OPENLETTER Ms BushraZia 81PirbdghtRoad LONDON SW185ND AimsNo:30596 Date:24 October2014 MirzaMasroorAhmad RENOLTNCINGAHMADIYYA RELIGION I will seekrefuge in Allah Ahlighty He is the Judgeof all. I want to put my affairs in order. 1 am not ajudge asto who is right and who is wrong. Allah Almighty is tne judge ofall and we leaveall our affairs in His hands. I was bom into an Alnnadilya family, howeverI do have very good commandof English and Urdu languagesand I've studieddeeplythe religion myself and have cometo my own aonclusionaboutmy religion.No-onehasinfluencedme oneway or the other. There is no compulsionin religion - your religion is for you and my religion is for me I officially wish to leaveAhmadilyat and retum to Original Islam. I worked hard all my life, I am getting old and I wart somepeaceand quiet in my life For me to achievethat pleaseinstruct your worke$: . o o r r NOT TO CALL FOR AIry KIND OF CIIANDAS. ABSOLUTELY NO LITERATURE IS SENT TO ME ABSOLUTELYNO EN4AILS ABSOLUTELY NO PHONECAILS MAKE SLTRETI1AT ALL MY PERSONAT DETAILS ARE REMOVED FROM YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEMS o INSTRUCT YOUR COMMT]NITY MEMBERS NOT TO VISIT ME BushraZia -7_ i \)sSV-Lt -_ Khokher Copyto: Mahmood Copyto: AmtulBari Copyto: Ansa
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