
AP Biology Chapter 29 Study Guide
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 1. Most of the water in the body is found
a. in the interstices between cells.
b. intracellularly.
c. in the plasma.
d. in the digestive tract.
e. as cerebrospinal fluid that cushions nerves.
____ 2. The mechanisms of homeostasis
a. maintain a relatively constant internal physiological environment
regardless of the changes in the external environment.
b. keep vital organs working at their maximum potential.
c. keep all cells working at the same metabolic rate.
d. keep the body’s metabolic rate constant in varying environmental
e. keep the body’s temperature absolutely constant in varying
environmental temperatures.
____ 3. Homeostasis refers to the tendency to keep particular components of
the internal environment
a. matched to the external environment.
b. the same relative to one another.
c. in a relatively steady state over time.
d. under the control of the brain.
e. at the same specific temperature.
____ 4. Which of the following tissue types is likely to be found lining an
outer body surface?
a. Nervous
b. Epithelial
c. Muscle
d. Connective
e. Glial
____ 5. Although there are many kinds of specialized cell types, there are
only _______ kinds of tissue.
a. 2
b. 14
c. 4
d. 3
e. 6
6. Which of the following is not a type of muscle tissue?
a. Cardiac
b. Connective
c. Smooth
d. Skeletal
e. All of the above are types of muscle tissue.
7. Which of the following statements about body tissues is false?
a. The protein elastin is found in tissues that are regularly stretched.
b. An organ is usually composed of a single type of tissue.
c. Epithelial tissue lines inner and outer body surfaces.
d. Adipose tissue is a form of connective tissue.
e. None of the above
8. While working in a laboratory, you are shown a slide containing
animal tissue composed of elongated cells and are told that they
represent the most abundant tissue type in the body. What is the
function of this tissue?
a. Thermoregulation
b. Conducting nerve impulses
c. Generating forces and causing movement
d. Giving strength to the skin
e. Carrying oxygen throughout the body
9. The strength of skin and of the connections between bones is due to
the protein
a. collagen.
b. actin.
c. elastin.
d. myosin.
e. Both a and c
10. Bone and blood are both types of _______ tissue.
a. connective
b. epithelial
c. matrix
d. muscle
e. nervous
11. Connective tissues differ from one another mostly in their
a. cellular structure.
b. function in support.
c. matrix composition and properties.
d. location in the body.
e. cell packing.
____ 12. Cartilage is a type of _______ tissue.
a. connective
b. epithelial
c. matrix
d. muscle
e. nervous
____ 13. When the “pool guy” comes to maintain your swimming pool, he
uses litmus paper to check its pH and compares that result against a
predetermined value. He finds that your pool’s pH is 1.5 units below
the accepted value. That difference of 1.5 units represents
a. an error signal.
b. negative feedback.
c. positive feedback.
d. feedforward information.
e. the set point.
____ 14. In the human thermoregulatory system, skin temperature
a. provides feedforward information.
b. acts as a set point for metabolic heat production.
c. provides positive feedback information.
d. provides an error signal.
e. provides negative feedback information.
____ 15. In regulatory systems, the phenomenon of negative feedback
a. is the least common type of feedback mechanism.
b. stimulates a return to set point.
c. amplifies a response.
d. disrupts homeostasis.
e. None of the above
____ 16. Which of the following would serve to change the set point of a
regulatory system?
a. Negative feedback
b. Positive feedback
c. Feedforward information
d. Insensitivity to information
e. None of the above
____ 17. Positive feedback responses
a. are long-term, stable influences in the body.
b. tend to return a system to its set point.
c. are more common than negative feedback responses.
d. tend to reach a limit and then terminate.
e. cause physiological parameters to cycle above and below a set
____ 18. The upper temperature limit at which cells can function is
determined by the
a. boiling point of water.
b. melting point of water.
c. melting point of fats.
d. denaturation point of proteins.
e. denaturation point of nucleic acids.
____ 19. The Q10, which describes the sensitivity of a reaction to temperature,
is calculated as the
a. rate of a process at a certain temperature, divided by its rate at
b. rate of a process at a certain temperature, divided by its rate at a
temperature 10°C lower.
c. rate of a process at a certain temperature, divided by its rate at a
temperature 10°C higher.
d. temperature at which the rate of a certain process doubles.
e. temperature at which the rate of a certain process becomes
____ 20. Which of the following Q10 values indicates that a reaction is not
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 8
e. 10
____ 21. A Q10 value of 3 indicates that a reaction rate has _______ over a
temperature range of 10°C.
a. increased by 3 orders of magnitude
b. decreased by 3 orders of magnitude
c. tripled
d. decreased to one-third the normal rate
e. None of the above
____ 22. Most physiological processes
a. occur more rapidly at higher temperatures.
b. occur less rapidly at higher temperatures.
c. are not temperature-sensitive.
d. maintain a constant rate as temperature increases.
e. None of the above
____ 23. Environmental temperature influences the body temperature of many
animals, especially those that live in _______ environments.
a. cave
b. urban
c. aquatic
d. terrestrial
e. mountaintop
____ 24. Which of the following animals are endotherms?
a. Fishes
b. Amphibians
c. Birds
d. Mammals
e. Both c and d
____ 25. Readjustment of an ectotherm’s metabolic rate to compensate for
seasonal thermal change is caused by the production of
a. fluorescent pigments that generate heat as a byproduct.
b. pyrogens.
c. different sets of enzymes that have different temperature optima.
d. countercurrent exchangers.
e. None of the above
____ 26. In response to a 10°C rise in environmental temperature, an
endotherm’s body temperature will
a. rise at a constant rate.
b. fall at a constant rate.
c. fall to a point and then become stable.
d. rise to a point and then become stable.
e. remain relatively constant.
____ 27. Organisms that depend largely on external sources of heat to
maintain body temperature are called
a. homeothermic.
b. endothermic.
c. heterothermic.
d. ectothermic.
e. mesothermic.
____ 28. As the environmental temperature in a closed, empty chamber
increases (from 15°C up to 25°C), the metabolic rate of an ectotherm
such as a lizard _______, and that of an endotherm such as a mouse
a. increases; increases
b. increases; decreases
c. decreases; increases
d. decreases; decreases
____ 29. Metabolic rate is frequently measured by
a. the speed of neural transmission.
b. a value called Q10.
c. the rate of protein digestion.
d. the number of breaths per minute.
e. the rate of O2 consumption.
____ 30. Choose the probable metabolic response of a mammal exposed to the
environmental conditions described. The environmental temperature
begins at the upper limit of the thermoneutral zone and decreases 3°–
5°C below that point.
a. Increased metabolic rate
b. Decreased metabolic rate
c. No change in metabolic rate
d. Death
____ 31. Choose the probable metabolic response of a mammal exposed to the
environmental conditions described. The environmental temperature
fluctuates 3°–5°C between the upper and the lower limits of the
thermoneutral zone.
a. Increased metabolic rate
b. Decreased metabolic rate
c. No change in metabolic rate
d. Death
____ 32. Choose the probable metabolic response of a mammal exposed to the
environmental conditions described. The environmental temperature
begins at the lower limit of the thermoneutral zone and increases 3°–
5°C above that point.
a. Increased metabolic rate
b. Decreased metabolic rate
c. No change in metabolic rate
d. Death
____ 33. Choose the probable metabolic response of a mammal exposed to the
environmental conditions described. The environmental temperature
begins at the lower limit of the thermoneutral zone and decreases 3°–
5°C below that point.
a. Increased metabolic rate
b. Decreased metabolic rate
c. No change in metabolic rate
d. Death
____ 34. Which of the following does not describe the limits of the
thermoneutral zone in an endotherm?
a. The range of environmental temperatures between the upper
critical and lower critical temperatures
b. The range of environmental temperatures over which an
organism exhibits a basal metabolic rate
c. The range of body temperatures at which the metabolic rate is
d. The range of environmental temperatures over which an
organism’s metabolic rate does not increase for thermoregulation
e. All of the above describe the limits of the thermoneutral zone.
____ 35. Endotherms invest energy to maintain their body temperature across
most of the range of environmental temperatures they encounter,
except in the range of environmental temperatures
a. that allow them to sweat.
b. compromising their thermoneutral zone.
c. above 45°C.
d. they encounter at night.
e. below 0°C.
____ 36. Within a range of environmental temperatures called the
thermoneutral zone, the metabolic rate of an endotherm is
a. variable.
b. low, and independent of temperature.
c. high, and independent of temperature.
d. below the basal metabolic rate.
e. dependent upon the temperature.
____ 37. Which of the following statements about heat exchange is false?
a. Conduction is the direct transfer of heat between two objects of
different temperatures that have come into contact.
b. Evaporation of water from the surface of the body heats the body.
c. Some endotherms can change the rate of heat exchange between
their bodies and the external environment by changing blood
flow to the skin.
d. Animals may lose heat by convection when they are exposed to
wind with a temperature below that of their body surface.
e. None of the above
____ 38. Which statement about brown fat is true?
a. It produces heat without producing ATP.
b. It insulates animals acclimatized to cold.
c. It is a major source of heat production for birds.
d. It is found only in hibernators.
e. It provides fuel for muscle cells.
____ 39. Which of the following statements about brown fat is false?
a. It contains abundant mitochondria.
b. It provides the most energy for shivering.
c. It allows metabolic fuels to be consumed without producing
d. It has a rich supply of blood vessels.
e. It is more abundant in hibernating animals.
____ 40. The mechanism of heat production in brown fat depends on
a. efficient use of ATP in metabolism.
b. rapid breakdown of protein.
c. rapid breakdown of fatty acids.
d. the shivering of skeletal muscles.
e. the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation.
____ 41. Increased heat for thermoregulation (thermogenesis) is produced
either by shivering or by non-shivering mechanisms. Which of the
following is involved in non-shivering thermogenesis?
a. Brown fat
b. The uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation
c. High levels of iron in the diet
d. The restriction of metabolic precursors
e. Both a and b
____ 42. One function of adipose tissue is
a. in thermoregulation.
b. to store genetic material.
c. electrical signal transmission.
d. to provide support against gravity.
e. to transport oxygen.
____ 43. Which of the following animals is behaving as an endotherm to
warm its body?
a. A moth that quivers its wings before flight
b. A black beetle that absorbs solar radiation
c. A snake that lies on a warm blacktop road
d. A fish that moves to a warm, shallow part of a pond
e. An insect that positions its body for maximum exposure to
____ 44. Which of the following adaptations would not produce an increase in
an ectotherm’s body temperature?
a. Repeated contraction of flight muscles without movement
b. Cluster or huddling behavior
c. Decreased surface-to-surface contact with a cold environment
d. Circulatory changes to maintain core or internal temperatures
greater than the animal’s peripheral temperatures
e. Metabolism of brown fat
____ 45. Which of the following is an important adaptation of animals to cold
a. Increased tendency to shiver
b. Thinner layers of body fat
c. Reduced density of fur or feathers
d. Reduced surface area-to-volume ratio
e. Increased flow of blood to surface
____ 46. Anatomical features that reduce heat loss in endotherms include
a. rounder body shapes.
b. shorter appendages.
c. increased thermal insulation.
d. Both b and c
e. All of the above
____ 47. Which of the following is the most important and most widespread
characteristic of endotherms adapted to cold climates compared to
those adapted to warm climates?
a. Higher basal metabolic rates
b. Higher Q10 values
c. Brown fat
d. Greater insulation
e. Ability to hibernate
____ 48. Which of the following physiological control mechanisms is a
response to a rise in body temperature?
a. Slower heart rate
b. Increased blood flow to the skin
c. Constriction of blood vessels in the skin
d. Contraction of muscles
e. Retention of water
____ 49. The elephant is better adapted to tropical habitats than to cold
climates because of its
a. sparse hair.
b. large size.
c. stocky appendages.
d. vegetarian diet.
____ 50. Which of the following is a major difference between a “cold” fish
such as a trout and a “hot” fish such as a tuna?
a. The temperature of the blood leaving the heart
b. The temperature of the blood entering the gills
c. The arrangement of blood vessels in the gills
d. The temperature of the brain
e. The volume of blood flowing in arteries just under the skin
____ 51. “Hot” fish derive their heat
a. from brown fat.
b. by shivering.
c. by eating prey that live in warm waters near the surface.
d. through metabolically active muscles.
e. by pressing against warm rocks in the intertidal zone.
____ 52. Countercurrent heat exchange
a. moves warm blood coming from the muscles past cold blood
flowing into the muscles.
b. allows “hot” fish to maintain body temperatures higher than the
surrounding water temperature.
c. is found in large, rapidly swimming fish.
d. increases a fish’s sustainable power output threefold for every
10°C rise in muscle temperature.
e. All of the above
____ 53. Compared to “cold” fish, “hot” fish, such as bluefin tuna, keep a
higher temperature difference between their body and the
surrounding water because they
a. produce thermogenins.
b. have a countercurrent heat exchange system of veins and arteries.
c. shiver to create heat.
d. have much brown fat tissue.
e. have a large dorsal aorta that keeps them warm.
____ 54. Evaporative cooling is used only as a last resort by animals in hot
and dry environments because
a. it is ineffective at dissipating heat.
b. it can cause dehydration.
c. sweating requires energy expenditure.
d. it requires an insulating layer in the skin.
e. it requires a resetting of the animal’s thermostat.
____ 55. Which of the following is not one of the thermoregulatory behaviors
of a lizard (an ectotherm)?
a. Staying in a burrow when the surface temperature is below 10°C
b. Basking in the sun during early morning hours
c. Moving into the shade during midday hours
d. Climbing rocks and brush to reach convective air streams
e. Consuming ectothermic prey
____ 56. The vertebrate thermoregulatory center (“thermostat”) is located
within the central nervous system in the
a. pons.
b. cerebellum.
c. hypophysis.
d. medulla.
e. hypothalamus.
____ 57. The thermoregulatory response of the hypothalamus to a rise in
temperature is
a. increased metabolic heat production.
b. a resetting of the thermostat to a higher setting.
c. dilation of blood vessels in the skin.
d. an overall increase in body temperature.
e. the initiation of shivering movements.
____ 58. The hypothalamus serves in part as an integrated thermoregulatory
center defining an organism’s response to changes in its thermal
environment. Because the hypothalamus normally serves to produce
metabolic responses that reverse the direction of environmental
temperature change, the control it exerts is termed
a. positive feedback.
b. metabolic compensation.
c. negative feedback.
d. feedforward control.
e. None of the above
____ 59. Which of the following would cause a decrease in the hypothalamic
temperature set point for metabolic heat production?
a. Being aroused from hibernation
b. Getting an infection that causes a fever
c. Entering a cold environment
d. Taking an aspirin when you have a fever
e. Cooling the hypothalamus
____ 60. Which of the following statements about the thermoregulatory set
point is true?
a. The set point for shivering is the same as the set point for
b. In a given individual, the set points for all thermoregulatory
processes are the same.
c. The set points for thermoregulatory processes are the same for all
members of the same species.
d. Changes in skin temperature can change the metabolic set point.
e. The temperature of the hypothalamus serves as a positive
feedback signal.
____ 61. Which of the following statements about thermoregulation is false?
a. Thermoregulatory set points are highest during sleep.
b. Entrance into hibernation begins with a decrease in metabolic
c. Aspirin can lower the hypothalamic set point of a person with a
d. Both ectotherms and endotherms thermoregulate by means of
adjustments to their behavior.
e. All of the above
____ 62. The human immune system responds to an infection by producing
many of the symptoms of sickness such as fever. The adaptive value
of the rise in body temperature is that it
a. inhibits mitosis in the cells.
b. depletes glycogen reserves.
c. causes dehydration.
d. inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbes.
e. None of the above; there is no adaptive value to fever.
____ 63. Mammalian hibernation
a. occurs when animals run out of metabolic fuel.
b. is a regulated decrease in body temperature.
c. is the same thing as torpor.
d. can occur at any time of year.
e. lasts for several months, during which body temperature remains
close to the environmental temperature.
____ 64. Which of the following statements about hibernation is false?
a. It may be interrupted by brief returns to normal body
b. It is a form of regulated lowering of body temperature.
c. The body’s thermostat is turned down to a low level.
d. Metabolic rate is reduced to only a fraction of the basal metabolic
e. It involves a lengthy, continuous period in which body
temperature is lowered.
Figure 29-1
In this experiment, the same fish were caught and brought into the
lab in both winter and summer. Their metabolic rates (O2
consumption) were measured at the pond temperatures for each
season (star) and at other temperatures (circle).
____ 65. Refer to Figure 29-1. The “winter fish” have a Q10 of _______; the
“summer fish” have a Q10 of _______.
a. 4; 4
b. 4; 1
c. 8; 2
d. 2; 2
e. The answer cannot be determined from the data provided.
____ 66. Refer to Figure 29-1. This experiment demonstrates the phenomenon
a. homeostasis.
b. acclimatization.
c. declimatization.
d. negative feedback.
e. None of the above
____ 67. In the experiment graphed below, researchers heated and cooled the
hypothalamus of a mammal and determined the metabolic rates at
different environmental (ambient) temperatures. Based on this
experiment, which of the following statements is true?
The basal metabolic rate is higher at 5°C.
The basal metabolic rate is higher at 25°C.
The lower critical temperature is higher at 5°C.
The hypothalamic set point is increased by exposure to an
ambient temperature of 25°C.
e. Both c and d
____ 68. Choose the probable metabolic response of a mammal exposed to the
environmental conditions described.
The environmental temperature begins at the upper limit of the
thermoneutral zone and increases 3°–5°C above that point.
a. Increased metabolic rate
b. Decreased metabolic rate
c. No change in metabolic rate
apter 29 Study Guide
swer Section
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12. ANS:
PTS: 1
REF: Page 589
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 589
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 589
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 590
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 590
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 590
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 590
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 590
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
3. Applying
PTS: 1
REF: Page 590
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 590
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 590
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 590
Concept 29.1 Multicellular Animals Require a Stable Internal Environment
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 591
Concept 29.2 Physiological Regulation Achieves Homeostasis of the Internal Environment
3. Applying
PTS: 1
REF: Page 591-592
Concept 29.2 Physiological Regulation Achieves Homeostasis of the Internal Environment
4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 592
Concept 29.2 Physiological Regulation Achieves Homeostasis of the Internal Environment
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 592
Concept 29.2 Physiological Regulation Achieves Homeostasis of the Internal Environment
3. Applying
PTS: 1
REF: Page 592
Concept 29.2 Physiological Regulation Achieves Homeostasis of the Internal Environment
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 592
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 592
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 592
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 592
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 592
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 3. Applying
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 3. Applying
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
30. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593-594
TOP: Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 3. Applying
31. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593-594
TOP: Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 3. Applying
32. ANS: C
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TOP: Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 3. Applying
33. ANS: A
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TOP: Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 3. Applying
34. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593-594
TOP: Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
35. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Page 594
TOP: Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
36. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Page 594
TOP: Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 2. Understanding
37. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Page 594-595
TOP: Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
SKL: 2. Understanding
38. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Page 595
TOP: Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
SKL: 2. Understanding
39. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Page 595
TOP: Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
SKL: 1. Remembering
40. ANS: E
PTS: 1
REF: Page 595
TOP: Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
SKL: 2. Understanding
41. ANS: E
PTS: 1
REF: Page 595
TOP: Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
SKL: 2. Understanding
42. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Page 595
TOP: Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
SKL: 2. Understanding
43. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Page 595-598
TOP: Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
SKL: 4. Analyzing
44. ANS: E
PTS: 1
REF: Page 595-598
TOP: Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
SKL: 4. Analyzing
45. ANS: D
PTS: 1
REF: Page 596
TOP: Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
SKL: 4. Analyzing
46. ANS:
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59. ANS:
PTS: 1
REF: Page 596
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 596
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
5. Evaluating
PTS: 1
REF: Page 597
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 597
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 597-598
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 597-598
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 597-598
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 597-598
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 598
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 598-599
Concept 29.4 Animals Control Body Temperature by Altering Rates of Heat Gain and Loss
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 599
Concept 29.5 A Thermostat in the Brain Regulates Mammalian Body Temperature
1. Remembering
PTS: 1
REF: Page 599
Concept 29.5 A Thermostat in the Brain Regulates Mammalian Body Temperature
3. Applying
PTS: 1
REF: Page 599-600
Concept 29.5 A Thermostat in the Brain Regulates Mammalian Body Temperature
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 599-600
Concept 29.5 A Thermostat in the Brain Regulates Mammalian Body Temperature
60. ANS:
61. ANS:
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66. ANS:
67. ANS:
68. ANS:
3. Applying
PTS: 1
REF: Page 599-600
Concept 29.5 A Thermostat in the Brain Regulates Mammalian Body Temperature
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 599-600
Concept 29.5 A Thermostat in the Brain Regulates Mammalian Body Temperature
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 600
Concept 29.5 A Thermostat in the Brain Regulates Mammalian Body Temperature
4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 601
TOP: 29.6 Answer to Opening Question
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 601
TOP: 29.6 Answer to Opening Question
2. Understanding
PTS: 1
REF: Page 592-593
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593-594
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 599-600
Concept 29.5 A Thermostat in the Brain Regulates Mammalian Body Temperature
4. Analyzing
PTS: 1
REF: Page 593-594
Concept 29.3 Living Systems Are Temperature-Sensitive SKL: 3. Applying