Wisconsin lndianhead Technical College Board Proceedings October 21, 2013 The regular meeting of the Wisconsin Indian head Technical College Board was held on Monday, October 21, 2013, at 8:30a.m., at the WITC-Ashland Campus, located at 2100 Beaser Avenue, Ashland, WI 54806. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL/DETERMINATION OF QUORUM Chairperson, Morrie Veilleux, called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. with the following Board members present: James Beistle, Aimee Curtis, Chris Fitzgerald, Brett Gerber, David Minor, Jean Serum, and Morrie Veilleux. Lori Laberee and Eileen Yeakley joined the meeting via telephone conference. The following WITC employees were in attendance during the meeting: Steve Bitzer, Steve Decker, Ellen Riely Hauser, Bob Meyer, Kim Olson, and Cher Vink. Richard Senkler of R. W. Michaels, Inc. joined a portion of the meeting by telephone conference, and Representative Janet Bewley was also present during a portion of this meeting. Chair Veilleux welcomed new Board member Brett Gerber and introductions were made by all in attendance. OPEN MEETING Kim Olson, Executive Assistant to the President and Board, read the following open-meeting statement: "The October 21, 2013, meeting of the Wisconsin Indian head Technical College Board, and all other meetings of this Board, are open to the public and in compliance with state statutes. Notice of the meeting was sent to the press on October 18, 2013, in an attempt to make the general public of Wisconsin aware of the time, place, and agenda of the meeting." APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Veilleux reserved the right to modify the order of the agenda to accommodate persons making presentations, live or via technology. An amended agenda that had been properly noticed with the newspaper of record was provided prior to the meeting. Chair Veilleux noted that there were some additional Budget Consideration items (l.B., 1.C., l.D., and 3.C.) as well as one Consent Agenda addendum item (l.C.) added to the agenda. Dave Minor moved, seconded by Aimee Curtis, to approve the amended agenda. Upon a unanimous vote of all members present, motion carried. AUDIENCE RECOGNITION ANNOUNCEMENT Time was reserved for Chair Veilleux to recognize people in the audience if needed. The Audience Recognition Board policy (II.M.) was included in the Board book as a reference. CAMPUS WELCOME Time was reserved for Steve Bitzer, Vice President, Student Affairs and Ashland Campus Administrator, to welcome the Board and give a brief campus update. Mr. Bitzer noted that the northeast part of the building had been remodeled and he offered a tour of the campus. He also mentioned that the Ashland Campus is the hub of the online programs in which 192 students applied for online programs and 140 students were admitted. BOARD ORGANIZATION 1. Oath of Office: Brett Gerber The Oath of Office was administered by Chair Veilleux to new Board member Brett Gerber by having him read the Oath of Office statement at the meeting. The Oath of Office statement was signed and will be notarized and filed with the District Board Secretary. WITC Board Proceedings October 21, 2013 2. Welcome and Introduction of New Board Member Brett Gerber Time was reserved to welcome and introduce WITC's newest Board member Brett Gerber. Mr. Gerber provided some background about himself for the Board and administration. 3. Request for Final Appointment to the District Boards Association Positions -Standing Committees In july, the District Boards Association requested that all districts review and assign their members to the association's standing committees. A packet was provided that included a description of each committee and a list of WITC committee representatives. Mr. Gerber agreed to serve on the Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures Committee. The 20 73-20 74 Technical College Representative list was also provided and will be revised and e-mailed by Ms. Olson to the District Boards Association Office following this meeting. Ms. Olson will work with Mr. Gerber on the District Boards Association meetings listed on the Board's Events Calendar in the Board book. EXECUTIVE SESSION Chairperson, Morrie Veilleux, requested a motion for the Board to adjourn into executive session under the provisions of Wisconsin Statutes § 1 9.85(1 )(c)( e)( f) for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation, and performance evaluations. James Beistle moved, seconded by Jean Serum, to go into executive session in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes § 19.85(1 )(c)(e)(f) for the purpose noted in the preceding paragraph. Chair Veilleux announced the motion. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0). Chairperson, Morrie Veilleux, called the executive session to order at 8:49 a.m. with the following Board members present: James Beistle, Aimee Curtis, Chris Fitzgerald, Brett Gerber, David Minor, Jean Serum, and Morrie Veilleux. Lori Laberee and Eileen Yeakley were present via a telephone conference. The following WITC employees were in attendance during executive session: Steve Decker, Bob Meyer, Kim Olson, and Cher Vink. Richard Senkler of R. W. Michaels, Inc. was also present via a telephone conference during a portion of executive session. Approval of the September 16. 2013. Executive Meeting Minutes Dave Minor moved, seconded by Aimee Curtis, to approve the executive meeting minutes as printed. Upon a unanimous vote of all members, motion carried. James Beistle moved, seconded by Chris Fitzgerald, to adjourn the Executive Session and convene back into the regular Board meeting. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0) and the executive session adjourned at 9:52 a.m. OPEN SESSION RECONVENED The Board Chair recessed the meeting at 9:52a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 70 a.m. MEETING MINUTES 1. Approval of the September 16. 2013. Regular Meeting Minutes James Beistle moved, seconded by Jean Serum, to approve the September 16, 2013, regular meeting minutes as printed. Upon a unanimous vote of all members, motion carried. Note: The signed list of contracts and resolutions from the September meeting were attached to the official minutes. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION 1. Budget Modifications A summary of the following budget modifications, which will be publicly noticed within 10 days following Board approval per Wisconsin Statute §65.90 (5), were included for the Board's approval. A two-thirds majority of the full Board was required to approve these budget modifications. WITC Board Proceedings 2 October 21, 2013 A. General Fund: Mr. Decker recommended increasing the General Institutional function and decreasing the Instruction function by $525,000. The adjustment reflected reallocation of budget dollars for actual functional expenditures. A legal notice for the General Fund was provided. Jean Serum moved, seconded by James Beistle, to approve the General Fund recommendations as presented. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0). B. Special Revenue Fund - Operating: Mr. Decker recommended increasing the Instruction function by $116,000 and decreasing the General Institutional function by $5 5,000. It was also recommended that the revenue budget be increased by $61 ,000 in the Institutional revenue function. This adjustment reflected additional activity within contracting agreements. A legal notice for the Special Revenue Fund - Operating was provided. Chris Fitzgerald moved, seconded by Dave Minor, to approve the Special Revenue Fund Operating recommendations as presented. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0). C. Capital Projects Fund: Mr. Decker recommended increasing the General Institutional function by $1 20,000 and the Physical Plant function by $1 30,000, and decreasing the Instruction function by $250,000. This adjustment reflected reallocation of budget dollars for actual functional expenditures. A legal notice for the Capital Projects Fund was provided. Dave Minor moved, seconded by Chris Fitzgerald, to approve the Capital Projects Fund recommendations as presented. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0). D. Enterprise Fund: Mr. Decker recommended increasing the Institutional revenue function and the Auxiliary Services expenditure functions by $45,000. This adjustment reflected reallocation of budget dollars for actual functional revenues and expenditures. A legal notice for the Enterprise Fund was provided. Jean Serum moved, seconded by Dave Minor, to approve the Enterprise Fund recommendations as presented. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0). 2. 2013-2014 Position Summary Modification Mr. Decker recommended approval of the revised position summary modification with the addition of two management positions. He noted the total headcount should not increase as other positions are currently open due to resignations and medical leaves and there is not expected to be a negative budget impact. The 2013-2014 Position Summary was previously approved as part of the 2013-2014 budget at the june 2013 Board meeting. The revised summary was provided for the Board's review and approval. Aimee Curtis moved, seconded by Brett Gerber, to approve the 2013-2014 Position Summary Modification as presented. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0). 3. 2013-2014 Tax Levy Mr. Decker presented the tax levy and recommended approval of Resolution 14-05. Supplemental schedules were included under a cover letter from Steve Decker. It was noted that adopting a tax levy different from the budgeted amount required a 2/3 vote of the full Board and will be publicly noticed within 70 days following Board approval per Wisconsin Statute §65.90(5). A. Financial Forecast Model Update Mr. Decker, Vice President, Finance and Business Services, presented an initial forecast of WITC's financial position for 2013-14 through 2018-19. This forecast model highlighted the impact of tax levy changes for the College. WITC Board Proceedings 3 October 21, 2013 B. Approval of Resolution 14-05, District Tax Levy for 2013-2014 Per Wisconsin Statute §65.90, Board approval was requested for Resolution 14-05, District Tax Levy for 2013-2014 (see attached). Chris Fitzgerald moved, seconded by Dave Minor, to approve Resolution 14-05, District Tax Levy for 2013-2014 as presented. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0). C. Tax Levy Budget Modification - General Fund A summary of the following budget modification, which will be publicly noticed within 10 days following Board approval per Wisconsin Statute 65.90(5), was provided for the Board's approval. A two-thirds majority of the full Board was required to approve this budget modification. General Fund: Mr. Decker recommended increasing the Local Government revenue function and decreasing the Program Fees revenue function by $138,023. This adjustment reflected the levy adopted for 201 3-2014. James Beistle moved, seconded by Jean Serum, to approve the Tax Levy Budget Modification General Fund recommendations as presented. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0). Dave Minor movect seconded by Brett Gerber, to receive the Budget Projection Report as it related to the interpretation of the ENDS statement for the PresidentJs annual evaluation. CONSENT AGENDA A personnel addendum was provided at the Board meeting and item 1.C. was added. Chairperson Veilleux asked if there were any items to be pulled off the consent agenda and acted on separately. Dave Minor moved, seconded by Aimee Curtis, to remove item 1.B. from the Consent Agenda to be acted on separately. Upon a unanimous vote of all members, motion carried. James Beistle moved, seconded by Brett Gerber, to approve the consent agenda and addendum, excluding item 1.B. Upon a roll-call vote, all members voted yes; motion carried (9-0). Jean Serum moved, seconded by Aimee Curtis, to approve item 1.B. Upon a roll-call vote, eight members voted yes, Dave Minor voted no; motion carried (8-1 ). Board members expressed their appreciation and best wishes to Mr. Decker. 1. Personnel: A. Resignation: Kelly Brown, Distance Learning Network Technician, Rice Lake; Office and Technical Support; effective October 22, 2013. B. Resignation: Steven Decker, Vice President, Finance & Business Services, Shell Lake; Manager, effective November 1, 2013. C. Resignation: Kathy Riemer, College Health Nurse, Rice Lake Campus; Faculty; effective December 3, 2013. Note: Administration requested waiving the six-month notification requirement for this individual. President Meyer noted that there were at total of 54.5 years of service from the staff who have resigned. The Board expressed their appreciation for this service to the College. 2. Contracts The listing of contracts was approved (see attached list). 3. Financial/Cash Position Report The College's Financial and Cash Position Report, as of September 30, 2013, was approved. WITC Board Proceedings 4 October 21, 2013 4. Approval of Bills Expenditures and revenue from the budget, covering check numbers 142674 through 143576 and electronic transfer payments totaling $11,740,658 were approved. 5. Bids/Purchases A. Remodeling Change Order- Ashland: The Board approved Change Order G-07 by SDS Architects in the total deduction amount of $2,699 for Project #1224 at the Ashland Campus. This change order included removing concrete apron, relocating piping for air change, and providing high security lock cylinders on 2 doors. A financial summary was provided for the Board's review. B. Remodeling Change Orders - Rice Lake: The Board approved Change Orders P-0 1 & P-02 SDS Architects in the total deduction amount of $6,828 for Project #1308 at the Rice Lake Campus. These change orders included revising neutralization basins and control work for the Rice Lake Science Lab remodel. A financial summary was provided for the Board's review. C. Career Impact Magazine Printing - Collegewide: The Board approved accepting the low bid received for bid number CIFALL 13 from Johnson Litho Graphics of Eau Claire, WI, in the amount of $28,940. The bid represents the cost of printing 277,000 Career Impact magazines to potential WITC customers. D. Classroom Task Chairs and Desk Chair- Ashland and Superior: The Board approved the purchase of a 6 classroom task chairs and 1 desk chair in the total amount of $6,350 from Systems Furniture of DePere, WI, under UW contracts 13.5665/15.422500.60. The chairs were over the original budgeted amount. The classroom chairs are for General Studies at the Ashland Campus and the desk chair is for administration at the Superior Campus. E. Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) Cutting Table -Superior: The Board approved the purchase of a CNC cutting table in the total amount of $46,850 from C & G of Lake Zurich, IL, under Bid #1751-422-RL-2. The table was over the original budgeted amount. The equipment is for the Welding Program at the Superior Campus. F. Defibrillator Unit- New Richmond: The Board approved the purchase of a defibrillator unit in the total amount of $1 ,699 from Grainger of Wauwatosa, WI, under contract #E&I CNRO 1248. The purchase was over the original budgeted amount. The equipment is for the teacher area at the New Richmond Campus. OTHER ITEMS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION 1. Announcements and /or Action from Executive Session Time was reserved for the Board Chair to provide an announcement about the closed session, if appropriate. The Board Chair announced that the Board had a discussion about the health care plan and personnel matters; however, no action was taken in executive session. 2. Procurement Annual Review In accordance with Wisconsin Administrative Code TCS 6.05(2)(h), the College is to provide an annual procurement review to the Board to determine if a more competitive procurement process should be used in subsequent years. Mr. Decker recommended approval of the current procurement process. Included was the 2012-2013 annual procurement list of vendors paid $25,000 or more by VISA card and/or by accounts payable check. These amounts included purchases that were approved by the Board. WITC Board Proceedings 5 October 21, 2013 Range of Bids State Administrative Rule Procurement - ICS 6.05(2)(h) $0 - 10,000 $10,000- $25,000 $25,000- $50,000 Over $50,000 Requires quotations Requires sealed bids; submitted to the Board for approval to procurement WITC Polity Purchasing Policy (D-550) May purchase with a purchasing card (College VISA) Requires quotations Requires quotations Requires sealed bids; submitted to the Board for approval prior to procurement Administration has established controls in the use of purchasing cards and has made every effort to review purchases to ensure compliance with state procurement requirements. In addition, WITC has been proactive in attempting to minimize processing work by extensively using purchasing cards, which has dramatically reduced the number of purchase orders and accounts payable checks issued by the College. James Beistle moved, seconded by Brett Gerber, to approve the current procurement process as presented. Upon a unanimous of all members; motion carried. 3. Approval of Updated Bank Depositories Listing A revised bank depository listing was provided for the Board's review and approval. The changes to the list that was brought to the Board in June are that the Anchor Bank in New Richmond changed its name to the Royal Credit Union of New Richmond, and the Wisconsin Investment Series Cooperative (WISC) and U.S. Bank, both of Milwaukee, were added to the list. Chris Fitzgerald moved, seconded by Aimee Curtis, to approve revised WITC Public Depository Listing as presented. Upon a roll-call vote, 8 members voted yes and Mr. Gerber abstained; motion carried. INFORMATION REPORT 1. Annual Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) Report Ellen Riely Hauser, Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness, presented the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) Report for the Board. The report highlighted the past year's AQIP activities including the Strategy Forum, AQIP Action Projects, and the upcoming Quality Checkup Visit. A PowerPoint presentation and a revised AQIP Quality Checkup Visit scheduled were provided. There were several links within the PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Riely Hauser noted that reaffirmation won't be received until next year. jean Serum moved, seconded by Dave Mino0 to receive the Annual Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) Report as it related to the interpretation of the ENDS statement for the President's annual evaluation. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION 1. Meeting Information Sharing Time was reserved for Board members to report on any meetings they have attended. A. 2013 ACCT Leadership Congress Update President Meyer announced that Kim Olson, Executive Assistant to the President and Board, was nominated by the Board for the 201 3 ACCT Professional Board Staff award. Kim was selected for the Central Region award that was presented to her at the ACCT awards luncheon on October 4, in Seattle, WA. At the ACCT awards gala on October 4, Kim was selected for the 2013 ACCT Professional Board Staff Member of the Year Award. President Meyer circulated the 2013 ACCT awards brochure and the Fall 2013 Trustee Quarterly magazine at the meeting. Photos were shared. WITC Board Proceedings 6 October 21, 2013 Morrie Veilleux, Lori Laberee, James Beistle, Eileen Yeakley, and Bob Meyer presented "Meeting the Local Workforce Needs through Strategic Partnerships" on Friday, October 4, 2013, at the ACCT Leadership Congress. There were approximately 80 people in attendance for this presentation. A copy of the final WITC ACCT presentation was included in the Board book. Photos were shared. Time was reserved for Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Leadership Congress attendees to report out on the conference and sessions they attended. This item was tabled and will be brought back to the November Board meeting. 2. Travel Sign Up A. Board Events Schedule Time was reserved for the Board to update administration on their plans for upcoming Board events. A copy of the Board Events Schedule was routed during the meeting for Board members to update by recording their plans to attend (or not attend) the meetings and events listed on the form; or, to contact the Executive Assistant as soon as plans are confirmed. Chair Veilleux requested that the Board report any changes on the Board Events Schedule to Ms. Olson. Links to the District Boards Association Fall meeting and the National Legislative Summit information were provided in the Board book. 3. Monitoring Schedule Review and Updates A. Monitoring Schedule Time was reserved to review and update the Board Monitoring Schedule as needed. There were minor updates to reflect when the New Board Member Orientation would take place. Ms. Olson noted that the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Survey Results report and the District Boards Association report are scheduled in November. B. Board Member Orientation Update The Board Member Orientation is scheduled to follow the November 18, 2013, Board meeting in Shell Lake. Board Chair Veilleux asked President Meyer to let him know if he is needed to help with the orientation. President Meyer noted that in the past Ms. Laberee and Mr. Beistle helped with the Board orientation. Ms. Olson will prepare the electronic orientation materials using the same format that was used at the last orientation. C. Board Forward Meeting Planning The Board Forward meeting is tentatively scheduled to take place on Monday, December 16, 2013, following the regular Board meeting at WITC-Rice Lake. Time was reserved for the Board to discuss agenda topics and whether or not a facilitator is needed for this meeting. Last year's Board Forward agenda was provided. Bosch Apprenticeship, the Baldwin-Woodville partnership, better high school connections (with the use of grant dollars), and the Manufacturer's Revealed event were mentioned as topics of interest; however, Chair Veilleux asked President Meyer to check into those topics to see if it would be possible to gather more information for discussion at the November or December regular Board meetings, pending other regularly scheduled agenda items. 4. President's Updates: Time was reserved for the President to provide an update on the following items: A. WITC Washington Monthly 4th Ranking A letter of support from Representative Smith was shared with the Board in reference to the Washington Monthly 4th Ranking of WITC. Articles on the 4th Ranking from the Spooner Advocate and Positively Superiorwere also shared and circulated. The new WITC 4th Ranking brochure was distributed to Board members. WITC Board Proceedings 7 October 21, 2013 B. WITC Bankrate.com Ranking Update President Meyer provided an update on a recent article about WITC being 18th in the "25 top 2-year Public Colleges in the U.S." for affordability. The article and following link to the article were provided: http: I /www.bankrate.com /finance I college-finance/top-2-year-public-collegesus.aspx?ic id=top community colleges us. C. WITC Strategic Planning Forums Update WITC Strategic Planning forums were held in Shell Lake on September 30, 2013, with Jean Serum in attendance. Superior forums took place on October 10, 2013, with Dave Minor in attendance; and the New Richmond forums were conducted on October 1 7, 2013, with Morrie Veilleux and James Beistle in attendance. Information from the forums is being collected. D. County Board Meetings Update President Meyer attended the Douglas County Board meeting on September 19, 2013. The Polk County Board meeting is scheduled on December 1 7, 2013, beginning at 6 p.m., at the Government Center in Balsam Lake, WI. E. 2012-2013 High School Relations Report Update A copy of the 2012-2013 High School Relations Report was distributed to Board members at the meeting. The following link to the report was also provided: http: //www.witc.edu /counselorscontent/pdfs /HSRR 1 3.pdf. F. WITC Funding Editorial Update A copy of an article from the Rice Lake Chronotype was provided for the Board's information. President Meyer reviewed the bill that was proposed in the fall to change the funding oversight of the state's technical college system and remove the district boards' authority under the proposed bill. G. WTCS 2012 Graduate Follow-Up Report Update A copy of the WTCS 2012 Graduate Follow-Up Report was distributed to Board members at the meeting. The following link to the report was also provided: http: //www.wtcsystem.edu I reports I data/graduate/ index.htm. H. Wisconsin Fast Forward Grant Update President Meyer provided an update on the Wisconsin Fast Forward Grant at the meeting. A copy of a PowerPoint presentation from Scott Jansen, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, was provided in the Board book. I. Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant Program Update President Meyer provided an update on the TAACCCT grant at the meeting. Two documents were provided for the Board's information. J. October 1 5, 2013 All-Staff lnservice Update The inservice PowerPoint (with agenda) was shared with the Board. The inservice included a keynote presentation by Dr. Brian Van Brunt, an AQIP Quality Checkup Visit Update, Launching the College Culture Action Project, and a variety of breakout sessions. The inservice ended with a presentation by Jenny Bannink, 2013 Machine Tooling Technics graduate. Staff were also recognized for their years of service, with two employees serving 35 years and one employee serving 40 years. K. Superior's Manufacturers Revealed Event Time was reserved for an update on the Superior Manufacturing event that was co-hosted by WITC and the Superior Chamber of Commerce at the WITC-Superior Campus on October 2, 2013. Dave Minor was present at this event and shared a video with the Board. Follow-up plans are being made to update manufacturing coloring books with the actual names of businesses (permission WITC Board Proceedings 8 October 21, 2013 was already given by Dan Conroy) and to make them available to every elementary student in Douglas County. A tool kit will be created for Douglas County Counselors. The next step is to work with the high schools to launch the Youth Apprenticeship program. Over the next 10 years, the goal is to raise participation in the apprenticeship program to 100 students per year. October will be "Manufacturing Month" and Mr. Minor would like to see this day in October replicated at the other three WITC campuses. President Meyer will talk to the President's Cabinet about this event. It was suggested that this might be a topic for further discussion at the November or December Board meetings. L. Board Member Status Update Time was reserved to update the Board on the status of a Board member. Ms. Curtis accepted a new position with a Minnesota employer; however, because she will continue to live in Douglas County she could continue to serve on the WITC Board to the end of her full term in 201 5. Ms. Curtis clarified that she is able to serve on the WITC Board until june 30, 2014, ending her term on the Board one year earlier than scheduled. 5. Legislative Updates A. President Meyer Legislative Update Time was reserved for President Meyer to provide a legislative update; however, the items he wanted to address were discussed earlier in the meeting. B. Representative Janet Bewley Update Time was reserved for Representative Janet Bewley to provide a legislative update for the Board. She provided information on Assembly Bill 177, which could change the authority of the district boards. 6. Capital Equipment Purchases A. Computers - New Richmond and Superior: A purchase was made of 24 computers in the total amount of $1 8, 754 from Paragon Development Systems of Oconomowoc, WI, under contract #1 520453-106. The computers are replacements for computers at the New Richmond and Superior Campuses. B. Design Services -Ashland: A purchase was made design services in the total amount of $1 ,400 from Systems Furniture of De Pere, WI, under contract #E&I CNR01248. The design services are for the Learning Resource Center and Library redesign at the Ashland Campus. C. GTAW /SMAW Welding Systems -Ashland and Rice Lake: A purchase was made of 3 welding systems in the total amount of $44,143 from Toll Gass and Welding Supply of Plymouth, MN, under Bid #1 742-422-RL-1. The equipment is for the Welding Programs at the Ashland and Rice Lake Campuses. D. Monitors- Ashland: A purchase was made of IPV monitors in the total amount of $4,178 from AT & T of Syracuse, NY, under contract #11-84086-70 1. The equipment is for classrooms at the Ashland Campus. E. Networking Equipment - New Richmond and Rice Lake: A purchase was made of networking equipment in the total amount of $69,123 from AT & T of Syracuse, NY, under contract #1184086-701 and $715 from COW-Government of Vernon Hills, IL under contract #NJPA 11309CDW. The equipment is for the Architectural Commercial Design program expansion at the New Richmond and Rice Lake Campuses. F. Surface Grinder- New Richmond: A purchase was made of a surface grinder in the total amount of $30,790 from Productivity, Inc. of Plymouth, MN. The grinder is for the Machine Tooling Technics program at the New Richmond Campus. WITC Board Proceedings 9 October 21, 2013 G. Tables and Chairs -Ashland: A purchase was made of 9 tables and 29 chairs in the total amount of$ $9,583 from Systems Furniture of De Pere, WI, under the UW Contracts 13.5665/15.422500.601. This equipment will be utilized in several classrooms at the Ashland Campus. H. Tables and Chairs - Rice Lake: A purchase was made of 2 tables and 2 chairs in the total amount of $1 ,214 from Spectrum Industries of Chippewa Falls, WI, under the UW Contract #13-5665. This equipment will be utilized in the Early Childhood program at the Rice Lake Campus. I. Ultrasonic Parts Cleaner -New Richmond: A purchase was made of an ultrasonic parts cleaner in the total amount of $2,702 from Grainger of Wauwatosa, WI, under contract #E&I CNR01248. The equipment is for the Motorcycle, Marine and Outdoor Power Products Technician (MMOPPT) Program at the New Richmond Campus. ESTABLISH BOARD AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS 1. Review Meeting Dates. Locations. and Start Times Time was reserved for the Board to confirm their plans for the regular meeting scheduled on Monday, November 18, 2013, beginning 8:30a.m., at the WITC-Administrative Office in Shell Lake. The Board meeting schedule was provided for the Board's information. 2. Review /Add Agenda Items Time was reserved for the Board to add or review agenda items for the next Board meeting. Board agenda items for the meeting on Monday, November 18, 2013, were previously noted as listed on the Board's Monitoring Schedule. Additional agenda items for this meeting were also previously discussed. President Meyer will see if it is possible to schedule items on the November 1 8 Board agenda, or plan to discuss them at the December 16 Board meeting. Note: Board members who wish to add additional items to next month's Board agenda may do so by contacting the Board Chair before Thursday, October 31, 2013. This request does not obligate the Board Chairperson to include the item on the agenda. The Board Chair will notify administration of agenda items before the Board book is prepared and copied. DELTA.!). + Dave Minor's "Superior" presentation and A None suggestions + Welcome to Brett Gerber Dave Minor moved, seconded by James Beistle, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lorraine Laberee Board Secretary ko Note: A Board luncheon followed the Board meeting,· however, no action was taken. WITC Board Proceedings 10 October 21, 2013 Exhibit 2 Page 1 of 4 10/8/2013 12:23:33 PM Wisconsin lndianhead Technical College Contract Estimated Full Cost Report Fiscal Year: 2014 The Board is requested to ratify the President's action in entering into a contractual arrangement with the fol!owing agencies: State Designated Indirect Cost Factors: On Campus= 43.3% Off Campus= 36.45% * --------------------------- ESTIMATED --------------------------- * Contract Number 223 Service Recipient Location On/ Off Meyers Electric Service Meyers Electric, Rice Lake Off Contract Revenue 204.00 Est. Salary/ Fringe Cost + 75.00 Difference Indirect 28.00 = Full Cost 103.00 +I102.00 Todd A. Larson to give two hours of guidance in the development of a safety training plan for Meyers Electric. 224 Superior Lidgerwood Mundy, Corporation 225 Community Bank of Northern Wisconsin Superior Lidgerwood Mundy, Corp Off 1,336.00 859.00 277.00 1,136.00 201.00 48.00 224.00 37.00 WITC Instructor, John Palmer, to assist in weld test for 3 welding procedures. Elk's Club, Rice Lake Off 260.00 176.00 Employees of Community Bank of Northern Wisconsin will receive a one-hour presentation on customer service skills and "upselling" techniques. 226 Bosch Packaging Services, Inc. WITC New Richmond Campus Conference Center On 1,343.00 635.00 163.00 798.00 546.00 Instructor, Bob Brown, will give two, two-hour presentations on technical writing skills for employees of Bosch Packaging Services, Inc. Presentations will be given on Thursday, October 24 and Thursday, November 7 from 8:30a.m.- 10:30 a.m. 227 Great Northern Sand Mine Citizen's Telephone, New Auburn Off 1,779.00 720.00 219.00 939.00 840.00 Employees of Great Northern Sand Mine will receive eight hours of MSHA Refresher training. Two sessions given, June 10, 2013 and June 12, 2013. 355* Workforce Resource Workforce Resource Outreach Center, Osceola Off 7,064.00 5,886.00 1,949.00 7,835.00 (772.00) Page 2 of 4 Participants of Workforce Resource will receive 48 hours of instruction in Mathematics. Any changes to this contract will affect the price of training. 361 Wisconsin Job Service WITC Superior Conference Center On 478.00 478.00 Participants in the Labor Law Clinic will receive updates from Department of Workforce Development. This is an EXCHANGE OF SERVICES CONTRACT. 362 FG Products FG Products, Rice Lake Off 242.00 127.00 36.00 163.00 79.00 Employees of FG Products to receive one hour of Harassment Prevention training. Revisions to original contract may alter the cost of the contract. 363 First Lutheran Church First Lutheran Church- New Off Richmond 214.00 171.00 37.00 208.00 6.00 Provide a course to the First Lutheran Church for safe food handling. 364 Butternut High School Butternut High School Off 1,986.00 1,986.00 Transcripted credit courses offered to 3 students at Butternut High School: 10501101 Medical Terminology- 3 credits and 10510135 Anatomy & Physiology & Disease Concepts for 2 credits. 365 LCO Face LCO Off 512.00 386.00 124.00 510.00 3.00 Provide Heartsaver 1st aid/Adult/Child & Infant CPR & AED to the parents of the FACE program of LCO. 366 Grantsburg School District Grantsburg High School Off 9,646.00 9,646.00 Transcripted credit course offered at Grantsburg High School to 26 students. 3 credit 10114125 Personal Finance. 367 Superior Silica Sands Clinton Town Hall Off 1,422.00 365.00 475.00 948.00 142.00 979.00 399.00 36.00 133.00 (16.00) 110.00 Employees of Superior Silica Sands will participate in eight hours of MSHA Refresher training. 368 Burkwood Treatment Center Burkwood Treatment Center, Hudson Off 1,377.00 838.00 Employees of Burkwood Treatment Center will receive CBRF Fire Safety class. 369 Town of Superior Fire Department Town of Superior Off 117.00 97.00 Volunteer Fire Department personnel will receive instruction in Glucometer training. Page 3 of 4 370 Red Cliff Early Childhood L d W C . egen ary aters asmo C t en er Off 904.00 732.00 246.00 978.00 (74.00) Off 14,402.00 5,210.00 1,899.00 7,109.00 7,294.00 - 3,012.00 Pediatric Medic First Aid Renewal 371 St. Luke's Hospital WITC Superior Employees of St. Lukes Hospital will receive anatomy instruction in an online format. 372 Rice Lake School District Rice Lake High School Off 3,012.00 - Transcripted credit course offered to 12 students at RLHS. 2 credit, 10150139 IT Essentials. 373 Toboggan Run Dental Toboggan Run Dental- Rice Lake Off 620.00 324.00 97.00 421.00 200.00 Off 1,779.00 720.00 219.00 939.00 840.00 Provide CPR for Healthcare recert to employees. 374 Great Northern Sand Mine Citizen's Telephone, New Auburn Employees of Great Northern Sand Mine will receive eight hours of MSHA Refresher training. Two sessions given, 6/10/13 and 6/12/13. 375 Hudson School District Hudson High School Off 8,702.00 8,702.00 Transcripted credit courses offered in the Tech Ed area: 8 students in 1 cr. 32420321 Print Reading Machine Trades; 8 students in 1cr. 32420338 CAD Basics; 14 students in 2 cr. 32442307 Welding for Mechanics; 6 students in 2 cr. 32420306 Machine Shop Theory 1. 376 Solon Springs School District Solon Springs High School Off 1,254.00 1,254.00 Transcripted credit classes offered at Solon Springs HS. 2 students in 2 cr. 10101176 Financial Accounting 1A; 2 students in 2cr. 10101177 Financial Accounting 1B; 2 students in 1 cr. 10103151 MS Excel A. 377 Family Forum Head Start-Brule Family Forum Brule Off 323.00 269.00 98.00 367.00 (45.00) Employees of Family Forum will receive AHA HeartSaver CPR & AED instruction. Students will receive documentaion upon successful completion. 378 St. Croix Central High School St. Croix Central High School Off 12,709.00 12,709.00 Page 4 of 4 Transcripted credit instruction at St. Croix Central HS. 17 students in 2 cr. 10106110 Document Formatting and 1 cr. 10103146 MS Word A. 12 students in 4 cr. 10101101 Fin Acctg 1; 1 student in 1 cr. 10103129 Intra to MS Office and 1 cr. 10103151 MS Excel A 379 Cumberland School District Cumberland High School Off 8,533.00 8,533.00 8,311.00 8,311.00 Transcripted credit course offered at Cumberland HS. 380 Mellen High School Mellen High School Off Transcripted Credit courses at Mellen High School. 6 students in 3 cr. 10501101 Medical Terminology; 11 students in 3 cr. 10114125 Personal Finance; 4 students in 2 cr. 10101176 Fin Acctg lA and 4 students in 2 cr. 10101177 Fin Acctg lB. ~~~A_fl;J -r- - . --/ - ~ *** End Of Report*** * indicates an amended contract Board Secretary / 10-21-B ~ Date Exhibit 3.B. RESOLUTION NO. 14-05 RESOLUTION LEVYING DISTRICT TAX FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-14 WHEREAS, the district board of this district, pursuant to §65.90, Wis. Stats., has heretofore formulated a budget and adopted a budget as required by said section; WHEREAS, said budget requires a tax levy in the sum of $31,572,342 for the purpose of district operations for the fiscal year 2014 and whereas said tax does not exceed 1. 5 mills on the full value of the taxable property of the district; WHEREAS, additional taxes in the aggregate sum of $6,218,73 7 has heretofore been levied and is necessary for the purpose of paying principle and interest on valid bonds or notes heretofore issued pursuant to Chapter 67, Wis. Stats., and now outstanding and whereas it is the practice of this board to confirm such previous levies for bond or note payments by including such previous levies each year as a part of the total levy; WHEREAS, a total aggregate tax for the fiscal year 2014 in the sum of $37,791,079 is required to cover the amounts for each of the above purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DISTRICT BOARD OF WISCONSIN INDIANHEAD TECHNICAL COLLEGE AS FOLLOWS, TO WIT: 1. That the district board of said technical college district pursuant to s. 38.16, Wis. Stats., hereby levies upon the full value of the taxable property of the district for FY 2014 a tax in the amount of #37,791 ,079 for the purposes set forth in the preamble hereto. 2. That the district board secretary of said district is hereby directed pursuant to and as required by said s. 38.16, Wis. Stats., to file with the clerk of each city, village and town, any part of which is located in the district, a certified statement showing the amount of the levy and the proportionate amount of the tax to be spread upon the tax rolls for collection in each city, village and town. Such proportion shall be ascertained on the basis of the ratio of full value of the taxable property of that part of the city, village or town located in the district to the full value of all taxable property in the district, as certified to the district board secretary by the department of revenue. Resolution 14-05 3. Page 2 Upon the receipt of the certified statement from the district board secretary, the clerk of each city, village and town is hereby ordered pursuant to said s. 38.16, Wis. Stats., and other applicable Wisconsin law to spread the amounts thereof upon the tax rolls for collection and said taxes certified to each said clerk shall be extended and collected by each of said cities, each of said villages and each of said towns in the same manner and at the same time as taxes for general city, general village and general town purposes are extended and collected. 4. That when such taxes are collected, such amounts shall be paid by the treasurer of each city, village and town to the district board treasurer of this district at the times and in the manner as required by law. Adopted and approved this 21st day of October 201 3. AITEST: Secretary
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