route details - Leighton Fun Runners

Weary Soles Leg 4
The Dolphin, Stoke Hammond to Milton Bryan Scout Camp 8.1 miles
Start postcode MK17 9BB. Finish postcode MK17 9HR
Please note: You are using public footpaths. Look for sign posts. At most
stiles/gates there are arrows pointing you in the direction of the path. Beware
of cattle and roads.
Abbreviations: X = Cross, Thru = through, FP = Footpath, BW = Bridleway, ST =
KG = Kissing Gate, FB = Footbridge
Starting at the Dolphin Pub:
X the road into Bragenham Side & continue along the road. Pass over the
canal, passing Paper Mill Farm on the BW. Up to the cattle sheds.
Bear left at the cattle sheds following the BW as it climbs up. At the top of the
path bear right on the tarmac still climbing, then bear left to reach Ivy Lane
(the road running above).
Turn left on road passing the Red Lion. At the V junction take Pound Hill.
Continue up the hill until High Ash C of E Primary School.
Turn right down the FP beside the school, thur KG, heading down the 1st field
to the bottom right corner thru the KG. Following path until KG. Climb ST to
the left entering Blue Gate Farm. The FP goes behind the stables.
Follow FP thur wooden gate, along to second wooden gate. Climb stile ahead.
The FP follows the telegraphs poles across two field. Thur gate turning right
heading down hill.
Climb ST into field. The PF continues Left 10 o’clock towards the far end of the
fir tree. (Do not go thur gate to farm house drive). Continue along the side of
the horse fields, passing thru KG’s. Beware of horses. The ST is in the corner
Climb ST following FP signs bearing right. Climb second ST into corpse, over ST
down steps onto the A5 (Beware of traffic).
X road, up stairs. FP continues right 1 o’clock, to yellow marker in hedge. Over
footbridge. Continue in same direction until you reach the road. (Beware of
Turn left either on the field side or along the road. After 100 meters the FP
continues on the left. Enter thru the gate and follow FP for 1300 meters until
you reach an obvious crossway sign post. Take the right turn thur the trees,
continue along. Pass a cottage on the left. The path will turn into a gravel drive
then end on a road.
Turn left just before the road & follow the field to the road (nettles pending). X
the road, continue along the pavement towards Woburn. When you reach
Maryland on the left, the FP continues on the opposite side of the road.
Follow up to the KG on the brow of the hill.
Continue straight ahead towards the Woburn Est House for 500 meters.
Looking to the left of the field. Pass the first exit sign post. Take the second
exit. You come out beside the Fire station & the Triumph bike shop.
On the main road X over and turn right along the pavement. After 300 meters
the FP continues thru a heavy gate by Ivy Lodge, along a path into the Woburn
estate. The FP bears immediately to the right. Wooden posts mark the route
across the park (Beware of deer). The FP continues right along the road within
the estate.
The FP goes along the left side of Paris House. Go thur the heavy gate and
enter the field. Heading towards the telegraph poles ahead but follow the
fields edge keeping hedges to your left going uphill. The Milton Bryan Scout
Camp is thru gap in hedges. Checkpoint is up ahead in grounds.