Chocolatier Chocolate Lover Chocolate Fan

$5,000 ($6,000 in-kind) Level
Company logo and link on the Week Of Chocolate and LIFEDesigns websites
Primary social media promotion
Primary Recognition at the Art of Chocolate event
A large digital ad to be displayed on the auction leaderboard
One half page advertisement in the Art of Chocolate event program
Company logo on all event related printed materials
Company logo on local billboards and event day signage
Company promotion included in all regional press releases and advertising
Four free tickets to the Art of Chocolate
Chocolate Lover
$1,000 ($1,250 in-kind) Level
Company name and link on the Week of Chocolate and LIFEDesigns websites
Minimal social media promotion
Recognition at the Art of Chocolate event
One quarter page advertisement in the Art of Chocolate event program
Company name on all event related printed materials
Company name on event day signage
Three free tickets to the Art of Chocolate
Chocolate Fan
$500 ($600 in-kind) Level
Company name on the Week of Chocolate and LIFEDesigns websites
Recognition at the Art of Chocolate event
Company name on Week of Chocolate printed materials and Art of Chocolate program
Two free tickets to the Art of Chocolate
For more information, contact Stephanie Shelton, [email protected] or (812) 332­­–9615 ext. 218. A commitment of sponsorship is requested by November 1, 2015 for full access to promotional benefits. Payment of sponsorship
is requested by January 30, 2016. LIFEDesigns is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Please note that you will be entitled to tax deductions as allowed by the extent of the law for your gift of sponsorship. •