Legion of Allstars 2015-2016 ALLSTAR PROGRAM Welcome to the Legion of Allstars 2015-2016 Allstar program. We are delighted that you have chosen us. In the following pages you will find an outline of our: General Rules & Guidelines (Practices & Competitions) LOA’s Policies Payment Information Important Dates & Events Competition Schedule Please take the time to read and understand all of the material enclosed. Our mission at Legion of Allstars is to enrich the lives of the cheerleaders and their families through the sport of competitive cheerleading. Our goal each day is to teach our athletes the value of hard work, integrity, commitment, discipline, leadership, positive attitude and a love for the sport. Each and every family is important to us and our program. After you have read your packet, please complete & sign the following forms that are enclosed: Statement of Commitment Participants Agreement, Release & Assumption of Risk Participant Information and Medical Treatment Authorization Team Coordinator Roster Information Credit Card Authorization (Required to be on file for every allstar) Also enclosed is a 2015-2016 Absentee Form (for you to make copies and use when needed) Please be prepared to turn in all forms listed above at the end of the meeting. Any questions may be addressed to: Gina Nicholas- Owner Carlos Colon- Allstar Director/Cheer Coach Amy Parker- Office Manager Legion of Allstars 1715 Hwy 16 West Griffin, GA 30223 770-412-0033 LEGION OF ALLSTARS General Rules & Guidelines Rules Regarding Absence & Tardiness from Practices: Allstar cheerleading is equivalent to a “travel” baseball/softball team or an “allstar” volleyball or soccer team. We expect 100% dedication to your team. That means attendance is MANDATORY. 1. LOA’s practices take precedence over all other activities. Please remember that this is an ALLSTAR COMPETITION SQUAD. Your acceptance of a position on the squad is your commitment to attend ALL practices. If you cannot make this commitment, you may want to resign now. This applies to the school year. While we would like to have everyone present at all practices, we realize this is not realistic during the summer. If you are in town during the summer, you will be expected to attend practice. 2. Do no feel that because you are paying to participate, you can choose to skip a practice. All members pay the same tuition and expect you to be at practice, on time, every time. Excessive absences will result in (a) not being able to compete with the team or (b) being asked to leave the squad. 3. Your coach will determine if your absence from practice is excused or unexcused. You must contact the gym in advance If you cannot attend practice; do not ask a teammate to pass on the information. Four (4) unexcused absences may result in dismissal from the squad. Excused absences will include: 1. Illness to the cheerleader and/or immediate family members requiring the cheerleader’s travel and attention. 2. Death in the immediate family. 3. Required school obligations. Attending school plays, concerts, sports events, etc. are NOT excused absences. 4. You are expected to call the gym or a teammate for an update after missed practices. If new material was covered you should get a teammate to teach you the new material before the next practice. 5. If you are ill but not contagious, you are expected at practice to watch from the sidelines for any changes that may affect you in the routine. 6. We understand that there are circumstances where your absence is unavoidable, but keep in mind that this is an activity that you have chosen and your attendance, or lack of it, affects every member on your squad. PUNCTUALITY 1. Your coach will assign extra conditioning after practice as a penalty for tardiness. 2. Excessive tardiness may result in (a) not being able to compete with the team or (b) being asked to leave that squad. 3. Contact the gym in advance if you expect to be late for a practice so your coach will be able to plan the day’s practice more effectively. 4. Don’t waste valuable practice time. Try to arrive 10 minutes before practice to put away your gear and get warmed up on the assigned floor. You must stay on the warm-up floor and away from other classes. Page 1 LEGION OF ALLSTARS General Rules & Guidelines PRACTICE AND COMPETITION -Cheerleaders must attend all practices. ALL PRACTICES ARE MANDATORY UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY COACHES OR THE GYM. -Attendance at weekly tumbling class is MANDATORY. There will be no make-ups for non- attendance. -It is up to you to stay informed about your team’s schedule. Check e-mails and website often. -Practices are twice a week, at least one of the practice days will be during the week and the other may be on Saturday or Sunday afternoon. - No one is allowed to yell onto the floor or to speak to any team member or coach while practice is in session. - Make doctor’s appointments, etc. for days and times that do not conflict with practice. - ALL cell phones must be turned off during practice. - Hair must be pulled up in a pony-tail with a practice bow. - Proper white cheerleading shoes must be worn to practice. - LOA practice clothes should be worn to ALL practices. - No biker shorts alone (allowed under short) of cut-offs. - Appropriate underclothes should be worn at all times (sports bras, bloomers, etc.). Sports bras should be worn under practice shirt. - Use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. -No use of over-the-counter products to cause mood altering behavior. - Do not complain, make excuses, back talk or use any disrespectful gestures to your coaches. - Do no use profanity or abusive language. - Be respectful to your teammates, coaches, parents and spectators. - No jewelry. Please leave all jewelry at home. The gym is not responsible for lost or stolen items. - No gum chewing. - No fake nails. Please keep your nails short to avoid injury to your team members. - Squads and routines are left to the discretion of the coaches. - During the year, each team has additions and losses to the team, which may require the coach to move a cheerleader to another squad. All decisions are made by the coach based on what is best for the team(s). - Parents: Practice and competitions should not be used as a punishment for your child’s actions. They are a team and must practice and compete as a team. Please find another method of punishment. - All practices are CLOSED. Please do not return to pick up your child until 10 MINUTES prior to practice being over. This includes Tiny team practices. - Practices will be added and changed throughout the year depending on the competition schedule. - Parents and cheerleaders are not permitted to argue or question the coaching staff’s decisions at practice or competition. - All cheerleaders and LOA family will always show good sportsmanship. - The Allstar Director may change, add or subtract any rule at any time. - Speak to your coach about any potential problems that may prevent you from doing your job on the team. But we ask that you do not speak to them during practice time. - If you ever have a problem, do not hesitate to contact your coach or Mrs. Gina. Page 3 LEGION OF ALLSTARS General Rules & Guidelines PRACTICE AND COMPETITION (CONTINUED) -Please, do not gossip about coaches, cheerleaders or parents. It is much better to address a problem than to listen to idle gossip. - If you have any questions that need immediate attention, use the following chain of command: 1. Team Coordiantor 2. Head Coach 3. Allstar Director 4. Owner/President - All problems and concerns should be addressed in a proper manner through the proper chain of command. Cheerleaders are NEVER to call the coaches on their cell phones. Anything related to gym activities should be directed through the front desk. (i.e. privates, missed practices, tardies, etc.) - Please feel free to speak to your child’s coach about anything; just remember to do it at the appropriate time. Approaching a coach in the middle of a practice would not be an appropriate time. - Never post any negative comments on any website or chat rooms. - The dismissal or addition of a team member is solely the coach’s decision. It is the parent’s responsibility to know what is going on with your squad. Check your e-mail and the website and/or texts messages regularly. - Parents, relatives, friends and cheerleaders are never allowed to speak with competition officials for any reason. - All Legion of Allstars cheerleaders and LOA family and friends will show good sportsmanship at all times. - There will be no arguing or questioning of the coaching staff’s decision at competitions. - We recommend all cheerleaders to use the same accommodations for out of town competitions. - Each child is required to have a chaperone. Your coaches are not your child’s chaperones. - Please understand that all out of town competitions are not vacation times. You are required to attend all extra practices that your coaches call, no matter what time. - Full uniform, skirt, top, bloomers, bow and shoes will be worn into every competition unless your coach advises Otherwise, team warm-ups if cold. - If full uniform is not required, you must wear your warm-up pants, warm-up jacket and either your uniform top or team t-shirt. - All cheerleaders must stay in uniform until after the award ceremonies are over. - Skirts and tops must be zipped up at all times. - All hair and make-up must be completed one hour prior to warm up time. - No pajama pants or shorts unless they are your LOA shorts. - No slippers allowed to be worn to practices and/or competitions. - No nail polish or jewelry at competition. Your team will be disqualified if either of these are worn. - If you do not attend a competition without prior approval from you coach, it will result in immediate dismissal from the squad and no fees will be refunded. - The Allstar Director may change, add or subtract any rule at any time. REMEMBER, YOU ARE REPRESENTING YOUR GYM AND YOUR TEAM AT ALL COMPETITIONS AND YOU MUST CONDUCT YOURSELF IN AN APPROPRIATE MANNER. GOOD SPORTMANSHIP, POLITE MANNERS, AND A KIND DISPOSITION ARE MANDATORY AT ALL COMPETITIONS AND PRACTICES. A HIGH STANDARD OF BEHAVIOR IS EXPECTED FROM EVERY COACH, CHEERLEADER AND PARENT. Legion of Allstars 2015-2016 Tuition Payment Information PAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR TUITION WILL BE EVERY MONTH STARTING MAY 2015 THRU APRIL 2016 TINY TEAM (ICICLES): $90 a month MINI TEAM & UP: $130 a month (NEW ALLSTARS) $115 a month (RETURNING ALLSTARS) OTHER ALTERNATE TUITIONS: $25 off tuition for a full/$50 off double fulls (BASED ON THE ALLSTAR DIRECTOR’S DECISION, ONCE HE HAS DETERMINED YOU HAVE THESE SKILLS) This tuition includes team practice hours, one scheduled tumbling class, and free open gym on Wednesday 5:00pm-9:00pm starting in August. Tuition is due the first of every month. Please pay your tuition on time. If it is not paid by the 10th of the month, a $25 late fee will be charged to your account. This will be strictly enforced. A Credit Card will be required to hold on file and it will be charged if payment for tuition and/or cheer fees are not paid by the 15th of the month. Legion of Allstars accepts cash, checks, money orders, debit and all major credit cards. If you have any questions about your account, please do not hesitate to talk to Gina or Amy. Please do not give your payments to the coaches. If no one is at the front desk to receive your payment, please put your payment in the drop box located behind the bleachers. You can drop it in the “tumbling” slot. Make sure your cheerleader’s name is on the check/payment. If you are asked to leave the program or you quit the program for any reason other than medical reasons, there will be NO refunds. NO EXCEPTIONS! No refunds of used or unused tuition will be returned for any reason. 2015-2016 Cheer Tryout Information Thank you for considering joining Legion of Allstars Cheerleading Teams. Cheer Tryouts will be held on May 2nd 11:00am-1:00pm for ages 12 & under 2:00pm-4:00pm for ages 13 to 18 Cheer Tryout fee is: $50 (due the day of tryouts) Ages 4-18 and any level welcome! Pre-season parent meeting: Sunday, April 12th, 2:00pm This meeting will be an informational only meeting. We will cover policy, procedures, payments for allstars, tuition, practices, and answer any questions you might have. No paperwork or competition information will be given out during the meeting. There will be a parent meeting after tryouts (date to be determined) that will cover everything that involves the 2015-2016 season. Monthly Allstar tuition: $115 (returning cheerleaders) $130 (new allstar members) In addition to the tuition there will be a monthly payment that will go towards Allstar expenses. This will be covered in the meeting on April 12th An allstar payment of $250 plus tuition will be due by May 10 th in order for your child to participate in the cheerleading program. This is regardless of whether you are returning or new in the allstar program. 2015-2016 cheer packets are available on-line at www.legionofallstars.com go to the cheerleading tab, then click on allstars. The packet is located on the left hand side of the page. Feel free to print it off and complete the documents and turn them in. All documents that need to be completed and signed must be turned in with your first payment. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call us at 770-412-003 or e-mail your questions to [email protected] Legion of Allstars 2015-2016 Statement of Commitment Financial Commitment I have read and fully understand my financial commitment to Legion of Allstars outlined in this packet. I understand that my commitment is for the 2015-2016 Allstar competitive season. I understand that my st fees are due on the 1 of each month or my account will incur a late fee of $25 after the 10th of each month and my child may not be able to participate/compete until my balance is paid in full and that my credit/debit card provided to Legion of Allstars will be charged if the balance is not paid by the 15th. I understand that I will forfeit any monies paid if I choose to leave a team or am asked to leave the program. I understand that I am entering into this program of my own free will. Parent's Signature________________________________________________________ Date:__________ Policies, Expectations, General Rules & Guideline Commitment I have read and fully understand all Policies, Codes, Expectations and General Rules & Guidelines in this packet. I understand that I am entering into this Allstar program of my own free will. I understand what is expected of me as a parent and an Allstar cheerleader. I will conduct myself in a sportsmanlike manner and uphold the standards that are expected of me as a Legion of Allstars cheerleader. Parent's Signature______________________________________________________Date:____________ Legion of Allstars, LLC PARTICIPANTS AGREEMENT, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK In consideration of the services of Legion of Allstars, LLC, its owners, agents, officers, employees, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf, I hereby agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless Legion of Allstars, LLC, on behalf of myself, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, personal representative and estate as follows: 1. I understand and acknowledge that the activities that I or my child engage in while on the premises or under the auspices of Legion of Allstars, LLC pose known and unknown risks which could result in injury, paralysis, death, emotional distress, or damage to me, my child, to property, or to third parties. The following describes some, but not all, of the risks: Cheerleading and gymnastics, including performances of stunts and use of trampolines, entail certain risks that simply cannot be eliminited without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. Without a certain degree of risk, cheerleading and gymnastic students would not improve their skills and the enjoyment of the sport would be diminished. Cheerleading and gymnastics expose participants to the usual risk of cuts and bruises, and other more serious risks as well. Participants often fall, sprain, or break wrists and ankles, and can suffer more serious injuries. Traveling to and from shows, meets and exhibitions raises the possibilities of any manner of transportation accidents. In any event, if you or your child is injured, medical assistance may be required which you must pay for yourself. 2. I expressly agreee and promise to accept and assume all of the risks, known and unknown, connected with Legion of Allstars, LLC related activities, included but not limited to performances of stunts, use of trampolines, and other practice equipment. My participation and that of my child is purely voluntary. No one has coerced or forced me or my child to participate. I elect for myself and my children to participate in such activities in spite of the risks. 3. I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to hold harmless and indemnity of Legion of Allstars, LLC from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions or rights of action, which are related to , arise out of, or are in nay way connected with my child's participation in Legion of Allstars, LLC related activities. 4. Should Legion of Allstars, LLC be required to incur attorney's fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to indemnify and reimburse them for such fees and costs. 5. I certify that my child has health, accident, and liability insurance to cover bodily injury or property damage that may be caused or suffered while participating in this event or activity, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage to my child. I further certify that I am willing to assume and bear the costs of all risks that may arise or be created, directly or indirectly, through or by any such condition. 6. In the event that I file lawsuits against Legion of Allstars, LLC, I agree to do so solely in the State of Georgia and I further agree that the substantive and procedural laws in that state shall apply in any such action without regard to the conflict of laws rules thereof. I agree that if any portion of this such action without regard to the conflict of laws rules therof. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. 7. By signing this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my participation or the participation of any of my children in this activity, I may be found by court of law from which I have released Legion of Allstars, LLC by signing this Agreement. I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read it and understand it. I agree to be bound by its terms. Signature of Participant of parent:__________________________________________________________ Date:____________________ Print Name:__________________________________________________________________ PARENTS OR GUARDIAN'S ADDITIONAL INDEMIFICATION (Must be completed for participants under the age of 18) In consideration of ____________________________________ (print minor's name) (Minor's) being permitted by Legion of Allstars, LLC to participate in its activities and use its equipment and facilities, I further agree to indemnify and hold Legion of Allstars, LLC from any and all claims which are brought by, or on behlaf of Minor and which are in any way connected wich such use or participation by Minor. Appearance Clauses: Permission is granted, without obligation to me, to use my child's photograph, image or recording (audio and visual) in future advertisement, promotion and literature for any Legion of Allstars, LLC program(s) including the official website- www.legionofallstars.com Parent/Guardian:_____________________________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________ Credit Card Authorization Cheerleader’s Name: Cardholder’s Name as is appears on card: Billing Address: Card Number: Visa MasterCard Am/Ex Debit Exp. Date: Financial Commitment: I have read and fully understand my financial commitment to Legion of Allstars outlined in this tryout packet. I understand that my commitment is for the 2015-2016 Allstar competitive season. I understand that I am authorizing Legion of Allstars to charge monthly fees to my card (information provided above) if I do not meet my obligations. I understand that I am entering into this program on my own free will. ____________________________________________________________ Signature: Signature Date PARTICIPANT INFORAMTION AND MEDICAL TREATMENT AUTHORIZATION Cheerleader Name:___________________________________ DOB:__________ Cheerleader’s E-mail:________________________________________________ Cheerleader’s Cell #:________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________ School:_________________________________ Grade 2015-2016:__________ AGE AS OF AUGUST 31, 2015:__________ Mother:________________________________ Mother’s Cell:_______________ Mother’s E-mail:____________________________________________________ Father:________________________________ Father’s Cell:_________________ Father’s E-mail:_____________________________________________________ OK to receive text for parent and cheerleader: yes_____ no______ Insurance Carrier:________________________ Insurance #:_________________ Group #:_____________________________ Member ID#:__________________ Allergies:__________________________________________________________ Previous Injuries:____________________________________________________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):_______________________________ Emergency Contact #:___________________________________ I,________________________ THE PARENT/GUARDIAN OF ______________________________, GIVE PERMISSION AND HEREBY AUTHORIZE LEGION OF ALLSTARS, LLC AND ITS EMPLOYEES TO GIVE CONSENT FOR MY CHILD OR MYSELF TO RECEIVE MEDICAL TREAMTENT IN THE EVENT THAT I CANNOT BE REACHED OR I AM OTHERWISE UNABLE TO RESPOND. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: TEAM COORDINATOR ROSTER INFORMATION Name:___________________________________ Cell #:____________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________ Please provide information that will be the best way to communicate with you regarding meetings, practices, competition information etc. Parent/Guardian Name:____________________________________ Cell#:________________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ Additional Information: (if more than one person other than your cheerleader that needs to be notified) Name:_______________________________________ Relationship to cheerleader:_____________________ Cell#:___________________________________ E-mail:__________________________________ Team coordinators will communicate to the cheerleader and the designated parent/guardian OK TO SEND listed above. It will be through e-mails and texts. TEXTS TO CELL #s PROVIDED ABOVE: YES NO If any of your information changes, please let Gina, Amy or the team coordinator know as soon as possible so that you can be notified with any important information.
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