Health Law Journals, Student Submissions 4/14/15 by Anna Endter Title Link to submission info. Accepts student Notes submissions? American Journal of Law & Medicine central/jd/organizations /journals/ajlm/ Behavioral Sciences and the Law http://onlinelibrary.wiley Unclear .com/journal/10.1002/(I SSN)10990798/homepage/ForAu thors.html No (but see the notes) The American Journal of Law & Medicine does not accept work from students currently enrolled in other law schools, but we are willing to review pieces submitted by Ph.D. candidates at other schools as long as the pieces are otherwise fit for our publication. Any published student Notes and Recent Case Development articles are all written by AJLM members. Contacted, no response. Biotechnolog y and dents/organizations/bpl Pharmaceutic r/ al Law Review Unclear Contacted, no response. Biotechnolog y Law Report http://www.liebertpub.c om/forauthors/biotechn ology-law-report/6/ Unclear Contacted, no response. Connecticut Insurance http://insurancejournal. org/?page_id=23 Yes Response from editor-inchief: Box 353025, William H. Gates Hall, Seattle, WA 98195-3025 206.543.4089 fax 206.685.2165 April 14, 2015 Page 2 Law Journal We do not have any specific policy regarding student submissions, and review them with the same criteria as our other submissions. In fact, our peer review process is completely anonymous, so the reviewer will not know that a student piece was written by a student. DePaul Journal of Health Care Law bout/centers-andinstitutes/health-lawinstitute/Pages/journal. aspx Yes Elder Law Journal http://publish.illinois.ed Unclear u/elderlawjournal/foraut hors/ Contacted, no response. Health Matrix nals/healthmatrix/Abou ttheJournal.aspx No Response from Amy Ledig, Editor-in-Chief: Health Matrix only publishes notes written by Case Western law student. Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy /hjhlp/submission.html Yes Response from Joseph A. Quezada, Editor-in-Chief: The Houston Journal of Health Law & Policy publishes one symposium issue of both professional and student authored articles each year. The issue focuses on emerging and important issues in health care and policy. Yes Response from Anne Conlon, Managing Editor: Yes, we accept articles from students; in fact, our current issue features one from a student at /hjhlp/candidates.html Human Life Review http://www.humanlifere April 14, 2015 Page 3 Marquette. We generally look for around 3,000 words though we have published shorter and longer pieces. Indiana Health Law Review http://mckinneylaw.iu.e du/ihlr/submit.html Unclear Contacted, no response. Journal of Contemporar y Health Law and Policy mit.cfm Unclear Contacted, no response. Journal of Food Law & Policy demics/journals/journal -of-food-law-andpolicy/ Maybe Response: Typically we do not publish student papers in our journal, but there have been some exceptions depending on the quality of the writing, qualifications of the author and potential space in an issue. So to say we never do would be incorrect, but really it just kind of depends. Journal of Health & Biomedical Law /law/studentlife/22750.php No Response: Our journal only publishes student pieces if they are staffers on the journal. Journal of Health Care Law & Policy nals/jhclp/submissions. html No Response: Unfortunately we do not accept submissions from students outside of the University of Maryland Journal of Health Politics, https://www.dukeupres Yes (click on “submissions” tab) Response: April 14, 2015 Page 4 Policy and Law andLaw/?viewby=journal Students from any college/university may submit manuscripts to be considered for publication. All submissions are subjected to our peer review process. Directions for submission via the online system follow. Please format your manuscript according to the JHPPL Author Guidelines (https://www.dukeupress.e du/Assets/Downloads/jhppl _guidelines.pdf). To submit a manuscript, please use the following instructions. JHPPL does not accept simultaneous submissions. 1. For articles and commentaries, please visit /jhppl. If this is your first time using our Editorial Manager site, please register. You may do so by selecting "Register" from the toolbar at the top of the page and following the prompts. Once you have registered, please select "Submit a Manuscript" from the top toolbar. Please use the information generated when you registered to log in as an author, click on the "Submit New Manuscript" link, and follow the instructions. Please note that you must enter all information labeled as required. If you have April 14, 2015 Page 5 difficulty registering or submitting your manuscript, please contact us at [email protected]. Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics http://onlinelibrary.wiley Unclear .com/journal/10.1111/(I SSN)1748720X/homepage/ForAu thors.html Contacted, no response. Journal of Legal Medicine http://www.tandfonline. com/action/authorSub mission?journalCode= ulgm20&page=instructi ons#.VR7a5PnF-nA Additional author instructions on the back cover of each issue. Journal of Medicine and Law Yes msujml/submission.htm l Yes Student Notes or Comments: Approximately two student notes or comments per issue. The Journal also accepts student-written articles on various topics. Journal of the American Academic of Psychiatry and the Law e/misc/ifora.xhtml Yes Response: We will consider student submissions if they meet one of the categories detailed in our instructions for Authors and pass the peer review process. Law and Human Behavior s/journals/lhb/?tab=4 Yes (look for “instructions for authors” tab mid-page) Response: Law and Human Behavior accepts submissions from students. There submissions are sent out for the same peer review process as all other submissions. Please let me know if you have any April 14, 2015 Page 6 additional questions. Law & Psychology Review pubs/lawpsychology/?p age=submissions Maybe The Law & Psychology Review invites all individuals to submit articles to be considered for publication in the journal Marquette’s Elder Advisor rospectiveauthors.html Unclear Contacted, no response. Medical Trial Technique Quarterly http://legalsolutions.tho Unclear Pittsburgh Journal of Environmenta l and Public Health Law Unclear u/ojs/index.php/pjephl/ about/submissions#onli neSubmissions Psychological Injury and m/psychology/psycholo Law gy+%26+law/journal/12 207?detailsPage=socie ties Yes, but usually coupled with a PHD as second author or supervisor. Contacted, no response. Click on Instructions for Authors in the right column Response: All submissions are sent for blind review without checking credentials We have accepted papers by MAs but it seems there is always a PHD as second author / supervisor. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law s/journals/law/?tab=4 Yes Response: Of course students are welcome to submit papers. Many do. All papers are submitted to blind review, regardless of the authors' identity or status. April 14, 2015 Page 7 Quinnipiac Health Law Journal https://www.quinnipiac. edu/school-oflaw/health-lawjournal/submissions/ No Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy ool-of-lawhome/academics/journ als/saint-louisuniversity-journal-ofhealth-law-andpolicy/submit-articles No Veterans Law Review VLR.asp Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics u/academics/yjhple_su b.htm Yale Journal Yale Journal on on Regulation Regulation [Online] Yale Journal on Yes, but it must be narrowly tailored to the veteran population. We actively encourage veterans’ service organizations, veterans and people who work on veterans’ issues to submit original legal writings for consideration for publication submission information is mid-way down the page While we do accept (and encourage) submissions from student authors, our subject matter is limited to legal and policy matters that directly impact U.S. veterans. In other words, we would be unlikely to publish an article, comment, or book review that dealt broadly with defense, security, or health-care issues, but did not specifically tailor its analysis to the veteran population. Yes We accept student scholarship from Yale and non-Yale students. Please contact [email protected] du with any questions. Yes There are two different standards for Print and Online: The Yale Journal on April 14, 2015 Page 8 Regulation Online is a year-round online publication meant to supplement the semiannual Yale Journal on Regulation. We accept essays of at most 2,500 words from professors, students, and practitioners whose work is relevant to the field of regulation to be published online. ------------------------The Yale Journal on Regulation is a semiannual publication. We accept articles from professors and practitioners in a variety of disciplines including law, business, economics, and public policy. We also accept articles from graduate students in other disciplines whose work is relevant to the field of regulation. Because of the interdisciplinary focus of our Journal, we especially encourage submissions by professors, practitioners, and graduate students in fields other than the law. We accept notes and comments only from students at Yale and occasionally publish book reviews. Regulation [Print] Annals of Health Law (e-only) centers/healthlaw/anna ls/index.html Yes Advance Directive allows health law students to write short articles regarding current health law topics, which are often at the crux of debate amongst legislators, practitioners, and academics. April 14, 2015 Page 9 Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law (e-only) https://www.healthlawy Maybe wjournal/Pages/default. aspx AHLA encourages attorneys and others with expertise in the area of health and life sciences law to consider submitting a manuscript for publication in the Journal. Journal of Law and Health http://engagedscholars cies.html The Journal of Law and Health accepts submissions throughout the year from professors, professionals in the health care field, judges, and lawyers. Maybe
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