 Moving to part night street light burning in urban and rural residential areas BWG-18 School Crossing Patrols. Transferring responsibility to community/school volunteers Corporate Resources OV-013 Revise redundancy policy to give flexibility and savings. Note this is an enabler that will reduce by 50% the cost of redundancy payments. Saving depends on the number of redundancies. (Approved by Staffing Committee) 21 OV-032 Suspend salary increments for a fixed period commencing 2012-13. (Approved by Staffing Committee) OV-045 Review working time arrangements and policy relating to leave and enhancements. Note savings available will only be clear when firm proposals are developed (negotiations will need to follow with Trade unions). OV-051 Close the subsidised Lease Car Scheme to all employees. 0 1,800 TBA TBA 5.6 600 190 190 Chief Executive’s Office and associated budgets BWG-16 Changing the way the County Council supports community planning 22 APPENDIX 2 ALIGNING THE CORPORATE PLAN AND BUDGET BOOKS The Spending Review published in October 2010 indicated that the level of Central Government support to Dorset County Council will reduce by about 28% over the next four years. A revised Corporate Plan is therefore being prepared that will set out how we will manage this reduction plus other costs pressures as a result of changes such as the growth in ageing population, and a programme of capital investments. A significant amount of this savings requirement (£27m) is ‘frontloaded’, i.e. needs to be achieved by the middle of 2011. The new Corporate Plan needs to recognise this factor, as well as setting out the agenda for the County Council to achieve across the three years of the Authority’s Medium Term Financial Strategy In order to meet this challenging financial climate, the new Corporate Plan needs to demonstrate a significant break with the past. The era of the Council providing services alone and ‘to’ the public is over. A new culture and creative way of working is essential – with significantly-less resource – that trusts, empowers and enables local communities to take control of their own futures. The Corporate Plan will therefore focus on how the Authority will: make savings protect the vulnerable invest in priority services help communities to help themselves. In order to be as transparent as possible, the aim is to align all expenditure within the budget to a set of outcomes that will be used to hold the Council to account. These outcomes will be regularly reported against to Committees and the public through the Council’s website. This will be the first time that the County Council has sought to encompass in a single document its business planning and budgetary processes. Set out below is the first attempt at drafting outcomes against all expenditure. It is a draft that will be used as the basis for consultation. In due course, it is proposed that beneath the level of ‘outcomes’ a series of ‘Actions’ will be proposed, that will provide even greater potential for transparency and accountability. These outcomes and actions will be published in a new Corporate Plan for 2011-14, to be published alongside the Budget Strategy and Medium-Term Financial Strategy in March 2011, and will set out a comprehensive plan for all that the County Council will continue to provide in these times of austerity. 23 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) Aim 1 - Protect and enrich the health and well-being of Dorset's most vulnerable adults (Adult & Community Services) 1 Provide housing related support to fewer people at a lower cost, reducing carers' support and grants within learning disability and mental health services. Adult Services Strategic Commissioning and Service Development 2 Provide essential administrative, business, planning and performance support to Adult and Community Services managers and service users (e.g. financial assessments and benefits advice) at a reduced cost. A&CS Service Support 3 Provide community care services to the most vulnerable adults in Dorset, whilst reducing spending on management, transport, catering, contracts and day centres. Community Care - Adults 4 Transform older people's social care services in Dorset to promote independence, reablement and intermediate care at home and avoid acute and emergency services wherever possible, reducing spending on Community Care - Older People management, transport, catering, equipment and day centres. 5 Provide a reduced cost County Archives service. 6 7 13,329.1 (2.5) (972.9) 12,353.7 7,404.5 (64.5) (848.0) 6,492.0 41,307.4 (913.3) (2,608.9) 37,785.2 53,938.3 (1,278.5) (573.0) 52,086.8 Cultural Services - Archives 390.8 (5.3) (79.0) 306.5 Support museums in Dorset at less cost. Cultural Services - Museums 280.3 (29.3) (32.3) 218.7 Raise basic skills levels of adults in Dorset and provide learning opportunities through a self-financing adult learning service. Dorset Adult Learning 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 1 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome 8 Support creative arts projects in Dorset's communities, whilst spending less overall. Arts 9 Provide a lower cost library service, with fewer library facilities (approximately half) located in all main centres Libraries of population and in some towns. 10 Maintain existing levels of school library provision. School Libraries 11 Support and encourage people to participate in sport at a reduced cost. Sports Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) 267.8 (8.2) (33.7) 225.9 5,437.4 (195.2) (417.3) 4,824.9 (16.8) 0.0 0.0 (16.8) 99.0 (4.7) (12.3) 82.0 12 Support individuals and communities to reduce crime and the fear of crime and work with partners to provide effective drug and alcohol treatment. Drug Action & Community Safety Team 808.7 (13.7) (103.2) 691.8 13 Be prepared to respond quickly and effectively to major incidents and civil emergencies that affect Dorset at less cost. Emergency Planning 306.6 (2.0) (39.9) 264.7 14 Register births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships, generating more income from celebratory services to Registrars Service reduce overall costs. 176.7 (3.1) (24.0) 149.6 1,508.3 (10.7) (181.5) 1,316.1 15 Provide a fair and safe trading environment for consumers and businesses, whilst spending less overall. Trading Standards Aim 2 - Support and Encourage Dorset's children and young people and protect the most vulnerable (Children's Services) T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 2 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) 16 Adolescent Support Service 300.7 (0.3) 0.0 300.4 17 C & F Management 957.2 (23.9) 0.0 933.3 Children's Field Social Work 9,515.8 (190.0) (17.0) 9,308.8 19 Horizon 1,019.7 (95.6) (100.0) 824.1 20 Other C & F Services 1,207.3 (1.1) (92.0) 1,114.2 21 Other Services For Children Who Are Disabled 592.8 (0.1) 0.0 592.7 4,326.5 (40.7) (48.0) 4,237.8 18 *Support and protect the most vulnerable children and young people, including those in care, care leavers, those at risk of harm and those with complex needs. 22 Support children and adults through fostering and adoption processes to provide children in care with a secure and positive home life Fostering & Adoption 23 Provide lower cost early intervention and prevention services to improve the lives of vulnerable children and young people and close the gap between them and their peers. Preventive & Support Services 311.2 (0.1) 0.0 311.1 24 Learning & Development 354.2 (50.0) 0.0 304.2 25 CS/AS Shared Costs 1,657.1 0.0 0.0 1,657.1 26 Children's Reserve 109.2 0.0 0.0 109.2 Directorate Support 249.6 (4.5) 0.0 245.1 27 Provide essential financial, administrative and business support to Children's Services at a reduced cost. T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 3 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) 28 Director's Office 213.9 (1.1) (63.4) 149.4 29 HE/FE Residuals 132.0 0.0 0.0 132.0 31 Strategic & Schools Finance 111.0 0.0 0.0 111.0 32 Inclusion Management 121.4 (0.2) 0.0 121.2 33 Independent - Homes for Children with a disability 1,264.4 0.0 0.0 1,264.4 34 In-house - Homes for Children with a Disability 1,006.1 (4.4) 0.0 1,001.7 Independent - Community Homes for Children 1,489.2 0.0 0.0 1,489.2 36 In-house - Community Homes for Children 1,263.4 (13.0) 0.0 1,250.4 37 Joint Commissioning Teams 582.2 (29.8) (30.5) 521.9 38 Commissioned Services 585.4 (0.2) 0.0 585.2 39 Planning & Performance 421.0 (1.3) 0.0 419.7 40 Work with the NHS and other partners to jointly plan and pay for services to ensure value for money and better outcomes for children and young people. Children's Fund 309.3 0.0 (309.3) 0.0 Work in partnership with other sectors to provide and manage community homes for children in the County 35 Council's care. T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 4 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome 42 Bournemouth University Residuals 43 Schools PRC 44 Joint Provision 45 Support young people to find suitable education, employment or training in Dorset Connexions Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) 1.9 0.0 0.0 1.9 1,806.7 0.0 (400.0) 1,406.7 436.8 0.0 0.0 436.8 2,642.0 (100.0) (798.0) 1,744.0 46 Reduce levels of teenage pregnancies, focusing on the twelve wards across Dorset where rates are amongst the highest 20% in England Teenage Pregnancy 156.1 (0.3) 0.0 155.8 48 Reduce, maintain and provide new County Council's property assets to reduce costs and ensure our public buildings provide value for money (cross-cutting outcome) Premises 375.9 (1.4) 0.0 374.5 50 Community Services 29.9 (0.1) 0.0 29.8 51 Pupil Support 53.0 (0.2) (52.8) 0.0 52 Hubs & Locality Coordinator Management 610.3 (24.0) (31.6) 554.8 53 Student Support 286.1 (1.4) (69.0) 215.7 SureStart (88.0) (46.2) 0.0 (134.2) Provide lower cost early intervention and prevention services to improve the lives of vulnerable children and young people. 54 T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 5 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome 55 Education, Social Work & Attendance 57 Extended Schools ABG 58 Provide a reduced cost Youth Service that supports young people aged 12-21 in their transition from childhood to responsible adulthood Youth Service Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) 706.2 (1.7) 0.0 704.5 (1.1) 0.0 (80.3) (81.4) 2,509.3 (67.6) 0.0 2,441.7 556.7 0.0 0.0 556.7 56.1 (18.2) 0.0 37.9 2,229.4 (3.1) (775.3) 1,451.0 59 Advisory & Inspection Services 60 Centre For Education Technology 61 Ex Stds Fund LAA Grant 62 Governor Services 63.3 (5.0) 0.0 58.3 Redesign school improvement services in line with government policy, ensuring that the Council's support products provide value for money and support high standards of educational attainment and work towards 63 closing the gap in educational attainment. PSI Management 368.6 (26.9) (63.6) 278.1 64 Pupil Support 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 6 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome 65 Raising Achievement Plan 66 Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) 1,316.7 (26.0) (150.0) 1,140.7 Standards Fund 501.6 0.0 (300.0) 201.6 Music Service 227.2 (64.3) 0.0 162.9 68 Outdoor Education Service 254.7 (72.3) 0.0 182.4 69 SEN team 767.4 (6.2) (75.0) 686.2 56.5 (0.3) 0.0 56.2 1,102.3 (16.9) 0.0 1,085.4 Youth Offending Team 899.5 (44.9) 0.0 854.6 Capital & Performance 346.9 (1.0) 0.0 345.9 (133.6) (1.4) 0.0 (135.0) 67 Create self-funding and sustainable music and outdoor education services that provide a wide range of extracurricular activities for children and young people. *Provide statutory support to pupils aged 4-19 who have special educational needs to help them make the most of their school life and maximise their achievements 70 72 SEN Parent Partnership Provide an effective educational psychology service, working with families and schools to support the development needs of children and young people 73 Work with partners to prevent young people offending and reduce rates of reoffending Psychological Service Aim 3 - Maintain and manage Dorset's natural and built environment (Environment) 74 75 Reduce, maintain and provide new County Council's property assets to reduce costs and ensure our public Design T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 7 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) buildings provide value for money (cross-cutting outcome) 76 Programmes & Facilities 77 Valuation & Estates 79 80 Provide transport to children and adults with specific needs at the best price to enable them to access care and education services and support public transport (cross-cutting outcome). Maintain and manage Dorset's countryside sites and trails, generating income from key projects and increasing levels of voluntary support. Dorset Passenger Transport Countryside Service 1,020.4 (3.6) 0.0 1,016.8 658.4 (1.0) 0.0 657.4 19,761.1 (38.1) (1,614.0) 18,109.0 624.8 (54.2) (106.0) 464.6 0.6 (0.6) 0.0 0.0 1,024.5 (85.4) (62.7) 876.4 81 Heathlands 82 Business Support Unit 83 Strategic Projects 213.6 (1.6) 0.0 212.0 Systems & Service Improvement 745.2 (45.1) 0.0 700.1 85 Management & Shared Costs 225.0 (6.7) (38.1) 180.2 86 Sustainability 107.0 (0.3) (1.3) 105.4 87 Business Support 868.9 (10.1) (422.3) 436.5 88 Planning 1,642.2 (61.6) (199.7) 1,380.9 89 Improve Dorset's transportation infrastructure and ensure new development is delivered sustainably. Research & Information 338.0 (9.0) (43.2) 285.8 90 Research & Information including GIS 319.1 (0.3) (43.4) 275.4 84 Provide essential administrative, business, planning and policy support to Environment Services at a reduced cost. T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 8 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) 91 Work constructively with Gypsies and Travellers by managing authorise and unauthorised encampments. Gypsy & Traveller Services 127.9 (5.6) (24.0) 98.3 92 Protect and maintain Dorset’s rights of way network and increase community involvement. Rights of Way 810.4 (4.3) (95.0) 711.1 County Farms (435.8) (2.4) (51.5) (489.7) 11,802.0 (336.6) (1,537.5) 9,927.9 3,203.5 (157.0) (576.0) 2,470.5 (5.7) (1.3) 0.0 (7.0) 93 Manage County Farms to protect Dorset's rural economy and heritage and to generate income to reinvest in our public services. 94 Highways Management 95 Traffic Group 96 Sign Shop Manage the road network to ensure that all prioritised repairs and maintenance work is achieved at the lowest possible cost to facilitate the safe movement of traffic including pedestrians. 97 Highways Maintenance (154.3) (27.7) 0.0 (182.0) 98 Grounds Maintenance (35.9) (12.1) 0.0 (48.0) 99 DEC (96.4) (14.7) 0.0 (111.1) 100 To administer the concessionary fares scheme to provide free travel to eligible passengers. Concessionary Fares - budget to be confirmed. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,614.9 0.0 (50.0) 3,564.9 101 Work in partnership with the private sector to upgrade street lighting in Dorset, to improve lighting quality and reduce energy costs. Street Lighting 102 Support the local economy by delivering the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Multi-Area Agreement and making the most of the 2012 Games. Economic Development etc 481.7 (130.5) (36.8) 314.4 103 Protect and conserve the natural and built environment across the County. Environment Policy 721.7 (9.0) (99.3) 613.4 104 Closed Landfill Sites 91.9 0.0 0.0 91.9 T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 9 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) 105 Household Recycling Centres 3,180.5 0.0 0.0 3,180.5 106 Reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill and work in partnership with others to reduce the overall costs of waste management in the county. Recycling 3,228.0 (95.9) 0.0 3,132.1 107 Transfer Stations 500.6 (0.2) 0.0 500.4 108 Other Waste Categories 9,517.6 (98.5) (250.0) 9,169.1 109 Maintain the Council's fleet of vehicles, ensuring they are as economical and environmental as possible. Vehicle Maintenance (25.4) (4.0) 0.0 (29.4) (1,468.2) (100.0) 0.0 (1,568.2) (12.8) (72.2) 0.0 (85.0) 1,212.8 (136.5) (43.0) 1,033.3 783.2 (216.8) (50.0) 516.4 Aim 4 - Develop value for money services that meet the challenges we face (Corporate Resources) 110 Reduce, maintain and provide new County Council's property assets to reduce costs and ensure our public buildings provide value for money (cross-cutting outcome) County Buildings 111 Keep essential printing and publication costs as low as possible. Design & Print 112 Support elected County Councillors in their democratic role and provide advice on key legal matters. Legal & Democratic Services 113 Transform the way we work and purchase goods and services as an organisation to save money and improve Procurement & Business Efficiency the quality of what we do. 114 Strategic & Corporate Support 530.3 (8.9) (50.0) 471.4 115 Coroners 754.4 (0.2) 0.0 754.2 Records Management Unit 301.0 (21.4) 0.0 279.6 Corporate & Democratic Core 983.5 (19.7) 0.0 963.8 116 117 *Provide essential business and administrative support to the County Council at a reduced cost. T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 10 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) 121 External Customers (148.0) (26.8) 0.0 (174.8) 122 Management (325.4) (2.0) 0.0 (327.4) 520.3 (8.1) (176.0) 336.2 93.7 (0.4) 0.0 93.3 123 *Communicate with, involve and consult Dorset's communities on important local issues and projects, whilst spending less overall Communications & Consultation 124 Dorset For You 125 Provide our customers with a high quality of service. Customer Service Unit 1,595.8 (70.5) (124.0) 1,401.3 126 Rise to the financial challenges facing the Council and deliver a balanced budget. Financial Services 3,013.4 (113.9) (200.0) 2,699.5 127 IT General 1,082.7 (107.6) (250.0) 725.1 128 BRM 1,916.1 (41.5) 0.0 1,874.6 129 S&C 680.5 (1.4) 0.0 679.1 1,212.8 (2.5) 0.0 1,210.3 4.5 (0.4) 0.0 4.1 130 Make the best use of ICT to achieve savings and ensure that Council services are delivered effectively. Service Ops 131 IT Maintenance 132 Telecomms 101.6 0.0 0.0 101.6 133 Broadband 455.0 0.0 0.0 455.0 Shared Services 1,614.1 (46.3) 0.0 1,567.8 Specialist Services 1,726.7 (10.8) (40.0) 1,675.9 134 Reduce the numbers of staff employed by the County Council, ensuring that remaining staff are effectively supported to provide a high quality service to the public. 135 T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 11 Draft Combined Corporate and Budget Plan Corporate Plan 2011/12 Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 Service Outcome Original budget for 2011/12 (£k) (before savings) Savings agreed Meeting Future challenges saving (£k) Budget Working Group savings (£k) Draft budget for 2011/12 (£k) (after savings) Aim 4 - Develop value for money services that meet the challenges we face (Chief Executive's Office) 136 Chief Executive 958.1 (56.5) (239.3) 662.3 137 Develop policies that help improve Dorset County Council's performance. Corporate Management 896.2 (33.8) (248.2) 614.2 138 Other Admin 1,070.6 0.0 0.0 1,070.6 Civil Society 1,101.6 (161.9) (235.0) 704.7 39.2 (4.7) 0.0 34.5 140 Build infrastructure of civil society in Dorset (non governmental organisations, community groups, parish Councils etc) 141 Surplus Land/Property NB Excluding capital related savings T:\Committee Services\EXECKR\Cabinet\2010\15 December 2010\Cabinet 15 Dec 2010 - Addressing Budget Deficit - Appendix 2.xls 12
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