Workshop on Experimental Political Science

University of Gothenburg, May 7-8, 2015
Sarah Brierley
Delia Dumitrescu
University of Gothenburg
Peter Esaiasson
University of Gothenburg
Stanley Feldman
Stony Brook University
Leonie Huddy
Stony Brook University
Elisabeth Ivarsflaten
University of Bergen
The workshop brings together researchers who use
experimental methodologies to address political phenomena.
Contributions comprise field, lab and survey experiments that
tap into a wide range of topics. A keynote lecture will be
delivered by Professor Neil Malhotra (Stanford University).
David Johann
University of Vienna
Rune Karlsen
Institute for Social
Research, Oslo
Bernhard Kittel
University of Vienna
Thursday May 7th
12.15 – 12.55 Drop-in coffee
12.55 – 13.00 Opening remarks Peter Esaiasson and Jordi Muñoz
13.00 – 15.00 Session 1
Miquel Pellicer, Patrizio Piraino and Eva Wegner Information,
Mobilization, and Demand for Redistribution: A Survey Experiment
in South Africa (Disc. Huddy)
Theresa Kuhn, Hector Solaz, and Erika van Elsas Transnational
solidarity in the European sovereign debt crisis. Combined evidence
of the European Election Survey and laboratory experiments
(Disc. Kölln)
Elias Naumann and Lukas Stötzer The effect of immigration on
support for redistribution re-examined: survey experiments in three
European countries (Disc. Ivarsflaten)
Raymond Duch and David Rueda The People You Are: Personality
Traits as Determinants of Redistribution Preferences (Disc. Naurin)
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee
15.30 – 17.00 Session 2
Stanley Feldman and Leonie Huddy Public Support for Policies to
Assist the Disadvantaged: An Experimental Investigation of the
Interaction of Empathy and Values (Disc. Medeiros)
Joseph Asunka, Sarah Brierley, Eric Kramon, George Ofosu Do
Election Observers Promote or Prevent Violence? Evidence from a
Field Experiment in Ghana (Disc. Kuhn)
Daniel Rubenson and Peter John Loewen Property Rights and Trust
(Disc. Lapuente)
17.15 – 18.15 Keynote lecture: Neil Malhotra Are We At Peak
Experiment? Confronting Publication Bias and Research
Transparency in Political Science Experiments
18.15 – 19.00 Reception
Ann-Kristin Kölln
University of Gothenburg
Theresa Kuhn
University of Amsterdam
Elina Lindgren
University of Gothenburg
Neil Malhotra
Stanford University
Mike Medeiros
McGill University
Jordi Muñoz
University of Barcelona
Elin Naurin
University of Gothenburg
Elias Naumann
University of Mannheim
Roberto Pannico
Autonomous University of
Miquel Pellicer
GIGA Hamburg and
SALDRU, University of
Cape Town
Mikael Persson
University of Gothenburg
20.00 Conference Dinner
Friday May 8th
9.00 – 10.30 Session 3
Jan Sauermann The effects of inequality in majority decisions (Disc.
Bernhard Kittel, Georg Kanitsar, and Stefan Traubb Structural Power,
Endowments, and Social Preferences in Networks: An Experiment in
Coalition Formation and Redistribution (Disc. Muñoz)
Elin Naurin and Patrik Öhberg Costly Responsiveness: The Party as a
Constraining Factor for Candidates’ Responsiveness to CitizenInitiated Contacts (Disc. Malhotra)
Daniel Rubenson
Ryerson University
David Rueda
Oxford University
Jan Sauermann
University of Cologne
Rune Slothuus
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee
Aarhus University
11.00 – 13.00 Session 4
Jacob Sohlberg
David Johann, Sylvia Kritzinger, Colin T. Smith Implicit attitudes and
inconsistent issue voting: the example of the radical right vote (Disc.
Thomas J. Leeper and Rune Slothuus The Information Environment
and Consistency in Citizens’ Policy Opinions (Disc. Dumitrescu)
Roberto Pannico Does the Position Matter? The Power of Different
Party Cues on European Integration (Disc. Lindgren)
Rune Karlsen, Kari Steen-Johnsen, Dag Wollebæk and Bernard
Enjolras Echo Chamber and Trench Warfare Dynamics in Online
Debates (Disc. Esaiasson)
University of Gothenburg
Eva Wegner
GIGA Hamburg and
SALDRU, University of
Cape Town
Patrik Öhberg
University of Gothenburg
13.00 Lunch