Dorset County Council Adult and Community Services Self Directed Support in Dorset Information Summary June 2009 Self Directed Support has been described as the most significant change to social care in a decade, and in very simple terms, introduces more choice and control for users of social care services than ever before. This summary briefly describes the background to Self Directed Support and explains how the process of allocating personal budgets will work. WHAT IS SELF DIRECTED SUPPORT? DEMOS, the Democratic think tank said in 2008; “Personal Budgets and Self Directed Services mobilise the intelligence of thousands of people to get better outcomes for themselves or value for public money. People get personalised solutions that give them a better quality of life, allow them to participate more in society and form strong relationships at lower cost than traditional service solutions that often isolate and leave them feeling dependent.” Self Directed Support (SDS) is a change to the way that social care assessment, care planning and service delivery works so that more choice and control is given to service users and carers. The process of Self Directed Support will, over the next three years, replace the care management process and introduce a new model of ‘personalisation’. Personalisation is the overarching principle of tailoring services to suit an individual’s needs and desired outcomes with a strong emphasis on choice, control and early intervention. The principles of personalisation and the process of Self Directed Support are described in two key Government documents; • Putting People First onsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_081118 • Transforming Social Care ocalAuthorityCirculars/DH_081934 Self Directed Support in Dorset is part of the wider Transforming Social Care Programme which is being led by Harry Capron, Head of Service Development at Dorset County Council. The diagram below summarises the individual elements (or workstreams) of this programme, of which Self Directed Support is one. Transforming Social Care Structure Cabinet Fit for the Future Project Board Executive Advisory Panel Joint Commissioning Board TSC Delivery Group Local area agreement Chairs of programmes Joint Strategic Needs Assessment / Commissioning Strategies Co-ordination. Progress of Transforming Social Care Blueprint (TSC) PROGRAMMES THEME CONNECTING HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE UNIVERSAL APPROACHES COMMUNICATIONS AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT WORKFORCE STRATEGY SELF DIRECTED SUPPORT DEVELOPING THE MARKET AND USER-LED APPROACHES DEVELOPING CORE SERVICES EARLY INTERVENTION AND REABLEMENT CHAIRS Harry Capron Paul Leivers Harry Capron Steve Pitt Harry Capron Leads Andrew Morris Andrew Archibald Paul Leivers Roland Atkins Steve Clements Programme Lead Jacky Walters Jacky Walters David Vitty Kim Westaway David Vitty Alison Waller David Vitty David Vitty Jacky Walters Alison Waller Diana Churchill Programme Support vacant Marie Baxter Jo Morrish Carol Cake Karen Evans Debbie Boyse Debbie Catanzaro Wendy Allwood Becky Forrester Brian Ironside Richard Last Gill Slade Harry Capron Gill Slade Andrew Archibald Glen Gocoul What will Self Directed Support mean for Dorset? In Dorset the Self Directed Support process which is set out in the diagram below, has been piloted across five fieldwork teams • • • • • Older Peoples Team in North Dorset Older Peoples Team in Weymouth Learning Disability for West Dorset Disability Team for Christchurch Disability Team in Purbeck Throughout this pilot the teams trialled a new supported assessment form, the resource allocation system and individual support plans. These are the three processes which will bring a far greater level of choice and control to service users and, it is anticipated, dramatically raise the number of individuals taking a direct payment and managing their own care arrangements. The forms and processes are, at this stage, being refined and improved as we seek feedback from professional staff and service users. The pilots, which saw up to 300 individuals in receipt of a personal budget, will be evaluated during the summer of 2009. A full scale roll-out of Self Directed Support to all adult services teams is anticipated to begin in September 2009, and last no more than 12 months. Supported Assessment The supported assessment opens up a range of possibilities for service users to express their needs and desired outcomes. The form has been designed so that service users, if they chose to do so, can complete the form alone, or with support from their personal support network, or their allocated fieldworker. In some cases the allocated fieldworker, as is currently the case, may complete the form entirely on behalf of the service user, but in future this will only be in circumstances where the service user is unwilling or unable to take an active part in their own assessment. Above all, the form has an outcome focussed feel to it which compliments and enhances the recording of need. The focus on outcomes for the Service User is a common theme running throughout the new Self Directed Support process, and indeed at the point of review, one of the most important factors is to establish if an individual’s outcomes are being met by their support plan. Resource Allocation System (RAS) The Resource Allocation System is a process for calculating, from the responses given in the supported assessment, a sum of money for the individual service user to meet their needs and achieve their outcomes. The sum of money that is generated by the RAS is sometimes called the “Upfront Allocation” and once agreed becomes the personal budget for the individual. The term individual budget applies to a sum of money which also includes funding from such things as Disabled Facilities Grants, the Independent Living Fund, Supporting People or Access to Work; personal budget is simply made up of community care monies and is the process being used for the pilot in Dorset. Individual Support Plan The Individual Support Plan, like the Supported Assessment, is a user driven document and has the purpose of allowing the Service User (or carer) to set out how they wish to use their personal budget to meet their needs and achieve their outcomes. This form will replace the current care plan, and as well as containing some of the same practical information as a care plan, will also have a very strong person centred focus. Service users can elect to ask for any of these processes to be completed by the County Council, and can ask that the County Council plans care on their behalf and makes arrangement for it in much the same way as the current care management process. It has been suggested from pilot sites throughout the country that about half of all people could ask the County Council to plan and manage care on their behalf with the remainder taking partial or complete control of planning and arranging their own care through a direct payment. Support Planning Support Planning is the term given to any process which helps an individual to plan their care and record it in an individual support plan. It is anticipated that this part of the process may benefit from the involvement of the third and independent sector. In many pilot areas service users have asked for an independent organisation to help them plan their care and write their support plan, and further, to help them purchase the care they need. In Dorset it is likely that arrangements will be put in place to allow service users, who chose to do so, to approach a third sector organisation for help in completing their support plan and arranging their care. Direct Payments will continue as part of the Self Directed Support process, and represent the mechanism by which money is passed from the County Council to the individual. Jargon Buster Below is a Jargon Buster which explains some of the terminology used as part of the Transforming Social Care process. Individual Budgets give a clear allocation of cash to an individual to control the way money is spent to meet his or her care needs. IBs can bring together a variety of income streams from different agencies as well as social care. Personal Budget is an individual budget made up solely of social care funding. Personalisation is the process by which state provided services can be adapted to suit service users. This means everyone having choice and control over the shape of their support along with a greater emphasis on prevention and early intervention. Person Centered Planning (PCP) is a process designed to assist someone to make plans for their future. It is used most often as a life planning model to enable individuals with disabilities to increase their personal independence. Direct payments are regular monthly payments from social services enabling people to purchase their own care, instead of receiving help arranged by social services. Self Directed Support is the name given to the change to the way the social care system operates to give service users the choice, control and power over the support service users receive. This process replaces care management. Resource Allocation Systems (RAS) Self directed support initiatives involve the cash value of personal budgets being derived from an agreed resource allocation system which links an individual’s needs to a consistently applied way to determining a cash or budget value.
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