NOTE: SATURDAYS WILL BE OFF FOR NURSERY Nr Subject English Maths World Around Me Rhymes Story Colouring Conversation Craft Nr Subject English Maths World Around me Rhymes Story Colouring Conversation Craft April year:15year:15-16 Syllabus Oral :A to G Written: Strokes, sleeping lines, standing lines Oral: 1 to 10 Written : 1(One) Pg- 5 to 9 Johny Johny ,ABC Song, Mummy and daddy Thirsty Crow Pg:2,3,4 1. What is your name? 2. What is your father’s name? 3. What is your mother’s name? 4. What is your principal’s name? 5. What is your class teacher’s name? Paste a circle & square June year:15year:15-16 Syllabus Oral: H to M Small letters- i,l,t,e Written:Pg: I, L, T, E Matching Oral: 11 to 20 Written : 4,7 & color the shapes Pg:10 to 13 Rain Rain come soon, I hear Thunder, One Two Thirsty Crow Pg:5,6,7 1. What is the name of your school? 2. Where do you live? 3. In which class do you study? 4. How old are you? Paste a Triangle & Rectangle Page 2 Nr Subject English Maths World Around Me Motor Skills Rhymes Story Colouring Conversation Craft Nr Subject English Maths World Around Me Motor Skills Rhymes Story Colouring July year:15year:15-16 Syllabus Oral: N to T Small letters- m,n,v,f,h Written: Slanting line Trace and colour the pictures, N,M,V,F,H Oral: 1 to 20 Written:Curve, 2,3 Pg :14,15,16,17 Clap, Jump, Sit & Stand Bits of Paper, Jack and Jill, Are You Sleeping Thirsty Crow Pg . 8,9,10 1. What do you say when you get something? 2. What do you say when you want something? 3. When do you use an umbrella? 4. What do you say when you hurt someone? 5. What do you wish in the morning? Joker, Sun & T.V August year:15year:15-16 Syllabus Oral: U to Z Small letters- a,w,x,z Written: A,W,X,Z Matching , Circle the letter Oral: 21 to 30 Written: curve,0,5,6,Matching,Look and write 1 to 5,Count and write Pg:18,19,20,21 Turn around, raise , flap & Roll hands Baa Baa Black Sheep, Pussy cat Pussy cat, Two little hands Thirsty Crow Pg :11,12,13 Page 3 Conversation Craft Nr Subject English Maths World Around Me Motor Skills Rhymes Story Colouring Conversation Craft Nr Subject English Maths World Around Me Motor Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What do you wish before going to bed at night? What do you say when you want to go to toilet? What do you say when you want to drink water? What do you wish at the time of leaving school? When do you feel hot? Paste Ice –Cream Cone ,Purse September Syllabus Oral: A to Z with flash cards Written: K,Y,C , Curves Circle the letter , Matching Oral: 1 to 30 Written : 8,9,10, Pg.22,23,24,25 year:15year:15-16 Small letters- k,y,c Throw, catch & roll A ball Twinkle Twinkle little Star,The dog say, Hop a little Thirsty Crow Pg no. 14,15,16 1. When do you feel cold? 2. In which country do you live? 3. Which is our National Fruit? 4. Which is our National Bird? 5. Which is our National Animal? Collage Work , House Pasting October year:15year:15-16 Syllabus Oral: A to Z Small letters- b,p,d Written: Alphabet B,P,D Oral: 31 to 40 Written : 11,12,13,14 , Matching,Write 1 to 10 Pg.26,27,28,29 Push & Pull Page 4 Rhymes Story Colouring Conversation Craft Nr Subject English Maths World Around me Rhymes Colouring Conversation Nr Subject English Maths World Around me Motor Skills Rhymes Story Colouring Conversation Humpty Dumpty , Teddy Bear , Hot Cross Buns Thirsty Crow Pg no.17,18,19 1. Which is our national flower? 2. Who sells vegetables? 3. Who gives us medicine? 4. Which animal gives us milk? 5. What is the colour of the sky? Flower of pencil dust November year:15year:15-16 Syllabus Oral: A to Z Small letters- r Written: R , Circle the letter Oral: 1 to 40 Written:15, Matching , Join the dots Revision Revision --Revision December year:15year:15-16 Syllabus Oral: A to Z Small letters- o,q,g,u Written : O,Q,G,U , Circle the letter Oral: 41 to 50 Written: 16,17,18 Write: 11to 15 Pg:30,31,32,33 Open, Close, Rolling and crumpling a paper Ding dong bell, Hickory Dickory Dock The Grapes are Sour Pg no. 20,21,22 1. In which state do you live? 2. How many days are there in a week? 3. Name the days of a week. 4. How many months are there in a year? 5. Name the months of a year? Page 5 Craft Nr Subject English Maths World Around me Motor skills Rhymes Story Colouring Conversation Craft Nr Subject English Maths Worls Around me Rhymes Story Colouring Conversation Paper folding - Square January year:15year:15-16 Syllabus Oral: A to Z, Small letters- j,s Recognition a to z Written : J,S , Matching Oral :1 to 50 Written :19,20 , Look and write 1 to 20, Matching, Joint the dots and color the picture Pg:34,35,36,37 Jump &Crawl Ring-a-Ring a Roses, Machali jal ki rani The Grapes are Sour Pg no.23,24,25 1. What is the youngone of a dog called? 2. What is the youngone of a cat called? 3. What is the youngone of a duck called? 4. Who give us wool? 5. Who gives us eggs? Boat & Fan February year:15year:15-16 Syllabus Oral: A to Z(Revision) Recognition a to z Written: A to Z , Matching , Circle the letter Oral: 1 to 50 (Revision) Written: 1 to 20,Matching , Join the dots and color the picture Pg:38,39,40 [ Revision of all Lesson] Revision of all poems The Grapes are Sour Pg no.26,27,28 Revision Page 6 Craft Nr Cup & Saucer STORY year:15year:15-16 The Thirsty Crow Once There was a crow. He was very thirsty. He looked for water here and there, but he could not get water. At last he saw a pot of water,but there was very little water. He thought of an idea, he picked up some stones and put it in to the pot. Slowly slowly water came up pluck, pluck, pluck…He drank the water and flew away happily. Moral: Where there is a will, there is a way. The Grapes are Sour Once There was a fox. He was very hungry. He saw bunches of grapes hanging over him. He jumped again and again, but he could not reach the grapes. At last the fox was tired. He said “ Ugh..! The grapes are sour, I don’t want them and he walked away from there. Moral: Pride brings down fall. Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 ************************************************************************* **** (C. B. S. E. Affiliation No. 430123) T. P. 2, Nr. R. C. C. Canal Road B/H South Gujarat University Vesu, Surat (0261-6452626) ************************************************************************* ***** Page 10
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