May 2015 - Long Marton

The News Magazine of
the ‘Heart of Eden’ Team Ministry
St. Lawrence, Appleby; St. John, Murton-cum-Hilton;
St. James, Ormside; St. Peter, Great Asby;
St. Margaret & St. James, Long Marton;
St. Cuthbert, Dufton; St. Cuthbert, Milburn
with additional information from
Methodist Churches at The Sands, Appleby,
Great Asby & Dufton with Knock Methodist Church
The Church of Our Lady of Appleby
The Local Communities and Organisations
of Appleby and the Mid-Eden Valley
Sands Methodist Church
What’s On in The Heart of Eden in May?
Food Bank Collection, every Tuesday, Sands Methodist, 10:30; Friday , St. Lawrence’s Church, 11.00 – 12.00
In June
15th – 22nd
9:30 – 11:30am
12 noon
Guide Hut
Appleby Market Hall Supper Room
Sands Methodist Church
Maulds Meaburn Village Hall
St. Lawrence’s Church
Bolton Lounge – Health Centre
Great Ormside Village Hall
Appleby Golf Club
The Hollies: Pat Bevan
Friday Club Ceilidh
Coffee Morning in aid of Royal British Legion
Come 4 Lunch
WI Centenary Link-up
Ascension Day Deanery Eucharist
Milburn Sheep Fest in aid of the church
Cancer Info drop in and coffee ? (check first – bank holiday)
Ormside WI: Members’ Social Evening
Fellsiders (Settle and Carlisle Railway)
Asby Fellowship
Election Day
Bridging the Gap (Hearing loss drop-in)
Age Concern AGM
Japanese Cooking Demonstration
Coffee Morning in aid of Leprosy Mission
Circus Festival
Spring Fayre
Appleby Brass Band Concert
LMVI Committee Meeting
Carpet Bowls
Asby WI Resolutions Meeting
Appleby Mayor Making
WADFAS - Faber and Faber
Dufton Open Circle trip to Lowther Castle Gardens
LM Lunch Club
Coffee Morning in aid of L.M. church
Inner Wheel Whist and Dominoes
Pottery Group
Asby Parish Council AGM
Friday Club Rainbow Party
Coffee Morning for Emma’s Building, Appleby Primary Sch.
Bring & Share
Cancer Info drop in and coffee ? (check first – bank holiday)
Extend exercises followed by tea/coffee
Appleby MU
Local History Group – Ted Relph
Asby WI Outing to York
7.30 Group Birk Head Mine Tour
Asby Fellowship
Coffee Morning in aid of Westm’d Wanderers Netball Club
Pentecost (Whitsunday) Service
Milburn Film Club – “Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day”
Appleby & Dist. Gardeners’ Spring Holiday
Carpet Bowls
Coffee Morning in aid of General Funds
Inner Wheel Whist and Dominoes
Pottery Group
Friday Club TBA
Coffee Morning in aid of Appleby Carnival COmmittee
Coffee Morning in aid of the 573 bus
Trinity Sunday Choral Evensong
Fellside Singers Concert
LM Lunch Club
Long Marton Arts Festival
Dr. Susan Smith on Elizabeth Taylor
all day
1 – 3:30pm
9:30 – 11:30am
all day
10am – 1pm
2 ~ 4pm
10.15 for 11am
10 – 11:30am
6:45 – 9:15pm
9:30 – 11:30am
10 -10:45am
11:30 – 2pm
9:30 – 11:30am
2 ~ 4pm
9:30 – 11:30am
Health Centre
Riverside Building
Eden River Café
Appleby Market Hall Supper Room
Appleby Sports Centre
Kirkby Thore Memorial Hall
Appleby Public Hall
Long Marton Village Institute
Long Marton Village Institute
Asby Village Hall
Appleby Market Hall
Long Marton Village Institute
Long Marton Village Institute
Eden River Café, (all welcome)
Guide Hut
Long Marton Village Institute
Asby Village Hall
Post Office
Appleby Market Hall Supper Room
Sands Methodist Church
Bolton Lounge – Health Centre
Appleby Market Hall Supper Room
St. Lawrence Vestry
Long Marton Village Institute
Meet Asby bus shelter
Meet at Long Marton V.I.
The Hollies – Lynn Miller
Appleby Market Hall Supper Room
St. Lawrence’s Church
Milburn Village Hall
Northern Ireland
Long Marton Village Institute
St. Peter’s Church
Guide Hut
Long Marton Village Institute
Guide Hut
Trip to Holker Hall Graden Festival
Appleby Market Hall Supper Room
Dufton (?)
St. Lawrence’s Church
Dufton Church
Long Marton Village Institute
Long Marton Village Institute, etc.
Maulds Meaburn Village Institute
Do you believe what election candidates say - or what the reports say they said? Often not quite the same
The recent headlines about the decent interrment of the remains of Richard III left many media pundits
baffled. Nurtured in a culture of blame, shame, and condemnation of the accused (whether guilty or not),
they were confronted by enthusiastic crowds wanting to fill a gaping blank in our history syllabus, and by
forgiving and accepting church leaders - on the one hand, wanting to see the good in all, and on the other,
acknowledging that before our Maker we are all found wanting, in need of redemption and forgiving
acceptance. Is the old quip about ‘pointing a finger at someone - and finding the other three pointing at
yourself’ applicable?
Being a journalist must be very difficult when ‘a story’ has to be found and facts come second. Half-truths
abound, and the prevailing culture is to believe ‘the worst’. Such has been the fate of Richard. Smear
stories spread instantly in print, broadcast and, worst of all, internet. This poem is probably rubbish as
poetry, but in ‘the greatest story ever told’ as some call it, could you understand what Easter was about,
and who was (or is) guilty?
Long ago, before time existed,
space was invented, and laws
so that quarks and protons,
electrons and atoms could all
fit together in harmony,
Some didn’t listen, went astray,
getting arrogant, quarrelling,
each wanting their own way,
deciding God isn’t there; we
only exist by chance.
But God’s not dead! “Empty tomb”
the women reported, and soon
his friends kept meeting him again,
still teaching them, encouraging
to go, tell everyone.
- and stars and galaxies,
planets and earth began.
The wisdom behind it all
we call ‘God’. He looked,
and saw it was good.
So God let himself be seen.
- Came as a baby, called Jesus,
and grew to be a man, talking
to his friends, and anyone
who would listen.
“Look” he said, “I am with you
even to the end of time”.
Though no longer visible,
God’s Spirit may still touch
the lives of all mankind.
Like a Father, he watched,
and people felt they
were being guided - shown
the right way to live, realising
God is behind it all.
He went about spreading
love, healing, acceptance.
But those seen to be wrong
tried and killed him before long.
The end of the tale.
5th April 2015
11th April
20th March
24th March
31st March
1st April
Other Services:
Lynn Miller
Registers Mid-March 2015 to Mid-April 2015
– for the May 2015 ‘HoE’ Newsletter
Church Registers
Kenzie Lewis Kenneth Davies
Demi Alice Robison
St Michael, Kirkby Thore
St Lawrence, Appleby
Leslie Simpson
Denis Carney
Mary Howarth
Norman Jeffrey
St Lawrence, Appleby
St Michael, Kirkby Thore
St Lawrence, Appleby
St Michael, Kirkby Thore
Ministry Team
Team Rector: Revd. Sarah Lunn
email: [email protected]
Team Vicar: Currently Vacant
Revd. Roger Collinson (Retired)
Revd. John Griffiths Assistant Curate
Mr. Lynn Miller, Licensed Reader
017683 61269
017683 52886
017683 52894
017683 51671
Information for Senders of Articles & Advertisements: we go to press at noon on the 14th
Please meet the deadline or send copy beforehand if at all possible!
Electronic copy by email is preferred; email address [email protected] - often we are quite busy and don’t
have time to reply. Please identify the content in the email subject line and in the name of each attachment.
Written copy, please leave in letter tray marked ‘Heart of Eden Editor’ in St Lawrence’s Church, on top of the book-shelf
on your left as you go in. It will be emptied for the last time at noon on the 14th of the month. When sending email copy,
please include some identification (e.g. shoe shop, W.I.) in the subject, and not just “Heart of Eden” - everyone does that!
Adverts Please contact the Advertising Manager, Keith Morgan, The Old Brewery, Doomgate, Appleby-in-Westmorland, CA16
6RB. Phone 017683 52210. Email: [email protected]. Deadline date as above. New or changed copy for already-arranged
adverts should be sent to the editor as above. It would help if you could please send any payments for advertising in envelopes
clearly marked ‘Advertising Manager’.
New ‘Small Ads’ Section: we will only accept adverts suitable for a Church Magazine, and we will not accept trade adverts.
Adverts will cost £5 for up to 40 words. Please write your advert (in block capitals) on a piece of paper, add your address and put
it in an envelope with a £5 note. Write ‘HoE Small Ad’ on the outside of the envelope, and put it in the safe in St. Lawrence’s.
The safe is straight ahead of you as you enter St. Lawrence’s.To be included in a particular edition of the newsletter, please put
your advert in the safe before noon on the 12th of the preceding month.
We are very grateful for the very generous donations made by various groups and individuals towards the running costs
of this Newsletter. We would welcome articles (and front cover photographs) for this magazine – relevant to the time of year,
book reviews, travel articles, etc. Please send them to the editor.The bundles of copies of this Newsletter are taken round to the
distributors by Jan and Alan Meakin. They can be contacted on 52407.
Newsletter Manager
We are seeking a new volunteer ‘Manager’ for this
This is the way the current Manager does the job
– there could be other ways. The various parts of the job
could be done by different people.
Ensure there is an editor – make sure there are ‘standby editors’ for use if needed – seek a new editor if one
Arrange the annual rota of the people who put the
newsletters into bundles ready to be taken to the
distributors – called ‘bundlers’.
When told that the newsletters will be ready (usually
less than 24 hours notice)
• Arrange for the moving of the newsletters from
the printers to the place of ‘bundling’ (currently St.
Lawrence’s church) (at present there is a volunteer
from Rotary who does this task). As last resort,
collect the newsletters.
• prepare for bundling (ensure the labels are correct,
present and in the correct order – and that any list
used is correct), alert the ‘bundlers’ for that edition
(and find replacements if necessary) and inform
those who collect their bundles of newsletters from
church and the Meakins (who take the bundles
round to the distributors).
Take part in the bundling process. When the ‘bundling’ is
done, phone the Meakins.
Store (somewhere) the boxes used in the distribution
process. These are returned by the Meakins – together
with the labels and most of the rubber bands.
Circulate (by email) the pdf copy of the newsletter.
Order supplies (rubber bands) as necessary
If you are interested in this job, please contact the
current manager via the Newsletter’s email address
– [email protected]
Confirmation Services in 2015
Appleby Deanery is going to hold two Confirmation
Services during 2015. The first is in May at Warcop, and
the second is in November at Morland. Both will be during
the afternoon so that everyone from parishes around the
area is free to come. If you or someone you know would
like to explore being confirmed, please get in touch with
Rev Sarah Lunn or Rev John Griffiths ( contact details
elsewhere in the magazine) for a chat as we need to
begin preparations.
Hunger is Difficult
‘Hunger is difficult, hunger makes you blind. If you are
hungry you can’t see. Your legs can’t walk and your
mind can’t think.’ These are the words of an Ethiopian
girl called Adi. She was left with no cattle and just one
sheep after her husband died. She and her eight children
were eating just once a day, and very little even then.
With no husband and no livestock, she had no status.
She was ignored, sidelined, belittled.
Adi is one person Christian Aid was able to help. She
isn’t just a statistic in a survey of world poverty. She’s
as real as you and me. Statistics can be overwhelming
but, when in the face of a mountain of need it seems
there’s very little can do, we recall that to the individual
and family we can help it is not a little. For them it’s a
life-line to survival and hope for better things.
People in the Heart of Eden are generous in giving.
But their contributions, this year, will remain un-given
unless someone calls their door. To take over rounds
left vacant by infirmity and death, and to cover our
expanding community, we need more collectors. If
you help this year and you’re not already on my list,
please give me (Roger) a call on 52886. There w i l l
be a service to dedicate the Week at 6.30pm in St
Lawrence’s Church, on Sunday 1Oth May.
Appleby Churches Working Together
The Churches in Appleby work together to provide the
following activities for children and young people.
Oasis - Every Friday in term time, after school until 5pm,
at Kirkby Thore Chapel, for KS2 children (years 3 - 6)
Messy Church - Usually around Christmas and Easter (as
advertised), usually at Murton, for all ages
St. Lawrence, Appleby
Churchwardens: Jean Hutchison, John Tillotson (53349)
Gabriel Reid (for Murton), Secretary: Jo Ayres (52017)
What a lovely Easter – and how good the church looked!
Thank you all so much for this , and for your comments
to me and the choir about the music during Holy Week
and over the Easter period. So now May comes roaring
in with 3 church festivals!
Ascension Day is on Thursday May 2nd when we will
host the Deanery Eucharist at 7.30pm; ,
Pentecost is on May 24th, and on that day we will have a
service at 4pm for the whole of the Heart of Eden Team, and lastly
Trinity Sunday is on May 31st and on that day we will
have a full Choral Evensong at 6.30pm.
So ... a busy time, but full of rewarding music. Do come
and join us for one or more of these services.
Befriending in the Community.
Along with the local NHS Surgeries, we are in the process
of starting up a new way of working together as NHS,
Community and churches. Many of the local doctors’
surgeries are short of staff and therefore short of time
to spend with people in the community or even in the
surgery who may be in need of a chat, or a prescription
delivery, or dog walking, visiting, or help with filling in a
form etc. Members of the Clergy locally are trying to help
to find people in our local communities who may have a
little time to volunteer to be part of this new scheme. We
are not sure of all the details as yet, and we hope that the
scheme will develop as we work things out. Sarah Lunn
Appleby Mothers’ Union
Our meetings are held monthly in the Vestry at
St.Lawrence’s at 2 p.m. when we have a short time
of worship, a speaker and finish with tea and biscuits.
Occasionally we meet with other Mothers Union branches
in our Deanery. Anyone who would like to come and
share in our relaxed and friendly fellowship will find a
warm welcome. This month’s speaker on the 19th will talk
about “Hospice at Home”
St. Cuthbert, Dufton
Churchwardens: Mrs G Bryan (51414),
Mrs Sylvia Murray
Secretary: Mrs Louise Stewart
A successful coffee morning
Thank you to all who baked, donated or in any way
supported our coffee morning in March – the sum raised
for the church was £210.
Fellside Concerts 2015
The first Heart of Eden concert this year will be at Dufton
Church on Sunday 31st May at 5pm
The Fellside Singers, Director Leigh Harding
Admission - £5 which includes refreshments.
Accompanied children admitted free. All very welcome.
For information about later concerts - please see next
St. Edmund’s Newbiggin
St. Peter, Asby
Churchwardens: Mr. A. Denton, Mr. R. Parry.
Secretary: Mrs S M Braithwaite
Churchwarden: Mrs P Bevan (53433),
Taff Greenshaw (53894)
Secretary: Mrs Denise Frisby (01539 623542)
Asby Diary - see villages
St. Margaret & St. James,
Long Marton
Churchwardens: Mrs M.P. Sawrey-Cookson (61574) and
Mrs. M. Marsh(51098)
St. James, Ormside
St. Michael, Kirkby Thore
Churchwardens: Mrs. M.Davidson, Mrs. M. Moore
Secretary: Mrs. E. Higginbottom (01768 362910)
Church Repairs
Our major church repair programme is now ready to start
and the scaffolding will go up on 13th April. Work has to
Churchwardens: J H Atkinson, Mrs J Cannon
Secretary: Leigh Harding
be done to stabilise the south and east walls of the church
Coffee Morning Saturday. May 16th 10 to 11:30am and to stop the roof pushing the walls outwards. There is
Coffee, Raffle, Books and Cakes. In Long Marton Village
also support needed for the arcade pillar inside and work
to be done on drainage and the damp on the north side
of the church. We are also hoping to prepare for moving
the organ to a better position and in due course installing
a disabled toilet and kitchen. The work will cost more than
£120,000 and will continue into July.
For some of this time, from mid May, the church will have
to be closed and regular services will be held elsewhere,
probably in the Memorial Hall.
It is hoped to arrange one or two dates when people can
visit the church and see something of the work being done
some of which is quite exciting.
Make, Bake and Grow
Our annual Spring Village Fayre is coming up on the
morning of Saturday 9th May. A great plant sale, together
with cakes, jam, marmalade, preserves and books, cards
and nearly new items combine to make this renowned
Fayre a real must. And, as always, there will be a mystery
guest during the morning. Kirkby Thore Memorial Hall
10am -1pm.
Roman Catholic Church
Church of Our Lady of Appleby
Garthheads Road, Appleby
Father Aleksander Makulski (51474)
St. John, Murton-cum-Hilton
Churchwardens and Secretary: as St. Lawrence
Churchwardens: Jean Hutchison
Gabriel Reid (for Murton), John Tillotson (53349)
Jo Ayres (52017)
St. Cuthbert, Milburn
Churchwardens: Mrs E Godfrey (61007),
Mrs K Ridley (62106)
Secretary: Angela Hughes
The Sands, Appleby
Methodist Church
Minister: Revd. Phil Drew 71202
Church Secretary: Linda Taylor 53448
Upper Eden Food Bank:
We now have our marked wheelie bin donation points
placed at strategic intervals throughout the valley, namely
Kirkby Stephen Co-Op, Appleby Grammar School and St
Lawrence’s Appleby.
We have made contact with the Carlisle food bank another
independent and share resources to ensure nothing goes
to waste, Carlisle has a very high footfall and works with
the homeless and rough sleepers in the valley.
Stocks healthy and in date earliest items for next dispatch
dated around August 2016. Thank you to you all for your
continued support and generosity.
the generous support which makes such a difference.
You can imagine how difficult it is to raise money in Indian
communities where they have little for themselves, never
mind those who are destitute!
I am pleased to say we have been able to support children, including some with special needs, in 2
orphanages. We have been able to pay for their education
fees and buy clothes for them to wear.
Each year we try to do something special and this year
we were able to buy a school uniform for them, something
they have never had before which is just fantastic.
When we are there we try and give the children a special
day with plenty of treats. It’s like a Christmas Day for
them. This year we gave them sweets, fruits, Indian
snacks which they helped themselves to. They were so
thrilled on finding enough goodies to keep them going for
a week. We are only able to do all this by the generosity of you all
supporting curry aid.
You may remember last year I mentioned about helping a
Mother and her son who both had heart complaints. I am
pleased to say because of the kindness of curry aid people
we were able to help them both again and Madesh is now
home with his Mother. They were totally overcome with
the kindness of the people of Eden . Madesh’s Mother
sends a big awesome thank you for giving her son back
to her as he was in an orphanage and now she can look
after him herself.
I felt the whole experience very moving and emotional as
we have so much and take so many things for granted,
while they have so little.
If anyone would like to do some fund raising for Curry Aid
please contact Jessie Oddy 017683 51227
Eden River Cafe, Appleby
HOST is looking for kind, friendly, hospitable people of
all ages whose imaginations are caught by the idea of
welcoming an international student at university here,
far from his or her own family, to their home, for a day,
a weekend or at Christmas. You don’t need to live near
a university, as students will travel for the privilege of
meeting you, learning about real life in this country, and
sharing their own culture. HOST is a voluntary activity
which makes ambassadors for international goodwill of
us all. Please see or call Kerrie Brooks
01697 324473. Thank you
Eden Housing’s Affordable Warmth Service
Bring & Share.
“Bring & Share Meal”
Sunday 16th May 2015 (Approx 12:15pm).
Please come along you don’t have to be a member. or
belong to any Church.
Just come as a family or on your own you will be made
to feel welcome & part of our Church Family.
“ Come 4 Lunch “
First Friday in each month. 11-45am – 1pm. Next one will
be on Friday May 2nd.
Home Made Soup, Roll + Sweet, Tea or Coffee.
Free, but any donations after expenses with go to Local
All Welcome
Kirkby Thore Methodist Church
The Methodist Chapel in Kirkby Thore is available for
lettings. Please ring Mr Bernard Thornborrow on 015396
24272 for more information.
Dufton with Knock
Methodist Church
Minister: Revd John Morton
Secretary: Avril Swinbank 53102
Steward: Dacre Swinbank 017683 53102
Eden Timebank
We are a small, friendly group, which offers people in
Penrith and the surrounding areas opportunities for
volunteering in their local community through an exchange
of time and services. Whatever you can offer, whatever
you need, everyone’s time is valued the same.
For each hour you spend sharing your time you receive
one time credit into your account which can then be
exchanged for a service you would like - you could donate
it to someone else in need.
Would you like to find out more? We hold a coffee morning
on the 1st Tuesday every month at 11am at ECO ( Centre
67 ) in Chapel St, Appleby, CA16 6QR. We would love
to have more members actively involved in exchanging
Timebank hours and volunteers on our committee. Please
call in to find out more or visit our website
Alan and I have just returned from India and wanted to
let you know how the hard earned money you raised for
Curry Aid was spent.
I was asked to say a very big thank you to everyone for
Friday 8th May - 7-9pm Japanese cooking evening with
Tea. .Enjoyable and fun evening to try out Japanese
cooking price Tickets £8. proceeds of the evening go to AGS south africa 2016
Trip. Tel 07415159452 or pop into Cafe.
Eden Housing are working in partnership with Opt4 and
CAfS to provide a service to everyone in Eden to cut their
energy costs on gas and electricity bills and get homes
draught proofed.
The energy switching and advice service is FREE for
The draught proofing service has eligibility criteria which
are : •
Over 60 and on a low income or
On a means tested benefit or
With a long term illness or disability
Contact Adrienne Frazer on 01768 861463 to receive
this service.
Police Update.
Over the last month there have been 2 thefts reported in
our area, one report of building materials taken from a
garden and one personnel theft from a public place. There
have been 5 calls regarding anti-social driving in the town
and 2 of anti-social behaviour not related to vehicles. Please
continue to report any anti-social behaviour to the Police at
the time. There has also been a report of 27 sheep which
are thought to have been stolen from our area. If you have
any information regarding this or see anything suspicious
please call 101 or 999 in an emergency.
On the 5th of February a cross border operation involving 6
Police Forces took place. Starting with operation checkpoint
and later in the evening a Farm watch operation took place. Farmers and local residents turned out to support the
police, directing via radio, police to any suspicious vehicles
in the area. If you would like to be involved in the next
operation please contact PCSO 5206 Dakin or PCSO 5169
Allinson via 101.
Eden Police are currently also working with Appleby NFU
to pilot a sheep theft initiative that will then be cascaded
across Cumbria. This is still in the early stages and we are
asking farmers across the Appleby and Upper Eden area to
assist in this. You don’t need to be an NFU member to be
involved and if you would like to be involved either contact
Amanda Wallbank at Appleby NFU offices or PCSO Dakin or
PCSO Allinson for more information.
There have been a number of reports of door to door sales
in our area, our advice would be do not buy from the door
and call Police if you are suspicious in any way.
PCSO 5206 Dakin and PCSO 5133 Larmour continue to
work alongside Centre 67, Inspira, Young Cumbria, Appleby
Grammar school and Appleby Primary school. We are
continuing to run the Olympic youth project which is also
open to Kirkby Stephen young people.
The Friday night youth club is doing especially well with
in excess of 20 young people attending at Centre 67 each
week. This is ran by Young Cumbria, the early session is
with Mark Raine and Ryan Studholme and the later session
with Clare Donnelly, Naomi Taylor and Ryan Studholme.
If you would like any information on any of the above please
contact either PCSO Dakin or PCSO Larmour.
If you are interested in getting involved with Farm Watch or
would like further information on the nights of action or the
trespass scheme then please contact PCSO Dakin or PCSO
Allinson on 101 or via email [email protected].
uk and [email protected]
PCSO Karen Dakin and PCSO Joel Larmour can be contacted
by ringing Cumbria Police on 101 or emailing direct on
[email protected] or joel.larmour@cumbria.
We are also available between 10:00 and 11:00 in Appleby
library on the second Monday of each month.
Appleby Town Council
This newsletter went to press before the Town
Council’s April meeting.
The repair work on the west end of the Cloisters, badly
damaged by a tractor collision a few months ago, is
now complete. Sadly, Garment of Eden have decided
not to renew their previous tenancy. Any business
interested in renting this prime site is asked to contact
the Town Clerk.
Moot Hall
Over four centuries old, our historic Council chamber
urgently requires specialist work to be done on lime
rendering its western corners. It is hoped that this will
be done over the summer. The building will continue
to be used and we plan to open it for a special event
to mark the octocentenary of Magna Carta on Sunday,
18th June 2015.
Clean Up
Several councillors, rotarians and other members of
the public have lent a hand in litter picking in areas
beyond the scope of EDC’s contracted worker, who
has both Appleby and Kirkby Stephen to look after,
and welcomes voluntary support. This is clearly an
ongoing task, and the Council has obtained pickers to
assist in keeping our town looking as it should.
May 7 is the day for Parliamentary District and
Town Council elections. The present Eden District
Councillors for Appleby and Bongate wards are
unopposed. In Appleby ward there will also be no Town
Council election because there are seven nominees for
eight places; but there will be a Bongate vote because
nine persons have been nominated. Therefore Mayor-
making at the Town Council Annual General Meeting
will be on 13 May, after the election results published..
It is planned that the mayoral lunch will be replaced by
a dinner, to be held in July.
Public Consultation
Following the voluntary completion of questionnaires the
mayor has drafted a report, to be published soon. This,
along with focused public consultation, will help inform the
work of the Council’s Neighbourhood Development Plan
working party, which is shortly to form a steering group,
including representatives of the wider local community.
Fair Hill
A contract has just been awarded for further work
on improved access; it is hoped that this will be
completed in the summer.
Bus Services
Grand Prix, commercial operators of the 563 Kirkby
Stephen-Appleby-KirkbyThore-Penrith service, had to
introduce a modest fare rise in April. It is vital that this
route runs at a profit; please use it, don’t lose it.
Appleby Chamber of Trade
The Rural Growth Network Hub office offering free business
advice and support is being relocated from the Business
Centre in Bridge Street to the Community Link Office at
the back of the town Library. Contact point remains the
same at Appleby Business Centre shop in Bridge Street,
telephone 017683 52347 email <[email protected].
The chamber’s website is at,
just contact us if your business is not featured - entries
are free of charge.
Appleby Smarter
Now that better weather is here work is proceeding at
smartening up Boroughgate. Flower boxes have been
installed by the bus stop and in Low Wiend thanks to
funding from the Percy Fawcett Fund (feel free to water
the plants if they seem thirsty) and sponsorship from
individuals and businesses.
The main task is repainting the roadside bollards and
this will be carried out over the following Sundays by the
Probation Service Payback Team. The district council
have in hand replacement of damaged bollards - marked
with yellow paint.
A great Well Done to Brian and Beryl Sowerby for repairs
to their retaining wall and railings - we look forward to
their summer flower display in the coming months !
Appleby Edibles
Spring is here at last and seedlings are sprouting at the
polytunnel at the Appleby Heritage Centre. We have a
couple of spare planter boxes if anyone wants to try their
hand at growing vegetables, just telephone the Heritage
Centre 53350. Lots of free advice if you are new to
vegetable growing.
Too many of us scatter litter - the effect of fast-food
wrapping, plastic bags, cans, bottles, smoking waste
etc, adorning the highways and byways is particularly
harmful in a town whose economy relies so much on
being attractive to tourists: please bin your refuse or take
it home. And while it’s good that most dog-owners now
conscientiously scoop their pet’s poo into a purposemade bag, if they then throw the bag into the verge,
hedge, beck or tree, it will be there for months as a health
hazard. You can put a dog-poo bag into any waste bin.
Free Event Advertising
Cumbria Tourism runs the very successful www.golakes. website which attracts 5.5 million views a year.
It is now possible to advertise local events on the Go
Lakes Whats On page. If you would like your event to
be included forms are available from Appleby Tourist
Information Centre.
Nat-West Mobile Bank
The Natwest Mobile Bank will now be visiting Appleby
Market Square between 2.15 and 3pm on Wednesdays.
Eden Save Credit Union
Appleby Library every Friday from 10am to noon
Let us help you save or borrow
Saversstart from £5
Junior Savers start from £5
Borrowers from £251 to £7500
repayments weekly or monthly
Apply in person or online
Opt4 project ends on an energetic high
An energy initiative that saved Cumbrians thousands on
their gas and electricity bills drew to a close at the end of
April. Opt4 Community Energy, based in Penrith, reached
the end of their two-year funding period during which
they tackled fuel poverty through energy-saving advice,
draught-proofing measures and a switching service to
help householders move to cheaper energy tariffs – even
winning a national award along the way.
“Almost half of the households we helped were in fuel
poverty, which affects Eden more than virtually anywhere
else in the UK,” said Peter Ward, who led the Opt4 project.
“To reach them, we developed partnerships with housing
associations and charities across Cumbria and beyond,
supporting them in switching, which is the easiest way to
cut energy bills. We saved the average household £180
a year and they will now have the confidence to switch
regularly and continue to save, which is a legacy we’re
really proud of.”
Thanks to part-funding from Opt4, an Affordable Warmth
advisor will support households in Eden for another six
months, and their website will continue to offer advice.
The project also provided employment and development
for two members of staff.
Opt4’s parting advice to households is to switch to a
cheaper tariff, cut out draughts in the home, and submit
gas and electricity meter readings regularly to avoid large
bills building up.
Opt4 was part of the Sustain Eden programme, financed
by The Big Lottery and managed by Cumbria Action for
Appleby Coffee Mornings
Appleby Public Hall, Supper Room
Saturdays - 9:30am to 11:30am
Royal British Legion
Leprosy Mission
Emma’s Building, Appleby Primary School
Westmorland Wanderers Netball Club
Appleby Carnival Committee
Appleby-in-Westmorland Society
Heritage by the Wayside
Crowns on finger-posts, crests on post boxes and serifs
on mileposts – these were just some of the details which
even the most eagle-eyed Appleby-in-Westmorland
Society members might have missed before their most
recent public meeting. The experienced guidance of
Society favourite Andy Lowe changed all that. Illustrating
his talk with copious slides, he brought his theme of
Roadside Heritage to life with his enthusiasm for how,
what and where.
How did the tollkeeper of yore know when travellers were
approaching his turnpike? The answer can still be seen in
some tollkeepers’ cottages, with their walls and windows
angled to give a clear view up and down the road. What
was the origin of the term ‘turnpike’? ‘The metal gate was
the pike which the keeper turned to clear the way forward
when the toll had been paid’ Andy explained.
Why were some milestones so tall? The reason was
so that they could be more easily read by travellers on
horseback or in stage coaches. Turning to post boxes,
Andy regaled his hearers with an equally detailed feast
of information, including the perhaps surprising fact that
distinguished architect Gilbert Scott no less had designed
the first post box, known as K2.
Such was the wealth of facts packed into little over an
hour that it was surprising that Society members still
had any appetite left over for the usual end-of-meeting
The Friday Club
Our first meeting in March was an opportunity for the
“Lady” members to enjoy some pampering, a makeup
and nail varnish session and some optional massage!
The men had the opportunity to show off their skills with
various board games, snooker and indoor golf. It was
all lots of fun and there was even some crossing over of
choices of entertainment! The next meeting was a greatly
looked forward to evening of music and percussion.
The members all tried various musical instruments and
also there was the opportunity to sing along! We enjoyed
a much needed drink and snack half way through.
Dates for May
Fri 1st Ceilidh Guide Hut 7-9pm
Fri 15th Rainbow Party Post Office 6.45-9.15pm
Fri 29th TBA Guide Hut 7-9pm
Saturday 9th of May
Appleby will host Cumbria’s first ever circus festival.
Come and learn some amazing skills, from juggling to
acrobatics,suitable for all ages and all abilities. beginners
welcomed!!!… taking place at Appleby Sports Centre
doors open at 10 am games, stalls, competitions,
workshops, masterclasses, shows
£5 entry for the whole day (includes everything) … the
ticket includes an evening performance with world class
circus artists from USA, Sweden, and Germany coming
to perform in Appleby! The performance takes place at
7pm at Centre 67 and the event is in aid of encouraging
communities to share and explore new skills
Inner Wheel Whist and Dominoes
We Need You to Come and Play - we need more
Our fortnightly sessions are held in the Guide and
Brownie Hut in Holme Street and are part of our service
to the Community and we are happy to be supporting
the Guide and Brownies in this way. Playing begins at
2pm and usually lasts about two hours. Tea and scones
are provided and there are great prizes to be won… all
for £1.50 Everyone is welcome so please come along on
these dates; May 14th and 28th. We hope we will see you
The next meeting of the Fellsiders ,on Wednesday May
6th, is an Open meeting when partners and friends
are most welcome. Our speaker is John Keith who will
be showing slides and speaking about the CarlisleSettle railway line. Our venue is Appleby Golf Club,
time 7.30pm. We do hope we have a good turnout - £2
for visitors.The Classic coach trip to Hawes has been
rearranged for Tuesday June 9th, when this picturesque
service resumes. Details from Tina tel: 01768353642.
Bus passes can be used.The trip to the Holker Hall
Garden festval is on Saturday May 30th. Details from
Frances tel: 017683.52145. Partners welcome. May we
remind our members that yearly subs are due, still £10.
The trip to the Beamish museum is on Saturday July 11th.
Open to partners, friends and grandchildren.
Talking Messenger Association is looking for
volunteer readers, both male and female, to help produce
audio recordings for the blind and partially sighted. We
record on three days per month and recording takes
approximately two hours. We start recording at 1.00pm.
If you can spare the time please contact Stan Rooke on
017683 52864 or email [email protected].”Many
thanks for your help in this matter. If you require any
further information please contact me, Stan Rooke,
Chairman Talking Messenger Assn.
Volunteers wanted!
Age UK, the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and
Cumbria Law Centre working in partnership across
Carlisle and Eden
Is it time you gave yourself a new challenge?
Age UK, Citizens Advice and the Cumbria Law Centre
are working together to provide information and advice to
people across Carlisle and Eden Districts. We need more
volunteers to help us increase access to information and
advice on a wide range of topics from benefits and debt
to employment.
The volunteering roles within each organisation will
vary depending on your interests and the time you
have available to undergo training and subsequently
To volunteer for us you will need to be open-minded, nonjudgmental, able to listen and learn, and work as part of
a team. We offer an appropriate training programme,
continuing support, flexible volunteering roles and
unbelievable job satisfaction in fulfilling an un-met need.
We also cover volunteer expenses.
Volunteering can make a positive difference to others
in your own local community and can also make a
difference to your own life - whatever your experience
and circumstances you can benefit from volunteering
while also making a valued contribution.
Help us meet the rising need for support and advice in
your local community, wherever you are in Carlisle or
Eden Districts.
For more information on volunteering with the Citizens
Advice Bureau in Carlisle and Eden visit
or contact Kitty Booth-Clibborn on 01228 633909 or
[email protected]
For more information on volunteering with Age UK
Carlisle and Eden see or
contact Joan Bailey on 01768 863618 joan.bailey@
To discuss volunteering with Cumbria Law Centre in
Carlisle, see or contact Fiona
McCrum on 01228 515129 or Fionamccrum@comlaw.
Appleby Jubilee Players
Among the many Appleby organisations that lost a
stalwart when Alice Palmer died last year were the
Jubilee Players, for whom she had been secretary since
they were formed in 1977. Ten years have passed since
they last put on a show of their own. Unable to find
a director, the Players decided to use the funds they
had to support live theatre in Appleby by guaranteeing
touring professional players at the Public Hall: a few
cover their costs, but others don’t. The Players’ funds
are now nearly exhausted and the Public Hall risks
losing professional shows. If anyone would like to
make a donation to continued live theatre, the Players’
bank account is
Trustees of Appleby Jubilee Players held by Cumberland
Building Society, Appleby;
Sort Code: 16-52-21; Account Number: 31448097.
Donors could have publicity and could assist Keith
Morgan and Andy Connell, who are holding the fort,
in choosing from the available shows, if they wished
it. And if anyone in Appleby would like to revive the
players as a performing society, Keith and Andy would
be delighted.
Appleby Town Band
Enquiries about engaging the band, or becoming a player
please phone our conductor, Linda Bainbridge 0n 01931
715 395.for more information.
Big Changes for Meals on Wheels in Appleby
At the start of April a group of volunteers who had been
delivering Meals on Wheels throughout the town, set up
a community association and took over the responsibility
from the County Council. Meals will continue to be
provided by Appleby Primary School during term time
and from Ruby’s Cafe and Bistro during school holidays.
Because there is no longer a link with the County
Council we are free to accept new clients without the
go-ahead from Social Services. You can simply ring up
and order a meal…just like a take away. For one day,
one week or whenever you want. If you live in Appleby
and feel you would like to hear more about what we are
doing, ring Jenny Morgan on 017683 52210.
‘Extend’ exercise classes to music
EXTEND exercise classes to music for the over-60s and
the less able of any age
Classes held in Appleby on Tuesday mornings in
the Supper Room, Market Hall.
Fortnightly classes from May 19th until October
Session from 10.00 till 10.45 with coffee/tea afterwards
A mixture of gentle and lively seated exercises with one
optional standing exercise
Classes are £1 per session, subsidised by Age Concern
Please contact Christine Sutherland on 077860 73584
for more information, or just come along. New members are very welcome!
Age Concern Appleby The AGM of Age Concern Appleby will take place at the
Riverside Building (1st Floor), Chapel Street on Friday 8
May at 2.30pm. Members of the general public will be
very welcome to attend.
Westmorland Decorative & Fine Arts Society
On Wednesday 13th May a Lecture entitled “Faber and
Faber: 90years of excellence in Cover Design” will be
given by Mr. Tony Faber MA MBA in Appleby Market Hall.
Coffee is served from 10.15. With the lecture starting
at 11.00am. Guests are welcome for a charge of £8.00
Members free.
Appleby and District Gardeners’ Society
Annual Spring Holiday 26th May – 1st June 2015 to
Northern Ireland, based at a hotel in Antrim
Having arrived at our hotel on the first day(pick-ups in
Appleby & Penrith, we travel, on the 27th May, to the
beautiful private garden of Ballyrobert Cottage and then
on to the stunning Mount Stewart NT ranked as one of
the top ten gardens to visit in the world! The next day we
go to the fantastic Glenarm Castle Garden on the coast ,
then driving along Ireland’s most beautiful coastal road to
a garden centre for lunch and a few miles away, the iconic
Giant’s Causeway NT, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The following day we have a relaxing day in Antrim, with
Antrim Castle Gardens & Clotworthy House 5mins walk
away from the hotel if wished. On the 30th May we visit
the delightful Rowallane Garden N.T before travelling on
to Castle Ward NT on the southern tip of Strangford Loch.
The next day we visit three lovely private gardens , the
first is Buchanan’s Garden at Magherafelt, followed by
lunch at a garden centre in Ballymena, then Brocklemont
House, 500 yards away and finally to Dorothy Brown’s
garden at Ballymoney. All private gardens visited are
featured in Shirley Lanigan’s “Pocket Guide to the 100
Best Gardens in Ireland”. Following a visit to Carfunnock
Walled Garden at Larne on the last day we catch the
ferry there on the homeward journey.
Seven-day Holiday, with coach travel, both ferry crossings,
6 nights dinner, bed & breakfast for the inclusive price of
£480 with no single supplement.
Please contact Robinson’s Coaches on 017683 51424
to book, or any queries, please ring the secretary, Linda
Huddleston on 017683 51443
after many patients each year and also support their
families and carers. Anyone interested in raising funds
or volunteering please contact the Hospice at Home
office 01768 210719. Press contact: Cath Wheeler on
01768 210 719
Celebrating our Fiftieth year serving the community
(Local, Regional and International)
We have had a lot of books donated recently and, as
always, we thank all donors and purchasers.
Bridging the Gap
Free help and advice for people with hearing loss. Your
nearest drop-in venues are at: Appleby Health Centre,
Riverside Building, Chapel Street 1st Thursday each
month 1.00 pm – 3.30pm and at Kirkby Stephen, Local
Links Office, Vicarage Lane 3rd Tuesday each month
10.00am - 12noon and also at The HEAR Centre Chapel
Court, 40-44, Cecil Street, Carlisle, CA1 1NT. We can
also visit you at your home if you can’t get to us. For more
information or to request a home visit contact: Hugh
Stirling on 01228 562691
or visit our website at
RBL Women’s Section:
Please note that the WS meetings now take place
on the last Tuesday of the month at the Clubhouse in
Boroughgate, not the last Wednesday as previously. This is
because the Clubhouse is now closed on Wednesdays.
Appleby Bowling Club
The outdoor season is now underway and this year we
like to extend a warm welcome to all those who would like
to try the wonderful game of bowls to our Open Evenings
to be held every Tuesday evening throughout the season. Sessions will start at 6.30pm and usually last for about
two hours followed by tea/coffee in the Club Bower. We
would ask that you bring a pair of flat soled shoes to wear
on the green. Contact Dave Sampson on 017693 52133
for further information.
Cancer Information and Support in Eden
“Come for Coffee” drop-in sessions in the Bolton Lounge
at the Voluntary Sector, The Riverside Building (The
Health Centre) in Appleby on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of
each month for those affected by cancer (whether patients
or carers of any age). In addition to coffee and a chat, a
gentle enjoyable exercise class is available from 10.30
to 11.00 in the adjoining Pennine Suite. If you require
any further information regarding these groups please
telephone the Age UK Carlisle & Eden number 017683
54918 on a Monday morning
The Appleby & District Arthritis Research UK
If you can spare a few hours, have a great idea for a
fundraising activity and would like to help us in the fight
against arthritis, please contact Mrs Margaret Atkinson,
Group Secretary on 017683 51047. For more information
on arthritis visit
Carlisle & North Lakeland Hospice at Home
The service covers this area. The clinical team look
However, in order to create some space for newly
received stock we shall be holding A HALF-PRICE SALE
longer able to be open as often as in the past. The shop
will continue to be manned on Saturdays from 10 am to
1 pm, but on weekdays opening will be erratic. However,
the shop can sometimes be opened by appointment if
you telephone me at 52282.
The same number applies if you have any books you
would like to donate and would like to have collected.
Old Spectacles.
Thank you to all those who have donated old spectacles
for Vision Aid, those received recently have been passed
on but more will always be appreciated.
If you are interested in learning more of the aims of
Rotary and what membership entails, then please
contact any member of the club or see our website
for more details.
Thank you again for your support at our fund-raising
events and remember that ALL the funds we raise (after
any necessary and minimal expenses) go to the charities
and worthy causes we support. Unlike some charities
we do not filter off a considerable portion of income
for management fees, expensive London office space,
professional fund-raisers and the like.
Appleby Lawn Tennis Association
Potential new members are warmly invited to come
along with your racquets to Club nights on Wednesdays
and Fridays from 7 p.m. Either have a go or just watch
to check out the standard (quite mixed and great fun).
We play at Appleby Grammar School on the outdoor
courts and offer separate group coaching for adults and
children, American tournaments and social events during
the summer months.
Annual membership held yet again at last year’s rates:
Adult £30: Junior £15: Family £50: Student £20
For further information please contact Susanne on
017683 53434
Club website http:/
email [email protected]
Asby Diary
Saturday 2nd
12 noon
Wednesday 6th 7:30pm
Tuesday 12th
Thursday 14th
Thursday 14th
Wednesday 20th 8:30am
Wednesday 20th 7:30pm
Wednesday 27th 10:15am
WI Centenary Link-up
Maulds Meaburn Village Hall
Asby Fellowship
The Hollies: Pat Bevan
Asby WI Resolutions Meeting
Asby Village Hall
Eden River Café, Appleby (all welcome)
Asby Parish Council AGM
Asby Village Hall
Asby WI Outing to York
Meet Asby bus shelter
Asby Fellowship
The Hollies – Lynn Miller
Coffee Morning in aid of General Funds
St. Peter’s Church
Sponsored litter pick
The annual sponsored litter pick raised well over £300
this year, to be divided between the Dufton Community
First Responders and the upkeep of the church yard, so
thank you to our sponsors and to the 14 adults and 7
children who volunteered to help on the day.
Dufton Open Circle
13th May: evening visit to Lowther Castle Gardens.
Please let me know if you would like to join us (phone
Gillian on 51414)
Coffee Morning for Funds for 573 Friday Bus
30th May 10am to 12:30pm - details Brenda Payne,
telephone 017683.52659
Eden Valley Railway.
Services on the Eden Valley Railway started at Easter
Weekend and will run every Sunday till 20th September
plus Bank Holidays and some other days. For details see
the website at
Great Ormside
Women’s Institute
Our next meeting will be a Members’ Social Evening on
Tuesday 4th May and will be in the Village Hall
Long Marton
Long Marton Village Institute
Pottery Group
Thurs. April 14th & 28th 7.30pm . Beginners welcome.
Mums & Toddlers Group
each Tuesday at 10am. For details please contact
Rachel on 62734.
regarded as one of the major stars of the twentieth century.
Yet while she seems to epitomize the glamour and allure
of movie stardom, her striking beauty and dramatic screen
life have often overshadowed her achievements as an
This talk will explain how Dr Smith set out to remedy this
neglect by offering an in-depth study of Taylor’s work in
film. Susan Smith is the author of numerous books about
films including ‘Elizabeth Taylor’ published in 2012. Tickets
on the door: £6-00 (£4-00 for under 18s), or from Alison:
01931 715 607; [email protected]
Milburn School
Thursday mornings 9:30 to 11:30 am Friendly local Play
Group open to Parents/Grandparents with Children
New Born to 4 Years Old. Songs, Craft, Snack, Play
and much more at Milburn School, all welcome.
Milburn Sheep Fest
Monday 4th May .10.30am-4pm, In aid of Milburn Church.
Come and enjoy the bank holiday - decorated sheep boards,
children, displays
cake stall –
preserves, food,
coffees, teas,
traybakes, soup &
Free Entry - Fun For All The Family celebrating the role of
sheep in our village, past and present Film Club
The next meeting of MFC is Frday 29th May 7.30pm Mliburn
Village Hall. The film “Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day” A middle aged Governess, unfairly dismissed from her
employment.Encounters a devious opportunity which
throws her into glamorous world of an actress and singer.
April easy soduku solution
May easy soduku
April wordsearch solution
April crossword solution
May wordsearch
May Crossword
Handmade Furniture
Bespoke handmade furniture
Design and quotations free of charge
Frank Price 017683 54013
‘Therefore let us — passing judgment on one another’
(Romans 14:13) (4)
‘I — — these persons here present’ (Marriage service)
According to a prearranged timetable (Numbers 28:3)
Group of eight (5)
The cell into which the Philippian jailer put Paul and
Silas (Acts 16:24) (5)
— Taylor, pioneer missionary to China (6)
Otherwise known as the Eucharist, Breaking of Bread,
the Lord’s Table (4,9)
‘So that after I have preached to others, I — will not be
disqualified for the prize’ (1 Corinthians 9:27) (6)
Attend to (3,2)
Approximately (Acts 4:4) (5)
Tea rite (anag.) (7)
Rule of sovereign (8)
Test (anag.) (4)
The name of the street where Judas lived in Damascus
and where Saul of Tarsus stayed (Acts 9:11) (8)
‘The playing of the merry — , sweet singing in the
choir’ (5)
‘We have been saying that — — was credited to him as
righteous’ (Romans 4:9) (8,5)
Dr Martyn — Jones, famous for his ministry at
Westminster Chapel (5)
Port at which Paul landed on his way to Rome (Acts
28:13) (7)
Observe(Ruth 3:4) (4)
Minister of religion (6)
‘I am — of this man’s blood. It is your responsibility’
(Matthew 27:24) (8)
‘Greater love has no one than this, that he — — his life
for his friends’ (John 15:13) (3,4)
Archbishop who calculated that the world began in
4004BC (6)
‘No one can — the kingdom of God unless he is born of
water and the Spirit’ (John 3:5) (5)
Establish by law (5)
Product of Gilead noted for its healing properties
(Jeremiah 46:11) (4)
The bible to use for
solving the crossword is the New International Version
[email protected]
A & R Landscapes
We provide a professional, friendly and efficient
landscape gardening service. We cover all
aspects of landscaping including horticulture,
Forthcoming Sunday Carvery Lunch Events
Father’s Day Sunday 21st June 2015
stonework, design, countryside management,
ponds/lakes and garden
Bring your Dad to our beautiful Hotel and treat him to our Father's Day 3 Course Carvery Lunch.
There is a gift for all Fathers from Shap Wells Hotel.
After lunch relax in our Riverside and Fell Bar areas with all family and friends...
Adults: £16.95 per person Children: £8.95 per person & Under 3 years of age free of charge
Forthcoming Golden Years Events
Wednesdays 12 (Noon) 2 Course Lunch
24th June:
Sounds of the 50s & 60s Afternoon Cabaret with
RUBY’S RUNAWAYS at £14.95pp
28th August:
Tribute to ‘Old Blues Eyes’ Frank Sinatra with TONY
MARTIN at £13.95pp
28th October:
Tribute to Neil Diamond with SPIKE JACKSON at
NEW - Cumbrian Afternoon Tea
Served from 12 noon – 3pm Daily
Finger sandwiches, Scones,
Damson Jam, Butter & Whipped
Cream. Homemade & Locally
Produced Cakes with refills of Tea
or Coffee
***£9.95 per person***
Reserve a table by telephoning:
01931 716628 or email
[email protected]
SHAP y PENRITH y CA10 3QU y Tel: 01931 716628
Website: [email protected]
maintenance. For free quotations contact us –
Rob 07730570889 or Alan 07791648825
email: [email protected]
Residential Home
The aim of Stobars Hall is to
offer our guests maximum
independence in order that they
can lead full and varied lives,
cared for by trained staff who
provide physical, emotional
and social support every
hour of the day.
If you would like further details, or simply a chat about life at
Stobars Hall, please telephone Euan or Beryl on
017683 71291
Stobars Hall, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4HD
Window and Fascia Cleaning
Painting - Pressure Washing
Drives and Roofs
Conservatories - Guttering
No job too big or too small
contact Doug on 017683 52484 or
Mobile 07912875 957
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The Old Brewery, Doomgate,
Appleby-in-Westmorland • Cumbria CA16 6RB
telephone: 017683 54188
mobile: 07890 773 104
• Dangerous tree removal •
• Pruning • Felling • Reductions •
• Hedge Cutting • 24 Hour Call Out •
FIREWOOD & LOGS - £55 per Dumpy Bag
• Grass Cutting • Stump Grinding •
All work is completed to British Standard
BS: 3998 we are fully insured to £10m and
have over 12 years experience of
all aspects of arboricultural work.
Contact Matthew Morgan FDSc Arb
Company Registration No. 06953760
Appleby Public Hall
Mini Markets
Visit The Royal British Legion at:
Appleby Library
Low Wiend
Appleby - in - Westmoreland
CA16 6QP
Last Monday of the month.
10am -12noon.
Information, advice and guidance for
serving members of the Armed Forces,
Reservists, veterans and their families
every Friday and every other Saturday in the Public Hall,
Appleby 9am - 4pm
Home made cakes, local produce, hand made jewellery,
gifts, picture framing, bric a brac, tea & coffee
Everyone Welcome
Stalls Available at the Mini Markets
£7 per table or £6 when paid in advance
to book contact Caroline Dodgeon on 017683 51177 or
[email protected]
Everyone Welcome
Pop in, call 0 or visit
Registered charity number 219279
‘Where you and your
pet matter’
• Full Surgical Facilities
• In-house Lab, X-ray, Ultrasound
• Acupuncture Specialist
• Advice Clinics
• Good Continuity Of Care
Note our new address
Crosscroft Industrial Estate, Appleby, Cumbria, CA16 6HX
[email protected]
017683 51507
May 2015
What’s on at Centre 67
Parkin & Jackson
Monumental Sculptors
• New Memorials
• 2nd Inscriptions
• Cleaning and Repainting
• Renovations
• Memorials designed to
your specifications
Advice freely given
Tel: 01539 722838 Fax: 01539 740775
14 Appleby Road, Kendal LA9 6ES
Email: [email protected]
6 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
6 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Will Power & Grace
6.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Timebank Coffee Morning (1st Tues)
11 a.m. – 12 noon
Kickback (Taekwondo - starts 21st April)
6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Kicksister (Taekwondo - starts 21st April)
7 p.m. – 8 p.m.
6.30 – 7 p.m.
Aerobics (*TTO)
9.30 – 10.15a.m.
Pilates (TTO)
10.15 – 11 a.m.
Will Power & Grace
6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
6.15 – 7.15 p.m.
7.15 p.m.—8 p.m.
The Filling Station (2nd Thurs)
7.30 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Will Power & Grace
5.45 p.m. – 6.45 p.m.
Youth Club
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Appleby Rotary Club’s 2nd hand bookshop
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Under 18’s climbing
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Please note limited mid-week opening hours for the Rotary Club’s Second Hand Bookshop.
Please call the office Monday—Thursday (*TTO) to check when it will be open.
(TTO—Term-time only activities)
The Centre’s main hall, kitchen and meeting rooms are available to rent.
The Climbing wall is also available for group climbing sessions (ideal for schools, parties etc.).
Includes coaching, instruction, equipment and risk assessments.
Please contact us to explore how we can meet your Forest School requirements.
Tel: 017683 51640 or visit
Eden Community Outdoors, Centre 67, Chapel Street, Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria, CA16 6QR | [email protected] | Tel: 017683 51640
Registered in England | Company No: 4001951 | Charity Registration No: 1084785
David Furniss
Charles Booth
Building Contractor and
Stonework Specialist
All work carried out by
qualified tradesmen
Tel. 07967.270883 or
Home Maintenance Services
21, Margaret’s Way,
Cumbria CA16 6SA
Telephone 017683 52472
Mobile 07980 127 274
Glyn Jones
Funeral Director
A Complete, Professional, Caring, Sympathetic Service
24 Hour Service, All Areas Covered, Private Chapel of Rest
Established 1975
Painter and Decorator
12 Battlebarrow, Appleby-in-Westmorland
Tel: 017683 51569
Glyn Jones , Hugh Jones
Joiner and Glazier
Tel: 017683 51815
Mobile: 07710 55 70 45
All types of joinery work
I have more than
40 years experience
Small furniture repairs
Free estimates given
Please Phone Appleby 53533
or Mobile 07977 135395
A choice of 800 Golden Oldies
Sing along or dance to Andy’s oneman show, with quality live vocals and
professional backing tracks.
Happy memories from great songs of
the 1920s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s
in every style: pop, rock, romantic
ballads, country, blues, swing, jazz.
Quiz breaks, too, if desired. Ideal for
senior citizen parties, socials, dinners,
Call Andy Connell on
Oil boilers/cookers
serviced repaired installed
also general heating and
plumbing work undertaken
Chris on 07709022935
Acupuncture &
Appleby Travel
Looking after your travel needs and
dreams since 1987
Specialists in cruising and
tailor-made travel
16, Boroughgate
Cumbria CA16 6XB
Tel 017683-52220
ABTA No.89495
[email protected]
Pain Management,
Anxiety & Depression, Insomnia
Fertility, Women’s Health
FREE phone consultation
home visits also available
07890 197 759
Jules Burrell MBAcC
treet, Appleby, Cumbria CA16 6QH
Tel: 017683
~ Fax: 017683 52546
[email protected]
Stationery for Office & Home ~ Colour Copying & Printing
E-mail, Scan, Fax and Typing ~ Computers, Peripherals, Q
Parts and Supply ~ Internet Access available
Bingo, Tote, Cloak and Draw Tickets
Wedding Stationery ~ Rubber Stamps and Labels
art of the
Group of Companies
Tel : 017683 51646
Since 1981
All electrical work undertaken
Domestic, Commercial and Industrial
Electrical Inspection, Testing and Certification
CCTV, Alarms and Home Automation
With stunning views across Brackenber Moor to
the Howgills and Lakeland Fells Appleby Golf
Club is the perfect venue for your party or
private function.
Weddings, private parties or corporate events catered for.
The Clubhouse is open all day for meals, snacks and
drinks, non-members welcome.
Vouchers available at our Pro-shop and Clubhouse, ideal
presents for birthdays or Christmas
for further information and availability contact
Appleby Golf Club
CA16 6XN
Brackenber, Appleby 017683 51432
"Providing eye care for all the family"
Over 60’s and under 16’s receive free eye examinations.
Private & NHS patients welcome.
Please contact us for more information about our current offers
and promotions
Tel: 017683 53199
Full disabled access and free on-site parking
(please phone for more info)
Dumpy bags: Hardwood £64 Softwood £50
(Prices include Vat and FREE Delivery)
HETAS quality assured fuel
Thomas Ewbank Tel: 017683 62746
For every bag of logs we sell, we make a donation
towards the planting of trees in Cumbria
CA16 6HZ
Tel: 017683 52809 Mobile: 07724 152916
Tel: [email protected]
017683 52809 Mobile: 07724 152916
email: [email protected]
017683 62101 or 07956 140 335
Call us for a free consultation.
Samples brought to your home or business.
Now supplying and fitting custom made Wooden Shutters. [email protected]
Alnis Cinis, LCSP (Phys.)
Massage and Manual Therapist
For the treatment of muscular aches and pains, eg low
back pain, painful neck and shoulders, RSI, whiplash
and postural problems.
Treatment that provides pain relief and functional
All treatments conducted in the comfort of your own
For an appointment ring 07747459538, after 5.00 pm if
TEL: 017683 62343
MOB: 0773 900 5451
email: [email protected]
Jeybeez Knitz &
Decorating and
Joinery Work
Wool and Haberdashery
Tel: 017683 53896
8, Bridge Street Appleby
Church Services May 2015
Celebrants at CofE Communion Services are indicated as follows
Rt Rev George Hacker {+GH} Canon Anthony Clegg {AC} Rev James Clarke {JCL} Rev Philip Rushton {PWR} Rev Sarah Lunn {SL}
Rt Rev Peter Ramsden {PSR} Rev Roger Collinson {RC} Rev Roy McCullough {RM} Rev John Griffiths {JG}
TBA means ‘to be announced’
Appleby, St. Lawrence
Usual Weekday Services
Monday to Friday
8:00am Morning Prayer (Said)
5:00pm Evening Prayer (Said)
9:30am Group for Prayer in the Heart of Eden
10:00am Holy Communion (Said) Alt CW / BCP
(1st RC/8th TBA/15th PSR/22nd TBA/29th TBA)
Extra Services
Ascension Day – Thursday 14th
7:30pm Holy Communion (SL)
8:00am Holy Communion (Said) Alternates BCP/CW
(3rd SL/10th SL/17th JCL/24th RC/31st SL)
3rd The Fifth Sunday of Easter
10:30am Holy Communion (RC)
10th The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Morning Prayer (RC)
Christian Aid Service
17th The Seventh Sunday of Easter
10:30am Civic Service
24th Pentecost
10:30am Family Communion (SL)
31st Trinity Sunday
10:30am See Murton
The Methodist Church
The Sands, Appleby
3rd 10.30am Rev Roy Fellowes
Connexion Service Brough
10th 10.30am Mr David Askew
No evening Service
17th 10.30am Rev Tony Taylor (Chapel Anniversary)
Bring & Share Lunch
No evening Service
24th 10.30am
Rev Mike Harrison (Holy Communion)
No evening Service
31st 10.30am
Mr Douglas Birkbeck
No evening Service
The Methodist Church
Dufton with Knock
D&A Swinbank (Youth Service)
Connexion Service Brough
B. Staley
W. Riley
The Methodist Church
Great Asby
Connexion Service Brough
US (Chapel Anniversary)
W. Ousby
At Baptist
A. Collinson
3rd 1:45pm
Methodist Service
Dufton, St. Cuthbert
Evening Prayer
Joint Holy Communion with Long Marton and Milburn(PSR)
Joint Holy Communion with Long Marton and Milburn(TBA)
Fellside Concert
Great Asby, St. Peter
6:30pm Holy Communion (PWR)
Asby United Service at Methodists
6:30pm Evening Prayer
24th 11:00am
Morning Prayer
31st 10:30am
Joint Morning Prayer with Ormside
Kirkby Thore, St. Michael
17th 10:30am
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion (PWR)
31st 11:00am
see Newbiggin
Long Marton, St Margaret & St. James
Each Wednesday
Holy Communion
(6th SL / 13th TBA / 20th SL / 27th TBA)
Holy Communion (PSR)
Holy Communion (SL)
17th 10:30am
See Dufton
Holy Communion (RM)
31st 10:30am
See Dufton
Milburn, St. Cuthbert
Holy Communion (SL)
Songs of Praise
Holy Communion (PSR)
See Dufton
Holy Communion (TBA)
31st 6:30pm
Murton-cum-Hilton, St. John
Holy Communion (RC)
Evening Prayer
Holy Communion (SL)
Informal Worship
31st 10:30am
Joint Holy Communion with Appleby (SL)
Newbiggin, St. Edmund
3rd 11:00am
Holy Communion (AC)
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion BCP (RC)
31st 11:00am
Joint Holy Communion with Kirkby Thore and Temple Sowerby
Ormside, St. James
Patronal Service
Holy Communion (RM)
Informal Worship
Holy Communion (SL)
31st 10:30am
See Asby
Temple Sowerby, St. James
10th 10:30am
Holy Communion (SL)
31st 11:00am
see Newbiggin
3rd 17th 31st 3:00pm
Church of Our Lady of Appleby
Saturday – Vigil Mass 6:00pm
Sunday 11:00am
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri (during winter in Presbytery)
Holy Days 7:00pm
Kirkby Stephen (in Anglican church)
Sunday 9:00am
Thursday 10:00am
Holy Days10:00am