recovery addiction But there is a solution— .

addiction is a devastating disease
for those who suffer and people who love them.
But there is a solution—
Addiction treatment at Hazelden
rebuilds lives.
Hazelden recognizes addiction to alcohol and other drugs
as a chronic, progressive, and sometimes-fatal disease. We
also know it is a manageable disease. That’s why treatment at
Hazelden addresses multiple facets of addiction, and why
our services and resources support lifelong recovery.
Our patients—men, women, and youth—come to Hazelden
from all parts of the country and all parts of the world. They
and their families are often overwhelmed and in crisis.
Addiction treatment at Hazelden helps them rebuild their lives.
We are a national, nonprofit organization focused on addiction
treatment and recovery support. With 60 years of knowledge
and expertise, Hazelden has unmatched experience in leading
patients and families through the chaos, fear, and isolation of
addiction and into a new life of recovery. At Hazelden, patients
and families begin the path to getting well, learn new tools for
living well, and establish lifelong connections for staying well.
We invite you to call us with questions.
We are available 24 hours a day.
Programs and Services
Primary Care Addiction Treatment for Adults and Youth
Focus on Mental Health
Specialized Services for Youth
Specialized Services for Health Care Professionals
Family Care
Continuing Care
Recovery Support
Innovative Care
Guide to Admission
Hazelden Locations
Personal stories of addiction and recovery reveal the healing work of Hazelden.
Hazelden staff have listened to tens of thousands of stories of recovery from
addiction through the years—stories that have influenced our practices, advanced
our understanding of the disease of addiction, and deepened our commitment to
helping more people learn how to sustain lifelong recovery. The stories that follow are
composites of real-life experiences we hear about every day. We share these stories to
help you understand the destructive power of addiction—and the promise of recovery.
Primary Care
Hazelden clinicians recognize each patient
as an individual with the potential for lifelong
recovery from the disease of addiction.
Addiction to alcohol and other drugs is a disease—and like
many diseases, a simple and easy answer does not exist.
Addiction must be treated and then managed for a lifetime.
At Hazelden, an interdisciplinary team of skilled clinicians
works with each patient to ensure that we address all aspects
of addiction and co-occurring disorders that affect the body,
mind, and spirit.
What is addiction?
For more than 50 years, the American Medical Association has recognized
addiction to alcohol and other drugs as a chronic disease. Characterized by
compulsive drug seeking and abuse and by long-lasting chemical changes in the
brain, addiction is the same whether the drug is alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine,
heroin, marijuana, nicotine, or a prescription medication.
“I couldn’t see that I
Continued use of the addictive substance causes changes in the brain that
lead to tolerance, physical dependence, uncontrollable craving and, all too
often, relapse.
was addicted. I learned
the truth about
addiction at Hazelden.”
“Beyond my wildest dreams. That’s how I describe my life today as an alcoholic
and addict in recovery. It’s a life I couldn’t begin to comprehend the day I stepped
through Hazelden’s doors because I was blind to my problem. My drinking
started in college when I discovered how whiskey helped me—a painfully shy
guy—suddenly become the life of the party. I was very funny when I drank. I
could talk to girls. I felt I finally fit in. When the alcohol no longer helped, I found
cocaine. I took pride in the amount of alcohol and drugs I did, like it was a badge
of honor. Over the next 18 years, my use grew from every evening, to all night,
to all day and all night. But I knew I could quit anytime I wanted. My therapist
Primary Care
Helping you make informed decisions
Hazelden recognizes that each individual who turns to us for help comes with a
unique personal history and set of circumstances. We do not assume that everyone
who contacts us for care is addicted.
Our assessment process provides recommendations and referrals designed to help
individuals and families make informed decisions about the next step. These
recommendations may include residential primary care treatment, nonresidential
treatment, or referrals to physicians, mental health practitioners, family counselors, or
other helping professionals.
Clinically integrated, individualized care
The goal of addiction treatment at Hazelden is lifelong recovery for each
patient. Our abstinence-based, Twelve Step approach incorporates integrated clinical
disciplines with individualized planning and care.
These interdisciplinary care teams consist of addiction counselors, psychologists
and psychiatrists, physicians and nurses, family specialists, spiritual care professionals,
nutritionists, and wellness specialists who collaborate in developing and administering
individually tailored treatment plans. For many Hazelden patients, addiction
treatment also involves clinical care for co-occurring mental health conditions such as
depression or anxiety disorders.
Hazelden understands that recovery from addiction also involves rebuilding
relationships with family members and friends. Through Hazelden’s Family Programs,
patients and family members receive education, guidance, and support to achieve a
healthier way of life.
thought differently. She recommended that I check into Hazelden. The day I arrived at
Hazelden, I thought I had my life under control. I had two cars in the driveway. I had
a big house in a great neighborhood. I had a successful small business. What I refused
to see was that I didn’t have a driver’s license because of drunk-driving violations, I
wasn’t making my house payments, and my company was on the verge of collapse. At
Hazelden, I realized how unmanageable my life had become. My only regret is that I
waited so long to get help. I couldn’t see that I was addicted. I learned the truth about
addiction at Hazelden.”
Primary Care
Residential primary care
treatment locations
Residential and nonresidential options
Center City, Minnesota
Newberg, Oregon
Plymouth, Minnesota (Youth)
Hazelden’s nurturing and respectful environment provides the optimal setting
for patients and families to focus on making physical, emotional, and spiritual
changes that build lifelong recovery. Primary care addiction treatment at Hazelden
is delivered in both residential and nonresidential programs. Our model of care is
defined by individualized treatment planning, clinical integration, respect for the
dignity of each patient, and open, comfortable surroundings.
Nonresidential primary care
treatment locations
Center City, Minnesota
Chicago, Illinois
New York, New York
Plymouth, Minnesota (Youth)
St. Paul, Minnesota
Our residential campuses are located on rolling, wooded acres with walking
trails and abundant natural beauty. Patient living areas and gathering spaces are
designed with comfort, safety, and serenity in mind.
Our nonresidential settings offer convenient programming so that patients can
balance treatment with daily work and/or family obligations.
A recommendation for residential or nonresidential care is determined through
the Hazelden assessment process. Candidates for our nonresidential treatment
programs are those who do not require medically-supervised detoxification or
stabilization, have stable mental and physical health, have had few if any
prior addiction treatment experiences, and have a supportive home and work
Primary Care
The patient’s treatment plan
Addiction treatment at Hazelden begins with a comprehensive, individualized plan
developed by an interdisciplinary team of clinicians who meet regularly to review and
modify each patient’s plan as needed.
The patient’s treatment plan is influenced by a variety of factors. Recommended levels
and types of care are based on the addictive substance, family history, existence of cooccurring illnesses, gender, physical health, stability of home and work environments,
and many other variables. Tailoring treatment in this way ensures each patient the
most effective approaches and the best opportunity for recovery.
Addiction counseling
Hazelden patients learn about their disease and the process of recovery through
individual counseling and group sessions facilitated by a licensed addiction counselor.
The addiction counselor guides each patient through the treatment experience,
arranging for and accessing resources as clinically appropriate. Specific issues such
as anger, assertiveness, disordered eating, gender, grief, trauma, gambling, sexual
compulsivity, and other potential obstacles to lifelong recovery are also addressed.
Mental health
Addiction counselors and mental health professionals work closely together
under the Hazelden Model of care, from daily consultation about patients to
co-facilitating group-therapy sessions. A mental health professional is designated
for all patients with a co-occurring diagnosis such as depression or anxiety
disorder. Patients diagnosed with a co-occurring disorder learn how alcohol and
other drug use can complicate mental health problems.
Individual psychological therapy is goal-directed, with the patient focusing on
attitude change and skill development to reduce emotional stress and strengthen
social, interpersonal, and vocational skills. Topic-focused group psychological
therapy provides opportunities to share information, insights, and emotional
support with other patients. Medication management, when needed, is handled
on-site by our psychiatry staff.
Medical care
Physical examinations are conducted during the first few days of admission while
residential patients are in the medical services unit. Licensed nursing professionals
staff these units, with additional physicians, psychiatrists, and emergency hospital
services available. For patients in need of detoxification from alcohol or other drugs,
Hazelden’s medical staff provides around-the-clock care, ensuring safety and comfort.
We invite you to call us with questions.
We are available 24 hours a day.
Primary Care
Anti-craving medications
Anti-craving medications can play an important role in the treatment of
addiction for some individuals. Hazelden assesses all patients to determine
whether anti-craving medications would be beneficial. When implemented,
anti-craving medications are used in combination with the Hazelden Model
of care to help patients enter recovery and stay sober.
Spiritual health
Addiction affects the body, mind, and spirit, and spiritual care is an essential
component of each patient’s treatment experience at Hazelden. A spiritual
care professional helps patients understand how addiction affects the human
spirit and how recovery includes caring for one’s spiritual self. Our spiritual
care professionals respect the belief system of each patient. Hazelden is not
affiliated with a religious denomination.
Wellness and recreation
Designed to help patients create balance in their lives, individual and group
wellness programs focus on stress management, self-care, relaxation, and
leisure activities. A variety of wellness services are available by location,
including seated chair massage, biofeedback, gentle yoga, or creative arts.
“I sensed at my very core
Fitness programs encourage patients to take better care of themselves
physically. Exercise improves physical and mental health, self-image, and
self-esteem, and it is a natural way to reduce stress. Recreational amenities for
residential patients include walking and running trails, a fitness center, and a
swimming pool depending on location.
that I would be in good
hands at Hazelden—and
I felt ready to face my
problems and begin
moving forward.”
“Agreeing to seek treatment was the scariest thing I have ever done. With my
family’s help and support and at my employer’s urging, I made the decision to
go to treatment at Hazelden. But I was terrified. When I landed at the airport, I
was broken, scared, lonely, and hopeless. My pain must have been obvious to the
Hazelden driver who picked me up that day because she said, ‘You’re probably
feeling miserable, but everything is going to be all right.’ She was partly right. I was
miserable. But I also felt I was beyond help. I didn’t believe everything was going
to be all right. I remember pulling into Hazelden and, from my very first moment
there, sensing something might be different. Way down somewhere in my darkness,
Primary Care
Gender-specific programming
Hazelden has maintained separate primary addiction treatment programming as
well as separate lodging for men and women since 1956, when women patients
were first admitted. Separate programming allows men and women to stay focused
on their own recovery progress, explore sensitive issues with peers in a safe and
supportive environment, and strengthen their fellowship with others in recovery. It
has been Hazelden’s experience, supported by subsequent and ongoing research, that
gender-specific treatment provides patients with the best opportunity for recovery.
Length of stay
Hazelden’s goal for each patient is lifelong recovery. As a result, the length of
stay for each patient is determined by the patient’s interdisciplinary care team as
treatment progresses. For many residential patients, an average length of stay is
four to five weeks, but a longer stay may be recommended if clinically appropriate.
I felt this tiny nudge, this speck of hope. Maybe it started with the driver’s reassuring
words. Maybe it was the look on the nurse’s face that told me she knew exactly what she
was doing. Maybe it was the gentle tone of my counselor that made me feel I belonged.
Or the kindness of the other women patients that told me I would be understood. I
sensed at my very core that I would be in good hands at Hazelden—and I felt ready to
face my problems and begin moving forward.”
Primary Care
The daily experience at Hazelden
Daily treatment activities are carefully planned to help each
patient understand what it means, and what it takes, to recover
from addiction. The patient’s daily schedule is structured to
include intensive therapy and education while still allowing
time for personal reflection and relaxation.
Individualized attention from clinical staff
Each patient works with a licensed addiction counselor who serves as his or her
primary therapist. Counselors meet with individual patients regularly to focus
on personal issues and monitor treatment progress. Each counselor leads a small
group of patients who meet daily for group therapy. Hazelden maintains small
group sizes and low patient-to-counselor ratios, allowing for personal attention
from staff.
Educational presentations
Patients gain essential knowledge and insight about the disease of addiction
through the wisdom and experience of staff and guest speakers. Therapeutic
lectures cover topics relevant to individuals in early recovery. Presenters, including
Hazelden clinicians, alumni, and other invited speakers, offer insight and
education about important treatment concepts such as “acceptance” and provide
inspiration through personal stories of addiction and recovery.
We invite you to call us with questions.
We are available 24 hours a day.
Primary Care
Specialized appointments
Each patient’s day has time built-in for individualized appointments with professionals
from their interdisciplinary treatment team. These might include meetings with
professionals who specialize in mental health, smoking cessation, spiritual care,
nutrition, or wellness.
Personal time
Patients take time each day for reflection and relaxation. Individualized treatment
plans frequently include reading assignments to support personal goals for recovery.
By making time for relaxation and recreational activities, patients discover how to
build healthy new practices into their daily recovery.
Nutritionally balanced meals
Eating well is part of a healthy recovery. We provide delicious, wholesome meals to
our patients. Mealtimes at Hazelden are a time to slow down, enjoy the company of
fellow patients, and be nourished.
Time for fellowship with other patients
The experience of sharing with, and learning from, other patients in treatment
is helpful and meaningful. Through mutual support and day-to-day feedback with
each other, patients begin to understand the need for fellowship and ongoing support
in recovery.
Primary Care
Focus on mental health
It is very common for those who struggle with addiction to
also have co-occurring mental health challenges such as
depression, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or posttraumatic stress disorder. To maximize our patients’ potential
for lifelong recovery, addiction treatment at Hazelden fully
integrates assessment and care for co-occurring mental health
Hazelden’s mental health clinicians are highly sophisticated at differentiating the
effects of addiction and mental health conditions—what’s related to chemical use,
what’s a residual effect of chemical use, and what are stand-alone mental health
issues. Our staff includes psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and marriage
and family therapists. We partner with referring physicians, mental health
practitioners, and family counselors to help inform patient care.
Individualized attention, vast expertise
All patients at Hazelden receive a complete mental health assessment, and
those with a co-occurring condition are assigned a mental health professional.
Specialized assessments are also available to identify other co-occurring
compulsive or addictive behaviors such as eating issues, gambling, sexual
compulsivity, or relationship compulsivity.
We invite you to call us with questions.
We are available 24 hours a day.
Primary Care
Today’s most effective practices
Treatment is tailored to address the patient’s specific needs, with one-to-one sessions
with a mental health professional available as often as daily, if needed. Hazelden
utilizes the most current evidence-based addiction treatment therapeutic practices
including Twelve Step Facilitation, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Motivational
Interviewing. In addition, Hazelden patients benefit from many other therapeutic
approaches including biofeedback, eye movement desensitization reprocessing, pain
management, lifestyle balance, stress management, and insight therapies.
Medication management
Many medications are not safe for people in recovery because they may trigger relapse.
However, there are many safe medications that can help to support recovery. Hazelden
psychiatrists fully understand the challenges of medication usage in recovery and
provide patients with expert medication management in treatment and recovery.
Primary Care
Specialized services for youth
Adolescents and young adults struggling with addiction miss
out on many of the joys of normal adolescence—developing
healthy friendships, achieving success at school, reaching
personal goals. Addiction treatment at Hazelden’s Center for
Youth and Families gives young people a fresh start on life.
Our Center for Youth and Families, located in Plymouth, Minnesota, specializes
in developmentally appropriate, gender-specific care for patients ages 14–25.
Young adults, ages 18–25, are assessed to determine whether our youth or adult
program will best meet their individual circumstances. A Hazelden counselor
helps determine which program will ultimately result in providing the patient
with the best opportunity for lifelong recovery.
Creating ideal conditions for recovery
“At Hazelden I was
able to figure out who
I am and who I want
Nearly three decades of experience have shown us that young people are most
open to change when they are treated in an environment of dignity and respect.
Our structured yet nurturing environment encourages personal growth and
responsibility. This unique approach has led to our recognition as a national
leader in addiction treatment for youth. Hazelden’s priorities for young people
in our care are the same priorities parents have for their daughters and sons. We
want them to get healthy, to stay well, and to enjoy full and happy lives.
to be. I have a whole
new start on life.”
“Today, at age 17, I have a lot more experience living high than living sober—but I’m
finally turning things around thanks to Hazelden. Schoolwork was always pretty easy
for me but I tended to push things too far, break rules, and challenge my teachers and
my parents. When I started fifth grade I was told that I had ADHD. That’s the same
year I smoked my first joint. It was in the basement of my friend’s house. Something
just clicked for me. I don’t know if it was the adrenaline rush of doing something
forbidden or the warm, floaty feeling of escape. Whatever—I liked it, I wanted more,
and I chased that high for the next six years, no matter where it took me. I was in
and out of a bunch of different school programs. It was a blur. Nobody knew what
Primary Care
Devoted to working with youth
Hazelden staff bring expertise and passion to their work with adolescents and
young adults. They know how to reach young people with approaches that are
developmentally appropriate and interactive—approaches that emphasize experiential
exercises; creative expression through music, art, or writing; and outdoor activities.
It’s often more than addiction
Many patients who receive addiction treatment at our Center for Youth and Families
also have a co-occurring mental health issue such as attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder, depression, or anxiety. Hazelden helps patients understand how their
different diagnoses interact. A mental health professional is designated for each patient
who has a co-occurring disorder to ensure that the patient’s mental health needs are
identified and treated along with his or her addiction.
to do with me—I didn’t know what to do with me. Finally, by some miracle, I landed
at Hazelden’s Center for Youth and Families. When I showed up at Hazelden, I was so
depressed and so messed up. But there were people who understood and accepted me,
and I felt safe enough to tell them what was going on inside me. Without Hazelden I
know I would have ended up dead by now. Instead, I am grateful for every new day. At
Hazelden I was able to figure out who I am and who I want to be. I have a whole new
start on life.”
Primary Care
Parents are partners in recovery
Hazelden views parents as vital partners in their child’s treatment and recovery.
Counselors gain important insight and information from parents during the
assessment process and throughout treatment, and counselors provide parents
with weekly updates on the patient’s progress. Patients may call their parents
every day during free time if they wish, and parents are able to leave messages for
their child as often as they choose.
Our intensive, four-day Parent Program equips parents with the knowledge that
they did not cause their child’s addiction, and teaches techniques for effectively
supporting their child’s new life in recovery. Through small-group discussions
with other parents, lectures, videos, and a family conference with their child,
parents explore the far-reaching impact of addiction on their child’s life, their life,
and their family’s life, and discover ways to parent a young person in recovery.
Addiction treatment
for youth
Hazelden’s Center for
Youth and Families is
located in Plymouth,
Minnesota. Levels of
care and services include:
Residential evaluation
Residential primary care
Nonresidential primary care
(day treatment)
Residential extended care
Mental health
Parent Program
Primary Care
Keeping up with academics
Addiction affects every aspect of a young person’s life, including their academic
development. Our licensed teacher works closely with the patient’s home school
district and family in establishing academic goals during treatment and coordinating
day-to-day school activities and assignments. Hazelden’s academic services—which
include on-site basic education instruction, access to an area learning center (for
extended care patients), and credit opportunities for therapeutic work—focus on
credit recovery and credit maintenance for patients.
Learning to have fun—sober
Discovering how to enjoy life sober can feel awkward, even scary, for young people
who have relied on chemicals to have fun. Recreation is an important part of life
in recovery, and it’s an important part of the treatment experience at Hazelden.
Volleyball, basketball, and working out at the gym are popular health and fitness
activities. Our patients also challenge themselves, expand their horizons, and explore
new ways to have sober fun through trust walks, ropes courses, outings to movie
theaters or game arcades, visits to museums, and nature hikes. These recreational,
social, and cultural activities help young patients learn to balance work and play —
a skill that will serve them well throughout a lifetime of recovery.
We invite you to call us with questions.
We are available 24 hours a day.
Primary Care
Specialized services for health care professionals
Addiction treatment
for health care
Hazelden’s addiction
treatment program for
health care professionals
is located at our Newberg,
Oregon campus. Specialized
components of this program
Integrated clinical services
addressing complex recovery
issues facing health care
Specialized group sessions
with other health care
Extended care treatment
designed to provide a solid
framework for lasting recovery
The disease of addiction can affect anyone, but for the health
care professional, addiction poses significant risks that can
affect the health and safety of the public. For nearly 20 years,
Hazelden’s specialized program at our Newberg, Oregon
campus has provided comprehensive evaluation, diagnostic,
and addiction treatment services for health care patients along
with thorough recommendations for their safe return to the
practice of health care.
Hazelden has long-standing relationships with diversion, well-being, and
monitoring programs and other experts who work with addicted health care
professionals. We work together, from admission and assessment through
treatment and continuing care, to ensure that critical issues affecting the health
care professional are addressed during treatment and that referral to monitoring
programs for licensed professionals is facilitated.
Our evaluation process takes place during a three-day residential stay on
campus and includes a health assessment, a patient history and physical, and
a review of reports by other professionals who have worked with the patient.
Psychological testing, psychosocial assessment, addiction medicine assessment,
and psychological and psychiatric evaluations are also important components of
our discovery process. Specialized evaluations (for relapse or chronic pain, for
example) are available and developed on a case-by-case basis. At conclusion of our
evaluation, we meet with the patient to discuss findings, make recommendations,
and communicate with referents, family members, or the employer as
appropriate. Admission to residential treatment or referrals to other professionals
or agencies can be facilitated.
Ready access to drugs, extensive knowledge of drugs, potential safety issues with
regard to patient care, and difficulty assuming the patient role are among issues
facing health care professionals with addiction. Hazelden’s residential treatment
program includes intensive group therapy, psycho-educational services, and
individual counseling to help patients develop an understanding of addiction
and strategies for building lifelong recovery. Patients also access specialized
services addressing a variety of addiction, mental health, physical health, family,
Primary Care
and spirituality issues as they impact the patient’s profession. Through ongoing
sessions with the program physician and clinical staff, patients address issues related
to professional licensure, employment status, professional practice, participation
in formalized health care monitoring programs, and other state medical board
requirements that may affect the patient’s ability to return to practice.
The benefit of time
The issues faced by health care professionals in recovery are complex. Many health
care professionals benefit from extended care treatment at Hazelden, a program that
provides the clinical services necessary to develop relapse prevention strategies and
continue building a foundation for recovery. This experience, coupled with ongoing
clinical services designed for the licensed health care patient, helps with the transition
back to home life and practice. Extended treatment for health care professionals is
typically 60 days, but can be longer, if clinically indicated.
Ensuring successful career re-entry
Hazelden continues to work directly with various boards and monitoring programs
to facilitate our patients’ safe, successful return to the health care practice. Practice
assessments for each patient identify issues and concerns related to returning to work,
particularly with regard to work hours and intensity, drug prescribing habits, and drug
availability. We also help health care professionals design a program of continuing care
that supports lasting recovery, including facilitating the transition to monitoring and
diversion programs available to most licensed professionals.
Family Care
Hazelden helps families and friends affected
by addiction rebuild their lives.
Families feel the pain of addiction, too. The Family Program at
Hazelden is designed to promote the well-being of those who
live with or care about a person with addiction.
Healing for the whole family
Through Hazelden’s unique four-day program, participants learn they can’t
control their loved one’s addiction, but they can take responsibility for their own
health and happiness.
The stress of living with addiction can have physical, emotional, social, and
spiritual consequences. Families of alcoholics and addicts often feel confused,
frustrated, angry, and helpless. Hazelden’s Family Program and the Parent Program
at our youth campus in Plymouth, Minnesota, help to alleviate confusion and
anxiety and promote healing by identifying how addiction affects families and
what family members can do to take care of themselves. (Participants do not need
to have a family member at Hazelden in order to enroll in the Family Program.)
“ At Hazelden, our
family began to face
difficult issues.”
“My wife had a lot of anxiety. She was always a worrier, but her worries became
more pronounced after our son was born. When I would try to ease her mind,
try to get her to laugh like she used to, it only seemed to put her more on edge.
When our son was young, my wife got into a pattern of staying up late to watch
TV, enjoy a glass of wine, and have her private ‘peace of mind time.’ Over the next
two to three years, she stayed up later and later and her mood was anything but
peaceful. We never knew what to expect. More and more, my son and I walked
on pins and needles around the house, trying not to say anything that would
upset her. Bringing up the subject of her drinking was off limits, but I did start
– 19 –
Family Care
A new understanding
The Family Program teaches and promotes healthy ways of responding to addictionrelated issues. This intensely educational experience involves presentations by Family
Program staff, group discussions, personal goal-setting, reading and reflection, and
fellowship with other participants.
Loved ones of those with addiction learn that they can’t control addiction, they didn’t
cause addiction, and they can’t cure addiction. By becoming aware of the beliefs and
experiences that shape their own behaviors, participants identify new, healthy ways of
coping with addiction and relationships.
Looking ahead
Family members of Hazelden patients have the opportunity to be involved in a family
conference facilitated by a counselor. At this conference, families discuss and plan for
the patient’s return home.
paying attention to how much she was drinking. My wife only drank wine, so I didn’t
think she could be an alcoholic. In her heart, I know she didn’t think her drinking
was affecting our family, but it was. What happened at Hazelden is that our family
was able to acknowledge that my wife’s drinking was destroying us. We learned that
addiction is a disease and that the whole family needs healing. At Hazelden, our family
began to face difficult issues. Our son came to understand that his mom was not a bad
person; she was a sick person.”
Continuing Care
Through our continuing care programs,
Hazelden helps to keep patients moving
forward in recovery.
Residential EXTENDED
Center City, Minnesota
Newberg, Oregon
Plymouth, Minnesota (Youth)
residential INTERMEDIATE
Chicago, Illinois
St. Paul, Minnesota
Maintaining a healthy recovery is a lifelong commitment
because addiction has relapse rates similar to other chronic
illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease. Research shows
that the longer patients remain engaged in continuing care,
the better their chances for sustaining recovery. Through our
effective continuing care programs, Hazelden patients learn
how to manage their disease and move forward in recovery.
Next steps in recovery
A continuing care plan supporting recovery is part of each patient’s Hazelden
treatment experience. From structured residential programs to ongoing,
at-home support, Hazelden provides individualized, continuing care plans
for patients leaving our primary care treatment programs. Continuing care
plans may include more residential care, a halfway house, or outpatient services.
Recommendations may also include ongoing therapy, support group meetings,
and other recovery support resources.
“I now have the tools to
keep me sober and a place
where I can always turn
for help: Hazelden.”
“I marked my one-year sobriety anniversary last week. It’s a miracle. After
more than 10 years of active addiction to alcohol and painkillers, it’s astounding
to me that I can honestly say life is good. I spent more than half of my life drunk
or high, and my addiction and depression led me to some pretty ugly places. I
reached the end of my rope two years ago, and my situation was clear to me:
change now or die. That sounds harsh, but it really was the choice I faced. A
friend who had been to Hazelden told me that addiction treatment could help me
get my life back. I had nothing left to lose. I thought I’d be at Hazelden for 30
days, but I stayed for 120. The first 30 days saved my life; the next 90 days taught
Continuing Care
Extended care
Extended residential care at Hazelden is recommended for patients who have a
history of relapse or those who have complex recovery issues identified in primary
treatment that require more time to heal. Extended residential care allows for more
in-depth discovery and exploration of recovery issues, attention to mental health
complications, and identification of relapse prevention strategies. Patients continue with
individual counseling, group therapy, and other clinical care in developing a practical
understanding of what their new life in recovery will involve and how to successfully
navigate potential obstacles.
Intermediate care
Residential intermediate care, available at Hazelden’s Fellowship Club in St. Paul,
Minnesota, provides a structured, supportive sober living environment for men and
women in early recovery. In addition to continued individual counseling and group
therapy, the Fellowship Club experience includes mental health services, vocational
assistance, relapse prevention education, and peer and community support. Residents
learn how to live with their newfound sobriety, developing the skills necessary to
maintain an emotional, social, physical, vocational, and spiritual balance.
Inspired living
Hazelden offers a residential option for people in early recovery who want to live in
a supportive, sober environment. Our sober residence, located in Chicago, Illinois,
provides residents with on-site access to Twelve Step meetings, workshops, volunteer
opportunities, Hazelden alumni events, and other activities that deepen and reinforce
recovery principles and promote fellowship—all with the aim of helping to sustain
lifelong recovery.
me a new way of life. I learned what I needed to do to take care of myself, where to
turn for support, and how to be aware of people, places, and things that could trigger
relapse. I learned how to listen and not be afraid to share. Most of all, I learned to
ask for help, and I still do, all the time. I’m also able to give help to others, which is a
huge part of my recovery. I realize that recovery will be a lifelong journey for me. The
difference is I now have the tools to keep me sober and a place where I can always turn
for help: Hazelden.”
Recovery Support
Throughout a lifetime of recovery, the
Hazelden community is a source of
information and support.
Hazelden alumni often say, “Treatment is discovery. What
happens next is recovery.” Research tells us that engagement
in a recovery lifestyle—including participation in Twelve Step
meetings, reading daily meditations, finding and connecting
with a sponsor, enjoying sober friends and sober fun—is
critical to avoiding relapse.
Staying connected
Recovery is a time of exploration, self-discovery, embracing life on life’s terms,
and continually renewing commitments to self and sobriety. But successful
recovery is not a solo pursuit. Participation in educational and service activities
with others is essential to lifelong recovery. Hazelden extends the reach of
recovery support to patients, families, and communities through published
materials, alumni activities, retreats, and workshops.
“Because of
my world is full
of possibilities.”
Millions of people in recovery worldwide make Hazelden books a part of their
day. With the publication of Twenty-Four Hours a Day in 1954—the first daily
meditation book written expressly for recovering alcoholics—Hazelden began a
tradition of bringing readers information and inspiration to strengthen lifelong
recovery. Today, Hazelden publishes hundreds of books, workbooks, pamphlets,
and DVDs to help people learn about changing negative behaviors, living
through life’s losses, and developing healthier relationships.
“For 17 years I thought everything would be okay if my husband would just sober
up. Drinking was causing a lot of chaos in our lives. It took several more years and
my own drunk driving arrest—at age 50—before I realized that maybe I played
a role in this chaos. I had such shame and regret when I entered treatment, and
to my surprise and profound relief I found Hazelden to be a completely nonjudgmental place. In my day, women were the caretakers of families. We weren’t
supposed to become alcoholics. At Hazelden, I felt free to share my troubles, and
I came to see that I had choices to make. For me, Hazelden is about trust. You can
open up, and you won’t be blamed or judged or criticized. My gift to myself and
Recovery Support
Alumni activities and events
Hazelden encourages all patients leaving treatment to attend Twelve Step meetings and
become active in their local recovery community. Patients leaving treatment also have the
opportunity to strengthen their recovery by staying connected with other Hazelden alumni
through unit reunions, alumni chapter meetings, service opportunities, and special events
designed for fun and fellowship. Many alumni also serve as a contact person for Hazelden
patients making the transition from treatment to home, and helping patients establish
connections with their local recovering community.
Retreats and workshops
At times, the recovery journey requires extra guidance or gentle encouragement. The Dan
Anderson Renewal Center at Hazelden in Center City, Minnesota, offers residential, Twelve
Step-inspired enrichment opportunities focusing on common issues faced in recovery.
Popular retreat topics include forgiveness, spiritual growth, healthy relationships, anger and
resentment, and meditation. An intensive, week-long educational workshop called the Lodge
Program gives participants the tools to renew their daily practice of recovery.
my recovery is that I return to Hazelden once a year to attend a recovery retreat. I also
attend Hazelden’s Women Healing conferences and alumni events. These Hazelden
experiences—along with my support group meetings and my daily meditation books—
keep me focused on strengthening my recovery and moving forward. And they have
helped me learn, time and again, to forgive myself. I feel more healed every time I
come to Hazelden. What a relief to know you are not alone. What a miracle to get a
new chance at life. Because of Hazelden, my world is full of possibilities.”
Innovative Care
A cunning, baffling, and powerful disease
requires an innovative, comprehensive,
and lasting response.
Licensure and
Hazelden adheres to
federal regulations on
confidentiality to ensure
the anonymity of our
patients. Hazelden is fully
licensed by the states in
which our programs are
located. Additionally, all
programs in Minnesota
and Chicago are
accredited by The Joint
Commission. Hazelden’s
program in Newberg,
Oregon, is accredited
by the Commission
on Accreditation of
Rehabilitation Facilities
(CARF). The New York
program is licensed by
the New York State
Office of Alcoholism
and Substance Abuse
Services (OASAS).
Only Hazelden delivers the depth and breadth of resources to
support a lifetime of recovery from addiction. The innovation
began in 1949 when Hazelden created the Minnesota Model,
a clinically integrated, Twelve Step-based addiction treatment
protocol. That approach, now called the Hazelden Model, is
the standard for alcohol and other drug addiction treatment
programs worldwide.
Our groundbreaking work continues
Hazelden constantly searches for new approaches and better solutions to address
the disease of addiction. In the 1950s, it was Hazelden staff who began teaching
the Twelve Steps in a residential treatment setting and whose groundbreaking
work incorporating psychology, medicine, and spiritual care came to define the
term “interdisciplinary” addiction treatment. Through ongoing research,
collaboration among clinicians and other addiction experts, and technological
advancements, the Hazelden Model of care continues to incorporate the latest,
most effective tools and practices to help more people find and sustain lifelong
recovery from addiction.
Sharing information and improving treatment
As the first addiction treatment center with an endowed research center,
Hazelden dedicates significant resources to the scientific study of addiction
treatment. The Butler Center for Research at Hazelden conducts clinical
research on treatment approaches, collaborates with external researchers, and
communicates scientific findings to advance the field of addiction treatment and
recovery. A scientific panel comprised of prominent addiction researchers from
universities throughout the United States is convened at Hazelden twice a year
to review our research projects. Learn more about Hazelden’s research activities
and reports at
We invite you to call us with questions.
We are available 24 hours a day.
Innovative Care
Measuring effectiveness
Addiction treatment at Hazelden is built on evidence-based practice and exacting
patient follow-ups of all who enter our programs. For more than 20 years, Hazelden
has collected post-treatment data, and our data show success. Hazelden data show that
one year after treatment approximately 85% of patients have experienced dramatic
improvements—with more than 50% maintaining continuous abstinence and another
35% substantially reducing their use. The majority attend Twelve Step support group
meetings, and eight of ten report that they have better family relationships, better
mental health, and feel better able to manage life’s problems and challenges.
Commitment to patient care
With a goal of continually improving treatment effectiveness, a cross-disciplinary,
Hazelden-wide Clinical Integration Council meets monthly to establish, develop,
and monitor Hazelden standards, practices, and services. The council integrates the
expertise and resources of Hazelden, with an eye to innovation and an emphasis on
maintaining clinical integrity.
Innovative Care
Educating the field
Addiction professionals worldwide turn to Hazelden for education, training, and
resources to effectively address addiction.
Higher learning
Through its Master of Arts in Addiction Counseling and Certificate in
Addiction Counseling programs, the Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction
Studies, an accredited institution of higher learning, incorporates research
and theory with clinical practice to prepare addiction professionals to provide
expert care.
Professional training
The Professionals in Residence program at Hazelden brings hundreds of
physicians, psychiatrists, judges, social workers, spiritual care professionals,
school counselors, and other professionals on-site every year for an intensive
opportunity to learn about the challenges of addiction and the effectiveness
of treatment.
Published resources
Hazelden publishes curricula, resources, and professional development tools for
preventing, treating, and managing addiction and related disorders. Translating
research into practice, Hazelden is the leading publisher of evidence-based
alcohol and other drug addiction prevention and treatment curricula.
We invite you to call us with questions.
We are available 24 hours a day.
Innovative Care
Using technology for uncompromising care
In addition to collaborating with colleagues through interdisciplinary teams assigned
to individual patients, Hazelden clinical staff have immediate access to electronic
patient records and data, allowing for further, system-wide consultation as needed to
benefit patient care.
Expanding awareness
As a leading national expert on issues related to addiction, treatment, and recovery,
Hazelden plays a critical role in helping local and national policymakers as well as the
general public understand this devastating but treatable disease.
The reach of hope
Addiction is an equal opportunity disease. It reaches across age, race, gender, and
socioeconomic status. An estimated 17 million Americans are dependent on or abuse
alcohol and/or other drugs. As a nonprofit organization, Hazelden’s efforts are focused
on helping more people find and sustain lifelong recovery from addiction to alcohol
and other drugs. In addition to providing primary care addiction treatment services to
nearly 5,000 men, women, and youth each year, the reach of Hazelden is evidenced in
the following numbers.
Each year:
More than 300,000 people call Hazelden for information
Customers purchase more than 3 million Hazelden publications and
other resources
More than 3 million people visit the Hazelden Web site
More than 25,000 individuals attend Hazelden events, workshops,
and presentations
Making a difference
Through the generous support of donors, Hazelden helps rebuild lives.
To make a contribution that will help others, please visit us at
or call 888-535-9485.
Guide to Admission
The first step toward lifelong recovery
begins with a phone call to Hazelden.
Hazelden staff are available 24 hours a day to answer your
questions and help you begin the admission process.
What to have ready
when you call
To ensure appropriate
placement, please have
the following information
available about the patient
when you call:
Full name
Phone number
Date of birth
Health insurance information
Related psychological, health,
or legal issues/history
We’re easy to reach
A phone call to Hazelden at 800-257-7800 is your first step. All calls are
confidential, with no obligation. A Hazelden representative will help to determine
whether our program is appropriate for your specific needs and, if not, refer you to
other resources to better address your needs.
The next steps
To begin the admissions process, a Hazelden representative will guide you through
a series of questions to gather information before arranging for you to speak with
a licensed addiction counselor. A financial case manager will also be available to
answer your questions regarding costs and insurance coverage. Some financial
assistance may be available to those who qualify.
Admission dates are determined when the necessary interviews and medical and
reporting records are received, as well as by available space at Hazelden locations.
Begin your story of recovery at Hazelden.
Addiction is a devastating disease. But there is a solution—recovery. Begin your
story of recovery at Hazelden where tens of thousands of patients and families
have discovered the path to getting well, learned new tools for living well, and
established lifelong connections for staying well.
Patient, Family, and Professional
Services and Programs
Plymouth, Minnesota
Center for Youth and Families
Center City, Minnesota
Chemical Use Assessment
and Evaluation
Chemical Use Assessment
and Evaluation
Residential & Nonresidential Alcohol
& Drug Addiction Treatment for Men and
Residential and Nonresidential Alcohol
& Drug Addiction Treatment for Youth
Mental Health Services
Youth Residential Extended Care (Males)
Mental Health Services
Parent Programs
Family Programs
Professionals in Residence Program
Residential Extended Care
Continuing Care Programs
St. Paul, Minnesota
Recovery Retreats
Chemical Use Assessment
and Evaluation
Nicotine Cessation Services
Professionals in Residence Program
Chicago, Illinois
Chemical Use Assessment
and Evaluation
Nonresidential Alcohol & Drug Addiction
Treatment for Men and Women
Sober Residence
Family Programs
Adult Residential Intermediate Care
Adult Nonresidential Treatment
Mental Health Services
The Butler Center for Research works to
improve recovery outcomes by conducting
clinical research, collaborating, and
communicating scientific findings
about addiction.
Mental Health Services
Continuing Care Programs
New York, New York
Chemical Use Assessment
and Evaluation
Nonresidential Alcohol & Drug Addiction
Treatment for Men and Women
Family Programs
Continuing Care Programs
Professionals in Residence Program
Newberg, Oregon
Hazelden locations
Center City, Minnesota
Chicago, Illinois
New York, New York
Newberg, Oregon
Plymouth, Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota
Chemical Use Assessment
and Evaluation
Residential Alcohol & Drug Addiction
Treatment for Men and Women
Health Care Professionals Addiction
Treatment Program
Publishing provides products and services
to help people recognize, understand,
overcome, and sustain lifelong recovery
from the disease of addiction and
related issues.
Public Education and Advocacy
Hazelden addiction specialists speak
at public events, conferences, and
educational venues to improve public
understanding of addiction, treatment,
and recovery.
Higher Learning
The Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction
Studies is dedicated to educating future
leaders in addiction counseling to improve
treatment and recovery from the disease
of addiction.
Mental Health Services
Family Programs
Residential Extended Care
Continuing Care Programs
Professionals in Residence Program
We invite you to call us with questions.
We are available 24 hours a day.
We invite you to call us with questions.
We are available 24 hours a day.
Hazelden, a national nonprofit organization founded in 1949, helps people reclaim
their lives from the disease of addiction. Built on decades of knowledge and experience,
Hazelden offers a comprehensive approach to addiction that addresses the full range of
patient, family, and professional needs, including treatment and continuing care for youth
and adults, research, higher learning, public education and advocacy, and publishing.
Hazelden locations
Center City, Minnesota
Chicago, Illinois
New York, New York
Newberg, Oregon
Plymouth, Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota
P.O. Box 11
Center City, MN 55012-0011
© 2008 Hazelden Foundation
Hazelden and the Hazelden logo are registered
trademarks of the Hazelden Foundation.