RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 2 RESOFLOOR® TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd 12.01.2009 12:38 Uhr Seite 3 From surface material to room design material: Laminate has been proven for many years as an absolutely solid and honest material. But today RESOPAL® is no longer just a surface but the material for designing future-oriented living spaces. At Resopal design does not only take place in the development of decorative patterns but manifests itself also in expressive surfaces, form design languages and works of art, all of which provide the laminate with its own materiality and identity. Functionality means to provide the laminate – in addition to its real character – with everything that you require from the same. Thus RESOPAL® can be equipped such that it is self-adhesive, fire-retardant, bulletproof, weather resistant, extremely resistant to wear, fluorescent, hygienically active or waterproof as an element, extremely light, acoustically active or has electrostatic derivation capability. Robustness and long service life are the hallmarks of our material. It withstands the most demanding requirements without any problems and in this way offers the maximum conceivable environmental protection and an excellent price/performance ratio. We should like to stimulate and inspire you to tread completely new paths in the design of the living spaces of the future. Photograph - top: maxxcut holding coiffeurs, Design: bolaehro® by LM DESIGN GROUP/Germany Photograph - bottom: RESOFLOOR® in 0901-TH Black RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd 12.01.2009 12:43 Uhr Seite 4 High gloss in vogue High gloss surfaces are fully in vogue. They play with light reflexions and thus become an ideal mirror of the atmosphere in a room and convey significance and value as an architecture and design element. Already frequently used on kitchen fronts, worktops, shop and trade fair unit design and construction, they convey force, perfection and elegance. However, so far it was not possible to continue with these values in extremely high demand when it came to floorings. For manufacturing reasons the surfaces lacked the required wear resistance RESOFLOOR® closes this gap in the market RESOFLOOR® combines the beauty of high gloss with the extremely high level of resistance required for floors subject to maximum wear stresses and in this way perfects the high gloss design concept in high quality interior finishings. G tv EN 685 EN 13329 EN 13329 • Demand category 33 Photograph - bottom: Volker Schmiedel, Tocologo Kommunikationsdesign for stein-publishing, Nürnberg, RESOFLOOR® in 9417-TH Snow White • Wear category AC 5 • Shock resistance IC 3 TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd 12.01.2009 12:38 Uhr Seite 5 Maximum resistance capability and fine high gloss – these two excellent properties are uniquely combined in our flooring RESOFLOOR® Although RESOPAL® has always stood for one of the hardest, most Maximum brilliance and excellent use characteristics hard-wearing and easy-care surfaces, the surface of the floor Laid on a 1 mm thick high density fibre board (HDF) for RESO- Titanium High Wear is now the result of a further techno- FLOOR®, the ORIGINAL RESOPAL® Titanium High Wear sur- logical quantum leap. face gives your floor maximum brilliance with an extreme load capability - even in a commercial environment Worldwide unique, patented technology (Demand category 33). As early as the 1990s corundum - second in hardness only to diamonds - has been worked into overlays, thus creating wear resistant surfaces. However, in order to manufacture extremely wear resistant high gloss surfaces, it RESOFLOOR® is extreme abrasion and wear resistant (AC Corundum – second in hardness only to diamonds was necessary to increase the corundum content and to locate the 5), stable in its form, shock and impact resistant (IC 3), proved against stains, proved against burning cigaret- tes and chair castor frictions as well as highly light-fast. particles directly at the surface. But this failed so far due to the limited hardness of standard press plates. The worldwide unique technology for In excess of 6,000 revolutions with coarse emery paper (Taber test) did titanium coated press plates, developed and patented by Wilsonart, now not leave any traces on Titanium High Wear. RESOFLOOR® is equipped with allows us to manufacture the maximum wear resistant high gloss surface a highly resilient click system, which ensures a fast and easy laying and to a wear category AC 5 – Titanium High Wear. makes the floor re-useable several times over. RESOFLOOR® in 9417-TH Snow White RESOFLOOR® in 0531-TH Silica RESOFLOOR® RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 6 RESOFLOOR® in 9417-TH Snow White RESOFLOOR® in 7591-TH Prisma Grey RESOFLOOR® in 9417-TH Snow White TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd 12.01.2009 12:39 Uhr Seite 7 RESOFLOOR® Collection of floor elements METAL 3236-TH Eternal Iron PLAIN COLOURS 9417-TH Snow White 0531-TH Silica D 14-TH Port 0901-TH Black WOODGRAINS 4438-TH Core Maple 4411-TH Bluster Block 4449-TH Sapwood All RESOFLOOR® designs are impressive room design elements. In store construction for example, provide the authentic background for high value products. 4429-TH Bamboo Tropic RESOPAL® purity by Lars Contzen RESOPAL® purity creates room by a new dimension in the area. 7591-TH Prisma Grey 7590-TH Jardin White 7593-TH Linear Ice The RESOFLOOR® collection convinces with an attractive charismatic metal, four prestigious Plain Colours and four chosen highly expressive woods. Futureoriented design is promised by the design line "purity". In four versions this design line is dedicated to the major graphical reduction of forms and colours and thus generates an astounding three-dimensionality which provides a room with dynamics and creates an incredible depth. 7592-TH Wood Creme The RESOFLOOR® floor elements are available in the professional large format 1488 x 293 x 11.4 mm – and for a selection of decorative patterns – in the easy-to-handle format of 1196 x 196 x 11.1 mm with integrated step and room sound insulation. RESOPAL® purity is the design of the future dedicated to the expressive graphical reduction of forms and colours by pure and clear structures. The solid RESOPAL® which has been proven over decades will thus turn from a surface refining element to a room design element – the design for the living spaces of the future. RESOFLOOR® Collection of skirting boards PLAIN COLOURS 9417-HW Snow White 0531-HW Silica D 14-HW Port 0901-HW Black 4449-HW Sapwood 4411-HW Bluster Block 4429-HW Bamboo Tropic WOODGRAINS 4438-HW Core Maple Smart Source® Fastening system Our clever Smart Source® clip set is available for the non-visible fastening of the ORIGINAL RESOPAL® skirting boards to the walls. METALS 2486-HW Luxor 3236-HW Eternal Iron RESOFLOOR® can be combined with high gloss skirting boards – with the same pattern, matching colours or setting accents, e.g. with a fine metallic appearance – with an elegant 3mm edge radius. The skirting boards can be used to finish the floor surface area in the same decorative pattern or to set a design accent for the wall covering. You decide: Is the skirting board a part of the floor or a part of the wall. RESOFLOOR® RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 3236-TH Eternal Iron 3236-HW Eternal Iron 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 8 METAL TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 9417-TH Snow White 9417-HW Snow White 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 9 Arrey Kono Instict Store, Berlin Mitte; Jomad Integrative Architektur, Berlin RESOFLOOR® RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 0901-TH Black 0901-HW Black 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 10 Furniture by Gwinner International on RESOFLOOR® PLAIN COLOURS TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: D 14-TH Port D 14-HW Port 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 11 Fitness Studio "Injoy", Eppertshausen RESOFLOOR® RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 0531-TH Silica 2486-HW Luxor 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 12 PLAIN COLOURS TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 13 4438-TH Core Maple 4438-HW Core Maple RESOFLOOR® RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 09.01.2009 4411-TH Bluster Block 4411-HW Bluster Block 10:01 Uhr Seite 14 WOODGRAINS TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 15 4449-TH Sapwood 4449-HW Sapwood RESOFLOOR® RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 09.01.2009 4429-TH Bamboo Tropic 4429-HW Bamboo Tropic 10:01 Uhr Seite 16 WOODGRAINS TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 17 7591-TH Prisma Grey 2486-HW Luxor RESOFLOOR® RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 09.01.2009 7590-TH Jardin White 9417-HW Snow White 10:01 Uhr Seite 18 RESOPAL® PURITY by Lars Contzen TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 19 7592-TH Wood Creme 2486-HW Luxor RESOFLOOR® RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd RESOFLOOR®: Skirting board: 7593-TH Linear Ice 0901-HW Black 09.01.2009 10:01 Uhr Seite 20 RESOPAL® PURITY by Lars Contzen TITANIUM DREAM – Top quality flooring by Resopal RESOFLOOR_BROSCH_02_09_GB.qxd 12.01.2009 12:37 Uhr Seite 1 RESOFLOOR® Original RESOPAL® skirting boards - 3050 x 60 x 17 mm - 0.7 mm thick high gloss ORIGINAL RESOPAL® surface High Wear (HW) on MDF Product Data RESOFLOOR® - High gloss ORIGINAL RESOPAL® surface Titanium High Wear (TH) on HDF - Suitable for intensive use in a commercial environment (usage demand category 33) - Extremely resistant to wear (AC 5) - Highly resistant to mar - Highly impact resistant due to 1.0 mm RESOPAL® surface (IC 3) - Skid resistant in accordance with the requirements of Class DS pursuant to EN 14041 (sliding friction coefficient μ ≥ 0.3) - Format 1488 x 293 x 11.4 mm and for a selection of decorative patterns in the size 1196 x 196 x 11.1 mm - High resilient click system Classifications t v R Z z u p L e c Test method standard Value Class of use 23 heavy domestic use EN 685 Corridors, kitchen, living room, home office Class of use 33 heavy commercial use EN 685 Large offices, public buildings, department stores Click system - Patented click system Substrate - high load capacity of pressure and point Surface - Shock and impact resistant Abrasion resistance EN 13329 AC 5, ≥ 6000 U Impact resistance EN 13329 IC 3 Scuff/mar resistance Martindale high scuff/mar resistance Fire behaviour DIN 4102-14 EN 13501-1 Slip resistance EN 13893 EN 14041 B1 Bfl μ ≥ 0.3 Class: DS Resistance to staining EN 438-2 Group 1 + 2: ≥ rating 5 Group 3: ≥ rating 4 Resistance cigarette burning EN 438-2 ≥ rating 4 Light-fastness (xenon arc) EN 438-2 Grey scale rating: ≥ 4 Surface resistance (antistatic behaviour) DIN 61340-2-3 (no static charge) 109-1012 Ohm Thermal insulation Laying on underfloor heating - suitable in connection with appropriate underlay material and PE film as vapour barrier DIN EN 12664 < 0,08 m2*K/W Formaldehyde emission EN 717-2 E1 T I TA N I U M D R E A M – To p q ua l i t y f l o o r i ng by Resopal Resopal GmbH D-Groß-Umstadt 2009|02|GB D G w Original RESOPAL®Smart Source® fastening system - 1 pack for 15 m skirting board
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