FIRSTENERGY | East Coast Energy Conference March 2015 Canbriam Energy Inc. ANALYST: Cody R. Kwong, P.Geol. ASSOCIATE: Rachel C. Eddy, P.Eng. Corporate Profile Canbriam - Montney Fault Blocks (March 2015) Canbriam Energy Inc. is a privately held mid-cap producer pursuing development of the Montney across its ~61,000 net acre land position in northeast BC at North Altares, where it has de-risked an impressive inventory of over 700 liquids-rich natural gas locations. North Fault Block Development activities to date have delineated a 25,000 acre sweetspot within the Company’s Altares core featuring a localized, over-pressured Montney reservoir that is delivering uncharacteristically high liquids yields for the immediate region alongside some of the best initial natural gas rates observed out of the entire Montney fairway. East Fault Block Canbriam has outlined a preliminary development plan for a staged infrastructure build out that could ultimately allow for corporate natural gas production to reach 450 mmcf/d in 2018e+ with the cooperation of supportive commodity and capital markets. Canbriam Development Focus Area Main Fault Block The Company’s key financial partners include Warburg Pincus, ARC Financial Corp., Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan, GE Asset Management and Blackrock. South Fault Block Operational Update Having been restricted to 50 mmcf/d (or ~10,000 boe/d, 20% liquids) throughout 2014e, Canbriam has recently begun ramping-up production through its Phase I facility (80 mmcf/d) with ~16 wells expected to be brought on production by mid2015e. Source: FirstEnergy Capital Corp., Company Reports For 2015e, we forecast Canbriam will spend between $350 to $400 mm with which it could run a 3 rig drilling program and complete construction on a water hub (1H15e) as well as a Phase II expansion (80 mmcf/d) by the end of 4Q15e and bring total corporate facility capacity to upwards of ~210 mmcf/d exiting the year. Canbriam - Altares (March 2015) Financial Outlook Altares processing facility expansion 450 Following the Company’s private placement for US$250 mm of senior unsecured notes in 4Q14, along with remaining proceeds available through its Series C preferred shares and $145 mm line of credit, we believe Canbriam is fully funded into 1H16e. Investment Summary We do not provide formal research coverage on Canbriam Energy Inc. and therefore are unable to provide an investment option for the stock. 48 Potential future expansion of b-72-A to 400 MMcf/d 350 300 MMcf/d Beyond this maintenance case, which includes two further facility expansions to add 240 mmcf/d of capacity, Canbriam would require a capital injection or a slower growth trajectory to match organic financial capacity. Management will look to make a decision on whether to defer investment in these additional phases, primarily based on the state of commodity prices, by mid-year 2015e which may or may not coincide with an IPO event in the coming quarters/years. 400 250 200 Under construction 150 100 50 0 b-24-H: 50 MMcf/d current capacity 2013 2014 2015 Source: FirstEnergy Capital Corp., Canbriam Energy Inc. 2016 FIRSTENERGY | East Coast Energy Conference March 2015 Canbriam Energy Inc. Canbriam - North Montney (March 2015) Fireweed 94-A-11 Gundy 94-B -9 Kobes Blueberry T87 Inga Altares 94-B -8 T85 Attachie Farrell Creek T83 94-B -1 ARX ARX/TOU BNP Canbriam CNQ CR Progress PGF PPY RDS KEL SU TOU YO F Canbriam Montney Wells F Montney Wells of Interest T81 93-O-16 R26 R24 R22W6 Source: FirstEnergy Capital Corp., geoSCOUT Management Team Name Paul Myers Key Role President & CEO, Chairman Rob Froese CFO John Nieto Executive VP, Subsurface Gary Gardiner COO Donna Phillips Executive VP, Business Development Larry Cole Art Flaws Nauman Rasheed Sean Brady VP, Finance VP, Drilling & Completions VP, Production & Facilities VP, Strategic Planning Description Formerly President & CEO of Esprit Energy Trust; Prior to held various positions with Encana, Statoil Exploration US and Amoco Production Company Prior to CFO & VP, Finance of NuVista Energy Ltd. Formerly VP, Exploration of Esprit Energy Trust; Prior to held various positions with Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Exxon Mobil Corporation and Mobil Formerly President & CEO of Peregrine Energy Ltd.; Prior to held various executive level positions with Encana Corporation/AEC Formerly Director and VP, Land at Direct Energy/Centrica Canada Ltd.; Prior to held various positions with CanOxy (Nexen), Wascana Energy and SaskOil Prior to was Manager of Financial Accounting at Esprit Energy Trust Prior to held various positions with Encana Corporation and Petro-Canada Prior to held various positions with Pengrowth Energy Corp. Prior to held various positions with Encana Corporation, Cenovus Energy Inc., and Schumberger Board of Directors Peter R. Kagan David Krieger Nancy Smith Zvi Orvitz Robert Hodgins Steven VanSickle Tim Holt Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Warburg Pincus Warburg Pincus ARC Financial Teacher's Private Capital Independent Independent; Previously President & CEO of Santonia Energy Inc. Independent Source: Company Reports, FirstEnergy Capital Corp. 49
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