THE EVANGELIST Trinity Lutheran Church “a growing, caring Church with a heart for Christ and the World Community” OCTOBER 2014 A PUBLICATION OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH LINTON, INDIANA COMING UP October 5,12, 26 9:30 am Worship 10:30 Fellowship 11 Sunday School October 19 Celebration for Pastor Doris 9:30 am Worship w/H C “Fried Chicken Feast” October 14 6:30 pm Council October 16 9 AM Holy Comforters October 15 Women of ELCA Bible Study 6 pm Lite Supper at Trinity 7 pm Bible Study October 15 10:30 am Worship at Good Samaritan in Jasonville October 24 6 pm Holy Comforters @Good Sam in Jasonville October 26 9:30 am Reformation and New Member Sunday ============ Trinity Lutheran Church 1759 E St Hwy 54 Linton, IN 47441 812-847-7372 Like us on Facebook! God’s Work, Our Hands What a great day the Lord provided for us. Shirley has a beautiful home in a lovely setting. The gutters were cleaned, the windows were washed, the weeds around the lake were removed, the deck was stained, and the children decorated flower pots with their hand prints for Shirley to enjoy on her porch. Shirley sent us a wonderful thank you card. Please take a moment to read it. It is posted on the wall by the entry door. A Word from Our Pastor… Living Each Day as a Steward! Pr. Doris Sparks Email: pastordoris@hotmail. com Office 812-847-7372 Cell 812-699-9372 Pastor’s Schedule Office Hours Tuesday – Thursday 1-3 pm Saturday - Sunday By Appointment Pastor’s Email pastordoris PLEASE CALL PASTOR’S CELL PHONE at ANY TIME FOR EMERGENCIES (which include ER visits, life crises, emergency aid, etc.) Stopping by the office? Please call first. If there is an emergency I will try to leave a note but you may want to call first to save a trip. C.S. Lewis said, “There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’ As redeemed children of God, of course, we desire to belong to that first category. We long to live each day as stewards who earnestly pray, “Thy will be done.” As God’s stewards, we are devoted to using all that we are and have for his purpose. We are God’s stewards each and every day. On Sundays November 9, 16, and 23 the theme of our worship services and our Bible studies will be living each day as a steward. We will learn how the Holy Spirit, working through Word and Sacrament, transforms us to be more like our Chief Steward, Jesus, who willingly poured out his life in giving and serving, ultimately sacrificing his very life for our eternal lives. Just as Jesus faithfully served his Father by serving us, we are to use our lives and gifts in faithful service to him by serving others. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). As your pastor, I pray that each of you will take advantage of these opportunities to grow in the grace and knowledge of your Lord that you might be strengthened in faith both for eternity and for a fruitful life here on earth. The three weekly themes are as follows:“The Steward’s Identity,” “The Steward’s Purpose,” and “The Steward’s Lifestyle” (Commitment Sunday). May God grant us strength and wisdom to be the faithful stewards that he has called us to be. Blessings, Pastor Doris Property Committee New Lighting is wonderful. Everything is so much brighter. The electricians did a great job. Thank you to those who came in to paint the fellowship ceiling and to Donnie Tafoya who spent many hours cleaning up prior to our Sunday service. It is impossible to do such a job without creating lots of dust, dirt, and scuff marks. The ceiling still needs some touch up work done. We added smoke detectors which are hard-wired and will all sound if one goes off and emergency exit lighting so we could safely exit the building in the event of a power outage. We upgraded the job by having EVERY fixture replaced in addition to the smoke detectors and emergency lights. The final cost was $8,000. We thank God for protecting the building before this was accomplished as there were several places where scorch marks were evident on the ceiling because a fixture was faulty and overheated. Women of the ELCA – Bible Study PURPOSE STATEMENT— As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. At our September meeting we received a report from Marilyn Saum about her attendance at the Women of the ELCA convention in Charleston this summer. She was challenged and inspired in her faith. Our October session will meet on Wednesday, October 15 at 6:00 for supper at the church. Teri Simmons will be our hostess. Our study will begin at 7:00. Pastor Doris will be our study leader. The theme is “We are called.” The Biblical passages will include Isaiah 6:1-13, Luke 5:1-11, Acts 9, Galations 1:1 and 11-24, Philippians 3:5. ADVANCED NOTICE: The women of our congregation will be hostesses to the Evansville Cluster of Women of the ELCA on Saturday, November 15. We will be providing lunch and some refreshments for when they arrive in the morning. We ask all of our women to set this date aside to share this experience with us. Holy Comforters We will meet on Thursday, October 16, at 9:00. We had to move our September date because of the electrical project. We are very pleased with the results. The light line in the fellowship area was extended further back so it is now easier for us to see what is in the cabinets at the back of the room. We had also received new fabric donations so those were sorted. Some were large lengths of fabric so we were able to assemble several comforters in our short work time. Right now we have a supply of comforters that need to be tied if you want to volunteer for that activity when we meet on October 16. Another opportunity to assist is at Shakamak Good Samaritan on Thursday, October 23, at 6:00. We assist the residents who tie quilts which we have already assembled. Spiritual Formation Committee (Christian education) Those who joined us for our picnic in the park and miniature golf game had a fun time on our Sunday School Rally Day. Classes are underway. The first two weeks our children have learned about Creation and Noah’s Ark. A number of adults have been participating in David Hall’s class. This group has been meeting in the sanctuary where they have viewed a DVD introduction to the material that is studied in the book of Romans. Please consider joining one of these groups. It is important that we all continue to develop our understanding of God’s word and also that we support each other in our journey to understanding by being present to participate in discussions or by listening. Don’t think you are not adding to the group if you are a listener. Nursery Thank you to Jerrie-lynn Leigh who painted and redecorated the nursery. It is beautiful and clean. Walk back and take a look even if you don’t have children using the room. BIRTHDAYS 11 16 25 30 Wesley Leigh IV Carol Johnson Beverly Johns Wremee Leigh ANNIVERSARYS 20 Jerrie Lynn Wes Leigh III 23 David and Peg Hall Worship News Thank you to Marilyn Saum who led our worship on Sunday, September 21, and to Cheri Cupa who delivered the message when Pastor Doris and Terry took a vacation weekend with friends in New Harmony. Both did a great job. RUMMAGE SALE Trinity’s Rummage Sale will be the second weekend in October, 10th and 11th. The hours will be 8-4 on Friday and 9-12 on Saturday. We will need items brought in early in the week, beginning Sunday, October 5, helpers to get racks up and tables out after the education hour that day and to come in during the week to organize items. We will also need individuals to be present the days of the sale and to help with clean up Sat. after 12. A sign-up sheet will be out later in Sept. It was decided that 1/3 of the proceeds will be donated to SON ministries designated to be used for the CAM fund which is used for those who need energy assistance. Of course, we need you to bring in your STUFF. We have all heard that what is your trash is someone else’s treasure. Farewell and Godspeed! Rick and Cheri Cupa have moved to Arkansas for retirement. They were honored on September 14. Their new address is: 1103 Duncan St. #1, Mountain Home, AR 72653 Lunch Bunch Begins Wednesday Oct. 8 Join us at lunchtime each Wednesday for a 1 hour study using the upcoming Gospel or Epistle reading. We will have “stone salad”. Lettuce will be provided and you can bring something small to contribute. (sliced olives, carrots, chick peas, a tomato, a can of tuna, etc) Every week is a new surprise! Go Dempsey! At the recent Worthington Yard sale Dempsey sold “Lemon Shakeups” in front of his Grandmother’s (Marilyn Saum) house. Mom said he was a real salesperson explaining he was giving all his profits to Trinity and his mom would match his earnings. He made $57 and his parents (Chris and Jamie Jarmin) matched it. On September 14 he presented a check for $114 to president Carolyn Konnert. THANK YOU! Bible Study and then Run or Walk Together Bring Friends! October Dates 2, 9, 16 Saturday, October 23 Shakamak State Park Run the Distance Thursdays 6 pm 12:30 pm 1 mile & 5K 1:00 pm 10K 21 Please come and support those from Trinity. Tuesday 6 pm Let’s Celebrate!!!! We will be honoring Pastor Doris Sparks on Sunday, October 19th, 2014 October is Pastor Appreciation Month but we have more to celebrate than just that!! We also get to acknowledge Pastor Doris’ 10th Anniversary of Ordination AND a significant birthday milestone!! Please join us for a “Fried Chicken Feast” following our 9:30 service Trinity Lutheran Church, 1759 E. St. Hwy. 54, Linton, IN 47441 We will be collecting a monetary donation for Pastor Doris to use for her upcoming travels to Israel as a token of our appreciation!!! ** We will present our collection to her on October 19th. Trinity Church Council **Please put what your heart feels willing to give in an envelope marked “Israel Travels” during any offering. Martin Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German friar (Observant Augustinian), Catholic priest, professor of theology and seminal figure of the 16th-century movement in Christianity known later as theProtestant Reformation.[1] He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased withmonetary values. He confronted indulgence salesman Johann Tetzel, a Dominican friar, with his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. His refusal to retract all of his writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Wormsin 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the Pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the Emperor. Luther taught that salvation and subsequently eternity in heaven is not earned by good deeds but is received only as a free gift of God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin and subsequently eternity in Hell. His theology challenged the authority of the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinely revealed knowledge from God[2] and opposed sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood.[3] Those who identify with these, and all of Luther's wider teachings, are called Lutherans even though Luther insisted on Christian as the only acceptable name for individuals who professed Christ. Sunday Worship 9:30 am. Trinity Lutheran Church 1759 E St Hwy 54 Linton, IN 47441 Christian Education 11:00 am ============== Linton Food Pantry440 E Street NE Linton, IN Phone: (812) 847-7901 Tues & Thurs 1-4 pm Saturday 10-Noon ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED
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