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Praise be to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon the Noblest Prophet.
This research is a requisite for a Master's degree in the Islamic Creed under the
title: The Creed of Allah's Uniqueness with regard benefit and harm as seen by
Ahl Alsunnah and Al Ethna Asharyyah- Study and Comparison.
This subject aims at displaying the sayings of Ahl Alsunnah wa Al Jammah
about "the Creed of Allah's Uniqueness with regard benefit and harm" and
comparing these sayings with those of Al Ethna Asharyyah to prove the false
doctrine of Al Ethna Asharyyah.
The thesis includes apart from the introduction in which I mentioned the
importance of the topic and the reasons for selecting the research, research plan,
previous studies research methodology a preface, two chapters and a conclusion
The thesis includes introduction, preamble, and two chapters. In the
introduction I mentioned the reasons for selecting the subject, research plan,
previous studies and research methodology.
The preamble: definition of harm and benefit terms and explanation of Allah's
two attributes Al Nafe' and Al Dhar.( Benefit and harm)
First chapter: Rooting the definition of "Allah's Uniqueness with regard to
benefit and harm" as seen by Ahl Alsunnah Wa Al Jammah
Second chapter: the Creed of Allah's Uniqueness with regard to benefit and
harm as seen by Al Ethna Asharyyah.
Each chapter is divided into three sections to display the sayings and proofs of
each group in detail.
Then the conclusion at the end of the research is which I mention the most
important results and recommendations which are:
١- The necessity to believe that Allah the Almighty is the only one who
controls harm, benefit, welfare and evil. The necessity to believe deeply in
٢- The false creed of Al Ethna Asharyyah concerning "Allah's uniqueness
with regard to harm and benefit". Believing in the scholars as mediators to be
worshiped instead of Allah.
The Recommendations are:
١- Implantation and purification of the Islamic Creed because it is the true
٢- Informing the community with the opinions of other opponent groups and
clarifying the falsification of their doctrine.