Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) Mauri Mäkiaho Curriculum Vitae Mr. Mauri Mäkiaho Born 13. Jan 1964 Working history, more than 20 years as a civil cervant from 2011 civil servant in Finnish Transport Agency’s investment unit from 2005 civil servant in the Finnish Public Roads Administration in Häme district and in the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Pirkanmaa region from 2002 civil servant as an designer and road inspector in city of Valkeakoski from 1995 civil servant as an designer officer in city of Loviisa from 1988 structural designer and supervisor in the private sectors engineering office My work experience includes various infrastructure projects, such as bridge and road projects, water supply systems and port engineering structures. Mostly as an project owner and tasks are related to the administration and project management. Also I have been participating some development works nationally and internationally. I am a member of the Nordic Road Associations strategic planning and road structure divisions and just recently I was asked to join also the road tunnel division. Education: 2010 Master Degree, Programme in Strategic Leadership of Tecnology -based business 2006 Developer qualification of FISE (Qualification of Professionals in Building, HVAC and Real Estate Sector in Finland) 2004 Engineer Building and construction Programme Civil Engineering 1989 Civil Engineering Technician Degree Finnish Transport Agency FTA (Finnish Road Administration) WE ARE an expert organisation specialising in transport and operating under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport and Communications WE ENSURE smooth, efficient and safe travel and transport WE PROMOTE traffic safety and a sustainable development of the regions WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR Finland’s roads, railways and waterways and for the overall development of Finland's transport system WE EMPLOY 650 professionals. In addition, we indirectly employ about 12,000 persons in various infrastructure projects OUR ANNUAL BUDGET is approx. 1.8 billion euros We are responsible for the Finnish transport system • FTA’s mission is to improve the transport infrastructure to ensure effective travel and transport chains railway traffic maritime traffic road traffic FTA is the Finland's largest infrastructure owner in Finland Some numbers from 2014 Enhancing Operating costs competitiveness 86 million € Building of in maritime transport the West Metro Other Public transport, 85 million € 56 million € 9 million € commuter ferry traffic 36 million € Improvements 109 million € Traffic Services 178 million € Routine maintenance 327 million € Development investments 569 million € Periodic maintenance 376 million € Of these sums, the Transport and Infrastructure responsibility area of the ELY Centres order road maintenance, planning and small investments for about 0.6 billion euros. Different challenges and opportunities Western Finland: • to ensure effective transport chains to important traffic nodes and ports. Southern Finland: • to provide adequate capacity for the nationwide and international transports of trade and industry • to facilitate the mobility of labour by good public transport connections Northern Finland: • to meet the needs of the mining/other heavy industries and the tourism industry Eastern Finland: • to provide connections to Russia • to meet the needs of the tourism, mining and forest industries • Saimaa Canal operations Integrated Project Deliveries in Finland Research project of the Project Alliance 2007/2008 LCI comes to Finland 2008 Lean principles, Integrated project deliveries and Lean Construction tools and methods started to achieve understanding LIPS in Karlsruhe Germany 2009, Jim Ross introduced the Project Alliance EU-legislation challenge in the public sector LIPS in Washington DC 2010 We might be able to challenge the EU-legislation LIPPI in Brisbane Australia 2011 First Project Alliance has been established, several others coming LIPS in Tampere Finland 2012 We have 4 alliance projects EGLC 2015 23 alliance projects LIPS in Nottingham 2013 We have 6 alliance projects and some hybrids, more coming LCI-Finland has 4,5 M€ R&D project 2013-2015 LIPS in Berkeley 2014 We have more than 16 alliance projects including some hybrids and more coming LCI-Finland has 4,5 M€ R&D project 2013-2015 We chose Project Alliancing to be the IPD model and wanted to implement it to the Finnish market, but The Alliance contracting model in Australia has two aspects, which are not in line with European Union legislation: In Australia: There is no need to use price in comparison There is no need to write out verbal comparison about every comparison criteria We need price component in EU No price component, pure alliance and Single TOC Budget critique and quality of pricing methods Full price competition between two NOPs (Dual TOC) Fee as a price component Price is made up of unit prices and fee % Alliancing versus European union procurement legislation According to the EU directives and Finnish legislation –The price should be used, when contracting authority is making comparison of tenders Two possible selection criteria: The lowest price or the most economically advantageous tender (so-called quality and price) In our case, we are going to use limb 2 as a price element. –Contracting entities should write out justifications for every comparison criteria So far FTA has been using as an price element The fee offer with 25 % of weight The quality issues with 75 % of weight The European commission rejected claim against using Alliance Model September 2013 Starting IPD-projects in Finland 1/2015 Yhteistoimintahankkeiden vaiheet Hanke 1 Tampere-Pori Railroad Renovation, Finnish Transport Agency 2 Vuolukiventie Residential Housing Renovation, University of Helsinki 3 Tampere Tunnel Project Alliance M€ 18 6 Järvenpää City Hospital Project Alliance 50 Q1 Q2 Q3 2013 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2014 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2015 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 6 11 Gunillankallio Rental Residential Housing Project Alliance, Seafarer's Pension Fund 10 12 Nuclear Safety Building, National Research Centre, Senate Properties 30 13 Jyrkkälä Suburban Renovation, Jyrkkälänpolku Real Estate 20 14 Joensuun Justice and Police Station Project Alliance, Senate Properties 30 15 Naantali Powerplant Project Alliance 50 18 17 Kainuu Central Hospital Project Alliance 120 18 Highway 6 Taaveti-Lappenranta renovvation, Finnsih Transport Agency 100 19 Kempele Medical Center 14 20 Kotka Police Hedquarters, Senate Properties 20 21 Hiukkavaara Community Center, City of Oulu 24 23 Tampere Tramway / Infra 2012 Q4 6 10 22 Espoonlahti Church Q3 19 10 Retkeilijänkatu Rental Residential Housing Project, Fira Ltd 16 Administration Building Renovation, University of helsinki Q1 Q2 18 20 9 Pakila Maintenance Contract, City of Helsinki 2011 Q4 180 5 National Institute for Health and Welfare Head Office Project Alliance, Senate Properties 8 Lahti Transport Terminal Project Alliance Q3 100 4 Helsinki Airport Maintenance Contract 7 Franzenia Project Partnering Renovation, University of Helsinki 2010 Q1 Q2 6 240 Lähde: Vison Alliance Partners Oy, Lauri Merikalliio Q4 • Some results from FTA’s alliances 1st FTA Alliance; Lielahti – Kokemäki (railroad project) • 89,5 milj. euro • now ready 2nd FTA Alliance; Tampere road tunnel (mainroad improvement) • 180,3 milj. euro • under construction 3rd FTA Alliance; Taavetti – Lappeenranta (mainroad improvement) • 100 milj. euro • No measured results yet • The development phase just started 1st Alliance, Lielahti Kokemäki, costs Budjetti Budjettiennuste Budjettialitus 1,6 M€ Tilaajan materiaalit 18,8 M€ Budjetti 106,4 M€ Tilaajan materiaalit 17,4 M€ Bonuspooli 1,7 M€ TOC 89,5 M€ Palkkio korvattaville kustannuksille n. 12% 9,0 M€ Riskit 0,5 M€ Tilaajan kustannukset 5,6 M€ Palveluntuottajan korvattavat kustannukset 74,2 M€ Hankintavaihe 1,1 M€ Bonus 6,6 M€ Onnistuminen ATA TOC-alitus Palkkio korvattaville kustannuksille 8,8 M€ Tilaajan kustannukset 4,9 M€ TOC toteuma 80,0 M€ Budjettiennuste 104,8 M€ Palveluntuottajan Korvattavat kustannukset 66,6 M€ Hankintavaihe 1,1 M€ HANKKEEN ENNUSTETTAVUUS ON ERINOMAINEN 26.3.2015 13 1st Alliance, Lielahti Kokemäki, chedule Perinteinen hankintatapa Hankkeen kokonaisaikataulu 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Ratasuunnitelma Rakentamissuunnittelu Rakentamistöiden toteutus Käyttöönottomenettelyt Allianssin hankintatapa Hankkeen kokonaisaikataulu Ratasuunnitelma Rakentamissuunnittelu Rakentamistöiden toteutus Käyttöönottomenettelyt 2nd Alliance, Tampere tunneling Predictions: • Ready 6 month earlier • Costs 0,5 milj. under budget So far • More than 20 innovations, savings more than 20 million euros The Tunnel of Rantaväylä Tampere, Finland Utsjoki Kilpisjärvi Sodankylä Kelloselkä Rovaniemi Tornio Kemi Oulu Vartius Kajaani Kokkola Vaasa Kuopio Seinäjoki Joensuu Jyväskylä Niirala Tampere Pori Mikkeli Lahti Kotka Helsinki Hanko Nuijamaa Vaalimaa Turku Viikko 39/2012 Lappeenranta Kouvola 7.4.2000 16 Tunnel allows built new housing to the city center 17 2 one-way 2,3 km road tunnels Interchange in both ends Provision for one in the middle Daily traffic volume Over 40 000 In the future 54 000 Target costs 180,3 M€ (May 2013) Development period (in Alliance) July 2012 – autumn 2013 Implementation period (in Alliance) has been started October 2013 Ready to use in 2017 Finishing 2018 18 Tampere tunneling alliance partners WE DO EVERYTHING TOGETHER WE SHARE ALL IDEAS TO ALL OTHERS OWNERS • Finnish Transport Agency • Tampere City SERVICE PROVIDERS • Lemminkäinen Infra Oy • Saanio & Riekkola Oy • A-Insinöörit Suunnittelu Oy 19 Ideas and Innovations 3/2015 20 Lean Using IPD is lean: • The level of common understanding about the project is in higher possible level from the beginning Using Alliance is lean: Alliance contract and its commercial model doesn`t prevent making changes or use innovations flexibly. Also it challenges everybody to improve • The Projects owner will have benefits and service providers can increase their fee when the whole project is going to succeed • Unanimous decision-making Incentive system Lean Risk sharing • risk reduction • risk elimination • risk sharing Alliance Traditional form of contracts No separete risks Clients risks and and oblications no separete oblications Clients risks are either sold to service providers or they do not contribute to the management of them The client is responsible for the risks which service Designers and by providers canrisks not affect • oblications Examine • Desing • Working methods Contractors risks Everything else is shared and oblications Lean Setting the Target cost • Design to target –method is lean Risk identification and analysis Cost Cost comparison Cost comparison Decision Decision Decision Results aftercomparison 10 months develompent phase Cost comparison Decision Decision Cost comparison Moment of decision TOC Cost comparison Updating the cost estimate Update of the TOC Terrain surveys Risk pricing Updating the cost estimate Plan accuracy Setting the target cost with Target value Design method Drawing up of overall schedule Decision Team work, building alliance spirit August January May Implementation Tim e phase Lean Shedule mangement • Last Planner is lean New target 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Development phase • Design • Key targets • Target price • Impl. plan Implementation phase • Construction Defects correction period 26 Lean Ideas and innovations • To have effective and systematic process for exploding ideas and innovations is lean Lean Risk management during the development face and implementation • Effective and systematic process for manage risks is lean At this point it seems that: the schedule will succeed = ready 6 months earlier the target cost is not exceeded =0,5 milj.€ under target 29 Performance /Weight 30% 10% 10% 10% 20% 30 Performance 31 Performance 32 More information Facebook The Project Web Pages • • hankkeet/kaynnissa/tampereen_rantavayla • eli Transparent monitoring • Project Brochure One Article • • /en man_maantietunnelin_tyomaalle/7657536 Project Plan • portal/f/hankkeet/kaynnissa/tampereen_ra ntavayla/Hankesuunnitelmarapo_ENGL_131 2_nettiversio_2.pdf Value for Money report • portal/f/hankkeet/kaynnissa/tampereen_ra ntavayla/Arvoa_rahalle_en.pdf 33 Thank you 34
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