D. Other bacterial infections 1. Trichomycosis palmellina

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D. Other bacterial infections
1. Trichomycosis palmellina
It occurs most frequently in young patients with hyperhidrosis
and poor hygiene. Bacteria in colloidal suspension, ranging from
yellowish brown to white, attach in clusters to axillary or pubic
hairs. The hairs appear to be yellowish and swollen. The condition may be accompanied by foul odor. The pathogenesis in most
cases is infection caused by Corynebacterium tenuis, which fluoresces as yellow, white, or blue under Wood’s lamp. The treatments are hygiene improvement, antisepsis, shaving of hair, and
topical tetracycline.
2. Erythrasma
Clinical features
Moist intertriginous regions such as the genitocrural region,
axillary fossae and interdigital clefts are most commonly
involved. Erythrasma presents as sharply margined, red or reddish-brown patches on whose surface thin and fine scales attach.
Papules or blisters do not occur. The center of the lesion does not
heal, whereby erythrasma can be distinguished from tinea. Erythrasma tends to be asymptomatic, and there may be itching and
burning in rare cases.
Erythrasma is caused by infection in the horny cell layer by
Corynebacteria called diphteroids. It often occurs in patients
with diabetes, obesity or hyperhidrosis. It is thought to be an
opportunistic infection.
Diagnosis, Examination
It is difficult to differentiate erythrasma in the toe clefts from
tinea pedis; however, coral-red fluorescence of erythrasma
observed under Wood’s lamp is diagnostic. Since erythrasma and
tinea pedis are present together in many cases, mycological
examination of scales is necessary. Gram-positive short bacilli
are observed in the scales of the lesion.
Topical imidazole antifungal agents and oral erythromycin are
Bacterial Infections
3. Actinomycosis
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Fig. 24.19 Actinomycosis.
A small nodule in the lower lip. Actinomyces
israelii was detected by excision.
Clinical features, Classification
Actinomycosis is classified by the primary site into cervicofacial actinomycosis, thoracic actinomycosis and abdominal actinomycosis. Of these three subtypes, cervicofacial actinomycosis,
which is often induced by dental caries and accompanied by skin
lesions, accounts for about half of all actinomycosis cases. Thoracic actinomycosis and abdominal actinomycosis are accompanied by a lesion in the internal organs; unless there is a fistula
that affects the skin, these two subtypes are not addressed in dermatology.
Reddening, swelling and induration occur, forming a dark red
subcutaneous nodule (Fig. 24.19). The nodule partly softens and
forms an abscess, leading to a fistula from which pus excretes for
a long period of time. A chronic suppurative granulomatous
lesion is produced. Mild fever and pain are present in most cases.
Actinomycosis is nearly asymptomatic; however, there is difficulty opening the mouth when the masticatory muscle is
Actinomyces israelii, a microbe resident in the human oral cavity, tonsillar fossae and dental plaques, invades the body from a
minor injury, proliferates and forms a lesion. Once believed to be
a fungus, Actinomyces israelii has been found to be a bacterium.
Fig. 24.20 Histopathology of actinomycosis.
A cluster of Actinomyces israelii called a granule
or Drüse is observed in the microabscess.
Microabscess forms in parts of fibrotic inflammatory granulomatous tissue. Actinomycosis is characterized by bacterial mass
in the microabscess called “sulfur granule”(Fig. 24.20).
Differential diagnosis
Nocardia infection causes lesions similar to those of actinomycosis. External dental fistula and inflammatory epidermal cyst
should be differentiated from actinomycosis.
Penicillin, tetracycline and cefem antibiotics are administered
4. External dental fistula
As a result of progression of dental caries or alveolar osteitis, a
fistula forms from which pus is excreted (Fig. 24.21). Dental
treatment is necessary. It may be misdiagnosed as subcutaneous
ulcers such as epidermal cyst or actinomycosis.
D. Other bacterial infections
5. Nocardiosis
Clinical features
Skin lesions caused by nocardiosis are divided by morphology
into three subtypes: nocardia mycetoma, which progresses in a
process very similar to that of actinomycosis; localized cutaneous
nocardiosis, in which subcutaneous abscess forms; and cutaneous
lymphatic nocardiosis, in which the lesion enlarges on skin over
the lymph vessels. This section focuses on nocardia mycetoma.
The legs are most frequently involved. Dark red subcutaneous
nodules appear after multiple reddening, swelling and induration.
The nodules form abscesses where fistulae are produced, excreting pus for a long period of time. Some of the pus may be granular. Opportunistic infectious nocardiosis invades the lung and
progresses in a course similar to that of bacterial pneumonia. A
skin lesion and a cerebral abscess occur in cases with hematogeneous dissemination.
Nocardiosis is infection by the anaerobic bacteria of the genus
Nocardia. In developing countries, Nocardia in the soil causes
skin lesions. The bacteria may invade the lung and cause an
opportunistic infection and systemic nocardiosis. Nocardia asteroids is the causative species in most cases.
Laboratory findings, Diagnosis
Pus or sputum smears are examined after Gram staining. Cultures are obtained on Sabouraud glucose medium. Or Nocardia
are identified by skin biopsy. Infiltration of Nocardia into bone is
investigated by bone X-ray. Drugs for treatment are chosen by
measuring MIC.
Clinical images are available in hardcopy only.
Clinical images are available in hardcopy only.
Fig. 24.21 External dental fistula.
A fistula in the lower jaw from inflammation of
the dental root, which was caused by dental
The most effective drug for each case is chosen from among
sulfate drugs, minocycline, or penicillin. The treatment is continued for several months. For cases in which all drugs are ineffective or bone is involved, surgical removal is performed.
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