Recommended Restaurants More Expensive Less Expensive Guilia (classic Italian) Russell House Tavern (pub fare) Rialto (Italian inspired) Grafton Street (pub fare) Toscano (classic Italian) Cambridge One (pizza) i Harvest (modern American) Daedalus (pub fare) ii Alden & Harlow (modern American) Tanjore (Indian) iii Spice (Thai) ME MO RIA L DRIVE EET PLY Ros ovs Hall ky EE T ll Ru ss e inc y Quincy House LFE 3 111 Plympton St McK inloc k Leverett House Ba rker Club Warren R EET ST REET Dana Palmer Ctr 9 STR E ET RE ET Hall 101-1 0 n Wes tmo rly ST NS TO Gore Houg h to Libra ry n STR ON M PT STR EET DE N LIN erly Clav ce Pla TR Qu DE WO Winthrop House 22 BO W New Sto ne Standish STR EET 1 Crim so Fa cult y tr TT ST r Man te tr T MIL L La mon t Libra ry 8 Adams House Rand Har olph vard TR La mp EE oon T PLY MP JO HN ok e Ar t Stud ios Apth o Hou r p se AU BU RN S Lowell House Smith Eliot House Ho ly Wig SA gles CH USE wor TTS th AVE NU E QU INCY Weld T STR EE TR EE T Ma lk Ath in le Cen tic ter Kirkland House 80 Info C DU NS TER at e oc Ad v T RE E ST HS 41 F. K EN NE DY n 71-77 SO UT MO UN T 74 wor th nter C ET 69 17-19 Br y a 5 78 5-7 17Quincy Ca rp e STRE 60 Hicks 53 WIN n MA S 130 6 8 Loeb House PRES CO ty Un iver si ws Matth e Boylsto Pusey Library BR OA DW AY n Harvard Art Museums Fogg Busch-Reisinger Sackler Museums Emers on Widen er Libra ry Wig gles Ga rag Richard A. and Susan F. e Smith Campus Center Fa rk as Aple Univ er Cou y Hea sity rt lt 65R Serv h ices HSA 6 ersi ty THRO 52-54 Ch Luthe P ST urc ran REE h T Ro bin so BO W Un iv rch Tercentenary Theatre Grays Wadsworth KE S 90-92 65-67 a l Chu HARVARD YARD Lehman Dudley House HO LYO Th e Memo ri Old Yard e Massa chu se tts Straus Ca nad ay Sever rd Johnston Gat Harvard Square rthy Thayer Harva n Holwo Sto ug hton Holde Hollis Lion e l Mowe r Phillips Brooks In black: Fong Auditorium (Boylston), the Faculty Club, and the Society of Fellows (Eliot House) Conference in Honor of Hugh Woodin’s 60th Birthday Friday, March 27: 2:00 - 3:00 Fong Auditorium (Boylston Hall 110) 11:30 - 12:30 Norming Infinitesimals of Large Fields Fong Auditorium 3:30 - 4:30 Strong Reflection Properties at ω3 and Inner Models with Huge Cardinals The subjects that will be discussed in the talk are part of an ongoing project (jointly with J. Kennedy and J. Vaananen) of studying the inner models one gets by imitating the construction of the constructible universe L, but replacing “first order definability” in the successor stage of the construction by “definable by the logic L” where L is a logic generalizing first order logic. In the talk we shall concentrate on the model constructed using the “aa” logic (first order logic with the quantifier aaP Φ(P) meaning “for a club of countable subsets of the model Φ(P) holds.” We shall be especially interested in the inner model one gets by using this logic in a universe of Set Theory satisfying Martin’s Maximum (MM). 2:30 - 3:30 Survey of Recent Work on Low Level Determinacy 4:00 - 5:00 Reception (Library) Saturday, March 28: 8:15 - 9:00 Ticknor Lounge (Boylston Hall) 9:00 - 10:00 Fong Auditorium (Boylston Hall 110) 10:30 - 11:30 Subcomplete and Subproper Forcing Ronald Jensen Descriptive Graph Combinatorics Alexander S. Kechris This talk is about a relatively new subject, developed in the last two decades or so, which is at the interface of descriptive set theory and graph theory but also has interesting connections with other areas such as ergodic theory and probability theory. The object of study is the theory of definable graphs, usually Borel or analytic, on Polish spaces and one investigates how combinatorial concepts, such as colorings and matchings, behave under definability constraints, i.e., when they are required to be definable or perhaps well-behaved in the topological or measure theoretic sense. Grigor Sarsysan Sunday, March 29: 8:15 - 9:00 Breakfast Forcing Axioms and the Solovay Hierarchy We will show that PFA augmented by a mild large cardinal axiom implies that there is a model of AD+ in which there is a Largest Suslin cardinal which is a member of the Solovay sequence. The aforementioned determinacy theory, known as LSA, is one of the strongest pure determinacy theories known to us. We will also have a discussion of determinacy-like theories that are stronger than LSA. However, it is known that LSA is much weaker than a Woodin limit of Woodin cardinals. A consistent variant of Chang’s Conjecture is presented that implies an inner model with a huge cardinal. The proof is quite elementary and will be presented. Harvard Faculty Club Donald A. Martin By “low level,” I mean Borel or low ∆12. I will discuss recent results on the exact of strength of determinacy for various low level pointclasses, and I will mention some questions that remain open. Matthew Foreman 5:00 - 7:00 Menachem Magidor (Boylston Hall 110) H. G. Dales Long ago, I worked on a question of Kaplansky concerning the existence of discontinuous homomorphisms into a Banach algebra from the algebra C(Ω) of all continuous functions on a compact space Ω. I shall recall this problem and some reformulations, and note that with CH, such discontinuous homomorphisms were constructed by myself and by Jean Esterle. I shall also explain that Hugh Woodin proved that there are models of ZFC in which all such homomorphisms are continuous. Thus the question is independent of ZFC. One reformulation involves norming the infinitesimals of a large ordered field. This leads to two natural questions. First, for which fields is this possible? Second, when are ordered fields isomorphic to fields, such as hyper-real fields and super-real fields, that arise from algebras of continuous functions? Large cardinals come in here. I claim that one particular field is a ‘natural grown-up version of the real line’. But it is open whether the infinitesimals of this field are normable. Inner Models Defined from Generalized Logics and MM Ticknor Lounge (Boylston Hall) 9:00 - 10:00 Fong Auditorium Breakfast Woodin’s Contributions to Recursion Theory Theodore A. Slaman (Boylston Hall 110) I will discuss Woodin’s contributions to Recursion Theory and the subsequent work that builds upon them. 10:30 - 11:30 Equiconsistencies at Subcompact Cardinals John Steel We say that a regular cardinal delta is threadable just in case every coherent sequence of clubs of length delta can be properly extended. It is consistent relative to supercompact cardinals that every δ ≥ ω2 is threadable. It seems likely that the converse relative consistency statement is true. We describe some work in this direction due to Itay Neeman and the author. Organizers: Peter Koellner (919) 698-2532, Paul Larson (301) 580-8412, Gabriel Goldberg (323) 206-1749
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