Folliculitis Doctor Folliculitis - Free for Good The Ultimate

The Ultimate
Guide to Being
Folliculitis Free for Good
Folliculitis Doctor
Folliculitis Doctor
Folliculitis - Free f or Good
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin ...................................................................................... 6
FAQ Folliculitis Barbae ......................................................................................................................... 6
What causes or triggers this skin conditions? ....................................................................................... 6
Does Folliculitis Barbae run in the family?............................................................................................ 7
What are the symptoms of the skin condition? .................................................................................... 7
How do you know it is Folliculitis Barbae?............................................................................................ 7
How is Folliculitis Barbae diagnosed?................................................................................................... 7
Is there a cure for Folliculitis Barbae? .................................................................................................. 8
How do you treat Folliculitis Barbae? ................................................................................................... 8
What can you do to help? .................................................................................................................... 8
Where can Folliculitis grow? ................................................................................................................ 9
Why does it begin to occur? ................................................................................................................ 9
How do you diagnose folliculitis? ....................................................................................................... 10
How do you treat it? .......................................................................................................................... 10
Who are prone to get Folliculitis? ...................................................................................................... 10
Who gets folliculitis? ......................................................................................................................... 11
Can folliculitis be treated? ................................................................................................................. 12
How is folliculitis diagnosed? ............................................................................................................. 12
Causes of Folliculitis........................................................................................................................... 13
Effects of Folliculitis ........................................................................................................................... 14
What are the symptoms? .................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take? ...................................................................... 19
Medications....................................................................................................................................... 20
Diet ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Proper Skin Hygiene .......................................................................................................................... 22
Warm Compress ................................................................................................................................ 23
Alternative Treatments ...................................................................................................................... 23
Allopathic Treatments ....................................................................................................................... 24
Chapter: Folliculitis - Free for Good
Types of Folliculitis ............................................................................................................................ 15
Folliculitis Doctor
How to Choose the Best Laser Treatment for Folliculitis .................................................................... 27
How does laser treatment work? ................................................................................................... 28
What can you expect during the treatment? .................................................................................. 28
What happens after laser cure? ..................................................................................................... 28
How many laser treatment sessions you need?.............................................................................. 29
Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath. ............................. 30
What is hot tub folliculitis? ................................................................................................................ 30
What is razor burn? ........................................................................................................................... 31
What is pseudofolliculitis barbae? ..................................................................................................... 31
Shaving Bumps and Laser Treatment ................................................................................................. 32
Scalp Folliculitis and Food Allergens ................................................................................................... 33
What do you have to know about scalp folliculitis and food? ............................................................. 33
What is this scalp folliculitis? ............................................................................................................. 34
Misconceptions about Scalp folliculitis............................................................................................... 34
Treatments for Scalp Folliculitis ......................................................................................................... 34
Types of Folliculitis and Their Corresponding Treatments .................................................................. 35
Notes................................................................................................................................................. 37
Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home .......................................................................... 39
Steps to Follow .................................................................................................................................. 39
List of Preventive Measures and Remedies for Folliculitis .................................................................. 40
How to Prevent Folliculitis ................................................................................................................. 41
How to Make a Compress .................................................................................................................. 42
Bikini Line Shaving that Avoids Folliculitis .......................................................................................... 42
Notes................................................................................................................................................. 44
Proper Skin Care and Folliculitis ......................................................................................................... 46
How do you avoid razor bumps at home? .......................................................................................... 47
Blade and Folliculitis .......................................................................................................................... 47
Use proper shaving method. .............................................................................................................. 47
Keep proper hygiene after shaving. ................................................................................................... 48
What do you do with a razor bump? .................................................................................................. 48
Medications....................................................................................................................................... 49
Chapter: Folliculitis - Free for Good
Lifestyle Changes ............................................................................................................................... 45
Folliculitis Doctor
Topical Ointments or Antibiotics ........................................................................................................ 49
Superficial or Mild Folliculitis? ........................................................................................................... 50
Deep or Severe Folliculitis .................................................................................................................. 51
More Cures, Folliculitis, and You ........................................................................................................ 51
Step-by-Step Guide to Treating Folliculitis.......................................................................................... 54
When Is The Right Time To Call a Doctor? .......................................................................................... 55
Notes................................................................................................................................................. 55
Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts Revealed… .............................................................. 56
What happens to prolonged ‘pseudofolliculitis'? ............................................................................... 56
What are some chemicals that trigger ‘pseudofolliculitis?’................................................................. 56
Healing Psuedofolliculitis and Folliculitis ............................................................................................ 58
Children and Folliculitis...................................................................................................................... 61
Symptoms in Children........................................................................................................................ 61
Complications in Children .................................................................................................................. 62
Complications .................................................................................................................................... 62
Chapter: Folliculitis - Free for Good
Conclusion............................................................................................................................................. 64
Folliculitis Doctor
Suffering from folliculitis?
In this e-book, you’ll learn more about your skin condition---causes, effects, types,
remedies, medications, lifestyle changes, and key factors you got to know for better
understanding. Better understanding leads to faster healing. Faster healing leads to a better
life. A better life leads to a happier family. A happier family is folliculitis free.
Be Folliculitis Free for Good! Although diet plays a major factor is almost all types of human
diseases, proper hygiene and sanitation is the main contributor to determine whether
you’ll be out of folliculitis or not especially if you like shaving constantly.
In this e-book, you’ll learn the proper way of shaving. This activity is a common trigger for
most adults acquiring folliculitis. Meanwhile, we also discuss that this skin disorder also
occurs in children. Although they DO NOT SHAVE, they acquire this skin condition you. As a
parent, it helps to know that your children can develop this skin disorder if you don’t keep
yourself clean.
Learn more about folliculitis today! Stop the infection from running in your family. Keep
your family folliculitis free.
Chapter: Introduction
Read this e-book and get started to a new journey in life without folliculitis.
Folliculitis Doctor
Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
If you went to your dermatologist or skin specialist today, and they diagnosed that you
have Pseudo Folliculitis Barbae (PFB) or Folliculitis Barbae (FB), you are probably
wondering what it is. Here, are some of the most frequently asked questions about this
FAQ Folliculitis Barbae
Folliculitis is a medical terminology for a skin condition where the tiny structures within
the hair called the hair follicles are inflamed. The inflammation can happen on any part of
the skin. Folliculitis Barbae is a type of skin inflammation in the hair follicles of the beard.
What causes or triggers this skin conditions?
An infection from Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) usually triggers the skin condition.
affect the unshaven areas of the skin. The bacteria can spread from the nose area or from
contaminated shaving tools.
The infection usually sits near the skin surface, at the upper part of the hair follicle.
However, there are also cases when the infection is skin deep, and the immune system sets
up a barrier against it, causing redness and irritation. When this happens, it is called sycosis
barbae. The inflammation may lead to scarring. Other infections caused by viruses,
bacteria, or fungi can cause a similar condition, but they are not referred to as Folliculitis
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
This is a form of bacteria that infects the skin, usually on the shaven area, but it can also
Folliculitis Doctor
Does Folliculitis Barbae run in the family?
No, it does not.
What are the symptoms of the skin condition?
The skin would usually start to itch, and it is very tender to touch. When you shave, the
area affected with Folliculitis Barbae may start to bleed.
How do you know it is Folliculitis Barbae?
A pustule (septic yellow-headed spot) will come out of the affected area. The hair often
comes out with this. The infection would also cause the area to swell and get red. Since it is
an infection, it would spread in close areas. As the inflammation worsens, the area around
the infection would also swell up and get red, causing more irritation. If the condition were
usually contain a pus-filled discharge. This type of irritation is very discomforting. Ingrown
hairs (pseudofolliculitis) look very similar to Folliculitis Barbae, but you can look it over
closely with a magnifying glass to identify whether it is an ingrown hair or an infection.
How is Folliculitis Barbae diagnosed?
If the area has pus, it may be taken for closer examination. Then, antibiotics would be
recommended to stop the infection. If it does not clear up in time, swabs from family
members may be take to check for a possible infection. With the examination, the doctor
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
Sycosis Barbae, the areas affected would get big, red and swollen tender spots, which
Folliculitis Doctor
should be able to identify whether it is really a case of Folliculitis Barbae or whether it
caused by ingrown hair. There are cases when both are present.
Is there a cure for Folliculitis Barbae?
Yes. However, different people have different reactions to treatments given, and some
people respond less positively to treatments given than others. There will also be a
permanent scarring in some instances, but these would improve after months or years.
How do you treat Folliculitis Barbae?
Antibiotics, either applied on the affected area or taken as oral medication, can help cure
the infection quickly.
If the area continues to be inflamed, there are also mild steroid creams that can be applied,
In more tricky cases, when S. aureus does not appear, the doctor may give the patient an
antibiotic which acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial treatment.
What can you do to help?
If the condition continues to persist, help yourself by reducing contamination. Check your
shaving equipment. Sterilize the metal part by scalding it with boiling water. If the shaving
equipment has plastic parts, make sure they are cleaned after each shave. It is also best that
you soak it in alcohol to kill the bacteria. In place of your regular shaving cream, get an
antiseptic lotion.
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
and with an antiseptic or antibiotic, it should heal.
Folliculitis Doctor
Where can Folliculitis grow?
Folliculitis is a skin condition that can infect any part of the body. Any part of the body
where hair follicles are, this skin condition can grow, except the soles and palm, since there
are no hair follicles in these areas. Folliculitis tends to grow most likely on the legs, arms,
armpits, and scalp. Folliculitis is also common to men because they shave. Parts of the body
that have close contact with clothes like the groin, thighs, scalp and face can develop this
skin condition.
Why does it begin to occur?
Bacteria are the usual cause of folliculitis. Yeast or fungus can also cause the skin condition.
If you have damaged hair follicles, you may get Folliculitis. You can also get this by shaving
or wearing tight clothes because these can irritate the follicles. Sweat, makeup, or machine
oils can also trigger this condition. When your hair follicles are damaged, they are more
likely to get infections. The chance to get folliculitis increases when you:
• Apply steroid creams or antibiotics on the skin for long periods of time; • Use substances
that block or irritate hair follicles like makeup, lotions, oil, tar, and creosote; • Possess a cut
or wound that has been infected (bacteria or fungi can easily spread around the follicles); •
Have diabetes or HIV or any diseases that weakens the immune system; What are the
symptoms of the condition?
If you get a pimple-like spot with a hair in the middle, you have folliculitis. The spots are
itchy and may have a burning sensation. They may also have a discharge of pus. When they
get opened, you drain blood or pus, or sometimes even both.
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
• Swim in a pool or tub that has not been treated well with chlorine; • Wear tight-fitting
Folliculitis Doctor
If you have been in a hot tub or pool, you may get “the hot tub folliculitis” after a period of
72 hours. Pimple-like spots would appear on your stomach, arms, and legs. You may even
have an upset stomach, or contract a mild fever. This type of folliculitis goes away after a
period of seven to ten days.
How do you diagnose folliculitis?
Checking your health and activities, as well as examining the affected area will be the
doctor’s steps. He may find out the cause of the folliculitis by asking you to go for tests. This
is also to make sure that what you really have is folliculitis, not impetigo or heat rash. The
liquid discharge in your skin can be taken for a closer analysis so they doctor can know the
cause of the skin condition.
If the folliculitis is mild, it will go away after two weeks. While you are at home, you can
apply a warm compress with white vinegar or Burow’s solution. These would help relieve
the itch and improve healing. You might also be asked to use a medicated shampoo (if it
occurs in the scalp or beard).
Who are prone to get Folliculitis?
Folliculitis is a medical term for a skin condition where the skin suffers from small red or
pink bumps on the hair follicles. A “chicken skin” like appearance would be seen on the
skin. The chest, back, arms, legs, cheeks, and buttocks are the most common places where it
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
How do you treat it?
Folliculitis Doctor
appears. Small, slightly small bumps would be scattered across the affected area. The
bumps might be reddish or pinkish in appearance indicating an inflammation. There might
also be coiled hair trapped on the top layer of the bump. Milia, or acne whiteheads, can also
appear in the same places as the bumps. Folliculitis is common to teenagers and young
adults, but people of all ages can have this skin condition.
Folliculitis is not fatal although it can look displeasing. There are many cases where
folliculitis would even heal without medical treatment. This skin condition is not common
to the healthy. Treatments usually come in the form of antibacterial solutions and antibiotic
creams, lotions or pills.
Who gets folliculitis?
Anyone can get folliculitis since it is a condition concerning hair follicles in the body. It
usually affects the chest, legs, and back, but it can also affect the neck, face, buttocks and
thighs. It is also possible to be widespread over the body. Where there are no hair follicles
condition can be contracted by 10-20% of people over time.
People with Diabetes, HIV, cancer, tuberculosis, and chronic illnesses are more likely to get
folliculitis than anyone else. This is because these diseases weaken the immune system
which fights off the infection.
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
like the eyes, mouth, soles and palms, folliculitis will not grow. It is estimated that the skin
Folliculitis Doctor
Can folliculitis be treated?
Folliculitis is easily treated, and as a non-contagious condition, it can even heal on its own.
It is an easily curable condition. It is cosmetically disturbing, and it may sometimes cause
How is folliculitis diagnosed?
Folliculitis is a condition happening on the surface of the skin. It is diagnosed based on how
the skin looks. In some cases, the doctor would ask for several tests to identify the
condition. A cotton swab might also be used to take the bacteria sample on the affected are
for further analysis, and identification of the cause of folliculitis. Some skin conditions
appear to have similar symptoms as folliculitis, so a doctor needs to closely examine the
affected area.
Usually, observation alone can identify the condition. A bacteria culture is only necessary to
help identify whether the infection is caused by a fungus or yeast. Surgically cutting a small
piece of skin, or skin biopsy, may be done to help evaluate more difficult or widespread
cases. Skin biopsy can also exclude other diagnoses.
Histopathology (examination of tissue under a microscope) will expose folliculitis. If it is
folliculitis, there would be a hyperkeratosis (thickening) in the epidermis of the skin. White
blood cells will form closely on the area, and bacteria would be present in the follicles.
Inflammation referred to as mild superficial perivascular lymphocytic swelling would also
be found on the upper section of the skin.
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
identify what type of bacteria lives on the skin. Fungal tests using potassium hydroxide will
Folliculitis Doctor
Causes of Folliculitis
A follicle can be found in every hair strand in the body. Hair is most dense in the scalp, but
they exist across the skin of the body, except for the palms or soles. Each hair follicle is
connected to sebaceous glands, which produces the sebum (oil) that keeps the skin and
hair moisturized. When the follicles are blocked, they are more prone to getting infections
caused by bacteria, virus or fungus, which can lead to folluculitis. Folliculitis can be caused
by one or many of the following:
• Excessive sweating which blocks the follicles for a long period of time;
• Skin conditions such as acne or dermatitis where the skin is inflamed;
Wounds on the skin;
• Shaving with too much friction (caused by a blunt blade); • Tight-fitting clothes that
irritate the skin;
• Swimming in the hot tub or pool that has been poorly treated with chlorine; • Using
products that irritate the skin such as perfumes and soaps with fragrances and other harsh
weakened immune system) You may feel irritation and pain with the bumps you get due to
folluculitis. Anybody can get folliculitis, and it can occur any time. Nobody is safe, even
people who have good skin care routine.
Each person has hair containers called hair follicles. Hair follicles are dense on your head,
but they appear on all parts of the body’s skin, except the soles of your feet, palms, and
mucous membranes. Folliculitis happens when the hair follicles are damaged. Activities
such as wearing tight-fitting clothes or shaving can cause this skin condition. Substances
like make-up, oil, and sweat can also contribute to the acquisition of folliculitis.
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
chemicals; • Having diabetes or HIV (people with these are more prone to bacteria due to
Folliculitis Doctor
A damaged follicle would be easily infected. There are many substances that can infect a
hair follicle. Folliculitis is an infection you can get from the bacteria Staphylococcus. Yeast
or fungus can also infect the hair follicles. Fortunately, these infections can be solved by
various types of treatment.
Bacteria are the primary cause of folliculitis. Yeast and fungus can also help this skin
condition develop. Folliculitis is usually associated with the way you shave. If you shaved
incorrectly, you may contract this condition. It can also be caused by wearing tight-fitting
clothes that create friction with the parts of the body, or if you take a bath in an unclean
water. Using certain products on your skin like make-up, cocoa butter, oils and creams can
also cause folliculitis. It can also be caused by using steroid creams for a long time. Having
AIDS or Diabetes would also make you more prone to this skin condition because your
immune system is weaker when you have these diseases.
Effects of Folliculitis
Impetigo, keratosis pilaris, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, acne, milia (whiteheads),
sea bather's eruption all look very similar to folliculitis.
Folliculitis would also look a bit similar to Fox-Fordyce disease, Graham-Little-PiccardiLasseur syndrome, herpes, molluscum contagiosum, pustular psoriasis, chickenpox,
erythema toxicum neonatorum, viral warts, and pruritic papular eruption of HIV disease.
Skin conditions like ulerythema oophryogenes, lichen spinulosus, lichen nitidus, ichthyosis
vulgaris, ethromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli, Kyrle disease, perforating folliculitis,
follicularis phrynoderma (vitamin A deficiency keratosis, pityriasis rubra pilaris,
trichostasis spinulosa, eruptive vellus hair cysts, and lichen spinulosus may also resemble
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
insect bites, fire ant bites, eczema, facial rosacea, heat rash (miliaria), dry skin (xerosis), or
Folliculitis Doctor
What are the symptoms?
Folliculitis is a skin condition with the hair follicle being infected. It appears as a tiny
pimple with a white center at the base at the hair. One or many of the hair follicles can be
infected. The infected area may slightly be painful, but otherwise the person affected would
not feel sick. Folliculitis may also be developed after dipping into a poorly treated hot tub.
This is commonly referred to as “hot tub folliculitis” or “hot tub dermatitis”. This is caused
by the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This type of folliculitis happens after 6 hours to
five days. This commonly affects torso and buttocks.
Types of Folliculitis
Folliculitis is a skin condition where the hair follicles are inflamed. It is characterized by the
presence of inflammatory cells in the wall of the hair follicles. Pustules can be formed, and
the burning sensation can be felt and redness and itching of the area can be seen as signs of
an inflamed hair follicle. There are varying types of inflammatory cells inside the hair
follicle wall and it depends on the type and stage of the inflammation. In the earlier stages,
inflammation, you would see scarring. Although it is not classified to sex and age, research
shows that Japanese and Afro-Americans are more likely to get the diseases than other
The arms, legs, cheeks, chest and buttock are the most common areas where folliculitis
would appear. A “chicken skin” like appearance would happen as small bumps would
appear. They would appear to have active raised areas which basically create the
inflammation. Acne and milia can be found on the same areas as the folliculitis.
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
there is an inflammation in the infundibulum of the follicle. In the latter stages of
Folliculitis Doctor
Folliculitis is generally harmless to the skin. The treatment of such skin condition depends
on the causes. It would usually include the application of topical and systemic antibiotics.
Below are the several types and the specific treatments for such.
Staphylococcus aureus. This is the most common cause of folliculitis. This is a
bacterium that rest on the outer skin layer. It can be triggered with weakened immune
system due to diseases like diabetes, cancer, tuberculosis, and many more. The bacteria
would get into the infundibulum of the hair follicles, and with the current condition, they
would multiply and infect the area. You will begin to notice redness and itchiness around
the affected area. If it continues to infect, there would also be skin bumps that contain a
liquid discharge in the form of pus. The treatment for such type of folliculitis includes the
use of systemic antibiotics such as amoxicilline, dicloxacilline, cloxacilline, and
flucloxacilline for a period of 5 to 7 days. There would also be topical antibiotic-steroid
preparation such as mupirocin and fluticasone. Fexofenadine can be used in case there is
excessive itching.
Malassezia folliculitis. Malessezia Furfur is a fungus that has similar symptoms as
Staphylococcus aureus. Bumps that can be found on the surface of the skin usually rest on
and yellow. There is also a chance to get scars from fungal folliculitis. A combination of
saline and chlorhexidine solution should be used to clean the affected area. Miconazole and
ketoconazole topical antifungal agents can also be applied on the affected area. Systemic
antifungal drugs like itraconazole, terbenafine and ketoconazole can be given on very
persistent cases. The treatment lasts from as short as seven days to as long as a period of
two weeks.
Pseudomonas folliculitis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a form of bacteria that infect
the skin. Folliculitis contracted from these bacteria is commonly called swimming pool
folliculitis or ‘Jacuzzi folliculitis’ because the bacteria can be contracted after swimming or
bathing in contaminated or poorly treated water. This is a severe form of folliculitis. The
patient also experiences fever, body ache, sore throat, and in some cases, gastrointestinal
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
one part instead of sparsely affecting the areas. Instead of redness, the area becomes pale
Folliculitis Doctor
disorders. This type of folliculitis would appear 6 to 36 hours after being exposed to the
contaminated water. The affected follicles would feel very painful. The condition does not
have any standard treatment, as it diminishes after a period of two weeks or so. It is
important to treat the other symptoms such as the fever though. Systemic antibiotics such
as cefixime and cefpodoxime can be used. Fexofenadine can be given if there is intense
Tinea barbae. The infection for Tinea barbae is similar to Staphylococcus aureus. It
is common to barber’s itch. The groin and the underarms are the common places where
this infection grows. This type of fungus grows on hot and humid conditions. It has been
recorded that it affects mostly farmers. It also affects the chin area, where pustule
formation is very usual. Itraconazole and terbenafine are used as treatments for this
Razor folliculitis. Razor folliculitis is very common on women who shave their body
hair. This is a fungal infection that also affects men on their neck. Shaving can leave the skin
pores open, and the follicles prone to fungal infection. After the shave, there would be an
immediate swelling of the affected area. When scarring appears, the condition is called
heals. Application of topical antifungal-steroid is also required. If the condition recurs after
the person shaved again, it is recommended to seek other methods of hair removal like
electrolysis or laser ablation.
Herpetic folliculitis. If the person had dormant chicken pox virus left on the surface
of the skin. When the virus is activated by certain conditions, it is called herpetic folliculitis.
The usual chicken pox symptoms like fever and pain in the affected area would occur.
Treatment for this condition includes the application of topical acyclovir cream or lotion.
Gram-negative folliculitis. When someone is under long term antibiotic therapy,
gram-negative bacteria can thrive. Gram-negative organisms that commonly thrive include
Proteus sp, Klebsiella, Serratia, E. coli, and Enterobacter. The neck, chin and cheek would
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
Majocchi granuloma. If the person is infected with this, shaving must be prohibited until it
Folliculitis Doctor
commonly suffer from small red pustules. The treatment for this kind of folliculitis includes
the use of oral antibacterial agents such as roxithromycin, cefpodoxime, erythromycin, and
cefixime. These would help manage the condition.
Tufted folliculitis. This condition is usually happening on the scalp. This is a different
skin condition from dandruff or scalp lesions. The hairs would grow in a certain area of the
head, and would soon fall off, create a bald patch due to scarring. The solution for such a
condition is topical steroid preparation.
Oil folliculitis. Also known as allergic folliculitis, this is triggered by a person’s
exposure to certain allergic toiletries preparations and chemical. The reaction would be an
inflamed area. Oil folliculitis is common in workers in dye factories, shepherds, and
refinery workers. The only solution to this condition is stopping the exposure from
These are all the common origins of folliculitis, and their corresponding treatments. With
good personal hygiene, as well as observation of the affected area, the conditions can be
prevented from getting worse, or being acquired at the very least. Avoid wearing tight
the appropriate medicine for your infection to help the condition to heal faster.
Chapter: Chapter I: Folliculitis, Monster Under Your Skin
clothes, shave properly with clean tools, swim or take a bath only in clean waters, and use
Folliculitis Doctor
Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You
Typically, folliculitis can be treated. However, there are extreme cases that may not have a
cure for. Persistent cases may only be controlled to avoid further damage to the skin using
medication. Mild folliculitis can heal even without any treatments or medication. Most
patients are teens and young adults. Most patients only have to wait a few days to a few
weeks for the healing process.
Folliculitis is generally not communicable. However, since it is caused by a skin infection, it
can be passed on to people you have close contact with, either through skin contact, hot
tubs, or razors. If the folliculitis is caused by bacteria, fungus, or virus, it is non-infectious.
Close skin contact can pass on the skin condition to another though. People with weak
immune system (due to illnesses like Diabetes and Cancer), similar skin conditions like
eczema or dry skin, or exposure history are more prone to getting folliculitis than other
It is rare to have complications for folliculitis since it is a condition on the surface of the
skin. It is rare for the bumps to get large, but when they do they cause an abscess or painful
cysts, which may require a minor surgery. A deeper skin infection very rarely happens.
One potential complication would be skin discoloration either as hypopigmentation, or
lighter than skin color, or hyperpigmentation, or darker than skin color.
Scarring is not usual, but it is possible if the person picks the area, excessively scrubs, or if
the area is more deeply inflamed.
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
Folliculitis Doctor
A wide variety of treatment options and skin care routines exist for curing folliculitis.
Treatments usually depend on what caused the folliculitis.
Over-the-counter antibacterial wash containing benzoyl peroxide (Proactiv or Clearasil),
Phisoderm, or Chrlorhexidine (Hibiclens) can be used on mild cases twice a day. Using a
combination of topical products and antibacterial solutions would also be the best solution.
Other external treatments include soaking the affected areas in a vinegar solution (4 parts
of water to 1 part vinegar) or Chlorox solution (a bathtub of water with ¼ cup of Chlorox
Antibacterial skin wash, topical solutions, and antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial
folliculitis. The skin condition has no standard treatment methods. It is best to seek the
help of a doctor, so he could identify the cause of the folliculitis and provide the right
Application on topical antibiotics like clindamycin lotion or metronidazole lotion twice a
day can be used to treat moderate cases of bacterial folliculitis. Using oral antibiotics such
as minocycline, cephalexin, doxycycline, tetracycline, levofloxacin, dicloxacillin, or
ciprofloxacin would be for more resistant cases of folliculitis for five days to a month. After
strong medication has cleared the affected area, milder washes and antibiotics can be used
to maintain the condition.
Dry skin with folliculitis should be treated by targeting the dryness. Using mild soapless
cleansers would be used to prevent further dryness of the skin and breakdown is
recommended for treatment of the skin condition. Moisturizers such as Lubriderm and
Cetaphil can be used to lubricate the affected area. Lactic acid lotions such as AmLactin and
Lac-Hydrin, Alpha Hyrdoxy Acid Lotion (AHA) such as Glycolic body lotions and Glytone,
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
treatment for it.
Folliculitis Doctor
Urea Creams like Urix 40, Carmol 10, Carmol 20, and Carmol 40, and salicylic acid like
Saltex Lotion can be used on tougher, more persistent cases.
Doctors may recommend a seven to ten day course of medium strength with emollientbased topical cream such as triamcinolone applied on the area once or twice a day for the
itch and inflammation. Topical steroids or immunomodulators such as Protopic and Elidel
can be used to cure inflammatory folliculitis. These can be used for more persistent cases
where there is severe inflammation and redness in and around the affected area.
Ketoconazole such as Nizoral shampoo is used to treat fungal or yeast based folliculitis. It
should be used twice daily. Topical antifungal creams like terbinafine (Lamisil) or lotrimin
ad antifungal pills may be required to use on more severe cases of fungal folliculitis.
If hyperpigmentation exists, prescription fading creams including kojic acid, azelaic acid
15%-20%, and hydroquinone 4% can be used to fade the skin discoloration. Over-thecounter products containing 2% hydroquinone. For severe cases of hyperpigmentation,
be used. These are specially formulated by pharmacists.
Isotretinoin (Accutane) pills may be given to patients severe cases of folliculitis with acne.
Accutane is a strong medicine treatment for severe acne cases with scarring. Use of
Accutane on folliculitis is considered off-label and not routine.
Folliculitis is a skin condition involving the inflammation of the hair follicles, which is
triggered by irritation or infection from bacteria, fungus or yeast.
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
higher concentrations of hydroquinone with 6%, 8%, and 10% strength percentages may
Folliculitis Doctor
Bumps can be seen on the surface of the skin where the hair follicles are. Skin bacteria like
Staphylococcus or Pseudomonas can infect the follicles. The upper dermis will have a
dilation of blood vessels, causing a reddish or pinkish appearance of the skin.
Diet does not affect folliculitis. However, some research shows a connection between
consuming milk and contracting acne and folliculitis. Similar symptoms are also seen with
Vitamin A deficiency.
Proper Skin Hygiene
Good skin hygiene is the most important preventive measure for folliculitis. Others include
avoiding soaking in tubs that has not been treated well, not using razors used by others,
shaving excessively, and moisturizing and hydrating the skin properly.
Washes containing benzoyl peroxide are used too often used to treat folliculitis, and
shaving techniques will also help prevent the condition.
Folliculitis is a skin condition that is characterized by scattered small red bumps on the
skin. Folliculitis can be acquired by anyone, but it most commonly affects teens and young
adults. Affected areas with smooth and small red bumps are commonly on the back, chest,
legs, and buttocks. When you have folliculitis, the skin appears like “chicken skin”. Most
healthy people would not get folliculitis, and it is an easily treatable skin condition. It might
need a maintenance therapy.
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
antibiotic pills are used to help the clearing of the skin. Good skin hygiene and careful
Folliculitis Doctor
Warm Compress
Warm compress can be used to treat folliculitis. Topical antibiotics with clindamycin or
muprocin should be applied on the affected area twice or thrice a day. Severe folliculitis
needs stronger antibiotics like cephalexin and dicloxacillin taken as oral medication.
Folliculitis caused by poorly treated waters in hot tubs will go away without treatment
within a week. Ingrown hairs causing folliculitis has many types of treatment as prescribed
by the doctor. For severe conditions, discontinue shaving.
Alternative Treatments
Infections can be treated by cleaning the area all the time using antiseptic, and using a
warm compress on the area for 20 to 30 minutes. This should be done 3 to 4 times a day.
Yoga, acupuncture and herbal therapies can be used to help with this condition. Yoga
strengthens the immune system, acupuncture draws the heat off the infected area, and
Garlic. Allium sativum has good antibacterial properties, that help the symptoms of
infection be lessened. Eat three garlic cloves or consume three garlic pills a day.
Cleavers. Galium aparine is an anti-inflammatory herb that helps the lymphatic
system. If you have staph abscesses, taking this orally would reduce swelling. A compress
using this can also be applied on the affected area.
Goldenseal. Hydrastis Canadensis helps fight inflammation and infection. This should
be taken orally when the symptoms initially appear. Create a pasty solution with water and
goldenseal root and apply it in the infected area to help kill bacteria. Cover the area with
the paste solution with a cloth and let it soak overnight.
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
herbal remedies may help overcome or maintain a healthy skin. Herbal remedies include
Folliculitis Doctor
Echinacea. Echinacea spp. has antibiotic properties. This could help boost the immune
system when taken orally.
Thyme, lavender and bergamot oil. The strong antibacterial properties of these oils
help prevent scarring. Dissolve a few drops of oil on water, and apply on a compress. Press
on the affected area for several minutes.
Tea tree oil. Melaleuca spp., or ylang ylang is oil that fight infection. Apply directly to a
boil, skin infection, or acne.
Allopathic Treatments
Staphylocoecal infections that are already in the severe or recurring stage may require a
course treatment for seven to ten days using oral antibiotics and penicillin. The
prescriptions are based on place of the affected area and the cause of the infection. After
fluoroquinolones are the latest medications that can help treat S. aureus infections. This is
because this type of infection has grown to have a resistance to antibiotics and penicillin.
For more severe cases of infection, the treatments can be given for as long as six weeks.
Staph infections around the eye area use intravenous antibiotics.
Minor surgery would only be necessary to draw out or remove abscesses that affect the
internal organs. Staph infections on people usually recover within a short period of time.
However, some might have recurring infections, some might even be ill for long periods of
time, and would require emergency care to therapies. There is little possibility of dying. It
is recommended that patients and people from the hospital care units should wash their
hands properly with warm water and antibacterial soap after touching or treating the
affected area, especially when you come in contact with an open wound. Discharge (pus)
should be eliminated from the skin as soon as it comes out.
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
the analysis, the appropriate medications would be prescribed. Vancomycin or the
Folliculitis Doctor
Cleanse the affected area with an antibacterial or antiseptic solution. Shower instead of
bathing to avoid the infection from spreading from other parts of the body. This would also
help the healing process progress faster. Staph infection is communicable so household
items such as bed linens, towels and washcloths should be replaced often and not shared to
anyone. It is recommended they be replaced daily, at least until the infection is gone. They
should be soaked in hot water to kill the bacteria. Do not share the following items as well:
brushes, combs, or hair accessories, sleeping bags, caps, sports equipment, clothing, and
other personal items.
To boost the immune system, a diet rich in green, yellow and orange vegetables would help.
Your nutritionist or doctor may also recommend supplements of vitamins and minerals to
help cover the deficiencies. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday to help flush out the
toxins from the body. If you have artificial limbs such as catheters and other devices that
are used to medicate or drain liquids from the body, they should be replaced if possible.
Remove them to examine for possible contamination of the infectious bacteria.
Even if no signs of infection appear, follow the procedures because symptoms may show
made available to help patients who have weak resistance to infection. A trial for
hemodialysis patients was done and the vaccine has been found to provide protection for
40 weeks.
Folliculitis is a skin condition where the hair follicles suffer from inflammation. If the hair
follicle is healthy, it would fight against the infection. However, when the follicles become
damaged, either by excessive shaving or skin friction, Staphylococcus, a bacteria that rests
on the skin surface, would possibly infect the area with the damaged follicles. Common
signs for this condition include excessive itch, formation of rashes and growing pimples.
Herbs can help fight off the condition. Consult a doctor before using herbs to treat
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
themselves months after the infection has started. In the 1900s, vaccines for S. aureus were
Folliculitis Doctor
Ancient Greek and Roman physicians used garlic because of its great antibacterial
properties. This is also a very popular herb to help boost the immune system, and it can
fight folliculitis. Sulfur is richly found in garlic, which is a mineral well known for helping
fight against skin conditions like folliculitis when it is applied on the skin. Consult a
physician before using garlic on the affected area, since it can cause a burning sensation or
irritate the skin.
Pasta, casseroles and legume dishes popularly use thyme as a culinary ingredient. But
thyme can also be used as a medicinal treatment. Thymol, a chemical compound with
antibacterial benefits is richly found in thyme. Staphylococcus bacteria resting on the skin
can be treated and cleared by Thymol, thus reducing the infection of folliculitis. Consult
your doctor before using this on the affected area as it can cause nausea and headaches.
Chinese Physicians used buds of the clove tree to fight against bad breath, while Indian
Ayurvedic physicians use it to cure digestion related problems. Eugenol is found in clove,
which is a chemical compound that kills bacteria. By using this, infection of the area is
prevented. Consult your doctor before using this to treat folliculitis as it can lead to
The northeastern United States is the home to the goldenseal. Native Americans in this area
used this herb to cure sore throat and several skin wounds. The primary chemical
compound in the goldenseal root is called Berberine. This fights off the Staphylococcus
bacteria, so it can help kill the infection. Consult your doctor before using goldenseal to
deal with folliculitis, as it may cause stomach pains, and even blood pressure changes.
Laser Treatment
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
Indian and Asian cooking commonly uses cloves because of its pungent quality. The Ancient
Folliculitis Doctor
When you go for laser hair removal, one of the expected reactions of the skin is folliculitis
due to the fact that you will feel sensitivity and swelling on the treated areas. This should
not be a worrisome condition because it actually proves that the laser treatment is a
success because it will only swell due to its reaction to killing the hair follicles. The
folliculitis will appear as bumps or lumps on the skin surface and is expected to recede with
two days. If after the two-day period, the folliculitis is still present, make sure to call your
treatment center right away in order for them to make the necessary actions.
It is highly essential to start exfoliating and moisturizing the skin surface after your laser
treatment to experience lasting effects. You may notice that the body will start pushing out
dead hair follicles and it may appear that the hair is still growing, but it really isn’t. In case,
hair is really growing on a treated area, contact your treatment center because it can
happen that there is a missed area. A follow-up laser treatment may be done to take care of
period. During such time, it is vital to keep track of the length of time because you need to
know the answer when you go for your next treatment. As you go through your treatments,
your hair-free period will keep on getting longer. It may happen that your hair-free time
may go up to 3-4 months.
In conclusion, you need to maintain the scheduled laser treatments as provided by your
treatment center to enjoy the highest outcome where you will possess a silky and soft skin.
How to Choose the Best Laser Treatment for Folliculitis
It must be FDA approved. It should pass all state standards on laser treatments. It should
be approved for treating al kinds of Folliculitis. However, those with dark skin shall not
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
After the hair has been removed fully, you will now experience the so-called hair-free
Folliculitis Doctor
undergo this treatment because it may not work well for them. It is not good for dark
people because they have a high tendency to absorb much light in their skin pigment.
However, you shall choose a licensed and safe center to perform a laser treatment for you.
Check with them if you can have a safe laser treatment for hair removal with them with
your skin complexion. Stay safe!
How does laser treatment work?
Folliculitis laser treatment is done in this way. Laser treatment is done using rays from the
layer that passes through the skin. It is then absorbed by the hair follicles right under the
skin. The laser beam then destroys the follicles with the heat coming from it. All dead hairs
dissolve or ejected out the body. Simultaneous treatments may be needed in order to make
this treatment successful.
What can you expect during the treatment?
impulse is beamed. Although there is no anesthesia needed, there can be topical ones that
can be used to numb the skin and can also be applied for those with sensitive skin. There
are also companies that can use patented cooling systems to help you ease the pain and
discomfort during the treatment. You shall not be afraid if you want faster treatment for
your Folliculitis. This helps lower the skin temperature prior to the laser treatment so that
it will cool down.
What happens after laser cure?
You may see skin redness right after the treatment. However, this is normal and shall not
last long. You may also have routine checkups so that your doctor can monitor any change
or any reactions of your body from the laser treatment.
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
Many people are afraid to try this out due to the burning sensation it creates when the laser
Folliculitis Doctor
You may also notice that there are still hairs growing after two weeks, but they are dead
already. Soon, they will be ejected by your body.
How many laser treatment sessions you need?
Mainly, the hair follicles’ growth is impaired during the laser application. Based from the
growth cycle of these hair follicles, there may be multiple treatments required. They can be
done several weeks apart from each other. You may obtain desired results when these
Chapter: Chapter II: Battle of the Cures: Which Side Do You Take?
treatments are done successfully.
Folliculitis Doctor
Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis?
Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
Folliculitis is referred to as the inflammation of one or more follicles, particularly of the
hair, which results to the production of small boils on the said area. Although, it often
occurs in the hair, this condition can happen everywhere on the skin. You can recognize
this ailment because it will look like pimples but includes a hair on its center. Usually, such
pimples also contain pus in them, and they will feel itchy and irritated. There are various
causes that may result to such primary follicle inflammation. It may be due to infections or
follicular occlusion. When a hair follicle is damaged due to shaving, follicle blockage, and
usually infected with bacteria most especially with the one called Staphylococcus. In some
cases, for instance, with hot tub folliculitis, it is a result of an infection from Pseudomonas
aeruginosa bacteria.
The common symptoms of folliculitis are pain, redness of the skin (erythema), and
excessive buildup of serous fluid (edema). As for the lesions or wounds, it differentiates on
its intensity. You may see simpler boils or pimples topped with white tip or the larger ones
that are filled with yellow pus.
What is hot tub folliculitis?
Hot tub folliculitis is a condition often associated with inflammation of the hair follicles
around the trunk. It arises after the person has soaked on a hot tub or Jacuzzi, normally
taking a few days to weeks to appear. It is commonly affecting the back or trunk with a
spread of small reddish, pinkish or purplish bumps. The bumps may itch. Normally, soaking
in a hot tub for one to three hours can be observed prior to the skin condition.
Chapter: Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
abrasions from clothing, folliculitis may start to show. After follicles are impaired, they are
Folliculitis Doctor
Pseudomonas bacteria cause hot tub folliculitis, as this type of bacteria invades the warm
temperatures of water. This is why hot tub folliculitis is also called Pseudomonas
folliculitis. Even without the proper treatment, the condition would go away in a few days’
time. Severe hot tub folliculitis that does not heal within a few days often requires oral
antibiotics like ciprofloxacin (Cipro) or levofloxacin (Levaquin) for a period of five days to
two weeks. The hot tub or Jacuzzi should also be tested for contamination, and treated by
trained personnel to prevent further growth of bacteria. Patients who had this condition
are more prone to the same condition in the future, so they should be careful with soaking
in hot tubs.
This type of folliculitis is a common condition for women who shave their legs. It can also
appear on the neck and face of men. When the razor blade creates small openings when
shaving, it is open and prone to bacteria sitting on the surface of the skin and infecting the
hair follicles. The hairs within the skin surface can also be trapped due to excessive
shaving, which may then cause inflammation.
The condition can be treated by not shaving for a few days to a few weeks. It also involves
the use of certain antibacterial solutions and topical antibiotics. If the condition persists
after treatment, it is suggested to get electrolysis or laser hair removal instead. The person
may also use an electric razor instead of a manual one, and creams like Nee or Nair should
be used.
What is pseudofolliculitis barbae?
Pseudofolliculitis barbae is a skin condition affecting the beard area and neck of men. There
would typically be small reddish or pinkish bumps on the affected area. The area may flare-
Chapter: Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
What is razor burn?
Folliculitis Doctor
up dues to excessive shaving. Pseudofolliculitis typically is contracted by people with dark
skin like African people. The shaving creates small cuts or openings that allow the
possibility of ingrown hair. These hairs would cause irritation and inflammation, and it
would not involve bacteria.
Treatments for such condition include use of antibacterial benzoyl peroxide shaving
solutions, and avoiding of shaving for a few days to a few weeks. The person may also opt
to get laser hair removal or electrolysis to get rid of the trapped hairs. They should also
switch to electric razors, and use cream depilatories like Nair or Neet.
Pseudo-folliculitis is also known as shaving bumps. It is an inflamed skin condition which is
common for people with thick and curly hair. It happens when the skin is reacting to
foreign objects. It is creating such bumps and skin discoloration. When the curly hairs start
to grow back, they start to grow curly underneath the skin. These skin bumps are often
large. They cause skin discomfort. They are sometimes painful for other patients. There are
people who use exfoliating agents. They are sometimes seeing the cure in this way. In most
cases, these growing hairs are pulled out after shaving. However, this type of solution is
often temporary, and pain comes back when the curly hair grows.
When you undergo laser treatment for your Pseudo-Folliculitis, you may notice clear
difference after the treatment. Some people treat it as a savior of their lives. Finally, their
misery ended with the help of laser treatment.
Chapter: Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
Shaving Bumps and Laser Treatment
Folliculitis Doctor
Scalp Folliculitis and Food Allergens
There are about 25% of people who believe that they are allergic to certain foods. This is
the reason they treat their Scalp Folliculitis as an allergic reaction to certain foods. It is also
the reason they think that this scalp folliculitis appear when they eat some kinds of food.
Although there are really people who are said to be allergic to some foods, many of the
cases of scalp folliculitis are not really from food allergies but mostly because of sanitation.
According to studies, it is really degrading to have food allergies as it may limit their food
What do you have to know about scalp folliculitis and
Basically, the cause of food allergies is the same. They include foods like nuts, cashews,
citrus fruits, cow’s milk, crab, lobster, peanuts, pecans, wheat, and walnut. There are a lot of
people allergic to these foods, but they are not affected by scalp folliculitis. What happens if
you are allergic to certain foods? There are many reactions from your body to notice if you
are allergic to some foods, but basically, they are not causing scalp folliculitis. Food allergy
is deadly when left unattended or untreated. You have to watch out about certain allergies
on food that you may be having. Whether you have scalp folliculitis or none, you still have
to see your doctor when you notice bad body reactions to certain foods. It is a more severe
case than food intolerance. You have to seek for professional advice immediately once you
are affected by such allergies from food.
Chapter: Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
intake and their choices. Bottom line, scalp folliculitis is not from food allergies.
Folliculitis Doctor
What is this scalp folliculitis?
It is a condition of your scalp that needs medical attention when the first signs become
evident. You have to note that this is often caused by friction. It happens when the body
product pore-like holes which are called follicles. This skin condition is known as scalp
folliculitis. Another cause of this is hatband, hat, and hair breakage from shaving or waxing.
You have to note that it also occurs on your scalp. When the scalp is inflamed, it is a sign
that it is infected by fungus or bacteria.
These allergies from food can trigger eczema, another skin condition that can occur in
many parts of your body other than the scalp. If you have eczema found on your scalp, you
may think it is a case of scalp folliculitis, but it is not. Many people have a misconception on
this, so they often end up using the wrong medication or drugs for their skin condition. The
best way to find out if you have eczema or scalp folliculitis is to check it with your doctor
soonest possible time. There is no other source for correct diagnosis of your skin condition
other than him. This will also ensure that you are going to use the right treatment for your
skin condition. Go and see your doctor today for a correct diagnosis of your condition.
Treatments for Scalp Folliculitis
Most possible treatment for this is to avoid food that causes allergies. However, you shall
not always consider food allergies as scalp folliculitis. It can be really tricky, so it is highlyrecommended that you see a professional check your condition. Do not make an
uninformed decision in choosing medicines to take. Who knows? You may be taking
medicines for food allergies, but you actually have scalp folliculitis. If you got food allergies,
you have to avoid eating wheat, nuts, and seafood. Check the label of food because there are
Chapter: Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
Misconceptions about Scalp folliculitis
Folliculitis Doctor
many foods that contain these materials. Be careful in selecting the food to eat if you have a
skin condition that occurs whenever you take these foods. You can avoid possible skin
allergies if you read the label and understand what food materials are not good for you.
Scalp folliculitis is commonly cured by applying a hot compress on the area of the scalp
folliculitis. You can also go and see your doctor for the correct recommendation or
prescription of medicines for you. Either your scalp folliculitis is fungal or bacterial; you
ought to use the right creams or any treatments for it in order to avoid complications which
Types of Folliculitis and Their Corresponding
When a person has a mild case of folliculitis, it is more than likely that they will eventually
heal and go away. If the case is a recurring or a long-lasting one, you may need treatment to
cure the ailment. Your medical expert will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate therapy
in accordance to the kind of folliculitis you have and the seriousness of the infection.
Staphylococcal Folliculitis – There are three kinds of prescriptions that your doctor
may provide. First, you may only need to apply an antibiotic ointment. Second, you may be
advised to intake an antibiotic pill. Third, you may need to do both prescriptions. In
addition, your physician will more than likely advise you to avoid shaving the infected area
for the time being. If you can’t avoid it, then you need to utilize an electric razor or use a
different blade every time you shave.
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae – This type of folliculitis can be easily seen to by doing
personal care. Utilizing an electric razor is the ideal gadget to use. If you use a blade razor,
rub your beard with damp and warm cloth or sponge to make the cutting easier. Shave
Chapter: Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
may come with it. The doctor may suggest an antifungal treatment or antibiotic.
Folliculitis Doctor
towards the hair growth. Instead of a shaving cream, apply a shaving gel. After shaving,
wash the area with heated water thoroughly and then administer a soothing aftershave.
Pseudomonas Folliculitis – Also referred to as Hot Tub Folliculitis. This type does
not commonly need a particular remedy. Your physician may recommend you to use a
topical ointment or an oral medication to ease the itching. In more severe cases, an oral
antibiotic may be required.
Pityrosporum Folliculitis – The best way to deal with this kind of folliculitis is
through the application of topical antifungal cream or intake of oral antifungal medicine.
Most of the time, this folliculitis recurs after you finished your oral prescription, so your
useless for this folliculitis and may even worsen the situation by disturbing the normal
bacterial balance on the skin.
Gram-Negative Folliculitis – This folliculitis is caused by the prolonged usage of
antibiotics for acne therapy. The treatment consists of the appropriate oral antibiotic meds
or topical antibiotic ointment.
Sycosis Barbae – Doctor’s advice may be a combination of topical antibiotic cream
and application of saline solution compress. In case of a more serious infection, you may be
prescribed to take an antibiotic medicine.
Eosinophilic Folliculitis – There are several courses of treatments that your doctor
may recommend depending on your case. The most common and effective remedy is the
application of topical corticosteroid ointment. If infection is more serious, you may be
prescribed with oral corticosteroids for a short a period. Medicines containing steroids are
often administered only for a short time as much as possible because of the severe side
effects that it can cause. For those who have this kind of folliculitis and also have HIV, your
physician may recommend a combination of oral antihistamines and topical steroids.
Chapter: Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
medical expert may advise you to use topical creams indefinitely. Taking antibiotics is
Folliculitis Doctor
Carbuncles and Boils – The best treatment for either of the two is cutting the larger
ones and drain them of pus. This will help in relieving the discomfort and minimizing the
effects of scarring. For more serious infections, complete drainage may not be applicable,
so your doctor may have to cover it with a sterile gauze to let the pus drain completely. On
some cases, your doctor may recommend antibiotics to aid in the healing of severe
conditions or persistent infections.
There are several kinds of folliculitis, and they may be grouped according to the severity of
the condition.
If you are experiencing an inflamed tinea barbae, otherwise known as barber’s itch, you can
treat it with antifungal medicine taken orally. In some cases, you may even apply topical
antibiotics on the affected area to promote folliculitis healing. Oral antibiotics are
commonly only advised for more massive infection or other conditions like disseminating
cellulitis, general infection, or carbunculosis.
You can clean an affected area by washing it completely with water and soap or you can
also prepare a disinfectant solution that contains povidone iodine or chlorhexidine. Do the
cleansing at least two times daily using anti-bacterial soap. After that, put on a store-bought
antibiotic cream or oatmeal cream on the area. You may also want to apply damp warm
compresses on the infected area to help encourage vasodilation. It can also widen the blood
vessels and promote drainage of pus on the lesions. Also, in case of furuncle and carbuncle,
you may have to cut and then drain the pus out of them.
It is always important to make sure that the skin is dry, clean, and avoid irritating it so that
you can prevent folliculitis from occurring. You can avoid irritating the skin by not wearing
tight clothing that chafes the skin. Using new blade on your razor or utilizing electric razor
Chapter: Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
Folliculitis Doctor
is also a good practice to avoid skin irritation. People who have folliculitis should not share
their towels, washcloths, and ensure that they are washed using hot and soapy water every
Chapter: Chapter III: Which One is Your Folliculitis? Getting to Know Your Monster Beneath.
after usage.
Folliculitis Doctor
Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at
Although folliculitis is not a very serious ailment, still it can be very uncomfortable when
you have an infected skin featuring tiny, white-tipped red sores that look too much like
acne pimples. It mostly occurs in skin areas with hair follicles. If it looks similar to pimples,
folliculitis is another matter altogether and most of the time, you may need specific
treatments to cure it.
Steps to Follow
If you determined that you are experiencing initial signs of this skin infection, make
an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will prescribe you with
anti-fungal or antibiotics in order to eliminate your folliculitis.
Use the prescribed antibacterial remedy in accordance to your doctor’s instructions.
There are many kinds of antibacterial treatment that your doctor may provide. For
instance, it may be in the form of a pill that you have to take once or more than a day. In
most cases, you will be prescribed with a topical antibiotic ointment that has to be
administered directly on the affected skin.
Apply a warm, damp compress on the infected parts in order to lessen the itchiness
that you may be feeling. Do this application a few a times every day.
Clean the affected area by washing it with an anti-bacterial soap and then pat it dry
using a clean towel. This will help to avoid making the infection worse by other bacteria.
Avoid shaving the affected area during your treatment to prevent further infection
and prolonging the skin ailment.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
Folliculitis Doctor
List of Preventive Measures and Remedies for
Are you experiencing folliculitis? If you are, here are effective tips that you can do to help
Don’t shave inflamed skin area.
Applying topical anti-bacterial medicine is very effective for almost all cases.
Externally applied antibiotics like mupirocin cream is also effective.
In other cases, taking oral remedy like flucloxacillin is beneficial.
Administer a moist and warm compress or washcloth on the area.
Also, clean the affected area using anti-bacterial soap gently two times a day.
If the infected area is itchy, soothe it by using a hydrocortisone ointment or oatmeal
Do not allow others to use your own washcloths and bath towels. Wash them with
lots of soapy and hot water after using.
Use of an antibacterial soap when washing the affected area. If the infection is
located on your beard or scalp, utilize a shampoo which contains either propylene
glycol or selenium ingredient.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
you get rid of the condition as soon as possible.
Folliculitis Doctor
Folliculitis is itchy and also painful, so you can administer wet and warm cloth over
the affected skin area to lessen the itchiness and pain as well as to help in making
the healing faster. Make sure to properly wash your hands before you apply the
How to Prevent Folliculitis
If you have the condition called folliculitis, there are effective methods that you can
do in order to treat it properly and avoid its proliferation and return. Also, included
in this list are some preventive measures that you can do to avoid having folliculitis
in the first place.
When you shower or take a bath, use an antibacterial soap. Taking a bath or shower
should be a daily habit. In addition, make sure to shower or bath after working
around chemicals and after your workout.
Do not share your wash cloths, towels, and other personal paraphernalia with other
people. If you already have folliculitis, make sure to utilize a clean towel and
washcloth every time you take a bath.
Avoid scratching the affected area/s. You should know that you can transfer the
bacteria that caused your folliculitis via the organisms that you may carry under
your fingernails after scratching the infected part. To avoid transferring the
infection, always remember to wash or clean your hands as well as under your nails,
especially when you have folliculitis or you are caring for a person who has this
As much as possible, don’t shave an infected area. If you absolutely cannot avoid
shaving, you have to change the razor every time, or you can use hair-removing
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
Folliculitis Doctor
lotions and creams because you won’t need to shave. However, you cannot use such
products more than twice in a week.
Try wearing clothes that are loose and not too tight. Tight clothing easily locks both
sweat and bacteria on the body.
If you can, don’t use oils on your body. Body oil can lock bacteria in the skin’s pores
that may lead to folliculitis.
Make use of a gentle deodorant. Sometimes, a strong deodorant can be a factor in
acquiring folliculitis.
In times when you utilize public hot spas or tubs, make sure to shower using antibacterial
soap immediately. If you have your personal hot tub, maintain its cleanliness by following
the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
Wet or dampen a piece of gauze or a clean washcloth with warm water. Apply the compress
over the affected area until it starts to cool down. This usually takes about 5-10 minutes.
You can also make a compress by buying an over-the-counter solution like Burow’s
solution or make your own solution by mixing 1 tbsp or 15 ml of white vinegar with 1.33
cups or 314.66 ml of water.
Bikini Line Shaving that Avoids Folliculitis
Male and female who are into shaving their pubic area are prone to having this folliculitis.
On the other hand, this condition is also avoidable through following these easy steps.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
How to Make a Compress
Folliculitis Doctor
Shop for the materials you will need for this activity. Buy a pair of scissors, branded
sharp razor, shaving cream based from your skin, aloe Vera cream, and baby oil.
Do not use an electric razor.
Find specialized creams for female hair shaving. Choose the mildest one. For men,
choose an unscented shaving cream.
After shaving put some baby oil on your skin to avoid pimples.
Put some aloe Vera for its calming effect. You can also use it to help relieve skin
Have hair conditioner and tweezers as other supplies. Hair conditioner can help
soften the hair especially if it is coarse. On the other hand, the tweezers can be used to get
hard to pull out hairs
Get the scissors and clip as many pubic hairs as you can. It is the less painful shaving
that won’t harm the skin. Choose this option instead of shaving.
When you are done in cropping many pubic hairs, soak yourself in a shower or a hot
bath for about three minutes to make sure that the pubic hairs are soaked and smoothen. It
will also avoid the irritation of the hair follicles. In addition, it can also avoid the
appearance of pimples in the pubic area.
Dry yourself off after a bath to allow your skin to recuperate.
Put some shaving cream. Choose the one that is most suited for your skin type. For
women, use a mild shaving cream. For men, use a non-scented shaving cream. Allow the
shaving cream in the skin for a few minutes.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
Folliculitis Doctor
Get a safety razor prior to shaving. Choose either disposable razors or no-switch
blade. As another option, you can also use micro fins or moisturizing strips. This protects
your skin from cuts and nicks.
Shave the hair without any pressure by using your free hand to pull your skin
Begin shaving in the counter direction of your hair. In the pubic region, it means that
you shave upward. If you are prone to razor burn or ingrown hairs, you have to shave in
the hair growth’s direction. Apply some more shaving cream as you shave.
Once done shaving, wash the pubic area with warm water.
For the after care, apply baby oil for smooth skin. This also avoids you from
For men, protect the latex condom because the oil might deteriorate it. To protect
condom damage, wash your pubic area.
Shaving cream for women shall not be used by men. Female shaving creams are
milder compare to those for men. More often, shaving cream for men is often scented.
Do not shave the first thing in the morning. Sleeping makes your body collects a lot
of fluids. These fluids make your skin puffer. Wait until the fluids regress. This makes the
skin tauter. It also exposes the hair shaft.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
developing pimples. Choose aloe Vera if you have sensitive skin.
Folliculitis Doctor
Usually, baby oil is good for many people. However, there are people who get really
irritated with the perfume of it. Apply an unscented moisturizer. Also, avoid the use of antiaging lotions.
Lifestyle Changes
If your folliculitis is only a mild case, then it can be effectively treated by using home
remedies. In such cases, you may not have to immediately proceed to over-the-counter
solutions, there are useful home remedies that you can do in order to deal with the pain,
make the healing faster and prevent the spreading of the infection. Check out the following
dos and don’ts.
Folliculitis can be painful and filled with pus, thus, for some needed relief and to
help in draining the pus, you can put moist and warmed compress over the infected part for
a number of times daily.
If the infected part itches, you may want to apply over-the-counter ointment like
hydrocortisone cream or try oatmeal lotion.
You should also clean the infected area for at least twice every day. Use an
antibacterial soap, clean washcloth and a clean towel to dry it off. Apply an antiseptic
ointment bought from a drugstore, if you prefer.
If you can, don’t shave the area that is already irritated. If you really must shave, it
would be better to utilize an electric razor rather than the one that needs a blade.
Administer a calming aftershave lotion after shaving. In addition, don’t shave against the
hair growth but towards the growth.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
Folliculitis Doctor
Avoid sharing your bath towels as well as washcloths with anyone. After using them,
make sure to wash them in lots of heated and soapy water. Also, launder the clothing that
covered the infected area after using them.
Proper Skin Care and Folliculitis
Proper skin care can help you avoid folliculitis. This skin condition can be avoided if you
know how to take care of your skin. Although this skin condition may appear, you can also
prevent it if you will avoid irritating your skin. Taking care of the skin will help you avoid
this skin disorder. You have to know that with proper skin care, the healing process will be
faster. If the condition keep coming back, however, consult your doctor right away. You
shall have him check on your folliculitis to prevent further complication which can trigger
other skin disorders like eczema and others of the same irritating nature.
You have to note that a skin shaved is prone to getting razor bumps. No matter how
immune you think you are, there is a tendency to develop this condition. There are other
hair removal methods that can also cause folliculitis. These include plucking, waxing,
electrolysis, and others. People who often shave their armpits, legs, face, and the pubic area
are also prone to developing folliculitis of the razor bump type. Shaving using a multibladed razor can also irritate the skin especially if that is dirty. In this case, you can avoid
folliculitis if you will use clean razors. You have to know that pulling your skin tighter to
have a closer shave can also be the cause of razor bumps. In addition, you will also get this
skin disorder if you shave over and over again in the same skin surface. This is particularly
true for Americans and Africans. They are more likely to develop this type of folliculitis. It is
due to the curling of the hair into the hair follicles or into the skin. Based from studies,
there are more than 70 percent of African-Americans that develop this type of folliculitis.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
Men, women, and even children can have this folliculitis especially if they constantly shave.
Folliculitis Doctor
How do you avoid razor bumps at home?
The most effective way they say is to let your hair row. This is in order to avoid this type of
folliculitis that is affecting more and more people these days. However, natural cures may
not always be the cure, but you can use an electric which does not cut as closely as the
blade type. There are some electric razors out there that are especially designed for those
beard trimmers out there. Another tip to avoid razor bump is to use a moisturizer before
shaving off the hair. In addition, you can also avoid shaving often. Moreover, you can also
shave only in the direction of the growing hair.
Blade and Folliculitis
Do you like using blade often to shave off hair? Then, there are some important steps that
you can follow. This will avoid you from developing razor bumps. You can prepare your
skin before shaving the hair from it. All you have to do is to first take a shower, take a bath,
also massage your skin with cream. You can also use a shaving soap. Select a natural soap
without harsh chemicals and strong perfumes. In addition, you can also use a shaving gel.
Use it to help tone your skin. This can have a better effect than using soap or cream before
Use proper shaving method.
Taking care of your skin through proper shaving is the best way to prevent folliculitis. Use a
sharp and clean blade. Use only the single-edge blade. It is less irritating than a double-edge
blade. Use it to avoid folliculitis. Do gentle strokes.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
or apply some hot towel on where you want to shave. In order to avoid folliculitis, you can
Folliculitis Doctor
Keep proper hygiene after shaving.
Remember to always keep your skin clean even after shaving. You also have to make sure
to clean your blade after use. Clean your skin after shaving with lukewarm water. Pat your
skin to dry. Avoid rubbing it. Put some balm moisturizer on your skin. DO NOT USE
ALCOHOL. Thoroughly clean your blade after use and dry it. This will prevent the growth of
fungus or bacteria. At night, apply some lotion having glycolic acid. This helps in exfoliating
your skin surface. It can also prevent the growth of ingrown hairs.
What do you do with a razor bump?
There are certain home cures that you can do once you develop this type of folliculitis. It is
a common problem encountered by people who always shave. There are a lot of people
suffering from this condition when their skin gets irritated by constant shaving. Mostly
men are affected by this type of folliculitis. However, you shall not worry if you have
Here, are some of them:
Moist compresses. Apply several compresses daily using a moist and a bit warm
compress. In addition, you can also use white vinegar in the compress. It is also effective
that a lot of people are using for their compress treatment.
Lotions. You can use lotions with oatmeal, salicylic acid, witch hazel, benzoyl
peroxide, hydrocortisone, and allantoin.
Use clean tweezers. Always use a clean shaving tool when shaving. Before shaving,
use alcohol to disinfect the instrument. Shave gently by carefully lifting out the ingrown
hairs. Avoid the plucking. It will only promote the growth of hair deeper into your skin.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
developed this type of folliculitis. There are some home remedies that you can do to cure it.
Folliculitis Doctor
Apart from the proper hygiene and skin care, you can also avoid folliculitis through proper
medical treatment. Many people are opting for this type of treatment because they seem to
be lasting than natural remedies. No matter what the choice on cures is, it is still important
to know that proper hygiene is the most important treatment for this type of skin
condition. Signs and symptoms may vary from one person to another, so there is no general
cure for all. In this case, it is still the best to consult your doctor for treatment.
Some people encounter signs and symptoms like pus-filled blisters, pain, tissue swelling,
and other symptoms. You may also have some bumps on your skin. They are groups of
swollen tissues. Your doctor may recommend a specific cure depending on your skin
If the cause of folliculitis is bacteria, the doctor may recommend antibiotic. On the other
hand, he may recommend topical ointments if your folliculitis is from fungus. For severe
infections, your doctor can recommend different types of remedies or cures.
Oral or topical antibiotics
Oral antifungal medicines
Eflornithine cream. It helps reduce hair growth.
Hair removal. This may be the last and the most expensive resort for this skin
problem. There are various methods used to perform these hair removal cures. The best of
hair removal techniques is the laser treatment.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
Topical Ointments or Antibiotics
Folliculitis Doctor
Razor bumps are really annoying because they can cause annoyance and they can last for
months. They can keep coming back when there are things irritating your skin that you
keep on doing. However, it is also the easiest one to avoid. Do you know that constant
shaving is the most common cause of this folliculitis? In addition, you can also avoid this if
you shave the right way in the direction of the skin and using a clean, sharp single-edge
blade when shaving.
Superficial or Mild Folliculitis?
Staphylococcal Folliculitis
It is characterized by the appearance of white, pus-filled, and itchy lumps. The bacteria that
contaminated the area is called Staphylococcus Aureus thus, this type of folliculitis is
named as such. You may experience this folliculitis anywhere in your body, but it is
body, a more severe matter may arise. Such incident may occur when you scratch the
affected area or a wound may happen when shaving.
Pseudomonas Folliculitis
This is otherwise known as hot tub folliculitis. It is caused by bacteria that grow in hot tubs
where pH and chlorine is not controlled. If after using a hot tub, you noticed a part of your
skin that is red and irritated and subsequently turns into pus-filled spots then it is more
than likely that you got the infection. To avoid contracting such infection, make sure to use
a secure swimsuit to keep out the infected water. Of course, there is still risked because
rashes can occur in various different areas.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
considered not harmful as long as it stays external. The moment the infection enters the
Folliculitis Doctor
Deep or Severe Folliculitis
Gram Negative Folliculitis
This kind of folliculitis occurs due to lengthy or continued usage of antibiotics because of an
acne problem. When this happens, an imbalance of the level of bacteria occurs where
harmful microorganism grow excessively. Many acne pimples will occur until you stopped
using the antibiotics and then the nose’s harmless bacteria will return to their normal level.
Carbuncles and Boils
This is the severe condition of staphylococcal folliculitis. When the bacterial infection is too
serious, the harmless staphylococcal folliculitis becomes more dangerous that results to
boils and even carbuncles. The boil is characterized by swollen, sore, and red bumps with
pus-filled center that will usually grow continuously until it burst and drains. On the other
hand, carbuncle is basically a group of boils. Carbuncles are commonly located on the
healing and may also result to scarring.
It is advised that when symptoms do not go away on their own after several days had
passed and is causing severe itchiness throughout your body, treatment is now needed. Go
to a doctor for proper diagnosis to avoid mistaking it for other ailments.
More Cures, Folliculitis, and You
Most people whenever they have this folliculitis choose natural treatments. They choose
this option because they are cheaper and natural. They want to avoid the complications
that any medical treatment may bring them. If you are one of these folks, you may also be
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
shoulder, neck, and back areas. Compared to boils, carbuncles may take a longer period of
Folliculitis Doctor
thinking of folliculitis treatment that includes only natural ingredients. Two things may
happen if you go for alternative natural treatments. First, they may cure the infection.
Second, they may only prolong your suffering. Your kitchen can become a good place to
start in finding natural cures for folliculitis. There are a lot of natural ingredients in the
kitchen which may help you lessen the discomfort or ease the pain of folliculitis.
Have three apples in a day. However, do this slowly. Do not force yourself to indulge
in this diet if you don’t want your health to suffer. You have to think closely whether to
choose this alternative or not because you may not be used to living without rice and meat.
Try manuka honey. Apply it on your face for about an hour. As another option, apply
it on your face before bedtime and let it stay overnight.
Apply a mixture of baking soda and salt. It is a recommended cure for this folliculitis.
However, it may not work for other people because we all have our own body reactions to
any kinds of folliculitis’ treatment.
Apply some lemon juice. You can apply some lemon juice on those folliculitis spots.
However, keep this in check because it may dry up your skin. In addition, it can also cause
Have some tea tree moisturizer and tea tree oil. This can work well because there
are many studies that have revealed the good effects of tea tree for skin disorders.
Take some supplements with vitamin B5. This helps ease the discomfort of your
folliculitis. Moreover, it can also have beneficial effects for a good feeling. This can improve
your happy thoughts and keep them coming. It is a good stress reliever, too.
Take propolis capsules. You can read more about this and find out about its healing
effects for folliculitis.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
Folliculitis Doctor
Have some vitamin E for the skin. There are many products that contain vitamin E.
Some of them are taken orally as supplements while others are included in many beauty
products like moisturizers.
Take vitamin C there are many vitamin C tablets for sale in pharmacies. In addition,
you can also have some foods rich in this nutrient. As a tip, do not take chewable vitamin C
because it contains a lot of sugar.
Have some vitamin A (oil). It can also help you sure your condition. However, it can
also trigger those whiteheads.
Eat raw garlic. You can feel good after taking some raw garlic in the salad. This is a
very good antioxidant that can help you fight this folliculitis. You can also use this as a
power antioxidant that can also help you flush out toxins.
Take about two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This also helps you have a shiny
Mix some baking soda and apple cider vinegar. Mix about 1/8 tsp of baking soda on
apple cider vinegar.
Think positive. Visualize that you have beautiful skin. This can make all the
difference in you. No matter what treatment you undergo, nothing will happen if you don’t
believe on it. Although, some treatments may take longer than the others, you have to stay
focus on your remedies and have faith on it.
Feel comfortable no matter what. You have to keep that affirmation that you are
finding, and you can heal yourself for life.
Mix turmeric powder with water. Take it three to four times a day. This is a
comforting remedy that may help you fight your skin condition.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
hair aside from helping you ease the discomfort of having folliculitis.
Folliculitis Doctor
Mix some blackstrap molasses with water. Drink it three to four times a day.
Step-by-Step Guide to Treating Folliculitis
Folliculitis is a skin condition that is often encountered by a lot of people especially if they
often shave. They commonly have this skin condition when the skin gets infected by
bacteria or fungus. Either of this enters the skin and infects the hair follicles. The hair
follicles are infected by the trapped bacteria. This skin condition is often caused by the
bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus. In order to understand it more, each of the hair
follicle is found at the hair shaft at its base. This is the one responsible for producing the
cells which allow the hair to grow. Folliculitis can look like pimples or bumps on the skin. If
the case is mild, then the skin condition is resolved after a few days even without the
treatment. However, they do not dissolve if they are not mild.
Wet the folliculitis area using warm water.
Put some antibacterial soap on the affected area. Use a soap bar or liquid soap for it.
Rub your soapy skin with warm water. Use a wet wash cloth to rub it. It can help
remove the dead skin cells on the affected area.
Rinse skin thoroughly.
Pat your skin dry using a clean towel.
Put some hydrocortisone cream on your folliculitis. This can relieve the itching.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
Water, Hydrocortisone, and Soap Treatment
Folliculitis Doctor
Vinegar Compress
Mix a part of vinegar with some lukewarm water.
Soak a small clean cloth into the mixture. Wring that cloth out.
Put the cloth on the affected area for about twenty minutes. You can do it three
times a day.
After the compress, put a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream on your skin. You may
also use an oatmeal lotion as a replacement for cortisone.
When Is The Right Time To Call a Doctor?
You should contact your doctor if you are experiencing folliculitis that is continuously
to let your physician know. Another important consideration that should be a sign that you
need to see your doctor fast is when you experience other symptoms other than the
symptoms of folliculitis. For instance, if you feel too much pain over the affected part, you
feel the warmth over the infection, you have a fever that is more than 38, or if it features
swelling and redness, then call your doctor.
Do not shave until the folliculitis is gone. Dispose the disposable razors. Change the blade
because it is responsible for in folliculitis. In the above compresses, you need some wash
cloth, white vinegar, and hydrocortisone cream.
Chapter: Chapter IV: Actions to Take: Remedies to Try at Home
spreading throughout your body. Also, if the ailment seems keeps on returning, make sure
Folliculitis Doctor
Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts
Usually, folliculitis is common among black men who are prone to developing bumps on
their neck, chin, and face. This condition is often the result of razor, usually dirty razors. In
addition, other causes can include chemicals and dirty hygiene. In the scientific term, it is
called the 'pseudofolliculitis.'
Based from research and studies, it is a common condition happening to almost sixty
percent of Afro-Americans. This skin condition also occurs to people with really curly hair.
This happens when the hair grows back into your skin. It causes the inflammation. This is
the result of the body’s reaction to invasion of either bacteria or fungus.
Keloidal scarring can look like very hard bumps found on the neck and beard region. Hair
ends sharpen like knives. The hair curves back into your skin and causes
‘pseudofolliculitis.’ The common areas are the neck, chin, and face. The beard area is the
common site for this type of ‘pseudofolliculitis.' Shaving creams which have harmful
chemicals are the main irritants that cause skin inflammation. There are certain types of
chemicals that are bad for your skin. After shave creams and other shaving materials are
main culprits of ‘pseudofolliculitis.’ On the other hand, the main cause is shaving.
What are some chemicals that trigger
There are commercial shaving materials that are not good for your folliculitis. These are
the shaving creams, balms, or moisturizers that contain harmful substances. Some
Chapter: Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts Revealed…
What happens to prolonged ‘pseudofolliculitis'?
Folliculitis Doctor
examples are Edge, Nivea, Barbasol, Old Spice, Gillette, Noxema Medicated, Neutrogena,
Magic Shave, Afta, and Value. These are some commercial brands that contain some
harmful chemicals that may trigger the infection and make it worse. Many of these contain
All of these chemicals are no good for the body, and they all can put you in danger. They are
directly going into the bloodstream. They move around the body. They can damage the
body and impair the function of organs like the immune system and the liver.
These chemicals are often ingredients of shaving creams, balms, and moisturizers. They are
commonly for products used for the chin and the cheeks. These are chemicals that cause
skin inflammation. They are at the areas of the hair follicles. These follicles often get
swollen, and they show a bumped appearance on the chin, neck, or face. The use of blades
swelling. You have to do away with products that cause irritation of your skin. Although
many of these products have their cooling agents or anti-inflammatory properties, they can
still cause the redness and infection on your face, neck, or chin. Many of them are derived
from chemicals, and they are not organic-based.
Always remember that razors only complicate your skin’s structure. You have to know that
using a dirty razor will not help but cause inflammation of your skin. You must always use a
clean and sharp razor in shaving. One of the harmful effects of using razors is its damaging
effects to the lymph nodes. These lymph nodes are main defense shield of the body from
toxins that enter the body through the bloodstream. They also contain our clear blood. It is
not good to know that with a dirty razor, you actually dump in some toxins straight to the
lymph nodes. These nodes have to work properly because they filter out toxins which many
cause impurity into the bloodstream. In order to keep us healthy, these nodes must also
function well. In order to protect them, use a clean blade or razor to shave.
Chapter: Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts Revealed…
and razors also cause inflammation of the skin. It can also cause the redness and the
Folliculitis Doctor
Healing Psuedofolliculitis and Folliculitis
In any disease or disorder that the body encounters, diet always plays a vital role. It is
needed to combat such conditions or disorders. With the case of folliculitis, diet also plays a
major part. Without good hygiene, you may not be able to stop from having this skin
condition. You always have to keep a good diet in order to fight such disease from coming
back. It is so easy to understand that the key to stopping folliculitis is through good
grooming and personal hygiene. You have to bear this in mind if you do not want a
persistent folliculitis occurring on your face.
Folliculitis is often the result of a poor hygiene. No matter how hard you complain about
your condition, it will keep coming back unless you know how to keep yourself clean all the
time. In shaving, the use of a clean and sharp razor is always advisable. Whatever type of
folliculitis you may have, it is still the same solution. This is an area that you have to focus
Avoid using chemical brands when it comes to shaving creams, moisturizers, and balms. In
this case, you also have to take note that most of these commercial brands contain
chemicals like Sodium Laurel Sulfate. It is directly absorbed by the bloodstream aside from
clogging up the skin pores and making the lymph nodes like a big garbage bag. Let me say
that there are two types of soap in the market today. We have the healthy soap brands and
the chemical soap brands. In this case, avoid commercial soaps using chemicals as their
main ingredients. Commercial brands like Irish Spring, Dial, Ivory, Kroger, and Zest are
some of them. Although they have good lathering effect, they are not good for your skin.
They can clog up the pores and infect your face, neck, and chin. Use natural soaps that
contain ingredients from nature.
There are a lot of these soaps in the market these days, so it may not be hard for you to buy
them from the grocery shelf. Check the label and see some natural ingredients that are
good for the skin. The main thing here is to look for soaps made of natural materials like
Chapter: Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts Revealed…
on although diet still has an important role in keeping yourself out of folliculitis.
Folliculitis Doctor
coconut, tea tree, and Manuka honey. Coconut is a promising ingredient that is very good
for your skin especially if you got a sensitive one. You have to choose only those soaps
made of friendly and healthy ingredients. Coconut works as a great lathering agent that can
keep you out of commercial brands. Choose soaps with coconut.
Compare to chemical soaps that usually contain bad ingredients like Sodium Laurel Sulfate.
Chemical soap companies use synthetic versions of natural ones because they are really
cheap compare to natural ones. They can earn a lot of money from their business while
harming a lot of people like you. As a suggestion, choose the liquid black soap which is a
good alternative. Also, you can opt for Nubian Heritage soap. However, only choose
unscented ones.
In addition, use only the best blade or razor to shave. Although the best ones may be pricier
than the other ones, they are more advisable to use because they work better. Stop from
thinking cheap for your health and spend some money to buy a good razor especially if you
them longer. Start to think about health and not about being cheap.
Clean and wash the razor each time you use it. Soak it in clean water, hydrogen peroxide,
and tea tree oil. Let the razor soak overnight. Razors and using it is the main cause of
developing folliculitis. The razor you use is the main culprit of the condition. Instead of
using chemical shaving materials, use Aloe Vera on your face. It is a natural way of
soothing, calming and healing your face. This works especially when your face is
developing some redness.
Meanwhile, there are also good substances to apply on your face. They are cocoa, shea
butter, coconut oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, kukui nut oil, rose hip seed oil, and
almond oil. These can be applied on your face right after shaving.
Chapter: Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts Revealed…
often shave. You will save more if you buy good blade or razor brands because you can use
Folliculitis Doctor
In addition, there are also good substances to put on your face for faster healing. These are
sage, rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, and tea tree. They are best when the folliculitis is
itchy. In addition, you can also use blue chamomile and callophyllum.
When you have folliculitis, you have to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. Avoid
letting your skin dry. As an alternative, use vegetable glycerin on your face as a moisturizer.
In addition, you can also use witch hazel because it is a good astringent that works just
right on your face.
Warning: Stop using alcohol on your face. This is the common mistake that a lot of people
commit. Right after shaving, many of them use alcohol on their face, chin, or neck. Do you
know that alcohol is actually an inflammatory agent which can burn your skin? You have to
avoid it for some reasons. It has no business at all for the body. It only dries and damage the
skin. Do you also know that alcohol is directly absorbed in the bloodstream through skin
pores? It is a kind of poison that you have to refrain from using if you do not want to have
However, it is commonly used in many barber shops right after a hair cut or shaving. You
should refrain from applying it. Another fact that is actually not good to know is that many
hospital doctors also use alcohol before they apply a shot. They are some of the most
unconscious people when it comes to health.
As a conclusion of this section, both pseudofolliculitis and folliculitis are healable. They are
easy to heal if you follow these simple tips. Let your hair grow out. Do not shave them off.
Using a razor to remove those hairs not yet growing out is harmful. Allow your folliculitis to
heal the most natural way. Only use natural materials for your skin. Do not use alcohol.
Chapter: Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts Revealed…
more health problems. Alcohol is a burning agent that only burns your skin in all means.
Folliculitis Doctor
Children and Folliculitis
Folliculitis is the inflammation of the hair follicles due to infection from fungus and
bacteria. This is not only experienced by adults but also by children. Not only adults but
also these little angels are affected by this condition. It usually occurs in the scalp, legs, face,
and back areas of children. Usually, the cause of it among children is the growth of the
Staphylococcus bacteria which is the common cause of the problem. This happens when
the infection from these bacteria is trapped into the follicles.
Usually, adults encounter this problem especially when they shave their hair constantly.
You may often hear that adults usually develop this type of skin problem which usually
occurs on their neck, chin, face, and the pubic area. Both men and women are prone to this
skin condition especially when they use a dirty razor when they shave.
However, children are more prone to this type of skin condition. This happens when both
with this skin condition. The bacteria on the parents’ clothes transfer from the parents to
the kid’s skin. This now causes hair follicle cuts or scratches the kid’s skin. It happens from
the friction caused by the parent’s clothing. In addition, babies are also prone to developing
this folliculitis. Babies do nto have strong immune system yet.
Symptoms in Children
Folliculitis among them is causing them to scratch their skin. This is an itchy condition
which often makes them develop red pus-filled bumps over their skin. When this condition
lasts long, it leads to cellulitis. This is a more common skin condition that is actually more
painful. It can also cause fatigue among them. They may also develop chills and fever.
Chapter: Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts Revealed…
parents carry the child, and they are wearing sweaty clothes. Children are easily infected
Folliculitis Doctor
However, children should have a milder treatment. As a parent, you have to use an
antibacterial soap for their skin. You can also apply some hydrocortisone cream to their
skin. This will help them soothe their skin and prevent the redness. Children with
folliculitis should always wear loose-fitting clothes in order to avoid skin irritation. When
the condition is mild, it can heal after several weeks.
There is a non-infectious type of it and other four infectious types. This folliculitis in
children can be caused by fungi, parasites, bacteria, and viruses. They can develop the type
of bacterial folliculitis that they can get from dirty swimming pools when they stay in the
water for many hours.
Complications in Children
There can be some serious complications that this folliculitis in children may bring. There
Staph. Children may develop boils that may need some antibacterial treatment. These types
of bacteria can also lead to impetigo. It is a blistering condition on them that can occur
around the nose or mouth. It may also need some treatment like skin cream or antibiotics.
If the condition is mild, then a complication may be impossible. On the other hand, there
could be complications when there is spreading infection, itchy and large patches of
plaques, and severe folliculitis. This worst case may lead to Furunculosis. It is a condition
when boils occur under the skin. These boils usually begin like reddish bumps. They
become larger and painful as the condition gets severe. What come next are the
developments of raised cars or keloid scars. These patches appear to be darker than the
normal skin. In the worse case scenario, permanent hair loss can occur.
Chapter: Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts Revealed…
are cases when they may not respond to cures. Folliculitis may be worse when the cause is
Folliculitis Doctor
For children, treatment for folliculitis can be based from the kid’s age, medical history, and
overall health condition. Second, the treatment can also be based from the severity of the
skin condition. Third, the treatment can also be depending on the expectations about the
healing progress of the disease. Lastly, it can also be based from your opinion.
For children, there are triggering factors that contribute to the development of their
folliculitis. Some triggering factors can be sweating and heating, elements like grease, oil,
Chapter: Chapter V: How Common Is Common? More Facts Revealed…
and tar, family conditions, bad personal hygiene, diseases like diabetes, and tight clothing.
Folliculitis Doctor
Folliculitis is one of the easiest skin disorders to cure because it only needs you to keep a
proper hygiene. Unlike what most people mistakenly believe, folliculitis is not an allergic
reaction from food. Although there are food allergies that may show skin swelling, redness,
itchiness, and bumpiness are sometimes attributed to folliculitis, but they are actually not
such case. In order to further understand what a skin disorder is, it is always best to consult
a specialist for proper diagnosis, care, treatment, and skin care.
From lessons, tips, and information presented in this e-book, learn more about your skin
disorder called folliculitis. Better understanding of your skin condition will help you
manage and control it better. Through proper guidance presented in this e-book, you will
learn about what to avoid and what to do.
Chapter: Conclusion
Come on! Live a happier and more productive life by staying Folliculitis Free for Good.