connect Jack CễRichards Carlos Barbisan with Chuck Sandy For sale in Vietnam only C h ỉ đư ợc b á n tại thị trường V iệ t N a m CAM BRIDGE U N IV E R SIT Y PRESS F AH A S A Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN Jack C. Richards Carlos Barbisan with Chuck Sandy Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN BR ID G t ¡ y i tJ S IT Y P R E S S C A M B R ID G E U N IV E R S IT Y P R E S S Cam bridge, New York, M elbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo C am bridge University Press 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA Inform ation on th is title: (English) (Portuguese) © Cam bridge University Press 2004 This book is in copyright. Subject to statu to ry exception and to th e provisions of relevant collective licensing agreem ents, no reproduction of any p art may take place w ithout the w ritten permission of Cambridge U niversity Press. F irst published 2004 This Vietnam edition first published 2005 F irst printing 2005 P rinted in Vietnam Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of U R L s for external or third-party In tern et Web sites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee th a t any content on such Web sites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. A rt direction, book design, photo research, and layout services: A dventure House, NYC Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN Table of Contents Syllabus ............................... Unit 6 Entertainment Lesson 26 Where are you going? Unit 1 All About You and Me . Lesson 1 New fr ie n d s ............................ ? M in i-rev ie w ............................................ Lesson 2 Neighborhoods....................... . . 4 Lesson 28 Let's see a movie................. Lesson 3 Ta le n ts ...................................... ..6 . .8 4 Our p e ts .................................... in Lesson 5 C onnections............................ M in i- r e v ie w ................................................ Lesson R e v ie w .......................................................... ... 72 Lesson 27 Birthday p a rtie s !................ . . . 74 . 12 . 14 Lesson 29 In line at the movies ... ... ... 76 78 80 Lesson 30 C onnections....................... . . . 87 . . . 84 Unit 7 What We Eat ... 86 ................ . . . 88 ........................... ... 90 Lesson 31 I'm hungry!.......................... Unit 2 Our Lives and Routines Lesson 32 Picnic plans ................... . 16 .................... 18 Lesson 6 School days M in i-rev ie w Lesson 7 Free t i m e Lesson 33 A snack................................. . . . 92 M ln i- r e v ie w ................................................ . 20 Lesson 34 On the m e n u .................... . . . 94 Lesson 8 People 1 a dm ire....................... 77 Lesson 35 C onnections....................... . . . 96 Lesson 9 The w e e k e n d .......................... 74 R e v ie w ...................................................... . . . 98 Lesson 10 C onnections............................ 76 R e v ie w .......................................................... 78 Unit 8 The Natural World . . . 100 . . . 102 M in i-rev ie w ........................................ . . . 104 Lesson 38 World of friends................ . . . 106 Lesson 39 International D ay............. . . . 108 Lesson 40 C onnections..................... . . . 110 Lesson 36 World weather.................. Unit 3 Sports and Activities Lesson 11 Sports fu n ................................. . 30 Lesson 12 Sports e q u ip m e n t.................. 3? ................................................ 34 Lesson 13 Off to c a m p ............................ 36 M in i-rev ie w Lesson 14 At c a m p .................................... 38 Lesson 15 Connections............................ 40 R e v ie w ........................................................... 47 Unit 4 My Interests .................... . 44 Let's look online....................... . 46 Lesson 37 Natural w o n d e rs ............. R e v ie w ................................................... . . . 1 1 2 Theme Projects....................... 114 L e a rn in g Logs .................................. . . . 122 Lesson 16 1 like music Lesson 17 M in i-review ................................................. 48 Lesson 18 Our interests............................ SO Lesson 19 In and out of s c h o o l............. 57 Lesson 20 Connections............................ S4 R e v ie w ........................................................... 56 W o rd List ................................ . . . 1 30 Unit 5 Favorite Activities Lesson 21 In San Francisco.................... 58 Lesson 22 At the p a r k .............................. 60 M in i-rev ie w .............................................. 67 Lesson 23 At the beach.......................... 64 Lesson 24 At the store............................ 66 Lesson 25 C onnections.......................... 68 R e v ie w ......................................................... 70 Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN Table of Contents Connect Student's Book 2 Unit 1 - All About You and Me '1 'III M i l m! Î T \ new friends Asking about others_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ¡-eSS“ n 2 , . Neighborhoods Describing your There is/The re are ... neighborhood__________ ft there a /A re there a n y ...? Lesson 3 Describing Talents__________ someone's t alents Negative statements / Questions with the verb i»e be good at Lesson 5 Connections il y o u r likes and dislikes. Recreational, commercial, and public places _________________ Talents | Reading • Listening Writing Unit 2 - Our Lives and Routines Lesson Function Grammar Lesson 6 School days Lesson 7 Free tim e Lesson 8 People 1admire Lesson 9 The weekend Lesson 10 Connections Vocabulary Theme Project 1 Describing daily routines Simple present statements w ith / Daily routines Asking about free-time activities Ooyou + (verb)... ? Free-time activities Make a routine chart for a person in another class. Talking about people's lives Simple present statements w \th 1/ he / she Activities Talking about weekend activities doesn't Weekend activities Reading • Listening Writing ^Unit 3 - Sports Lesson Function Grammar Vocabulary Theme Project 1 Asking what sports someone does Does h e / s h e ...’ Sports verbs Make a sports card. Talkingabout sports equipment They + verb: statements Do they + verb: questions Sports equipment Sports equipment Lesson 13 Talking about rules Imperatives Camp supplies Talking about when activities happen What tim e /W h e n ...? Camp activities Lesson 11 Sports fun Lesson 12 Off to camp Lesson 14 At camp Lesson 15 Connections Reading • Listening Writing Lesson Function Grammar Vocabulary Theme Project Lesson 16 h e r /h im /it/th e m Types of music Make a song poster. 1like music. Talking about music preferences Lesson 17 Asking about prices How much is /a r e ...? Items in a natural science catalog Talking about free-time activities like / don't like + to (verb) Free-time activities and interests Talkingabout habits and routines Adverbs o f frequency Habits and daily activities Lesson 18 Our interests Lesson 19 In and out of school Lesson 20 Reading • Listening Writing SốConnections hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN Syllabus III! Make a poster about Lesson4 Talkingabout like + a lo t I very much I a little Animals and adjectives 0 ur Pets_________ likes and dislikes_ __ _ _ __ _ _ don't like + very much I a t a ll t o describe them Let's look online. iv Name, age, country of origin, likes pm i 2 - b9A0L!fG vc*!AUnit 5 - Favorite Activ Unit 5 - Favorite Activities Function Lesson Lesson 21 In San Francisco Lesson 22 At the park Lesson 23 At the beach Lesson 24 At the store Grammar Vocabulary Theme Project Describing vacation activities Present continuous affirmative statements Vacation activities Make a city guide tor tourists. Describing how someone is not following rules Present continuous negative statements Rules at a park Asking what someone is doing Present continuous Yes / No questions Beach activities Asking what someone is doing Present continuous tV/iof questions Store items Function Grammar Vocabulary Theme Project | Asking where someone is going Where + (be). . . going? Entertainment events and adjectives to describe them Make a group guide of favorite weekend activities. Talking about special events Simple present vs. present continuous Favorite birthday activities Talking about types of movies to see w a n t/d o n 't want + to (verb) Types of movies What questions about people Adjectives to describe appearance Reading • Listening Writing Lesson 25 Connections 1Lesson Lesson 26 Where are you going? Lesson 27 Birthday parties! Lesson 28 Let's see a movie. Asking what In line at the movies someone looks like Lesson 29 Reading • Listening Writing Lesson 30 Connections Function Grammar Vocabulary Theme Project 1 Talking about food Countable and uncountable nouns Food Make a group menu. Asking about quantities How m uch/H ow m any... ? Picnic plans Picnic foods and utensils Lesson 33 Planning menus som e/any Condiments Ordering from a menu would like Menu items 1Lesson Lesson 31 I'm hungry! Lesson 32 A snack Lesson 34 On the menu Reading • Listening Writing Lesson 35 Connections [ U n it 8 - T h e I Lesson Lesson 36 World weather Lesson 37 Natural wonders Lesson 38 World of friends Lesson 39 International Day Lesson 40 Connections Function Grammar Vocabulary Talking about the weather What's the weather like? Adjectives to describe the weather Talking about outdoor activities can (for possibility) Water and land forms Asking who does different activities Who + (verb)...? Languages and countries Asking about personal information W hat+ (noun)...? Numbers 101+ Theme Project 1 Make an informational guide about a different ' continent. Reading • Listening Writing Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN A Read a b ou t the new s tudent s at Kent International School. Then listen and practice. New Students at Kent International School and I ’m 1 2 .1 like baseball and volleyball. Hi. I’m Kate. I’m 13. from Canada. I like computers and math. Hello. I’m from Puerto Rico. M y nam e is Ana, and I’m 13. I like movies and concerts. My nam e is Tommy. I'm from Australia. I like m usic and com ic books. I’m 13. Hello there! My nam e is Claudia. I’m 13. I’m from Colombia. My favorite sports are Ping-Pong and tennis. M y nam e is Rafael. I’m from Brazil. I like soccer and video gam es. I’m 13. B Complete t he chart with information from part A. Name 1. C lau dia Age ß Place C olom bia 2. B r a z il 3. th e U.S. P ing-P ong a n d tennis com puters a n d m ath 4. 5. Likes P u e rto P ico Số 13Học liệu – ĐH TN 6. hóa bởi Trung tâm 2. Language focus review A Review the language in the chart. Negative statements / Questions with the verb be She's not my art teacher. They're not my classmates. My name's not Anita. Who's she? Who are they? What's your name? She's my math teacher. It's not in July. When's your birthday? It's in November. He's not fourteen. How old is he? He's thirteen. They're my friends. ; It's not in Brazil. Where's San Juan? It's in Puerto Rico. Is he nice? Yes, he is. No, he's not. My name's Ana. I'm not from Sao Paulo Where are you from? I'm from San Juan. Are you in her class? Yes, 1am. No, I'm not. □<)) B Complete the conversation. Listen and check. Then practice. Zach Hi. What's (W hat’s / W here’s) your name? Ana My nam e’s Ana. _ (I’m / H e ’s) from San Ju an . Zach Hi, Ana. My nam e’s Zach. __ (who’s / where’s) San Ju an? (Is / Are) it in Brazil? No, (it’s / it’s not). I t’s in Puerto Rico. Oh, right. How old __ (is / are) you, Ana? I’m th irteen . My b irth d ay is in May. (W here’s / W hen’s) your birthday? I t’s in Ju n e. Hey, __ (who’s / w h at’s) she? _ _ _ (They’re / She’s) my m ath teacher, Mrs. Archer. _ _ (Are / Is) you in Ms. Kelley’s science class? N o ,_______ (She’s not / I’m not). I’m in Mr. P erez’s class. ____ (Is / Are) he nice? Yes, he is. A c t u a l l y , _____(I’m / he’s) my father. So, Ana Zach Ana Zach Ana Zach Ana Zach Ana 3. Speaking Play a game. Think of a place, a country, a hobby, or a school subject. Give clues. Your classmates guess. You I t’s a country. I t’s not th e U.S. Classmate 1 Is it Peru? No, it’s not. Số You hóa bở i Trung tâm Học liệu – ĐH TN Classmate 2 Is it Canada? You Yes, it is! All About You and Me v e s s o /> ©l\.c ¡¿liborhoo(l.s 1. Language focus review — “<!>) What are Rafael's and Tommy's nei ghbor hoods like? Look at the pictures, and complete the sentences. Then listen and check. There is/There a r e . . . Is there a/A re there any. . . There's a park. / There's no park. There are basketball courts. / There are no basketball courts. Is there a mall? Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. Are there any stores? Rafael's neighborhood 1. There s a _________ 2. 3. 4 Unit 1 Tommy's neighborhood . beautiful park, 4. gym. tennis courts, 5. many stores. Số hóa bởi Trung tâmbasketball Học liệucourts. – ĐH TN 6. .b ig mall.
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