MINUTES Tuesday, March 24th at 2:35pm Media Center Purpose of SITE Team: The purpose of the SITE team is to improve the quality of education for all learners by addressing a uniqueness of each site through a shared decision making process. Definition of 833’s SITE Based Decision Making: The SITE Based Decision Making is a decentralized process in which decisions and recommendations are made by stakeholders, including staff members, parents, community representatives, students and others determined as appropriate members. 1.0 Introductions Julie Nielsen, Assistant Superintendent, attended our meeting. This is a great way for her to stay connected to the happenings at Lake, and to hear of the wonderful things we have going for our students, staff, and parents. 2.0 3.0 4.0 Review of January 27th Minutes Andy, made the motion to approve the minutes, with a second by Anne. Minutes were approved. Individual Grade Level/Team Updates– Team Leads Teams are preparing for conferences that will be held on March 26 and 31 from 3:30-‐7:00 PM. 6th Grade: Exploratory day was the day before spring break. 6th Grade students were notified if they are accepted into AVID. 7th Grade: Had a great “winter week” day. Students circulated between 9 activities. They are preparing for their “field trip fiesta” (three field trips on the same day) on May 29th (going to MN Zoo, Mystery Caves, and Young Authors Conference). Today, Anne received her iPads from the grant she received! 8th Grade: Starting MCAs on Thursday (math). Data Team Items/Updates – Data Team Members Next data team meeting is Tuesday, April 7th at 7:00 AM. The data team has been working with the SPED department on modifications that can be made for our students. Kelly will bring to our next data meeting the results/feedback from the staff survey they took at the recent staff meeting. At the March staff meeting, SPED offered some other ideas and Jan shared some differentiation ideas and support. 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Parent Representatives Updates/Information or Questions A question was raised regarding Liability/Security issues for student devices, if it is at the request of the teacher: Students have signed the “Electronic Device Contract” at the beginning of the year. Julie added that “bring your own device policy “BYOD” will be decided on by the School Board in April. Spring Testing – Julie Methven March 26-‐May 21 our testing window (using Pearson this year, all online). Julie has built in a few makeup days. Staff should be mindful of when testing occurs for their grade levels. Please do not schedule other tests/projects/etc. on their MCA testing days. Student scores are automatically added to Viewpoint the following Tuesday. The results are planned to be to the district by August 3rd. Students hopefully could receive their results at orientation this summer or the first week of school. 2015-‐16 Conference Dates for Next Year We are working to select some options for dates for fall and spring conferences. The dates would be given with the option to vote upon in team meetings. We need to determine our dates in April so that other school offerings do not conflict with conferences. The format for conferences will be determined later. Parents would prefer not to have a conference day on a day before a day off of school (like having conferences on a Thursday, when we have a day off for spring holiday on Friday) as you may find many families leave town. Lake “Game On” Video The video is on the LMS website. As teachers are doing their testing reminders to students in their language arts, math, and science, students will be shown the video as motivation and to do their best. A message was also sent to parents notifying them, via Blackboard. Other Items Next SITE Meeting: Tuesday, May 26th at 2:30 PM Next Staff Meeting: Thursday, April 16th at 2:30 PM Next BLT Meeting: Tuesday, April 21st at 7:00 AM Lake Middle School SITE Team Members Parent Representatives Nancy Lundquist, 6th Grade Parent Representative Susan Ziertman, 7th Grade Parent Representative Mats Heimdahl, 8th Grade Parent Representatives Data Team Members Casey Tody, District Support Network Representative Allison Johnson, SITE Lead Logan Carstensen, Data Assessment Leader Jan Buikema, Data Assessment Leader Julie Methven, Student Achievement Specialist Building Team Leads Ashley Martin, 6th Grade Fish Lake House Darla Ramberg, 6th Grade Carver Lake House Andy Craig, 7th Grade Wilmes Lake House Anne Maxwell, 7th Grade Colby Lake House Matt Rasmussen, 8th Grade Powers Lake House Marit Sullivan, 8th Grade Bailey Lake House Kelly Gray, Special Education Jessica Rose, 6/7/8 Swing House Building Administration Karen Toomey, Interim Principal Rich Paisner, Assistant Principal Roderic VanScoy, Assistant Principal
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