Short IT Courses

For your information- Just a reminder of upcoming short IT courses provided by LMETB in Dundalk and
Drogheda under BENEFIT IIII scheme.
Venue: Adult Further Education Centre, Chapel St, Dundalk
Length of course
Beginners Internet and Email
4 weeks
Ipads for beginners
4 weeks
Job Seeking online
4 weeks
Start date and time
Fri 17th April 1.30-3.30
Tues 21st April 2-4 pm
Wed 15th April 1.30-3.30pm
Finish date
Fri 8th May
Tues 12th May
Wed 6th May
Venue: Centre for Continuing Education, King St, Drogheda
Length of course
Beginners Internet and Email
4 weeks
Ipads for beginners
4 weeks
Job Seeking online
4 weeks
Start date and time
Mon 13th April 1.30-3.30
Tues 14th April 1.30-3.30
Wed 15th April 1.30-3.30
Finish date
Monday 11th May
Tues 5th May
Wed 6th May
For further information on course content, please see attached flyer.
If you are interested in any of the above courses, please contact me on the contacts details below and
indicate the following.
 Your Name
 Your contact number ( preferably a mobile number)
 Preferred location ( Dundalk or Drogheda),
 Subject area requested
You will then be contacted if there is a place available for you on the course. Each course will only
proceed if 8-10 learners have been registered.
BenefIT IIII is an initiative under National Digital Strategy, Department of Communications, Energy
and Natural Resources and LMETB Community Education Service.
Sinéad Fearon │ Community Education Facilitator │ LMETB │ (042) 9364627 │Email:
[email protected]