www.leicester-u3a.org.uk Your Committee Richard Taylor Bill

May 2015
Charity No: 1083274
Your Committee
Richard Taylor Bill Manners Peter Stanfield Geoff Brooks
Irene Ault Sue Howard Jenny Foxon
May Meeting: Tuesday 12th at 2:45
Speaker: Dr Caroline Banahan
Developing insight into the mechanisms of embolic stroke
Dr Banahan is a Medical Physicist at the University Hospitals of Leicester
NHS Trust and an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of
Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester.
She writes:
Approximately 152,000 strokes occur within the UK every year leaving a
huge burden on patients, families and the healthcare system. In order to
optimise treatment and aid development of new preventative strategies it is
essential to understand the physiological mechanisms that lead to a stroke.
Within the Medical Physics Ultrasound Research group novel ultrasound
techniques have been developed to measure various vascular and
physiological parameters to help improve our understanding of the
mechanisms of embolic stroke. This talk will present some of the clinical,
theoretical and laboratory studies conducted by our group on our quest to
help foresee, treat and prevent this debilitating condition.
I have worked in the Medical Physics Department at the University
Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust for over 5 years as a member of the
ultrasound research group. My main focus has been to develop techniques
using ultrasound that can identify and differentiate between blood clots,
small particles of fat or air bubbles (collectively known as emboli) that may
originate from some site in the body and travel through the circulation
system up to the brain causing a stroke. Current research also involves
developing a novel ultrasound method to detect brain injury through tissue
pulsation analysis. I am also a member of the Radiation Protection team
within the Medical Physics Department to provide safety advice on lasers
and MRI within the trust.
Attendance at the April Meeting was 75 members; 1 visitor.
Committee News
Appearing high on the agenda of the Committee’s April meeting were the
review of last year’s action plan and the setting of priorities for the coming
year. In 2015-16, the Committee will be looking to
• develop engagement with all residents of Leicester,
• prepare for the 20th anniversary and Open Day in 2016,
• engage with TAT over general governance.
The Committee has also been considering evacuation procedures for
Christchurch and took advantage of the absence of other people in the
building to walk through the steps involved in ensuring that, in the event of
a fire alarm, all members have left the building safely.
The minutes of Committee meetings are available at the Secretary’s table at
monthly meetings.
Committee Contacts: page 23
Message from the Chair
Altruism beats individualism
What do you think?
I was listening to Start the Week recently and those words were spoken by
moral philosopher William MacAskill.
By the time you read this we will have the result of a General
Election and apart from the 7½ million sadly not registered to
vote I would like to think, optimistically, that the electorate has
given some time to reflect on what the different parties’
ideologies actually mean. Even when I taught young children it
was an endless discussion, at their level, about thinking of others not just
ourselves, how our words and actions hurt others sometimes, attempting to
see the other person’s point of view even though you might then agree to
differ as a compromise, thinking about how we could work together as a
group and team as after all, wouldn’t it be better if we had a win-win
situation, with no-one feeling they had failed or lost? They didn't know the
words reciprocity and forgiveness but it’s worth reminding ourselves as
adults sometimes, particularly when we find ourselves in some kind of
He went on to say that ‘the group is necessary for altruism to flourish’. Of
course it is. The philosophy of U3A is working in groups and teams,
whatever we are doing, and the same principles apply. otherwise the U3A
would never exist. It gives us the opportunity to belong to a group, to have
that sense of belonging that is crucial to well-being. Thank you for enabling
us to provide that.
Warm wishes Sue Howard
Membership List 2015 – Additions, Corrections and Updates
Please welcome new members: Manju Bhakta, Pat Breen, Sheelagh
Dobson, Richard Edwards, Mary Grodecki, Lilo Humphries, Pat Jackson,
Beth Moontree and Patricia Thompson.
The total Membership now stands at 329.
Details, if required, from the Membership Secretary.
Newsletter Interviews with Members
Jill Reville, who has been carrying out the interviews for the
newsletter, has decided it is time for her to give up the role, so if
you have ever fancied being a ‘journalist’, please think about
whether you could take it over. It is not a difficult or time
consuming job, and is usually done by email. Jill would be happy
to explain the current process to anyone interested
([email protected]). The interviews have been a popular part
of the monthly newsletter for a while, and apart from giving
information about groups, help to put names to faces.
National Summer Schools 2015
This year the U3A National Summer Schools are taking place at Harper Adams
University, Shropshire (13 - 16 July) and the Royal Agricultural University,
Cirencester (17 - 20 August). Information can be downloaded from the members'
area of the website (see below) under the summer school tab. The information
also appears in your copy of U3A Matters.
For the first time, members will be able to apply and pay online if they wish.
Online applications opened on 1st December 2014, so, if you haven’t already
done so, it would be advisable to book your place as soon as possible.
Visiting the Third Age Trust Website — www.u3a.org.uk
To access the members’ area of the TAT website you must first register.
Go to the TAT website and complete the User Registration Form found by
clicking on <Create Account> towards the top on the right hand side of the
Home Page. You will need to invent a ‘username’ and a ‘password’. Both of
these are case sensitive so you will need to remember them exactly as you
entered them. You should then receive an email confirming that your account is
active and you will then be able to enter the area to download resources, read the
latest news etc.
Committee Contacts: page 23
Reports from the Groups
German Conversation
Our Thanks to Dorli
When I joined Leicester U3A a few years back, there had been a German
Conversation Group which was no longer functioning and when the suggestion
was made that it should restart, the first person to offer her help was Dorli. We
soon had a “quorum” which has varied over the years and since then we have
immensely enjoyed Dorli’s hospitality.
Her encouragement for our efforts and her stories of her childhood in Berlin
then as child refugee, later as teacher, précis writer (in Russian!), wife and
mother, and her love of her adopted country were always expressed in her
perfect and (for our benefit) measured German.
As she says, she couldn't imagine living in any other country.
Understandably , as she approaches her ninetieth year, she has decided to give
up this task. We will miss her monthly Tuesday “Zusammensein” but know
that she will continue to be a welcome “Mitglied” of Leicester U3A.
Marjorie Mallory
Kuchen by Helen Parsons
Picture by Cliff Ault
Music Reading Made Easy
We meet fortnightly (approximately) at Margot's house and discuss many
aspects of music reading and related general information, in a light-hearted and
informative way, using many kinds of kit as displayed on the table shown in
the photograph.
Margot Comer
Picture by Ian Fraser
Digital Imaging
Visit to Derby
On 24th March 5 members of the Digital Imaging group travelled by train to
Derby to visit the biennial International Photography ‘Format’ Exhibition
entitled Evidence. The exhibits were spread over 26 venues so we were only
able to visit a small fraction of the total. We started at the University of Derby,
Faculty of Arts and Design and finished at the Market Hall, enjoying lunch on
the way. I think we all agreed that the exhibits were very variable, some
inspiring and others were neither comprehensible nor beautiful, but a good
time was had by all and we came back with some bright ideas for our own
exhibition in Leicester in October.
Angela Jennings
Committee Contacts: page 23
Members discuss the exhibition over lunch - picture by Matt Matthew
Music Appreciation (Wednesday Group)
This month we returned to our roots with a presentation by one of our group
members Jill Reville, on modern choral works.
Covering the period from approx. 1900 to the present day, Jill chose a number
of pieces of the genre to enlighten us all on the variety and depth of the
musical range from which modern choral arrangers draw their inspiration.
During the 20th century, a few composers started to develop choral music
which cast off the chants of sacred music and produced the chromatic harmony
of modern choral music. Amateur choral groups began to emerge and as they
became more professional the better known ensembles began to attract the
attention of established composers, who in turn produced special arrangements
of their compositional pieces. While few well-known composers focused
primarily on choral music, some significant composers of the early century
produced fine examples that have since entered the general vocal repertoire.
Some even began to earn their reputation based foremost on their choral
output, including the highly popular Rutter, Taverner and Goodall, while
Britten and Elgar saw the opportunity to embrace a new presentational form
making their music more accessible.
Jill guided us through the development opening with a piece by John Steiner
“God so loved the world” followed by, “I was Glad” by Hubert Parry. This
was written as the entrance anthem for the 1902 coronation. It contains a
bridge section partway through so that the Scholars of Westminster School can
exercise their right to be the first commoners to acclaim the sovereign,
shouting their traditional “vivats” as the Monarch enters the coronation theatre.
These pieces were followed by; “O Ye Priests” by Elgar, “As Dew in April” by
Britten, “The Lamb”-a choral work using William Blake’s poem of the same
title set to music by John Tavener, “ A Gaelic Blessing “ by John Rutter, a
popular choice at christenings, weddings and funerals, "Ubi Caritas et Amor,"
by Paul Mealor, which was included in the music for the 2011 Wedding of
Prince William and Catherine Middleton, “Psalm 23” arranged by Howard
Goodall, better known today as the theme tune to “The Vicar of Dibley”.
Jill cleverly structured her presentation to adequately define the development
culminating with (what appears to be her favourite), another piece by Mealor,
“Stabat Mater Dolorosa”.
The presentation was excellently thought out and presented, giving the group a
very enjoyable morning.
Charles Norman
On Tuesday 28th April the Rambling group had a walk from Stoney Stanton
lunching in the Café at Stoney Cove, the Diving School. Wayne Carr has
written the following poem about his impressions of the cove and the ramble.
Pictures by Kevin Beint and Sue Howard
Committee Contacts: page 23
Stoney Cove
I'd never heard of Stoney Cove
Surfacing, we landlubbers moved
this day so sent imagination up
chugging in convoy then,
loosened, nattering away
gave it freedom, let it rove,
in quartets, trios and finally duets.
wandering until it saw sea-spun
Crossing over fields, harvest-sown,
we saw, road side, in their pinks
brightening the hem on a coastal
and whites,
trees of cherry standing like
Reality then caught me up;
instead of sand, crabby pools
their open arms offering
tidal swings, sea-weeded rocks
and dolphin schools,
like a balm
children paddle-steaming
to remember well on winter nights.
through the waves,
Our spirits raised, may we find
divers, rubber-fleshed, from the
adjacent club
that green we came upon by that
met us with their tales of the deep
which was in fact a lake-filled,
with algae floating like a
cavernous hollow
mermaid's hair,
within green-slopped, craggy walls
raise a maypole and make rejoicing
full of tumbling, fearful falls,
telling that beneath its frowning,
Back in the pub at the lakeside 's
floating deck,
downed, lay a ship, a car, a
having chosen my dish,
chopper, drowned,
I thought on reflection,
their bones resting ghostly on its
“ Should have chosen fish!”
U3A Harlaxton Summer School 2015, Grantham, Lincs
This year’s East Midlands Region Summer School is being held, once
again, at Harlaxton Hall.
There are two sessions: 12—15 July and 16—19 July.
Cost: £195 sharing a room, £225 single, which includes full board, all
tuition, morning and afternoon tea/coffee and the end of course celebration
meal. It is possible to attend for the whole week.
12—15 July
Buildings of Lincoln
Women Artists
Greek and Roman Myths
and Legends
Art for All
What’s Your Story
Music in a Time of War
Great Glasshouses
and Fantastic Follies
16—19 July
Behind the Throne
Harlaxton and its Occupants
Three Irish Novels
Geology and Scenery
Drama for Beginners
and Improvers
Singing for Fun
Many people return each year and the courses fill up quickly.
Pick up a leaflet by our information boards at the monthly meeting
or ring: 01780 756316 / 01778 341248; email: [email protected]
For more information speak to Helen Parsons 0116 2712365 or Sue Howard
who have both been several times.
Thoresby Hall
Thoresby Hall Hotel, Nottinghamshire
Every January Mansfield U3A organises a super five day trip to this 4 star
hotel for a mere £175 pp sharing (single rooms sell out fast) half board with
activities laid on and entertainment available if you don't want to just relax
or swim in the spa, read, walk etc.
Every U3A member in the East Midlands region is invited to go, it's very
enjoyable. 204 people went last year from several U3As including 2 of us
from Leicester.
Committee Contacts: page 23
Next year's dates are: Monday 18th to Friday 22nd January 2016 and
booking is now open.
Please see Mansfield U3A's website for an application form or Warner
Holidays website for more details.
Telephone: 01623 626991 or email: [email protected] to contact
the organizer Terry Whitehead.
Both Sue Howard and Liz Brandow have been and can highly recommend it
for relaxation (see Contacts to get in touch with them).
Equipment for borrowing by Interest Groups
The following items are available for interest groups of Leicester U3A to borrow
for group activity purposes. To arrange to borrow any of these, members should
contact the Secretary.
Please note that it will be the responsibility of the person borrowing the item to
collect it and to return it after use.
Digital Projector
Laser Presenter
Advent Laptop Computer
Slide Projector
Overhead Projector
Display Boards
Roller Banner
Advent 3m HDMI cable
Flipchart and stand
Incl: mains & input leads + spare PCB
Model Torino X100 15.6"
Incl: mains lead
95cm × 95cm white area
A 2-fold board; each fold 61cm (w) × 92cm (h)
As displayed at monthly meetings
Connecting tablets to television/monitor
Thinking of organizing a trip or event?
Please let the Trips Coordinator, Sue Howard, know before you book
anything so that we have a record, even if members are making their own
way there. (Primarily for insurance and financial cover.) Many thanks.
Disclaimer – Trips and Events
Leicester U3A members should be aware that every effort is made to
inform them of any possible difficulties which may be encountered during
trips or events that are organised on their behalf by members of Leicester
If members require any help or assistance it is their own responsibility to
ensure that such help is engaged. Such help or assistance may be provided
by a non-member but should be arranged before a firm booking is made
with the trip/event organiser.
Members are advised that we will always try to fill a vacancy from a
Reserve list arising from a member's cancellation. However, there is no
automatic guarantee of either a partial or full refund in the event of
Visit to Chester?
We recently responded to a request for help from the History group at
Chester U3A – they are coming down to see the Richard III Visitor Centre
and Bosworth Battlefield in the summer.
They were extremely appreciative of both our help in successfully finding
someone to be with them while they're in the city and they've offered to
reciprocate at any time either now or in the future.
Does your group want to take that up? Sounds like a great opportunity!
Please contact: Christine Robinson: [email protected] or Sue
Architecture and Design Coach Trip
The Architecture and Design Group is planning a coach trip to the Geffrye
Museum in East London and the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow
on Wednesday September 9th. Both these museums have free entry and
some idea of their fabulous collections can be found on their web-sites:
http://www.wmgallery.org.uk/ and http://www.geffrye-museum.org.uk/
We think the cost will be under £20.
We are offering this trip to all Leicester U3A members. Before we hire a
coach we would like to have some idea of numbers. If you would be
interested in going on the trip please e-mail the Architecture and Design
Group convenor, Veronica Matthew, [email protected]
by May 22nd.
Committee Contacts: page 23
News from the Groups Coordinator
A fourth Reading Group has now been established, bringing the total
number of groups to 48. We are in the process of starting up
four more new groups: Intermediate Chess, Bridge 2, Craft 2
and Parks and Tearoom Strolls. If any of these take your
fancy, do contact the Groups Team.
We aim to say that “No group is ever full” – if a particular group begins to
get a little ‘tight’ we can explore a change of venue to accommodate the
growing membership, or look to start a parallel group. New groups or ideas
for new groups are always welcome, just ask the Groups Team.
Latest News
BOOKWORMS: The new reading group is called ‘Bookworms’ and will
meet on the first Wednesday of the month, at 10:30 in members’ houses.
The Coordinator is Nick Arlett, who writes: “‘People say that life is the
thing, but I prefer reading”’ (L. P. Smith). We are a new reading group, very
open to new members. We will be reading fiction only and each member
will be given the opportunity to choose, introduce and lead a discussion on a
novel’. So, if you fancy joining, do contact Nick ([email protected],
tel. 07891 528015).
TRAVEL: It would be great if members could have trips and possible short
stays away to look forward to. We haven’t had any approaches yet, but if
one or two people would like to volunteer to have a look at this, please
contact Sue Howard, Trips Coordinator.
ZOOPER OPPORTUNITY: We have been approached by Twycross Zoo
with an offer of visits, or possible study programmes. Please see the
following article ‘Who’s taking us to the Zoo?’ below for further details.
GERMAN CONVERSATION: Since its inception in 2010, the German
Conversation group has been hosted by Dorli Meek and Ute Foggensteiner,
each once a month, and our heartfelt thanks are extended to them. Now that
they have both decided they can no longer continue, Charles Norman has
generously offered to host future meetings which will take place on the third
Tuesday of the month at 10:30. Marjorie Mallory remains as Convenor.
Budding Groups — those seeking members in order to start
If you are interested in any of these budding groups, please contact the
named person or Groups Coordinator, Richard Taylor.
Alternatively, leave your name at the Monthly Meeting Groups Table.
Gardening Group (2nd Advert)
Do you love gardening, but have a small or no garden at all? Do you long for
fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs? Members could investigate renting an
allotment and share the work. That would be rewarding – in more ways than
one – fresh air, fresh produce, exercise, and company!
Park and Tearoom Strolls (2nd Advert)
A possible new group for people who like walking but cannot manage the
distances or longer times of the Rambling Group. The walks / strolls would
take place in parks where there would be even paths with no stiles and a
tearoom or café to finish off in.
Singing 2 (2nd Advert)
Do you want an opportunity to sing with others, not just in the shower? Due to
growing interest in singing, we are seeking to start a further general singing
group to add to the Singing for Pleasure and Folk Songs groups already in
existence. If you think this might be for you, contact Richard Taylor, the
Groups Coordinator.
Who’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow?
Stephen Woollard of Twycross Zoo, recently wrote to our Chair, Sue
Howard, as follows:
I have recently taken over as the Head of Discovery & Learning at
Twycross Zoo, having previously been in the same role at RZSS
Edinburgh Zoo.
I am contacting you to see if there is interest from your U3A group in
doing a study day/visit to Twycross Zoo at some point – to involve
some talks and activities as well as visiting the Zoo.
I worked with the U3A Edinburgh group over the past couple of years
to provide study days for their members, especially those with a
science background, and covered topics such as conservation and
animal behaviour.
These things do take some time to organise and I’m sure you have a
Committee Contacts: page 23
busy schedule of activities for your members in place, so I’m happy to
discuss opportunities for later this year, or for next year. Let me know
if you would like to find out more and you or one of the committee
take this forward.
This looks like one of those offers that it would be a pity to refuse! Stephen
is Chair and Editor of the Association of British & Irish Wild Animal
Keepers as well as Editor and Executive Board Member of the International
Zoo Educators Association, so is clearly someone with vast experience in
his field and in engaging with a wider public in an informative and
constructive way. Whether ‘for’, ‘against’ or ‘don’t know’ with regard to
animal captivity, a connection with Twycross would be a wonderful
opportunity, right on our doorstep, to look, learn and discuss with the
experts – as well as have a grand day out.
So – what we need now is a volunteer (or two, or more) to work up a plan
with Stephen, whether for a single visit or a programme of activity. If you
feel you could play a part in this exciting development, please contact Sue
Howard, Trips Coordinator: [email protected]
Next Group Meetings
Please remember, you MUST be a member of Leicester U3A and contact
the convenor before joining a group. If you have difficulty contacting the
convenor, try the Groups Coordinator instead. [Contacts: page 23]
Detailed information on all our groups is available on our website or, as
hard copy, from the Groups Table at monthly meetings.
Dates are for meetings taking place between 13 May and 12 June.
Architecture Susan Martin-Butt
[email protected]
2:30 on the 3rd Thursday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 21 May.
[email protected] 2709293
Architecture Malcolm Elliott
and the Built 2:00 on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (usually) at the Friends Meeting
Environment House, Queens Rd.
Next: 19 May.
[email protected] 2703143
Architecture Veronica Matthew
and Design 2:30 on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 13 May at Veronica’s. Denis Cogan, an Irish architect, will give a
talk on The Architecture of Georgian Dublin.
Then: 10 June at 1:30 (note earlier time). Visit to the new National Trust
property Stoneywell, architect Ernest Gimson. We have booked a visit and
will be shown round by Mog Singer. Meet at the Whitcrofts Lane,
Ulverscroft Stoneywell car park. We will then be taken the short distance
to the house by mini-bus. National Trust members free, others £9.00 (Gift
Aid), £8.10 (Standard).
[email protected] 3194176
Bones for Jean Stone
Life 10:30 on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at the Friends Meeting
House, Queens Rd.
Next: No meetings for the time being.
Bookworms Nick Arlett
[email protected]
M: 07891 528015
10:30 on the 1st Wednesday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 3 June. Members will be given the opportunity to choose, introduce
and lead a discussion on a novel.
Bridge Bob Collins
[email protected]
2:00 every Wednesday at Bob’s.
Craft Group Margaret Potter
[email protected]
2:00 on the 2nd Friday of the month at Margaret’s.
Next: 12 June.
[email protected]
Creative Susan O’Brien
Writing 1 10:30 on alternate Wednesdays in members’ homes.
Next: 3 June.
[email protected] 2709376
Creative Kevin Beint
Writing 2 10:30 on the 3rd Monday of the month at Wigston Library.
A monthly meeting for writers or would-be writers. Poetry or prose, fact or
fiction, silly or serious. There are no limits. Its aims include
encouragement and exploration and learning from one another.
Next: 20 April. Contact Kevin for details.
[email protected] 2927438
Current Charles Norman
Affairs 1 2:30 on the 1st Tuesday of the month in members’ homes. The first subject
for discussion being decided by the host.
Next: 2 June.
Committee Contacts: page 23
[email protected] 2704188
Current Elaine King
Affairs 2 10:30 on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in members’ homes. Members
bring an item of hot news, topics chosen and then discussed at the meeting.
Next: 20 May.
[email protected]
Digital Angela Jennings
Images 2:15 on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Friends Meeting House,
Queens Rd.
Next: 14 May and 11 June.
We are currently making early preparations for an exhibition in October.
Discussion Elaine King
[email protected] 2704188
2:00 on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 19 May.
Folk Songs Barry Reeves
[email protected] 3196179
Plans for the next meeting are uncertain at present due to the incapacity of
the current host. Please email or telephone Barry for further details.
French Caroline McDermott
Advanced 1
[email protected]
M: 07714 459700
2:30 every 2 weeks on Fridays in members’ homes.
Next: 5 June.
[email protected] 2701425
French Peter Hampton
Advanced 2 2:30 every 2 weeks on Thursdays in members’ homes.
Next: 14, 28 May and 11 June.
[email protected] 2128626
French Chris Thomson
Beginners 2:00 on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 20 May and 3 June.
French Eileen Pott
[email protected] 2701796
M: 07800 774029
2:30 every 2 weeks on Fridays in members’ homes.
Next: 22 May and 5 June.
[email protected] 2387109
German Marjorie Mallory
Conversation 10:30 on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at Charles Norman’s.
Next: 19 May.
History 1 Deborah Hartridge
[email protected] 2228395
10:00 on the 1st Thursday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 4 June.
History 2 Mike Bates
[email protected] 2716134
2:30 on the 3rd Monday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 18 May at Helen Hay’s. Helen will talk about Historical Aspects of
Protest Groups.
[email protected] 3487095
Italian Judy Hill
Intermediate 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 26 May at 2:00 and 9 June at 10:00.
[email protected] 2713537
Latin Jean Cloud
Polish Up 2:30 on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month in members’ homes.
Your Rusty - Next: 14, 28 May and 11 June.
Mah-Jong Ruth Armitage
[email protected] 2708089
10:00 on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 25 May and 8 June.
[email protected] 2712365
Modern Helen Parsons
Novel 10:30 on the 3rd Friday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 15 May at Ann’s. Book: Nora Webster by Colm Toibin.
[email protected]
(Mon) Music Liz Warren
Appreciation 10:30 on the 4th Monday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 25 May at Liz’s. One of the members will be presenting her “Desert
Island” discs choice.
[email protected] 2927438
(Wed) Music Charles Norman
Appreciation 10:30 on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Charles’s.
Next: 20 May.
[email protected] 2708089
Needlework Ruth Armitage
and Knitting 2:30 on the 2nd Monday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 8 June.
Philosophy 1 Matt Matthew
[email protected] 2703143
10:00 on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 22 May and 12 June.
Discussing Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume.
Philosophy 2 Judy Hastings
[email protected] 2713008
2:00–3:30 every 2 weeks on Thursdays at Judy’s.
Next: 14, 28 May and 11 June. Continuing The Ego Trick by Julian
Baggini. (Access to the internet is essential.)
Committee Contacts: page 23
Philosophy 3 Dennis Foxon
[email protected]
10:30 every 2 weeks on Wednesdays at Don Leone’s, Queens Road.
Next: 20 May and 3 June. Discussing Justice: what’s the right thing to do?
by Michael J Sandel.
[email protected] 2712365
Poetry Helen Parsons
Appreciation 11:00 on the 1st Monday of the month at Helen’s.
Next: 1 June. We shall be looking at poems by the Welsh poet, Gillian
[email protected] 2883083
Poetry for Jane Michel
Pleasure 11:00 on the 2nd Monday of the month at Jane’s.
Next: 8 June.
Rambling Jan Hall
[email protected] 2109348
9:15 every 2 weeks. Days and locations vary.
Next: Wednesday 20 May led by Debby Orange and Phil Harvey. Then
Thursday 11 June.
[email protected] 2888063
Reading Margot Comer
Music Made 10:45 every 2 weeks on Tuesdays at Margot’s.
Easy Next: 19 May and 2 June.
[email protected] 2708015
Reading for Jill Reville
Pleasure 1 2:00 on the 3rd Monday of the month (usually) at Jill’s.
Next: 18 May. Meeting to decide on future reading.
[email protected]
Reading for Anne Burge
Pleasure 2 11:00 on the 3rd Monday of the month at Di James’s.
Next: 18 May.
Rummikub Anne Harcourt
2:30 on the 3rd Monday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 18 May.
[email protected]
Science & Richard Thompson
Technology 2:30 on the last Thursday of the month at AgeUK, Humberstone Gate.
Next: 28 May. Richard will talk on Artificial Intelligence Revisited.
Scrabble 1 Ian Simons
[email protected] 2884887
2:00 on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in members’ homes.
Next: 19 May.
Scrabble 2 Ian Simons
[email protected] 2884887
2:00 on the last Monday of the month at Janet Stratford’s.
Next: 25 May.
Shakespeare Liz Brandow
[email protected] 2546157
2:30 on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at the Friends Meeting
House, Queens Rd.
Next: 13, 27 May and 10 June. Continuing Anthony and Cleopatra.
[email protected] 2882198
Shakespeare Mary Essinger
Sonnets 10:30 on alternate Fridays at Mary’s.
Next: 22 May and 5 June.
[email protected] 2700481
Singing for Muriel Harrison
Pleasure 10:30 on the 4th Wednesday of the month at Muriel’s.
Next: 27 May.
Spanish Eileen Pott
[email protected] 2701796
M: 07800 774029
2:30 on alternate Fridays in members’ homes.
Next: 15, 29 May and 12 June.
[email protected]
Summer Bob Hall
Croquet 10:15 – 12:00 on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at Victoria
Park Pavilion. Next: 13, 27 May and 10 June.
Table Tennis Gill Cooper
2:00 every Wednesday at the Parklands Leisure Centre, Oadby.
[email protected] 2700603
Theatre Heather Williams
Visits About 4 or 5 visits are arranged each year. Anyone wishing details please
contact Heather.
Technical Help
[email protected]
Computer Margaret Potter
Help Contact Margaret for help with computer problems.
[email protected]
Digital Photo Bob Hall
Help Contact Bob for help with digital camera problems.
Venues for Group Meetings
Is your group getting too big for your present meeting place?
Are you thinking of starting a new group?
A Suggested Venues List is available from the Groups Coordinator, Richard
Committee Contacts: page 23
Film Group - Oadby & Wigston U3A
All films are shown at 10:30 on the second Wednesday of each month at
Phoenix Square. Cost: £4-60 including a free drink of tea/coffee.
Wednesday 13th May — A Taste of Honey
Wednesday 10th June — Pride and Prejudice – Keira Knightley
Wednesday 8th July — Summer Holiday – Cliff Richard
For details contact M Gray at 0116 2714402 or [email protected]
Local Theatre
2:15 at CURVE
15 tickets have been reserved at £15pp in the circle, row E.
This is a special ‘preview’ price.
Please book with Diana Barker either at the monthly meetings, by phone
0116 2708676 or email [email protected].
The new season brochure is due out next month.
Dates for your Diary
Tuesday 19th May — All Members’ Coffee Morning – 10:30 to 12:00 at
Don Leone’s, Queens Road.
Tuesday 16th June — All Members’ Coffee Morning – 10:30 to 12:00 at
Don Leone’s, Queens Road.
Tuesday 20th October to Monday 2nd November — Digital Imaging Group
Exhibition at Bishops Street Methodist Church.
Wellbeing and Hospitality
Enabling everyone to take part
Do you find it difficult to hear or see at the monthly Tuesday meetings? Do
you have any mobility issues? Is there anything else that prevents you from
fully participating?
Members of the Wellbeing & Hospitality team (easily recognised wearing blue/
yellow sashes) are there if you need to have an end of row/front seat. If there is
anything else we can do that enables you to take part then please tell us.
If you know of any member who is unwell or has suffered a loss then please
do tell Elizabeth Hassall, a member of the team, and she will send a card.
About the Newsletter
The Newsletter is normally delivered to members by email as a pdf file with
one page per side. If you would prefer to receive it as a pdf with two pages
per side (easier for printing), please let the editor know.
If you have trouble reading the Newsletter from email (or do not have
email) and cannot attend the monthly meetings to collect a hard copy, then
• you can have them posted to you for the cost of postage (contact the
Secretary for details of the scheme); or
• you may be able to collect one from Evington Library or AgeUK,
Queens Road where a few copies are deposited each month after the
The deadline for items to be included in the June 2015 Newsletter is
Tuesday 26 May. Contributions (from members) should be sent to
[email protected]. If you want to submit your entry as hard
copy, please contact the Editor, or the Secretary, to get an address to which
you can send it.
I am pleased to have received brief reports from several groups about their
recent activities and I extend my thanks to all the authors. Please keep them
coming. The occasional picture would be welcome as well. [Ed.]
RUM (page 23) — What’s that?
RUMs are Really Useful Members!
There are many people who help make our U3A tick, but are not on the
Committee, for example, Newsletter Editor, Wellbeing & Hospitality
Coordinator, Refreshments Team members etc. They constitute our RUMs.
Committee Contacts: page 23
Committee and RUM Contacts
Committee Members
Sue Howard, Chair
Trips Coordinator
[email protected]
Irene Ault, Secretary
Membership Secretary
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jenny Foxon
Assistant Secretary
Bill Manners, Treasurer
[email protected]
Peter Stanfield, Publicity
[email protected]
Geoff Brooks
[email protected]
Richard Taylor
Groups Coordinator
[email protected]
Cliff Ault
Newsletter Editor
[email protected]
Liz Brandow
Wellbeing and Hospitality
[email protected]
Elizabeth Hassall
Illness / Sympathy Cards
[email protected]
Elaine King, Speaker Finder 2704188
‘All Members’ Coffee
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jan Hall
Christmas Lunch
Diana Barker
Local Theatre Trips
[email protected]
Jane Taylor, Groups Team
[email protected]
2016 is our 20th Anniversary and we intend to stage celebratory events
during the year including an Open Day in June.
We welcome any ideas you may have for the celebration – please let one of
the committee know.
Coffee Mornings
The ‘all members’ coffee mornings are held on the third Tuesday of each month
from 10:30 to 12:00 at Don Leone’s in Queens Road. The next meeting is on
Tuesday 19th May. Please wear your badge - it does help other people to
remember your name!
If any members would like to stay on for lunch afterwards, the restaurant is able
to offer a light lunch of sandwiches with a salad garnish, or jacket potato with
various toppings, at a special rate of £4.50.
If you have any query please contact Barbara Penrose on 2703666 or Elaine
King on 2704188. We look forward to seeing you there.
Barbara Penrose
LEICESTER U3A meets on the second Tuesday of each month
(except August and December) at Christchurch Hall, Clarendon Park
Road, LE2 3AH, and there are special interest groups that meet
regularly in members’ homes and elsewhere.
You can find out more about joining Leicester U3A by
visiting the website or by contacting the Membership
Application forms are available to download from the website
or they can be posted to you on request to the Membership
The form includes information on where to return your
application and the annual subscription of £17.
Committee Contacts: page 23