New Paradigms for Peacebuilding Symposium Agenda

Sustainable peace through shared societies and social services for children
17 March 2015
Crowne Plaza – Le Palace, Brussels, Belgium.
Day 2: Tuesday, 17 March 2015
9.30 to 9.35
Welcome from UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Yoka Brandt
Moderator, Nisha Pillai, former BBC World News anchor with over 20 years of experience as a BBC
presenter and journalist.
9.35 to 9.50
“TED-like” Talk
 Ebrahim Rasool, former Premier of Western Cape in South Africa, recently completed his
assignment as South African Ambassador to USA, and Member of the Club de Madrid’s
9.50 to 11.00
Panel Discussion 1: Rethinking peacebuilding responses to social divisions and violent conflict
 Shared societies’ as a priority for government leaders.
o Roza Isakovna Otunbayeva,Former President of Kyrgyzstan and Member of the Club
de Madrid
 Equitable delivery of education and social services crucial to building peace and resilience.
o Christian Salazar, UNICEF Deputy Director of Programmes
Stabilizing fragile contexts as a donor priority
o Joost Andriessen, Director, Peacebuilding and Stabilization, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Government of the Netherlands
EU contributions to reconstruction and reconciliation
o Marcus Cornaro, Deputy Director General, Directorate-General, International
Cooperation and Development (DEVCO)
11.00 to 11.15
Coffee Break
11.15 to 11.30
Presentation: Lack of social services as a driver of instability and violent conflict
 Son Excellence Maker Mwangu Famba, Ministre de l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et
Professionnel et de l’Initiation à la Nouvelle Citoyenneté, Democratic Republic of Congo
(Minister of Education, DRC)
 Q&A/Discussion
11.30 to 12.45
Panel Discussion 2: Impact and Evidence - Opportunities and challenges in innovative
peacebuilding programming
 Key outcomes and lessons learned from Shared Societies
o Ebrahim Rasool, former Premier of Western Cape in South Africa, recently completed
his assignment as South African Ambassador to USA, and Member of the Club de
Madrid’s NetPLUSS
 Evidence of what works and what does not work in education and peacebuilding
o Professor Alan Smith, UNESCO Chair in Education for Pluralism, Human Rights and
Democracy at the University of Ulster
 View from the ground
o Jonathan Veitch, UNICEF South Sudan Representative (and former Kyrgyzstan Rep)
 Measuring impact and sharing evidence
o Lakshitha Sajindra Prelis, Director, Children & Youth Programmes, Search for
Common Ground
 Q&A/Discussion
12.45 to 13.45
13.45 to 14.00
“TED-like” Talk
 Mari Malek, former refugee from South Sudan, now model and activist
14:00 to 15:15
Panel Discussion 3: Promoting social services for peacebuilding: Bridging and influencing the
humanitarian, stability and development agendas
 Influencing policy and gaining political support, nationally and internationally
o Kinga Göncz, former Foreign Minister of Hungary and member of the Club de
Madrid’s NetPLUSS
 Demonstrating benefits and overcoming doubts
o Karen Schroh, head of the Brussels office, Global Partnership for Education
 Bridging the humanitarian and development agenda
o Michele Cervone d'Urso, European Union Special Envoy to Somalia and Head of EU
Delegation to Somalia
 Where do we go from here?
Henk-Jan Brinkman, Chief of Policy, Planning and Application United Nations
Peacebuilding Support Office
15:15 to 15:30
Coffee Break
15:30 to 16:30
Wrap up, recommendations and discussion
 Son Excellence Maker Mwangu Famba, Ministre de l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et
Professionnel et de l’Initiation à la Nouvelle Citoyenneté, Democratic Republic of Congo
(Minister of Education, DRC)
 Olav Hereid Seim, Policy Director Education, Section for Global Initiatives, Norwegian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
 Q&A/Discussion