The International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) Multilingual Affairs Committee (MAC) and The Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences at CUNY Lehman College, New York City are proud to announce a symposium entitled: Multilingualism and Cultural Diversity: Language and Literacy Challenges in Diverse Populations This course is offered for 1.0 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area) To receive 1.0 CEUs you are required to attend both days. Place : LEHMAN COLLEGE LOVINGER THEATRE Date and Time: Thursday, September 17, 2015 Friday, September 18, 2015 8:30 AM to 3 PM 8:30 AM to 1 PM Lehman College Speech & Theatre Building Lovinger Theatre 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West Bronx, NY 10468-1589 Course Description: This workshop is for any professional who wants to gain the knowledge and skills for working with a multilingual and multicultural populations. This two-day workshop will provide practitioners with evidence-based knowledge of reading comprehension, voice disorders, vocabulary, literacy, aphasia, and all areas of language development throughout the world. This knowledge is essential given that most practitioners work with multilingual speakers. This workshop will also describe persons with communication and other disabilities impacted by socio-political and natural disasters including the current conflicts in Syria and Gaza in the Middle East, the recent floods and tsunamis in Asia, and the political conflicts in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. The International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) provides a multinational platform that advances knowledge in human communication disorders worldwide. The IALP plays a pivotal role for international networking through its Congresses, Composia, and is partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) and nationally based organizations interested in global communication sciences and disorders. At present, the IALP has over 400 individual members from 54 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, North and South America, and Europe. The IALP and its members create, share, and distribute information on and about disorders in multinational forums. Multinational committees provide up-to-date guidelines for clinical practice that can be used in any country. Thursday at 8:30 AM- 3 PM Lovinger Theatre Friday at 8:30 AM - 1 PM Registration 8 AM – 8:30 AM Registration 8 AM-8:30 AM Program: 8:30-3:00 Welcome Program 8:30-1:00 Presentations: Keynote Presentation: Carol Westby Presentations: -Elin Thordardottir (Iceland & Canada) -Heila Jordaan (South Africa) -Carol Westby -Jose Centeno -Dolores Battle -Yvette Hus (Canada) Thursday Lovinger Theatre ___ LUNCH SERVED 12-1 PM East Dining Room Presentations in the Lovinger Theatre after lunch -Sharon Moonsamy (South Africa) -Gisele Oliveira (Brazil) DETAILED SCHEDULE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH in the Lovinger Theatre 8:30 AM to 3 PM 8 AM Registration 8:30 AM Sandra Levey Welcome 9 AM Carol Westby Keynote Presentation A Cultural Neuroscience Approach to Understanding Variations in Behaviors, Beliefs, and Emotions: Implications for Interventions. 10 AM Elin Thordardottir Lexical, Syntactic, and Language Processing Abilities of Simultaneous and sequential Bilinguals. 11 AM Heila Jordaan Differentiating between typical and atypical language development in multilingual Children. 12 PM *LUNCH served in the East Dining Room 1 PM Sharon Moonsamy Experiences and the Strategies Described by South African Parents/Caregivers with English Additional Language (EAL) when Reading to Their Young Children. 2 PM Gisele Oliveira Coping with Behavioral Dysphonia: Multicultural Aspects. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH in the Lovinger Theatre 8:30 AM to 1 PM 8 AM Registration 8:30 AM Carol Westby Language and Literacy Learning in a Culturally Diverse Multimedia World 10 AM Jose Centeno Aphasia Management in Multilingual Communities: Linking Evidence to Clinical Decisions 11 AM Dolores Battle The impact of evaporating borders on language and literacy of refugees and immigrants. 12 PM Yvette Hus Braiding Reading Comprehension with Executive Functions in Speech Language Pathology Assessments: A Preferred Approach for Multilingual-Multicultural Students. As a result of participating in these seminars, participants will be able to: 1. 2. Address the challenges SLPs face in serving multilingual populations with communication disorders. Provide evidence-based responses for families and caregivers regarding communication disorders in multilingual populations. 3. Provide evidence-based assessment and intervention approaches when working with multilingual populations. PRESENTER BIOGRAPHIES and DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Dolores Battle Professor of Speech Language Pathology at SUNY Buffalo State (USA) and an Honored Member and former president of both the American Speech Language Hearing Association and the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics. She is recognized worldwide for contributions to multicultural and international issues in Communication Disorders. Financial: Dr. Battle receives a salary from SUNY Buffalo State, New York. No other relevant financial relationship exists. Nonfinancial: Dr. Dolores Battle has published in peer-reviewed journals and in books. She receives no compensation for her published work. Jose Centeno Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, St. John’s University, New York. Dr. Centeno studies the factors in service delivery in culturally and linguistically diverse aphasia programs, particularly the theoretical and professional bases to serve monolingual Spanish/bilingual Spanish-English speakers with aphasia. Financial: Dr. Centeno will be receiving an honorarium from Lehman College for this workshop. . Dr. Centeno receives a salary from St. John’s University, New York. Nonfinancial: Dr. Jose Centeno has co-authored and published in peer-reviewed journals and in books. He receives no compensation for his published work. Yvette Hus Speech-language-pathologist and educational consultant specializing in language-literacy disabilities and executive dysfunction in multilingual youth with diverse disorders including autism; TAV College instructor; veteran member of the International Association of Logopedics-Phoniatrics (IALP), IALP Child Language Committee member; IALP Multilingual Affairs Committee consultant; affiliate of ASHA; International Dyslexia Association member. Financial. Dr. Hus receives a salary from TAV College, Montreal. No other relevant financial relationship exists Nonfinancial: Dr. Yvette Hus has co-authored and published in peer-reviewed journals. She receives no compensation for her published work. Heila Jordaan Associate professor Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg South Africa; teaches and supervises postgraduate students; assistant dean undergraduate studies in Humanities Faculty; clinical, teaching, research and publications: multilingualism development: typical and atypical; chair International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics Multilingual Affairs Committee; national and international conferences presenter; invited paper at ASHA (2004). Financial: Dr. Jordaan receives a salary from Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg South Africa. No other relevant financial relationship exists. Nonfinancial: Dr. Heila Jordaan has published in peer-reviewed journals. She receives no compensation for her published work. Sharon Moonsamy A senior lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand. Her teaching and research interests include language, cognition, and literacy. She is affiliated to local and international organizations (International Association for Cognitive Education in South Africa and International Association of Cognitive Education and Psychology) and is a committee and board member of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), South African Speech-Language-Hearing Association (SASLHA), and South African Association for Learning and Educational Differences (SAALED). Financial: Dr. Moonsamy receives a salary from Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg South Africa. No other relevant financial relationship exists. Nonfinancial: Dr. Moonsamy is a committee and board member of the IALP, the SASLHA, and the SAALED. She receives no compensation as a member of these boards. She has published in peer-reviewed journals. She receives no compensation for her published work. Giselle Oliveira Assistant professor at Touro College. Postdoctoral work from Wisconsin-Madison University. Editorial board member of Journal of Voice. Member of ASHA, International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, and the Brazilian Speech and Hearing Association. Financial: She receives a salary from Touro College, New York. Nonfinancial: Dr. Gisele Oliveira has co-authored and been published in peer-reviewed journals. She receives no compensation for her published work. Elin Thordardottir Professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at McGill University, Director of Research at the Institut Raymond Dewar in Montreal, researcher at Reykjavíkur Akademían in Iceland and a certified Speech-Language Pathologist. Her research focuses on developmental language impairment in monolingual and bilingual children. Financial. Dr. Thordardottir receives a salary from McGill University, Montreal. : No relevant financial relationship exists. Nonfinancial: Dr. Elin Thordardottir has co-authored and published in peer-reviewed journals. She receives no compensation for her published work. Carol Westby Carol Westby, PhD, is a speech-language-pathologist and educational consultant who has written and presented workshops on language-literacy development and disabilities, theory of mind and social-communication impairments, and multicultural issues in assessment and intervention. She has received the Honors of the American Speech-Language-Hearing association. Financial: Dr. Westby will be receiving an honorarium from Lehman College for this workshop. She consults for the Bilingual Multicultural Services, Albuquerque, New Mexico. She receives honorariums for her speaking events and workshops. Nonfinancial: She has published in peer-reviewed journals. She receives no compensation for her published work. Regular registration: Attendance including 1.0 CEUs: $195.00 for two days (Thursday, Sept 17 and Friday, Sept. 18). To receive 1.0 CEUs you are required to attend both days. FOR EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION PRIOR TO AUGUST 1, 2015 ($175.00 for both days) Name Employment Affiliation Address ________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Phone E-mail Business Phone ASHA Member Checks should be made payable to: Mail to: IALP Member ____Other_____ Lehman Speech CE Speech and Hearing Center- Room 133 Lehman College, CUNY 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West Bronx, NY 10468-1589 Refund of the registration fee requires notice of cancellation prior to August 21, 2015 Visit the Lehman College Website for more information at: DIRECT ALL QUESTIONS TO: [email protected] How to get there:
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