THE EVANGELIST Trinity Lutheran Church “a growing, caring Church with a heart for Christ and the World Community” MAY 2015 A PUBLICATION OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH LINTON, INDIANA COMING UP May 3, 10 17, 24, 30 9:30 am Worship 10:30 Fellowship 11 Sunday School May 10 3:00 pm Women with Empty Arms May 13 6 pm Church Council May 14 9 am Holy Comforters May 19 1-4 Food Pantry Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! YES! May 20 10:30 AM Worship @ Good Samaritan 6:00 WELCA Supper 7 PM Bible Study May 21 6:30 SON Ministries May 28 6:00 pm Holy Comforters @ Good Samaritan Trinity Lutheran Church 1759 E St Hwy 54 Linton, IN 47441 812-847-7372 www.lintonlutheran. org Like us on Facebook! Easter Sunday was filled with joyful songs, the fragrance of lilies combined with breakfast cooking, an Easter egg hunt, good food and even our own liturgical dancer! It was a wonderful time of sharing the joy of Christ’s resurrection. We had 71 people join together in the two services with breakfast between the services. Thank you to everyone who made the day special. Word from our Pastor… Pr. Doris Sparks Email: pastordoris@hotmail .com Office 812-847-7372 Cell 812-699-9372 Pastor’s Schedule Office Hours Tuesday – Thursday 1-3 pm Saturday Sunday By Appointment Pastor’s Email pastordoris PLEASE CALL PASTOR’S CELL PHONE at ANY TIME FOR EMERGENCIES (Which include ER visits, life crises, emergency aid, etc.) Stopping by the office? Please call first. If there is an emergency I will try to leave a note but you want to call first to save a trip. “I never go to church on Mother’s Day. I can’t handle the focus on Mothers and all the children of all ages with their mothers.” Tears ran down the face of my friend. She was a professional who, unknown to me, had suffered from infertility and had had several miscarriages. Other friends I soon learned had children who had died and it was painful to see families together when their family circle was not complete. Another woman said, “I am a mother. My child died at 36 hours. I think about him all the time. No one remembers.” One woman blessed me by sharing her journey through pregnancy with twins all of us knowing that one of the twins would only live a few hours. We planned his baptism with his sister’s and who would be present. At five months he died in utero and when they were born (his sister was full term) we celebrated her birth and the weeks that his parents felt him move. They read to him and played their favorite music. They told the twins they loved them. How do you give comfort to the young woman who just learned she will never bear children? In all these cases there is so much pain that goes on and on. I decided that these grieving women, these “women with empty arms” need to know, they are not alone; that God has walked with them throughout their sorrow; that their children are remembered, even if they were just a hope; and that God loves them. Throughout the bible we see women like Hannah, begging God for a child, Bathsheba whose child died after a short time, or Naomi whose sons died in adulthood leaving her alone. The sorrow of women is recognized throughout the bible and so is God’s care for them. On Mother’s Day afternoon, May 10, we will have a service at 3:00 pm to remember the “Women with Empty Arms” who long for their children. Please come and support them. Share this article with friends and loved ones. Our mission statement says, “We are a growing, caring church with a heart for Christ and the world community.” This is a way we care for those in our community. Please encourage women you know to attend. Blessings, Pastor Doris RAFIKI Our congregation helps to support Gideon Womano in Rafiki Village Uganda located in Kampala, Uganda. We pray for him regularly and send $50 each month. Here is some information about Rafiki and what they do. Rafiki Training Villages The Rafiki Training Villages perform two main functions. First, they provide living, medical, and educational facilities for orphans and vulnerable children in ten of Africa’s most impoverished nations. Second, they train African churches and governments to care for and educate their orphans and support their widows. The Rafiki Training Villages are operated by long-term missionaries who are assisted by national workers and short-term missionaries. Together this team accomplishes the dual purpose of the Rafiki Training Villages—to help orphans and widows and train others to do the same. This is achieved through the Foundation’s five programs: Childcare, Education, Bible Study, the Institute of Classical Education, and Widows. ChildCare Program The Childcare Program provides a loving home to about 100 orphans in the Rafiki Training Villages. Each Village will eventually have schools, dining facilities, an infirmary, a playing field, agricultural land, twelve cottages, and four residence halls. Ten children live in a cottage with a trained national woman who becomes their mother. Each cottage lives as a family; they eat, play, work, and worship together. When the children reach the age of ten, they transition to a residence hall where they live with a married couple who become their mother and father. Since the goal is to develop these children to be godly contributors to their countries, Rafiki Foundation does not facilitate the adoption of these children out of Africa. Instead, the Foundation will raise and educate the children in their respective cultures in order to provide the leadership and skills needed by their country. Education Program The Education Program seeks to cultivate minds and hearts that love God, their neighbor, and all that is true, good, and beautiful. Each Rafiki Village includes an accredited school for PreKindergarten through twelfth grade for the children who live at the Village and for a limited number of children from the surrounding communities. All are instructed with the Rafiki School Curriculum— a quality, academic curriculum integrated with a biblical worldview and knowledge-centered methodologies. The Rafiki Bible Study, a comprehensive study of the Bible, is an integral part of the curriculum. Written for the people of Africa and the missionaries that serve them, the Rafiki Bible Study is a thirteen year survey of the Bible with levels ranging from preschool to adult. Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women of the ELCA The 2015 Biennial Convention will be held August 7-8 in Hebron, KY. The theme is Faith in Action with the theme verse from 2 Corinthians 10:15b, “Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly expand.” We will be active while there. There will be ten work stations where convention attendees may come and go throughout each day, working on various projects, such as tying knots for quilts and putting together various kits. The early bird price is $120 through June 30 so begin now to make your plans to attend. For more details ask Pastor Doris or Carolyn Konnert. At our March meeting we voted to send $25 to the Fair Share program. This will make our delegate eligible for reimbursement for some of her expenses. Let us know if you might be able to attend and serve as the delegate for Trinity’s women. PURPOSE STATEMENT As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. Women of the ELCA – Bible Study Our meeting will be on Wednesday, May 20, at 6:00 for supper at the church. Our study will begin at 7:00. Carolyn Konnert will be our study leader. The hostess is Jackie Friestuhler. The theme is “The Church Transforming and Reforming” The Biblical passages will include passages from Acts 1:1-11, Acts 15:1-31, 1 Corinthians:1-14, 1 Corinthians 9:20-23, and Romans12:1-8. Holy Comforters We will meet on Thursday, May 14, at 9:00. If you are able to volunteer, we have a supply of comforters that need to be tied when we meet. We will go to Good Samaritan to tie on Thursday, May 28. The comforters and soap will be sent off to Lutheran World Relief on June 5-6 so we hope to finish up several more comforters before that date. Pastor reports that all of the ones we sent last year were distributed in Tanzania. Great job Seamus! The Bloomfield High School NJROTC was been selected to present the colors prior to the Major League Baseball game between the Cincinnati Reds and Milwaukee Brewers. The game was played at Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati next Wednesday, April 29. On March 26, the cadets raised and lowered a flag at Fort Sumter, S.C., where the first shots of the Civil War were fired. Cadet Mercedes Wilcox had the honor of actually lowering the flag, while Cadet Kyle Vaughn had the task of raising the flag. They were joined by fellow cadets Jocelyn Gadberry, Allen Coble, Zach Quillen, Kylie Roach, Taya Maynard, Seamus Jarman, Jacob King, Matthew Puett, Shelby Root and Austin Gibson. Seamus is the son of Kris and Jamie Jarman and grandson of Marilyn Saum. UP COMING DESSERT AUCTION We are planning a dessert auction to help raise money for Zaidee Chesterfield’s Cheer Camp which lasts 6 weeks. She was invited to participate on a traveling Cheer Team that will compete against other teams her age. (Congratulations Zaidee!) Please let Danna Dobbins if you would like to help. PROPERTY One never knows unless one asks, but God tells us he will meet all of our needs. So here are some of our needs. *Stain the new door to the computer room. *Sand and stain the woodwork to the computer room, the pastor’s office, and the door to the altar care storage in the sanctuary. *Paint the Computer room. *Install new curtain rods in Computer room. If you can assist with any of them, please tell Jim Hayes. (Check out the 3-6th grade room soon for big changes!) === May Birthdays (no anniversaries!) May 1 May 14 Mike Konnert Ben Dobbins FRIDAYS ARE TRINITY DAYS AT LINTON SUMMER FOOD PROGRAM! Trinity is one of four congregations that will be working together to provide lunches this summer for children in Linton. Each Friday beginning May 29 we will prepare taco salad for the lunches for 10 Fridays. The lunches will be served at the Linton Public Library. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. Any child may have lunch regardless of income. The food is provided and we will prepare it and deliver it. Trainings will be held May 5 at 2:30 pm and 5:00 pm at the Library. You do not need to attend to help. More information will be available soon. "More than just another disease" – The Lutheran malaria program in Uganda By Allison Beebe "Malaria is more than just another disease for us," says Fred, a government health worker and local leader in the Kapujan sub-county of Uganda. "It is killing our mothers, our children—every minute, every second." Geography plays a role in the prevalence of malaria in the sub-county. "Kapujan is kind of an island," explains Fred. "We are surrounded by many swamps, which are breeding areas for mosquitoes." Because of the pervasiveness of malaria in their community, Fred and the other community leaders in Kapujan sub-county welcomed the LWF malaria program. As community leaders, they were invited into the program structure. "At the beginning of the LWF program, we participated in dialogue meetings—key stakeholder meetings," Fred says. "During those meetings we discussed the vulnerable populations such as orphans and vulnerable children, people living with HIV and AIDS, pregnant women, under-5 children, etc. All opinion leaders and all political leaders in this subcounty have been well trained on malaria by the LWF program. We are good mobilizers and we sensitize others." Winifred, the secretary of finance for Kapujan sub-county, agrees. "We are very happy that we have been trained in malaria, and we are now creating awareness," she says. "Everyone who gets a fever should get tested before taking medicine." William, the sub-county chief, chimes in with his support of the program: "We have a good working relationship with LWF in terms of chasing malaria out of Kapujan sub-county. Malaria is dropping down because of support from LWF. Now our children are surviving and pregnant women are getting good support from LWF!" Fred goes on to explain how the LWF malaria program cooperates with local leaders: "The Village Health Teams, or VHTs [trained volunteers with the LWF malaria program] have been trained according to Ministry of Health guidelines. The VHTs and the government health workers work together to care for people, to do case management, to promote use of Rapid Diagnostic Tests, and to supply malaria medication to the health clinics. VHTs hold outreach events three times each month, but we tell people not to wait for the outreaches; they should come to the VHT immediately when they get sick. In this sub-county we never run out of testing kits for malaria, thanks to your support!" Fred sums up the thanks of his colleagues: "We would like to thank the ELCA and Lutheran World Federation (LWF) for your support in the fight against malaria. We are glad that the LWF malaria program continues." - See more at: Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting Because our adoption of the new constitution was final last June, we are governed by it now. In it our Semi-annual meetings were moved from June and December to May and November. In accordance with this, we will meet on May 17 following the worship service. The meeting will be followed by a carry-in salad dinner and desserts, of course. We will be reviewing the committee reports, the pastor’s report, the financial situation, and voting for two council members who will start their term on January 1, 2016. We will also be nominating people to serve on the auditing committee. They will serve 3 year terms. However, this year the terms will be staggered to one year, two year, and three year so that in the future only one person will be elect each year. The nominating committee is Terry Sparks and Peg Hall. Please respond positively if you are asked and are able to fill one of these positions. The auditing committee usually serves only one time each year at the end of the year to check the treasurer’s financial records. If there are any committees who have projects that will be coming up this summer that need funding beyond $5,000 please bring these to the attention of the council before our congregational meeting. If you have projects coming up that do not require this much funding, it would still be good to keep the members informed. Committee reports need to be turned in to the pastor by May 5. SUNDAY SCHEDULE Worship 9:30AM Coffee Hour 10:30AM Christian ED 11:00 AM all ages Trinity Lutheran Church 1759 E St Hwy 54 Linton, IN 47441 Linton Food Pantry 440 E Street NE Linton, IN Phone: (812) 847-7901 Tues & Thurs 1-4 pm Saturday 10-Noon ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED
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