2015 Kentucky Writing Project Summer Tech Academy

Summer Tech Academy:
Literacy and Technology Project
Early-Bird Registration, $80 by June 1
Regular Registration: $100 after June 1
Home Address_______________________________________ Phone_______________________
County _________________________________________________________________________
Grade Levels _____________ Subjects Taught __________________________________________
School _______________________________________ Principal __________________________
School Address___________________________________________ Phone___________________
Please register me for
____ June 9-11 LEXINGTON ____ June 15-17 RICHMOND ___ July 21-23 LOUISVILLE
Payment information:
_____ Check enclosed for _______ ($80 if paid by June 1; $100 after June 1.)
_____ Purchase Order Number _____________________ for _______ ($80 if sent by June 1; $100
after June 1.)
_____ Please bill us before June 30.
_____ Please bill us after July 1.
 Please send payments to Jean Wolph, LWP Director, CEHD 105, 1905 S. 1st Street,
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292  Payment & Registration Questions: Linda
Satterlee-McFadin, [email protected], 502-852-4544
Ready to work on integrating more technology with your
literacy instruction? 18 hours of PD!
summer tech academy
Kentucky Writing Project
Literacy and Technology Inquiry Project
Summer Tech Academies
The Kentucky Writing Project presents Summer Tech Academies for the 6th year in a row! Participants
in the academy will receive 3 days of Professional Development (18 hours) to learn about websites,
apps, and tools that will streamline your management as well as engage students in ways to use
technology that enhance literacy learning. Sessions are geared for ALL GRADE LEVELS. Teacher
leaders will demonstrate projects integrating technology into literacy instruction and engage participants
in doing the same!
• Experienced Teacher Leaders to
assist you in learning to use
technology effectively
• Resources to take back to your
• Research-based strategies for
improving student learning and
literacy through technology
• TIME and assistance as you develop
your plan for a classroom
technology project
June 9-11, 8:00-3:00
Bluegrass Writing Project
Stonewall Elementary, Lexington
June 15-17, 8:00-3:00
Eastern KY Writing Project
EKU Tech Commons
July 21-23, 8:30-3:00
Louisville Writing Project
College of Ed, ERTC G-lab
• Opportunities for follow-up online
and at our Fall Conference
Participants will earn 18 hours of PD credit.
“This was a great
experience! The
facilitators are extremely
knowledgeable, and they
presented in such a way
that they didn’t make me
feel like a dummy!”
“This was the BEST PD I
have ever been to! It was
the most beneficial and
the small group size
made this a wonderful
“This academy was very
helpful. As a teacher, we are
constantly encouraged to
bring technology into the
classroom and allow the
students to use technology.
Thanks to the Academy I feel
much more comfortable in
accomplishing just that.”
“I feel like I need
this every summer
changes so
“I attended last year
and was concerned that
it might have been a
repeat; however, I was
very pleased that it was
all very new and fresh