diary dates

Spring Term Update
Please bear in mind some of these dates may be subject to change and, of course, further enrichment
activities and Educational Visits will be added as the term progresses.
You will receive an updated list at the beginning of the Summer term
Wed 7th January (7 weeks)
Fri 9th January
Fri 16th January
Mon 19th January
Thurs 22nd January
Wed 28th January
Thurs 29th January
Fri 30th January
Tues 3rd February
Wed 4th February
Tues 10th February
Wed 11th February
Thurs 12th February
Fri 13th February
Fri 13th February
Mon 23rd February
Tues 3rd March
Thurs 5th March
Fri 6th March
Thurs 12th March
Thurs 12th March
Fri 20th March
Fri 27th March
Fri 27th March
Physics Workshops begin (selected Y5 and Y6)
Cookery Classroom Opening Event
SuperStars Assembly
PCSO in Y6 – Internet Safety Talk
Y5/Y6 Swimming Gala @ Louth Meridian Leisure Centre*
Y1 Educational Visit to Alford Windmill*
Multi-Faith Roadshow in school*
SuperStars Assembly
Parent Consultation Evening
Parent Consultation Evening
Y4 Hockey @ London Road, Louth*
Themed Lunch – Chinese New Year
Pancake Races (Hosting Village Celebrations)*
SuperStars Assembly with Values Champions
Break up for Half Term
Children return to school
Y5/Y6 Cross Country Event @ King Edward School*
World Book Day Celebrations*
SuperStars Assembly
Celebration of Mothers Assembly*
Y4 Basketball Tournament @ Monks Dyke School*
SuperStars Assembly with Values Champions
Theatre Production in school*
Last day of term
Key dates for the rest of the year:
Tues 14nd April
Mon 11th May
Thurs 14th May
Fri 22nd May
Mon 1st June
Wed 3rd – Fri 5th June
Mon 15th June
Tues 23rd June
Wed 1st – Fri 3rd July
Fri 3rd July
Wed 8th July
Mon 20th July
Tues 21st July
Wed 22ndJuly
Return to school after Easter break
SATs Week (Y6)
Ascension Day Service @ St Mary’s Church
Last day of term
Return to school after half term
Y5/Y6 Residential to PGL
Y1 Phonics Screening Check this week
Sports Day
Y6 Transition Days at Secondary Schools
Annual Reports out to parents
Parent Open Evening
Y6 Leavers Service @ St Mary’s Church
Y6 Leavers Assembly
Last day of the school year
Further details to follow on items marked with *