Department of Legal Studies Names in bold represents Legal Studies faculty members Names in Italics represents Legal Studies students Manuscripts/Articles Barton-Bellessa, S., Hogan, N., & Lambert, E. (2013). Does involuntary treatment work? A view from staff and inmates. Corrections Today, 75(3), 49-54. Davis, R., Jensen, C., Burgette, L., & Burnett, K. (2014). Working smarter on cold cases: Identifying factors associated with successful cold case investigations. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59, 375-382. Doss, A., Henley, R., & McElreath, D. (2013). The Arizona border with Mexico: A pearson correlation coefficient analysis of the U.S. border crossing data versus U.S. reported cybercrime incidents for the period 2001 – 2011. International Journal of Social Science Research, 1, 17-26. Fulkerson, A., Keena, L., & O’Brian, E. (2012). Understanding success and nonsuccess in the drug court. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative – In press. Garland, B., Hogan, N., & Lambert, E. (2013). Antecedents of role stress among correctional staff: A replication and expansion. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 25, 527-550. Garland, B., Lambert, E., Hogan, N., Kim, B., & Kelley, T. (2013). A further examination of the relationship between affective and continuance organizational commitment with correctional staff occupational burnout: A partial replication and expansion study. Criminal Justice and Behavior – In press. Griffin, M., Hogan, N., & Lambert, E. (2014). Career stage theory and turnover intent among correctional officers. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41, 4-19. Heinrich, J., Wigginton, M., & Keena, L. (2013). Assassinations as a political tool. Global Security – In press. Hogan, N., Garland, B., Wodahl, E., Hass, A., Stohr, M., & Lambert, E. (2013). Closing of the iron bar inn: The issue of decarceration and its possible effects on inmates, staff, and communities. Punishment and Society – In press. Jensen, C., Regens, L., & Griffin, N. (2013) Intelligence-led policing as a tool for countering the terrorism threat. Homeland Security Review, 7, 265-283. Jiang, S., Lambert, E., Liu, J., & Saito, T. (2014). Formal and informal control views in China, Japan, and the U.S. Journal of Criminal Justice, 42, 36-44. Keena, L., & Simmons, C. (2014). Rethink, reform, and reenter: An entrepreneurial approach to prison programming. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology – In press. Kim, B., Gerber, J., Beto, D., & Lambert, E. (2013). Predictors of law enforcement agencies perceptions of partnerships with parole agencies. Police Quarterly, 16, 245-269. Kim, B., Matz, A., Gerber, J., Beto, D., & Lambert, E. (2013). Facilitating policeprobation/parole partnerships: An examination of police chiefs and sheriffs attitudes. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 36, 752-767. Kim, B., Wan-Chun Lin, A., & Lambert, E. (2014). Research on policing in East Asia: A review of SSCI policing specialty journals. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management – In press. Khodaker, M., Lambert, E., & Wu, Y. (2013). Perceptions of the police in two nations: An exploratory study of policing views among Bangladeshi and U.S. college students. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), pp. 33-58. Lambert, E., Baker, D., Elechi, O., Jiang, S., Khondaker, M., Pasupuleti, S., & Hogan, N. (2012). Gender and cultural differences on death penalty support and views among Indian and U.S. college students. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice – In press. Lambert, E., & Hogan, N. (2013). The association of distributive and procedural justice with organizational citizenship behavior. The Prison Journal, 93, 313-334. Lambert, E., Hogan, N., & Cheeseman Dial, K. (2013). The link between organizational justice and job involvement: A test at two different correctional institutions. Corrections Compendium, 37(2), pp. 9-16. Lambert, E., Griffin, M., Hogan, N., & Kelley, T. (2013). The ties that bind: organizational commitment and its affect on correctional orientation, absenteeism, and turnover intent. The Prison Journal – In press. Lambert, E., Jiang, S., Elechi, O., Khondaker, M., Wang, J., & Baker, D. (2014). A preliminary study of gender differences on death penalty views of college students from Bangladesh, China, Nigeria, and the United States. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 12, 44-68. Lambert, E., Kelley, T., & Hogan, N. (2013). The association of occupational stressors with different forms of organizational commitment among correctional staff. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 480-501. Lambert, E., Kelley, T., & Hogan, N. (2013). Work-family conflict and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Crime and Justice, 36, 398-417. Lambert, E., Kim, B., Hogan, N., Kelley, T., & Garland, B. (2014). Why I am here matters: The effects of continuance and affective commitment on organizational citizenship among private prison staff. Security Journal – In press. Lambert, E., Kim, B., Kelley, T., & Hogan, N. (2013). The effects of two types of organizational commitment on correctional staff life satisfaction: A tale of two prisons. Social Science Journal, 50, 195-203. Lambert, E., Smith, B., Geistman, J., Cluse-Tolar, T., & Jiang, S. (2013). Do men and women differ in their views on stalking: An exploratory study among college students. Violence and Victims, 28, 195-209. Lambert, E., Wu, Y., Jiang, S., Jaishankar, K., Pasupuleti, S. Bhimarasetty, J., & Smith, B. (2014). Support for community policing in India and the U.S.: An exploratory study among college students. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 37, 3-29. Misis, M., Kim, B., Cheeseman Dial, K., Hogan, N., & Lambert, E. (2013). The impact of correctional officer perceptions of inmates on job stress. Sage Open, April/June, pp. 1-13. Mongue, R. (2013). Writing in academia: How to eat an elephant. The Paralegal Educator, 28(2), 19. Mongue, R. (2013). Writing in academia: Academia's IRAC. The Paralegal Educator – In press. Mongue, R. (2014). Current trends in paralegal education. Paralegal Today – In press. Smith, B., Wareham, J., & Lambert, E. (2013). An examination of community and organizational influences on law enforcement turnover. Journal of Crime and Justice – In press. Regens, J., Jensen, C., & Edger, D. (2013). Situational awareness as a cornerstone of terrorism threat characterization. Journal of Intelligence Analysis – In press. Wigginton, M., Jensen, C., & Vinson, J. (2013). Hold that line: The New Orleans police strikes. Criminal Justice Policy Review - In press. Wareham, J. Smith, B., & Lambert, E. (2013). Rates and patterns of law enforcement turnover: A research note. Criminal Justice Policy – In press. Books Doss, A., Glover, W., & Wigginton, M. (2014). The foundations of communication in criminal justice systems. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Doss, D., Sumrall, W., McElreath, D., & Jones, D. (2013). Economic and financial analysis for criminal justice organizations. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. McElreath, D., Doss, A., Jensen, C., & Nations, R.,& Wigginton, M. (2013). The principles of emergency management. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. McElreath, D., Doss, D., Jensen, C., Wigginton, M., Kennedy, R., Winter, K., Mongue, R., Bounds, J., & Estis-Sumerel, J. (2013). Introduction to law enforcement. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. McElreath, D., Jensen, C., Doss, D., Nations, R., & Van Slyke, J. (2013). Introduction to homeland security (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Mongue, R. (2014). The empowered paralegal cause of action handbook. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. Book Chapters Jensen, C. (2014). The history of U.S. intelligence. In G. Moore (Ed.), Encyclopedia of intelligence. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and Francis Group. Khondaker, M, & Lambert, E. (2013). Crime and punishment in Bangladesh. The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment – In press. Mallory, S. (2014). International terrorism: Case studies. In D. McElreath, C. Jensen, M. Wigginton, C. Quarles, & S. Mallory (Eds.), Introduction to terrorism. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press – In press. Grants Keena, L. (2013). CJ390 Special Topics Service Learning in Criminal Justice. Grant Agency: UM’s Council on Community Engagement, Service Learning Course. Amount: $1,000. O’Quinn, J., & Mongue, R. (2013). Center for Teaching and Learning grant. Grant Agency: UM Center for Teaching and Learning. Amount: $1,000 Conference Papers and Presentations Cheeseman, K., Hogan, N., Kim, B., & Lambert, E. (2013). A gendered model of job satisfaction of correctional staff. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Dallas, TX. Hogan, N., Lambert, E., Garland, B., Griffin, M., Kim, B., & Kelley, T. (2013). A further exploration of the effects of affective and continuance commitment with job burnout among correctional staff. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Dallas, TX. Hogan, N., Lambert, E., Minor, K., Wells, J., Kelley, T., & Cheeseman, K. (2013). How I bond matters: The issue of affective and continuance commitment among correctional staff. American Society of Criminology Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Griffin, M., Lambert, E., Hogan, N., & Todak, N. (2013). A gendered career stage test of turnover intent among correctional officers. Midwestern Criminal Justice Association Meeting, Chicago, IL. Jensen, C. (2013). Police personnel issues in the year 2020. Law Enforcement Forecasting Group, Washington, DC. Jensen, C. (2013). The center for intelligence and security studies: Educating the next generation. Association of Former Intelligence Officers Meeting, Milford, CT. Jensen, C. (2013). Leadership and the future of intelligence. Public Safety Leadership Development Consortium, Myrtle Beach, SC. Jiang, S., Saito, T., Lambert, E., Khondaker, M., Elechi, O., Baker, D., Wu, Y., & Hogan, N. (2013). Gender and cultural differences on death penalty support and views among Japanese and U.S. college students. American Society of Criminology Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Jiang, S., Lambert, E., Saito, T., Khondaker, M., Elechi, O., & Baker, D. (2014). The crime and punishment views of Japanese and U.S. students. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Johnson, J. (2013). Gunruning 101: A guide about what to look for. National Gang Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Johnson, J., & Wigginton, M. (2013). The displacement effect: How gangs can move their operations to a nearby less target hardened community. National Gang Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Keena, L. (2013). The ice house entrepreneurship project. Delta Directions' Conference, Clarksdale, MS. Keena, L., & Wade, J. (2013). Fox-hole Christians or faithful felons? Staff perceptions of prison ministry. Southern Criminal Justice Association Conference, Atlantic Beach, FL. Keena, L. (2013). Path to drug court. Academy of Criminal Justices Sciences Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. Keena, L., Wade, J., & Vinson. J. (2014). The parallel universe: Inmates, volunteers and community. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Khondaker, M., Wu, Y., & Lambert, E. (2013). Bangladeshi immigrants’ crime reporting behavior and intentions. American Society of Criminology Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Klahm, C., Qureshi, H., Smith, B., Frank, J., Hogan, N., & Lambert, E. (2013). What is the job doing for me? A test of the job characteristics model among Indian police officers. American Society of Criminology Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Klahm, C., Qureshi, H., Smith, B., Lambert, E., Frank, J., & Hogan, N. (2014). The effects of organizational structure on Indian police officers. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Lambert, E., Elechi, O., Jiang, S., Baker, D., Khondaker, M., Hogan, N., & Pasupuleti, S. (2013). Does gender and culture matter: An exploratory study of death penalty views among Indian and U.S. college students. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Dallas, TX. Lambert, E., Hogan, N., Barton-Belessa, S., Griffin, M., Kim, B., & Garland, B. (2013). A review of the correctional staff burnout literature: Where we are and where we need to be. American Society of Criminology Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Lambert, E., Paoline, E., Hogan, N., Wells, J., Minor, K., Griffin, M., Kim, B., Cheeseman, K., & Garland, B. (2014). Differences in the correlates of job stress and job satisfaction by race/ethnicity of jail staff. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Mallory, S., & Wigginton, M. (2014). What is the nexus between organized crime and gangs? Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa. Minor, K., Wells, J., Lambert, E., & Tilley, J. (2013). Examining predictors of turnover intention among staff in community corrections. American Society of Criminology Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Mongue, R. (2014). Limited license professionals: What are they and who will do the education piece? American Association for Paralegal Education National Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Newman, G., Albanese, J., Reichel, P., Ansari, S., Unnithan, P., Nalla, M., Verma, A., Lambert, E., Suresh, G., Vincentnathan, L., Vincentnathan, S., Singh, R., Wodda, A., Bhat, M. (2013). Crime and justice in India. American Society of Criminology Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Qureshi, H., Klahm, C., Smith, B., Frank, J., Lambert, E., & Hogan, N. (2013). I want justice: The relationship between perceptions of distributive and procedural justice with organizational commitment. American Society of Criminology Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Qureshi, H., Klahm, C., Smith, B., Frank, J., Lambert, E., & Hogan, N. (2014). Workfamily conflict among Indian police officers. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Wells, J., Lambert, E., Minor, K., Keller, P., & Tilley, J. (2014). Antecedents and consequences of job morale among staff in juvenile corrections: A multi-level modeling approach. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Wells, J., Minor, K., Keller, P., & Lambert, E. (2013). Job turnover among staff in juvenile corrections: A multivariate analysis. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Dallas, TX.
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