BOVINE CONCEPTUS PRODUCTS INVOLVED IN PREGNANCY RECOGNITION1 R M. Roberts, P. V. Malathy, T. R. Hansen, C. E Farin and K. hakawa2 University of Missouri3, Columbia 65211 ABSTRACT Maternal recognition of pregnancy in cows occurs around 15 to 16 d of gestation, and conceptus secretory proteins have been implicated in triggering maternal responses that lead to a prolongation of corpus luteum function. The major protein component of these secretions during this critical period is bovine trophoblast protein-1 (bTP-l), which consists of several variant forms of molecular weight between 22,000 and 24,OOO and isoelectric points between 6.3 and 6.8. These diverse forms appear to arise as the result of both translation of multiple mRNA and differences in glycosylation. Several cDNA for b p - 1 have been cloned and their nucleotide sequences determined. The inferred amino acid sequence of the protein has indicated that bTP-1, like its ovine counterpart OW-1,belongs to an unusual 172-amino acid residue long alpha interferon (IFN-a) family, the so-called IFN-an. Evidence to date suggests that the bTP-1 genes may represent a separate subclass with approximately five genes within the 15- to 20-member IFN-an gene family. bTP-1 has the antiviral and antiproliferative properties typically associated with an IFN-a and can bind to IFN-a receptors. A cDNA probe representing the 3'-untranslated end of bTP-1 mRNA has been used to screen dot blots and Northern blots of total cellular RNA from bovine conceptuses of different ages and for in situ hybridization to mRNA on tissue sections. The expression of bTP-1 mRNA appears maximal between d 15 and 19, remains high until at least d 25 of pregnancy and can be detected as early as d 12. Recombinant bovine IFN-a11, a 166-amino acid IFN,can mimic at least some of the actions of bTP-1. In particular, intrauterine infusion or intramuscular injection results in extended interestrous interval in cows. (Key Words: Bovine Trophoblast Protein-1, Cattle, Embryo, Interferon, Pregnancy.) Introduction The theme of this symposium is the use of molecular biology in understanding reproduction. In this paper we have chosen to review studies on the protein we consider to be the antiluteolytic factor secreted by the bovine conceptus around the critical period of gestation from d 15 to 17 when a conceptus must be present in utero if luteal lifespan of the dam is to be maintained. This protein was originally 'Journal Series Number 10,893 from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Sta!ion. Research from this laboratory was supportedby NE3 Grant HD21896. 2Present address: 'Ihe Women's Research Institute, Wichita KS 67214. &t. of Anim. Sci. and Biochern. 28 identified by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as the major polypeptide product secreted in vitro by bovine conceptuses after they had been flushed from the uterus during the pen-implantation period of early pregnancy (Bart01 et al., 1985). It was later named bovine trophoblast protein-1 (bTP-1) by Helmer et al. (1987) when they showed that it cross-reacted immunologically with the principal secretory product of the peri-implantation ovine conceptus, ovine trophoblast protein-1 (oTP-1). o p - 1 had been purified some years earlier from culture m e dium in which ovine conceptuses had been cultured (Godkin et al., 1982) and has been clearly implicated as a major factor controlling maternal recognition of pregnancy in the ewe (Godkin et al., 1984a,b; Roberts et al., 1985; Bazer et al., 1986; Thatcher et al., 1986). J. Anim. Sci. 1990. 68:(Suppl. 2):28-38 BOVINE CONCEPTUS INTERPERONS The Establlshment of Pregnancy In Cattle 29 whether bTP-1 is the antiluteolytic substance of the cow. Total conceptus secretory proteins from this period proved to be capable of causing several days of estrous cycle extension (Knickerbocker et al., 1986) in nonpregnant cattle. However, bTP-1 has proven difficult to purify, and only recently has sufficient homogeneous product been isolated to prove that intrauterine administration of bTP-1 alone could cause an increase in interestrous interval matcher et al., 1989). It should be emphasized, however, that intrauterine administration of neither OW-1nor of bTP-1 is capable of inducing more than a 3- to 4-d extension of the estrous cycle. Conceivably, the proteins either need to be administered continuously rather than acutely or some additional embryonic component is required to provide a more extended effect. The luteolytic substance in domestic livestock species is now generally regarded to be prostaglandin F2a (PGFA, which is produced by the uterine endometrium. A large body of evidence has been gathered to support this contention (Horton and Poyser, 1976; Hansel and Convey, 1983; Thatcher et al., 1986) and will not be reviewed here. Episodic spikes of PGF2u released from the uterus are evident in nonpregnant cows and heifers preceding luteolysis but are generally absent during pregnancy (see Thatcher et al., 1986). Introduction of dialyzed bovine conceptus secretory products, of which bTP-1 is the major component, into the uterus of nonpregnant cows between d 15 and 21 of their estrous cycles significantly reduced the amount of PGF2a in vena cava plasma compared with controls (Knickerbocker et al., 1986). Moreover, the treatment also reduces the frequency of PGFza pulses. These results strongly suggest that bovine secretory proteins, and by inference bTP-1, attenuate endometrial PGF production. Experiments with endometrial cultures have confinned that either total bovine conceptus secretory proteins or purified bTP-1 itself cause a decrease in the amount of P G F p produced but leave prostaglandin production unaffected (Gross et al., 1988; Helmer et al., 1989). The latter studies have indicated that bTp-1 may induce an intracellular inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis. The establishment of pregnancy in any eutharian mammal requires complex interchange of biochemical information between the mother and conceptus to ensure that progesterone production by the ovary is maintained and that the uterus continues to be receptive for the embryo. It is also clear that there must be an appropriate degree of synchrony maintained between the uterus and the conceptus it nourishes and protects or else the pregnancy is lost (Pope, 1988). Three sets of experiments defined d 15 to 17 of gestation as critical to maintenance of the corpus luteum of pregnancy in cattle. First, interestrous interval was extended when conceptuses were removed from cows on d 17 or d 19 of pregnancy, whereas removal at d 15 had no effect (Northey and French, 1980). Second, intrauterine infusion of d 17 to 18 conceptus homogenates into nonpregnant re cipients from d 14.5 to 18 post-estrus lengthened interestrous intervals (Northey and French, 1980). Similar effects were observed when freeze-killed d-16 conceptuses were placed in utero (Dalla Porta and Humblot, 1983). Third, successful pregnancies resulted from transfer of embryos to synchronous recipients up to d 16 of pregnancy, but not beyond (Betteridge et al., 1980). Together, these results indicated that some signal is first produced in critical amounts between d 15 and 17 of pregnancy that results in prolongation of the functional lifespan of the corpus luteum. These observations are comparable to a more extensive series of studies made on the sheep by Moor and Rowson (1966a,b), Rowson and Moor (1967), Martal et al. (1979) and Ellinwood et al. (1979) that indicated that the antiluteolytic substance was produced for a limited (d 13 to 21) period of development and was most probably proteinaceous. These experiments on the sheep underpinned the discovery and purification of oTP-1 (Godkin et al., 1982) and the demonstration that this substance alone could prolong interestrous interval when it was infused into the uteri of cyclic ewes (Godkin et al., 1984b Vallet et al., 1988). After it was realized that bTP-1 constituted the major in vitro secretory component of d-17 bovine conceptuses (Figure 1) and that its Multlple Forms Of bTP-1 production remained elevated for at least the bTP-1 was shown by Bartol et al. (1985) to week following its first detection (Bartol et al., 1985), attempts were made to determine consist of at least seven to eight different 30 A c3 I X I- I Figure 1. (A) Two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of totalsecretory proteins from a d-18 bovine conceptus by twodimensional electrophoresis and fluorography. "be cooceptus had been cplhued for 24 h in medium supplemented with L[%Ileacine. For details of the e n t a l procedures see Helmer et al. (1987). The horizontal axis represents isoelectric point @H), the vertical axis molecular weight.(B)Analysis of material immunopmcipitable from bovine conceptus secretory proteins by an antiserum to 0°F'-1. Roteins were aualyd by t w d i e n s i o d polyylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography in a manner identicalto Figure l(A). After providing conceptuses with G [ H]leucine for 24 h, samples of culture medium were mixed with anti-o"F'-1 a n t i s m and immune.complexes collected on Rotein A-Sepharose. For txperimentaldetails, see Helmer et al. (1987). "%e various isoforms of bW-1 are visible as a cluster of products of pI between 6.8 and 6.5 and fall mainly into two molecular weight classes (Mr22,OOO and 24,000). T h i s figure is reproduced from Helmer et al. (1987) with permission. polypeptides clustered over a range of isoelectric points and molecular weights. All of these forms could be collected by indirect immunoprecipitation by employing an antiserum to 0°F'-1 (Figure 1; Helmer et al., 1987). Thus, bTP-1 appears to be of higher molecular weight and to constitute a more diverse p u p of components than 0°F-1, which has usually been observed as a cluster of three or four isoelectric variants of molecular weight about 18,000 (Godkin et al., 1982). Cell-free translation of total poly(A)+ mRNA from d 17 to 19 bovine conceptuses, however, gave rise to translation products that BOVINE CONCEPTUS INTERFERONS PH 81 0.0 1.6 7.0 0.6 0.0 6p 6.0 110,oQo91.00077- U a lL14Q- $ :% 77,000. ¶O* 11- Figure 2. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE and autoradiography of [3’S] methionine-labeledproteins synthesized in the presence ofbovine conceptusmRNA. In vitro translation products synthesized with whcat germ lysate in thepresence of d-18 bovine conceptus polyadenylated mRNA and [35S]methioninewere analyzed by two-dimensional SDSPAGE (12.5%gels) and autoradiography. They were analyzed either as total translation products (top panel) or following immunoprecipitation with anti-OW-1 antiserum (bottom panel). Arrows indicate the location of prsbW-1 on both panels. The figure is reproducedfrom Anthony et al. (1988) with permissioa appeared smaller than the h a l mature products (Anthony et al., 1988). Nevertheless, several distinct isoforms were still evident Figure 2), an observation that led to the suggestion that bTP-1 most probably arose from multiple species of rnRNA, and possibly from multiple genes. Translation of the mRNA in presence of microsomal membranes from a dog pancreas, which are capable of adding Nlinked carbohydrate chains to nascent polypeptides as well as removing NH2-tenninal signal sequences, increased the size of the translation products and sequestered them within the membrane vesicles (Anthony et al., 1988). This result strongly suggested that bTP-1 became glycosylated cotranslationally as it crossed the membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. That carbohydrate chains were 31 indeed present on bTp-1 has been proved in a number of ways: 1) by providing conceptuses with radioactive precursors to carbohydrate chains (e.g., D-[3~glucosamine or D[3lcilmannose) and identifying the label in bTp1 (Anthony et al., 1988); 2) by inhibiting bTP1 glycosylation in vitro with tunicamycin and demonstrating a reduction in molecular size of the secreted product (Helmer et al., 1988); 3) by removing the carbohydrate chains with endoglycosidases (Anthony et al., 1988); and 4) by demonstrating that bTP-1 binds to plant lectin columns (Helmer et al., 1988). It was concluded fmm these experiments that bTP-1 was a glycoprotein and that part of the diversity in molecular weight forms evident in Figure 1 was the result of variability in the complexity and possibly in the number of carbohydrate chains present on the molecules. By contrast, there has been no evidence that 0°F-1 is a glycosylated molecule (Anthony et al., 1988). Whether this carbohydrate on bTp-1 is important to either its biological activity or stability remains to be determined. The Molecular Cloning of bTP-1 mRNA The ability to generate cDNA has frequently become important because it can provide a shortcut to inferring the primary structure of the protein it represents. Sequencing a DNA, for example, is much quicker and more straightforward than determining an amino acid sequence, a procedure that can often be very laborious. A cDNA can, in addition, provide a useful probe for studying gene expression in any tissue of interest. It can, when appropriately tailored, also be utilized to generate a recombinant protein product in a heterologous cell, such as a bacterium. The molecular cloning of bTP-1 and oTP-1 was conducted simultaneously in this laboratory from cDNA libraries consmcted with poly(A)+ mRNA isolated from d 17 to 19 bovine and d 15 to 16 ovine conceptuses. The procedure entailed preparing cDNA copies of the total complement of A in the tissue, copying the first cDNA strands to yield cDNA duplexes, and introducing these doublestranded structures into the P-galactosidase gene of bacteriophage hgtll (Huynh et al., 1985). Phage that expressed a whole or part of the bTp-1 (or oTP-1) protein were recognized by screening many thousands of bacteriophage 32 ROBERTS ET AL. plaques with a rabbit antiserum to oTP-1. Such 1985; Tamrn et al., 1987). The apparent positive plaques were picked from the plates involvement of IF" in reproduction was and recornbinant phage were isolated by completely unsuspected. several rounds of "plaque purification." The However, the majority of the IFN-a so far cDNA inserts were removed, placed into a hown are 166, not 172, amino acids in length, bacterial plasmid and amplified, and their although a single 165-residue species (human nucleotide sequences were determined (Im- ET-&) has been described (see DeMaeyer akawa et al., 1987, 1989). and DeMaeyer-Guignard, 1988). In 1985, All of the bTP-1 recombinant plaques however, Capon et al. (1985) screened human recognized by the antiserum contained rela- and bovine genomic DNA libraries under nontively short inserts, the majority of which were stringent conditions with IFN-a probes and from the 3'-end of the coding region and hence described a new family of IFN genes that represented the COOH-terminus of the protein appeared to code for 172 residue polypeptides (Imakawa et al., 1989). One possibility was after their signal sequences had been cleaved. that this end of the molecule contained the The same year Hauptmann and Swetly (1985) dominant epitopes on bTP-1. Alternatively, employing similar procedures cloned cDNA larger fusion proteins might have been more representing such "long" IFN-afrom a cDNA susceptible to proteolytic degradation and were library derived from virally induced human not, therefore, present. Whatever the explana- leukocytes. The former group name these tion, these short cDNA were employed to novel interferons IFN-an to distinguish them rescreen the library for longer recombinant from the 166-amino acid long IFN-a~.By clones, and several full-length or nearly full- contrast, Hauptmann and Swetly (1985) emlength cDNA were isolated and sequenced. ployed the entirely new designation IFNThe latter clearly represented multiple species omega (a)because they felt that the degree of of rnRNA, which, though all differed slightly nucleotide similarity (-75%) and amino acid from each other in nucleotide sequence, were sequence homology ( 4 0 % ) deserved a sepaabout 1 kb in length. All contained a single rate classification. It should be emphasized that 585-base open reading frame that coded for IF" nomenclature is still in a state of flux and polypeptides of 195 amino acids. By applying requires further standardization, in part be the rates of von Heinje (1986) rules, it was cause of the multiplicity of genes so far clear that the first 23 residues represented a discovered. In the human, for example, at least hydrophobic signal sequence and that the most 18 distinct LFN-al and IFN-an genes have likely region for signal peptidase cleavage was been described. To complicate matters further, before the cysteine residue designated as Cys' scientists in the U.S. classified these I F N q in Figure 3. Thus we assume mature bTP-1 to genes alphabetically (A,B,C, etc.), but Eurobe 172 amino acids in length. pean p u p s used Arabic numbers (1,2,3, etc.). The nucleotide sequences of the bTP-1 Compounding these difficulties, I F N q A does cDNA showed around 90% identity with those not correspond to IFN-ql (DeMaeyer and for OW-1.Remarkably, the 3'-ends were the DeMaeyer-Guignard, 1988). For the rest of most conserved regions of the molecules, with this paper bTp-1 and oTP-1 will be referred to 90 to 95% preservation of nucleotide sequence, as IFN-an, although it is anticipated that this whereas most divergence was noted in the classification may eventually change. 5'-untranslated region. It seems possible that A comparison of the associated sequences the 3'ends play some sort of regulatory role in of bTP-1 with a bovine lFN-an is shown in bTP-1 and om-1 expression. Figure 3. All of the IFN-a,whether 166 or 172 A complete search of gene data banks residues long, possess four highly conserved quickly revealed that bTP-1 and 0°F'-1 were cysteines that are involved in two disulfide related structurally to the alpha interferon bonds: Cys' is linked to Cysw, and CysZ9 is (IFN-a)family of proteins that have been bonded to Cys139 (Wetzel, 1981). There are in studied intensively because of their ability to addition a number of highly conserved regions, induce an antiviral state in a diversity of cell including one stretch from to ArglS0 types (Pestka et al., 1987; DeMaeyer and that is retained in bTP-1 and oTP-1. All of the DeMaeyer-Guignard, 1988) and to behave as bTP-1 cDNA so far isolated possess a single regulatoq cytokines with a variety of effects, potential site for N-glycosylation (Am7*), particularly on the immune system (Rossi, whereas this sequence is absent in the bovine 33 BOVINE CONCEPTUS INTERPERONS DTP-I Bo Fh- . . CAlCCCC~CMACTA~AlTCACCIUACQT~CCCAUCCC~lC~CAKCACCCCAKACCACCCACA~C~TCCCC CACAGAACClLCCTCMCCTTCUCWCACCCTCTCTCACCUCCCCACUCCACCCTCA~ClTCCCC I R . R t tt t tt s23 1 2 m e t a l a phe val l e u s e r l e u l e u met a l a l e u v a l l e u v a l s e r t y r g l y g l n g l y a r g ser leu g l y c y s t y r ATC CCC TTC CTC C l C TCT CTA CTC ATC GCC CTC CTC CTC GTC ACC TAC GCC CAC CU C U T C l CTC CCT TGT TAC ATC CCC TTC CTC CTC T C l CTA C l G ATC CCC CTG CTG CTC CTC A K TAT CCC CCC CC4 GU TCC CTC CCC TCT U C pro gly t asp Z 1. * * 27 7 leu ser g l u CTG TCT GAG TTC TCT CCC pro asp h i s U C CAC M C CAC asn met l e u ATG CTA GTC C l C "a1 g l y a l a a r g g l u a s n l e u a r g l e u l e u a l a a r g met asn a r g l e u ser p r o h i s GCT CCC AGG GAG M C CTC AGC CTC CTC CCC C U I ATG M C ACA C l C TCT CCT U T GTT CCC ACC CAC M C CTC ACC CTC CTC GCC CAA AlC AGC A U CTC TCC CCT CCC Val g l y 28 p r o cys leu g l n a s p a r g l y s a s p phe g l y CCC TCl CTG CAC U C ACA MA U C T T T GCT TTC TCT CTG CAG U C ACA A M U C TTT CCT ala phe gln gly gln l e u p r o g l n g l u met val g l u g l y CTT CCT CAC UG ATC CTC U C CCC TTC CCC CAC U G ATC CTC GAG CTC phe val 53 a l a i l e s e r v a l l e u h i s g l u met l e u g l n g l n c y s leu a s n leu phe t y r K l ATC T C l CTC CTC CAC GAG ATC CTC CAC CAC TCC CTC M C CTC TTC TAC CCC A T 1 TCT CTC CTC CAT U C ATC CTC CAC CAC AGC TTC AAC CTC T l C U C t ser p h e his * * arg arg asn g l n l e u g l n M C CM; CTC CAC K C CAC TTC CAG ser phe 52 l y s asp g l n M C U T CAC C4G CCC CAC g l u ala 77 t h r g l u h i s ser ser a l a a l a t r p ACA CAC CAC TCC TCT CCT CCC TCC AAA U G CCC TCC TCT CCT CCC TCG lys arg 78 asn thr t h r I C Y l e u g l u g l n l e u AAC ACC ACC CTC CTC C4C CAC CTC CAC ACT ACC CTC CTC GAG CAC CTC asp cys t h r g l y l e u g l n g l n g l n l e u g l u asp l e u asp a l a cys leu g l y TCC ACT CCC CTC CAA CAG U C CTG CAG CAC CTG CAC CCC TCC CTC CCC CTC ACT GGA CTC CAT CAC CAC CTC GAT U C CTC U T CCC TCT C l G GCC t leu + his asp la3 val CTC TTG leu met g l y a r g ATG CCA AGG CTC CC4 ACC le" met g l y g l u ATC GU CAC ACT C W UIC thr * l y s a s p ser asp AAA U C TCT U I C CAA GAC TCT GCC ala 9lu met g l y p r o ATG CCC CCC ACC GK CCC thr i l e leu t h r v a l 1 1 s A T 1 CTC ACT CTC AAG ACA CTC CCC ATC AAG thr a l a met 127 l y s t y r phe g l n g l y $ l e AAC TAC TTC CAC GGT ATC PCG TAC TTC CAG CCC ATC t arg 153 172 ser s c r s e r t h r t h r I C " g l n l y s a r g l e u a r g 11s met g l y g l y a s p leu as" ser l e u TCT T U TCA ACC ACC TTC U A MA AGG TTA A U AAC ATC CCT G U U T CTC AAC TCA C l T TCT TU TCA ACC AGC TlG CAA C A A ACC TTA ACA ATC ATC U T C U U C CTG AAA TCA CCT ser g)u met asp Iys pro t t t ** t ** H 102 pro CCA CTC 1 eu end T U CATUCTCTCCCTUCT T U FTCACTCTCACTUCT t end *** t t TTClCACCACTMTAAGUAClAU~ATMAAC~AC~CACC~CTUCC~KAlGACTCCl~AACTCATKCT~CC~UTCTlATCTCTTCT~U~TlATC TTCTCACTACTP M T C A A l A T A C A T A M l T T T T ~ T C C C T C C A C C ~ C C A T C A C T C C C U A C T G A A U C T C C C C T l A l T T T A T l C T T T C C T ~ A ~ T T A ~ tt R t t t C1R.t t t " tt t t t R . t t t T A T l C C T T C T T C C A T C T M C A T A C l T M A A T A T T U U M T T T C T A A A C T l A C A l T l U T T T C T A C AT C T A I ~ ~ T T l C T ~ A M C P T C T ~ T A C C / r T T ~ T l C l T P I A T T I A T T C T T T ' A ~TTCCTCAIATT T A ~ T T ~ T C U T A T A A A A l A ~ ~ l l T C l l l P C A l l C l ~ T l T M U M ~ A C A ~ ~ A A U ~ T ~ .-t t.t rft nmr tftk *mmm e * * I*- tft * e * * TTCTGTTATTMATTTGTCCTTTCTTCTATTTATTMATCAAACMAATUAAMMAMMMMAAMA T T A T T T C ~ T T T C T A A I T T C T T T T A I T ~ATTCTCAAGGTUACTTCTTCAATT T t t t t tt t * * t t Figure 3. Comparison of bTP-1 and bIFN-an cDNA and their deduced polypeptide sequences. 'zhe deduced amino acid sequence of bTP-1 is given above the nucleotide saqumce. Amino acid residues differing in bovine IF%an are indicated below the nucleotide sequence.Asterisksmark differencesbetween the nucleotide sequences that do not result in a change in an amino acid residue. Potential polyadenyhtionsignalsare undcrlimd. There is only a single sequence (Am7*Thr79Thr? that provides a potential site for N-glycosylation of bTP-1. This figun is reproduced from Imakawa et al. (1989) with permission. IFN-an gene. Thus, it seems likely that the diversity in molecular weight forms of bTF-1 noted during electrophoresis may relate to the degree of complexity of the carbohydrate chains rather than to the number of glycosylation sites (Helmer et al., 1988). However, the presence of o-linked carbohydrate groups on bTp-1 has not yet been ruled out. In cattle there are known to be at least 15 to 20 IFN-an genes in addition to an impressive number of IFN-~I(Capon et al., 1985; Velan et al., 1985). However, evidence is beginning to accumulate that the bTP-1 genes may constitute a specific subset within this larger grouping. The evidence for this contention is as follows. First, all the bTP-1 cDNA so far 34 ROBERTS ET AL. antiviral activity of bTP-1 or a significant loss of biological potency during purification is unclear. Certainly the various human IFN-q exhibit a considerable range of antiviral activities (DeMaeyer and DeMaeyer-Guignard, 1988), and IFN-afrom different species vary markedly in stability (Piasecki, 1988). Recently we have shown that bTP-1 could displace an 1251-labeled recombinant bovine IFN-a (rboIFN-all) from class I IFN receptors in ovine endometrial membranes (J‘. R. Hansen and P. V. Malathy, unpublished data). The bTP-1 was about one-seventh as effective on a mass added basis as the unlabeled rboIFN-all, which showed a Kd for the receptors of 6 x lo-” M (Hansen et al., 1989). bTP-1 at concentrations below 10-8 M is also able to inhibit the incorporation of [3Wthymidine into bovine leukocytes that have been stimulated to divide by the plant IFN-a. mitogen Concanavalin A (P. V. Malathy, Y. Niwano, K. Imakawa and R. M. Roberts, bTP-1 is a BlologlcallyActive lntetferon unpublished data). Such thymidine inhibition The molecular cloning data discussed above assays have been widely used as tests for CIMIYshowed bTP-1 and oTP-Ito be Closely immunosuppression, and it should be empharelated to the IFN-a,more distantly related to sized that IFN-a have a wide range of effects the IFN-p (fibroblast IFN)and distinct from on cells of the immune system in addition to IFN-y (immune IF“). The question arose, their ability to inhibit proliferation of certain however, as to whether they had the biological classes of Tcells. Indeed, it seems feasible that the trophoblast IFN may play some role in activity of IFN-a. Because OW-1was most readily purified, it controlling interaction between the maternal was a relatively simple matter to show that it immune system and the “foreign” conceptus at had antiviral activity against a range of animal the placental interface. viruses in bovine epithelial cells and that its potency approached that of other IFN-a, The Use of cDNA Probes to including ones produced in bacteria by recomStudy Expression of bTP-1 binant techniques (Pontzer et aL, 1988; RobThe 3’-nontranslated region of the bTP-1 or erts et al., 1989). oTP-1 also possessed the antiproliferative properties typical of an IFN-a oTP-1 cDNA has provided a specific probe to (Roberts et al., 1989; Niwano et al., 1989) and distinguish the expression of their mRNA from could strongly inhibit the incorporation of those of other IFN-a.Such probes can be [3~]thymidineinto mitogen-stimulated leuko- employed to detect mRNA when RNA is “dotted“ directly onto nylon membranes or cytes. Fewer studies have been conducted with after the RNA is first subjected to electrophobTP-1. However, total bovine conceptus secre resis and then transferred to such membranes tory proteins can protect cells against viral (Northern blots). Finally, a cDNA or a cRNA lysis and had a specific antiviral activity of .5 can be employed to detect the presence of x 104 units/mg of protein when tested against mRNA on tissue sections (in situ hybridizaVesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) in cultured tion) provided that sufficient care is taken to bovine kidney cells (unpublished data). After preserve the integrity of the RNA during tissue purification, the bTP-1 itself had an activity of fixation and embedding. The fonner two methods are relatively about 106 units/mg protein, a value 10- to 100-fold lower than that of many straightforward but less sensitive than in situ recombinant IFN ( P e a et al., 1987). hybridization. They indicated that bTP-1 Whether this result reflects an inherently poor mRNA amounts per microgram tissue RNA cloned and sequenced resemble OW-1cDNA considerably more than they do the one fully sequenced bovine IFN-an gene (i.e., there is more conservation across species than within species). Second, the 3‘ends of bTP-1 and 0°F-1 are remarkably alike yet differ significantly from the corresponding 3’-ends of the transcription unit of the bovine IFN-an gene (Figure 3). Finally, Southern blotting of bovine DNA with a specific 3’end probe under highly stringent conditions of hybridization and wash has revealed far fewer (probably no more than 4 to 5 ) than the 15 or so genes noted by Capon et al. (1985) (T. R. Hansen and R. M. Roberts, unpublished results). One possibility, which will be discussed again later, is that the bTP-1 family of genes are uniquely expressed in trophoblast tissue because they have some function that cannot be mimicked by other BOVINE CONcEprzIS INTERPERONS and mRNA concentrations fell off markedly after d 17 of pregnancy, approximately 4 d after mRNA expression per cell was maximal (Hansen et al., 1988; Farin et al., 1989). 1400- 1ZOO-. 1000800- 35 I Can Recombinant I F N q Mimic the Actlon of bTP-l? Eioq>,i) 400.. 200.. 0. I DAY OF PREGNANCY P i p 4. Amount of bTP- 1mRNA relative to total cellular RNA in embryos during pregnancy. Total RNA from d 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 and 25 comxptwes was extracted and samples (4 pg) spotted onto nylon membranes as described byaansenetal. (1988).TheRNAwasallowed tohybridize with a 32P-hbe1d cDNA (813 base pairs;nucleotides 241 to 1,035 of the bTP-1 cDNA in Figme 3). A standard curye was preparedby using known amounts (15.6pg to 2 ng) of a fulllength synthetic bTP-1 mRNA prcpand in the pBS M13 transcriptionvector(seeHansenetal.,1988)anddotttdonto the same membrane. Only one d- 15 conceptus provided sufficient RNA for analysis. RemainiOg values are means f standard errors for RNA from three different conceptuses. were maximal around d 15 to 19 and were maintained at relatively high levels until at least d 25 (Figure 4). In situ hybridization studies generally confirmed the above results (not shown) but additionally indicated that expression was highest in cells of the trophectoderm and was low or absent in the extraembryonic endoderm that lies immediately below the trophectoderm, in the yolk sac and in tissues of the embryonic disc. A series of micrographs illustrating the tissue-specific expression of bTP-1 mRNA in trophectoderm is provided in Figure 5. The technique of in situ hybridization also allowed younger embryos that could not provide sufficient RNA for dot blot or Northern hybridization studies to be examined for bTP-1 mRNA expression. Low, but detectable, hybridization signals were evident as early as d 12 (data not shown), though maximal expression per cell occurred three or more days later at the time of m a t 4 recognition of pregnancy. These studies correlated well with results on protein biosynthesis that indicated that bTP-1 production was high from d 15 to d 25 (Bart01 et al.. 1985) and possibly beyond (Godkin et al., 1988). They contrasted with similar experiments carried out on OW-1whose synthesis The existence of IFN was first inferred by Isaacs and Lindemann (1957), but it required almost 20 yr before the proteins were purified, in part because of the astonishingly high biological potency of these substances (see Knight, 1987). For example, IFN-a rece tors bind ligand with average Kd around 1WE M (Rubenstein and Orchansky, 1986). Even now “natural” IFN are in short supply. As far as we are aware, for example, bTP-1 is the first bovine IFN to be purified to homogeneity from a natural source, and oTP-1 is certainly the first ovine IFN of any kind either to be purified or to have its mRNA cloned However, as a result of recombinant DNA procedures it is now possible to produce many biologically active IFN in large quantities from the bacterium E. coli (Pestka et al., 1987). These recombinant IFN have been used for a number of purposes, including treatment of cancers (see Fauci et al., 1987) and viral disease (Bielefeldt O h m et al., 1987). The availability of a recombinant bovine I F N - ~ I (rboIFN-ol11) has recently allowed this protein to be tested for its effects on various reproductive parameters and, in particular, to be compared with bTP-1 and OW-1with regard to its dose effectiveness. The studies have clearly demonstrated that some of the biological responses to the embryonic E N can be mimicked by using the recombinant bovine product. For example, infusion of milligram quantities of rboIFN-a~l into the uteri of cyclic ewes (Stewart et al., 1989) or intrauterine infusion (Plante et al., 1989) or intramuscular injection (Plante et al., 1990) of the protein into cows during the period of maternal recognition of pregnancy extended luteal lifespan in the treated animals compared with controls given placebo. Nevertheless, it has become evident that considerably more rboIFN-a~l had to be introduced into the uterus to achieve an extension of interestrous interval than if “natural” oTP-1 or bTP-1 were used. There have also been indications that rbolFNu11 and bTP-1 may have somewhat different effects on prostaglandin metabolism by endometrium (Helmer et al., 1989). 36 ROBERTS ET AL. F55. In situ lodimtion of bTf-1 mRNA m d-19 bovine embryo trophectoderm. (A) Brightfield micrograph of portions of trophectoderm(closed arrow) and yolk sac membranes (open mow) from a d-19 bovine embryo. Scale bar = 30 p.(B) Darkfield micrographof the same sectionUwtrated in (A)showing localizationof silver &as (white dots), which hdicatepositive hybridbationof a [35S]-lfTP-1cDNA probe to bTF-1mRNA present in the trophectoderm.Note the lack of hybridhationsignal in the yolk sac tissue. Q Darkfidd micrograph of an adjacent section hybridized with ["Sl-y-aain cDNA showing localizationof actin mRNA in both trophectodermand yolk sac membranes. It therefore remains an open question as to the standard range of biological activities of an whether bTP-1 functions in maternal recogni- IFN-a. Clearly the genes for bTP-1 must tion of pregnancy simply because it possesses possess regulatory control elements that permit BOVINE CONCJPTUS INTERFWONS 37 them to be activated in trophoblast for a Godkin, J. D., F. W.Bazer, W. W. Thatcher and R. 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